SmartESS Release Notes (Alpha 17-JUL-2017)

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SmartESS (Alpha) Release

Release date: 17-Jul-2017

Module version: Alpha

Maturity Status: QA Approved

Bugs / Issues Fixes

37991 - Appraisal Detail(AppraisalDetal.aspx)
- "under "Appraisal Status" the status is not translated. and after to go to "View" > "Appraisal Details" "Select an Option" is not translated"

37995 - Loan "ملخص القروض"(Loan Plan)
- Translate the "Empty Loan " in the screen .

37989 - List of Appraisal(ListOfAppraisal.aspx)
- in the ARABIC version when clicking on "View" "عرض" the drop-down menu is showing outside the page border, and is cut in half. tested with 100% & 90% zoom

37904 - Leave Status Detail "التفاصيل الإجازة"(List of Leave Detail)
- Comments popup heading coming in English

37997 - Leave Status Detail "التفاصيل الإجازة"(List of Leave Detail)
- Translate "All" in the screen

37994 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
- -Select Criteria -Select Some Options -Load More Record has no translation. and everything under "Attend Status" and "Remarks" is not translated

37906 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
- the word "Category" does not exist in the translation in SmartHCM, it should be translated as "الفئة"

38060 - Apply Leave "طلب إجازة"(Apply Leave)
- If the Final approval check is not checked in the workflow structure or in workflow then system should not allow to Apply or forward the leave and show the proper message instead of to hanging.

38088 - Summary for Attendance(Attendance Summary)
- when printing the report for Attendance Summary the contents of the report are printed without a table ,Print the report content within the table do both (PDF and Printer.) In PDF its giving report with hyperlinks removes these hyperlinks.

37907 - Summary for Attendance(Attendance Summary)
- "translations not available for : - Absent = "غائب" - Late = "تأخير" - On Time = "في الموعد" - Off Day = "يوم اجازة" - Missing = "مفقود""

37990 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
- Attend Status Filter -> Select some options should be in Arabic when Arabic interface

38106 - Apply Leave "طلب إجازة"(Apply Leave)
- In Mobile Browser's Portrait mode the buttons are not showing

37817 - Letter Report "شهادة التعريف"(Letter Report)
- "when printing a letter there is a gap at the top which pushes everything down, and it makes the letter print to 2 pages. client wants the gap removed. "

38046 - Summary for Attendance(Attendance Summary)
- Summary is not showing the correct data in Late Minute and Late Count, although the Daily Attendance Report and Late Approval screen is showing correct values.

38118 - Late Approval (Late Approval )
- when selecting all entries then clicking on "Action All..." the window that shows after is not translated and not available in the translation for ESS

37993 - Missing In/Out Attendance for Employees(Missing Attendance)
- Translate the following -All -Search by Employee

38178 - News Administration (Previous was Admin Panel)(News Administration)
- Image is not uploading in news.

37955 - Employee Information "الـمــوظــف"(Employee Information)
- Full Employee Name should appear in ARABIC in the ARABIC interface (Version) in the Employee File > My Information screen

38036 - Portal Main Page(MAIN)
- Translate the following -- Absent - Late - On Time - Off Day - Missing in the home page under the "Attendance Summary"

37992 - Manual Attendance(Manual Attendance)
- Translate the "Load More Record" in the screen

37996 - Leave Card Report(Leave Report)
- Translate the following -"All" -"after generating the report, everything under "Status" is not translated. words like "reject, cancel, revoke...etc""

37820 - Letter Report "شهادة التعريف"(Letter Report)
- Allowed Employees in Letter Setup not working in ESS.