SmartESS Release Notes (Alpha 06-Aug-2018)

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SmartESS (Alpha) MP 21 R2 Release

Release Date: 06-Aug-2018

Module Version: Alpha MP 21 R2

Maturity Status: QA Approved


  • Generate Request - Generate Request: Create the new transaction screen in the "Request Management System" module.
  • Request Approval - Request Approval: Create the new transaction screen in the "Request Management System" module.
  • Missing In/Out Time - Missing In/Out Time: Redesign the "Missing In/Out Time" screen and also merge the functionality of "Manual Attendance" screen into this screen.
  • General - General Work: 1. Remove the "Manual Attendance" screen from the "TOM" module. 2. Link the data of "Missing In/Out Time" screen from the data of "Attendance Summary" screen.

Fixed Issues

  • General - General Work: "User Name" should be shown instead of "User Id" with "Display Picture".
  • Request Approval - Request Approval: Design of "Image Viewer" in not proper.
  • Request Approval - Request Approval: "Combo Tree" is not refreshing on reset.
  • Generate Request - Generate Request: "Hint" should be displayed in "Attachment Box". Currently hard coded message is displaying. Also, Box (Border Line) should be displayed for "Attachment".
  • Request Approval - Request Approval: Design of "Action" button is inappropriate. "Arrow" mark should be shown besides the "Action" word same as showing in the "List of Appraisal" screen.
  • Request Approval - Request Approval: Records are not showing in the "Grid" panel when the user selects "No" value from "Have Attachment" combo box in the "Filter" panel.
  • Request Approval - Request Approval: 1. "Request Type" combo box should be shown hierarchical and data w.r.t ordering in the Filter Panel. 2. "Gregorian" and "Hijri" Date fields should be shown in single line. 3. Change the Field Name from "Status by" to "Status By" in the Filter Panel. 4. Colon (:) should be shown with all Labels in the Filter Panel. 5. Links which are showing when clicks the "Action" button should be shown Left Aligned in English mode and should be shown Right Aligned in Arabic mode. 6. Correct the spelling of "Process" in the "Action" button. Currently it is showing "Proccess". 7. Correct the spelling of "Reference Id" in the "Workflow" window. Currently it is showing "Refrence Id". Also, change the window title from "Workflow" to "Workflow Detail". 8. In the Detail, Request Type hierarchy is showing like : "\Items Request\Mouse" instead of showing like "Items Request\Mouse". 9. Correct the spelling of "hierarchy" in the Detail Panel. Currently it is showing "heirarchy".
  • Request Approval - Request Approval: "My Action and Date" column is showing wrong value. When the user selects "Pending" from "My Action" combo box then system must show only "Pending" records. Currently, system is showing "Pending" and "Forwarded" records (as a Pending). For Example: Status of "Request" is showing "Approved" but "My Action" is showing "Pending".
  • Apply Leave - Apply Leave "طلب إجازة": When pressing the "Apply button" then an error message "ORA-01851 minutes must be between 0 to 59" is appearing always.
  • Request Approval - Request Approval: If the "Supervisor" is set as a "Final Approver" in the "Define Workflow" and "Forward" check box is set as "Checked" then system should not enable "Forward" button and should enable only the "Approve" button. Also, "Email" is not generating against "Forward Request Notification".
  • Generate Request - Generate Request: "Request Type" combo box should be shown hierarchical and data w.r.t ordering.
  • Request Approval - Request Approval: 1. Size of "Action" button should be reduced little bit. 2. "Action" button should be shown Center Aligned in the Column. 3. Font Size of Other "Actions" should be decreased which are showing in the list when clicking on the "Action" Button.
  • Generate Request - Generate Request: Proper "Alert" message should be shown when submit the "Request" same as "Alert" message generated in the "Apply Leave" screen.
  • Generate Request - Generate Request: If the "Final Approver" generates the "Request" himself then that "Request" should be "Approved" directly. Currently, status of the "Request" is showing "Pending". Also, "Submit" button should be changed into "Approve" button.
  • Request Approval - Request Approval: System is not showing records when the user selects multiple values from the "My Action" Combo box. Currently, system is showing records when selects only one value from the "My Action" combo box.
  • Send Mobile App. Notification - Send Mobile App. Notification: There is error in opening the screen. Also in case of deploying old file it is showing all message in "Pending" status.
  • Request Approval - Request Approval: System should not show "Alert" message "Final Approver is not defined" for the "Final Approver" Level when he trying to "Approve" any "Request". Also, "Final Approver" should not ask if the "Request" is generating by "Final Approver" Level.
  • Apply Leave - Apply Leave "طلب إجازة": System should not consider user timezone when handling dates in the screen.
  • Request Approval - Request Approval: If a middle level "Supervisor" is set as "Final Approval" for any "Subordinate" and "Approve" check box is set as "Unchecked" in the "Define Workflow" screen then system should enable "Approve" button and should disable the "Forward" button in this case. Currently, system is not enabling "Approve" button and not disabling the "Forward" button.
  • Request Approval - Request Approval: "Requests" with "Attachment" field are unable to "Approved".