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This section defines the Categories in SmartHCM

Category Select.png

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Category refers to the Job Categories in any organization. for Eg. Head of Department is a specific category, in an organization different departmental head are possible or we can define "Supervisors" as a category. Supervisors might be placed in different departments but they all will lie in the same category.

Using Category Setup we can define the Maximum Basic Salary of that particular category, for E.g Supervisor's maximum basic salary can not exceed $500, The system will not allow any value exceeding $500.

In this window you can list all the Job Categories which are available in your organization.


  • Job Category Id: A system generated unique category id.
  • Name
  • Max Basic Salary: Maximum possible salary for this category.
  • Ordering: A flag indicating how categories appear throughout the system.

Defining a Category

To define any new category follow the following procedure.

Step 1:

Click Add on the toolbar and input the required fields

Add Cate.png

Step 2:

Click Save to save records, and press Save button on toolbar to save all changes.


Using Category screen, a particular category can be filtered, if you are looking to define company rules and policies, Go to Grades Setup.