SmartESS Release Notes (Alpha 25-MAY-2017)

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SmartESS (Alpha) Release

Release date: 25-May-2017

Module version: Alpha

Maturity Status: QA Approved


37567, 37571 - Employee Information - Employee Information الـمــوظــف

  • Removed the "Insurance No." field, "Transportation Allowance" field and "Net Pay" field from the "Job Information" Panel of the "Employee" Screen.
  • Provide the Bank Account Number in Job Information panel after the Bank Name

Fixed Issues/Bugs

37621 - Letter Report "شهادة التعريف"(Letter Report)
- Show the Report name "Letter Report" in English and in Arabic "شهادة التعريف"" in Title instead of company name.

" 37640 - Leave Status Detail ""التفاصيل الإجازة""(List of Leave Detail)
- Following message should be shown as per ""SmartESS"" Application standard theme.

Alert - 1000000506 Action Completed Successfully.

" " 37476 - قائمة طلبات الإجازة Leave Status for Applicant and Supervisor(List of Leave)
- Add the translation entry for following labels in ESS Translation table 1. My Action 2. Employee:

" 37575 - Leave Status Detail "التفاصيل الإجازة"(List of Leave Detail)
- If the leave detail screen is open in multiple browser / system and user have taken the action from one then if try to take action form another then system should not allow to forward it again. Now system is forwarding to next to next level that is not correct. Therefore the validation should be on the Database level

37561 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
- Searching is not working on attend Status

" 37473 - Summary for Attendance(Attendance Summary)
- the translation entry for following labels in ESS Translation table 1. Missing Count 2. load more Record...

" " 37406 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
- 1. Employee Search not working. Other screens have same issue 2. Geo Location, Organizations and Shift Combo not showing the records. Only showing ""All"" Option 3. Attend Status not showing the Status

" 37425 - Dashboard(Default.apx)
- Rename "All Announcement" to "All Announcements" and "Policies & Document" to "Policies & Documents"

" 37433 - Letter Report ""شهادة التعريف""(Letter Report)
- 1. ""Show in ESS"" flag is not working if the Tag is defined as show in ESS in ""HRS_S129 - Letter Tag Setup"" setup. 2. Some flag in ESS report Showing old saved values.

" 37452 - Over Time Approval(OverTimeApproval.aspx)
- in Arabic, this screen translation is messed up, it needs re-translation.

" 37477 - Portal Main Page(MAIN)
- Add the translation entry for following labels in ESS Activity Translation table 1. OverTimeApproval 2. Appreasial

" 37587 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
- If the employee applying leave for 2 Days and some "Holidays" or "Off Days" are present as a sandwich in these apply leave days then in the "Daily Attendance" Screen Remarks are showing "Leave" for all sandwiched "Off Days" or "Holidays".

37440 - Apply Leave "طلب إجازة"(Apply Leave)
- System is not working with "Service Length" parameter that is defined in Leave location grade setup for apply leave. It should be check the minimum service length condition when applying leave

37460 - Employee Information "الـمــوظــف"(Employee Information)
- Add the translation entry for "Temp Job Department" and "Temp Job Position" in ESS Translation table

37461 - Interactive Appraisal(Interactive Appraisal)
- Add the translation entry for all labels in ESS Translation table

" 37472 - Late Approval (Late Approval )
- the translation entry for following labels in ESS Translation table 1. Action All 2. Action 3. Search by Employee

" 37555 - Over Time Approval(OverTimeApproval.aspx)
- Translate the "load more record" in Arabic