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SmartHCM MP22 Release
Release Date: 10-Oct-2018
Module Version: MP22 "Old Name: Alpha (MP 22)"
Maturity Status: Cancelled
- Detail Payslip - PAY_R038: Remove the fields namely "Days Worked", "Branch Name" and "NTN Number" from the report.
- Overtime Suggestion Report - TOM_R011: Remove the "Report" from the application.
- System Default - SET_S005: Remove the “SET_WEBSERVICE” code from the screen.
- General Work - General Work: Rename “Cancel Approved” with “Cancel Approval” everywhere in the "Request Management System" module.
- General Work - General Work: Provide the customization in the "TOM" module regarding the requirement "Flexible Hour Rule" and "Defining Time Slot Breakup". For this new requirement, provide the changes in the "Time Slot" screen (Whole screen will be changed accordingly). Also, provide the customization in the "Overtime Approval", "Attendance Adjustment", "Late/Early Departure Approval" and "Attendance Summary" screens of "SmartESS" application.
- Overtime Approval - TOM_S029: Incorporate the "Overtime Approval" screen from "ESS" application into "Overtime Approval - TOM_S029" screen.
- Attendance Adjustment - TOM_S010: Incorporate the "Attendance Adjustment" screen from "ESS" application into "Attendance Adjustment - TOM_S010" screen.
- Late/Early Departure Approval - TOM_S011: Incorporate the "Late/Early Departure Approval" screen from "ESS" application into "Late/Early Departure Approval - TOM_S011" screen.
- Attendance Location Grade Setup - PAY_S005: Provide the new "Divisor Type" namely “Monthly Working Days (as per Roster)”. This divisor should get number of working days as per "Employee’s Roster". Rename the "Divisor Type" from “Roster Hours” to “Monthly Required Hours (as per Roster)”. Rename the "Divisor Type" from “Payroll Days” to “Monthly Days”. Also, rename the "Divisor Type" from “Payroll Hours” to “Monthly Hours (as per Payroll Group)”.
- Attendance Location Grade Setup - PAY_S005: Provide the “Maximum Value” parameter in the screen as per the following: Provide the “Maximum Value” combo having two options i.e. “Constant value” and “Monthly Required Hours (as per Roster)”. "Null" should also be allowed. If user will select “Constant value” then “Maximum Value” will be enabled for input.
- TOM Payroll Integration Setup - TOM_S027: Provide the "Validation" of new "Maximum Value" parameter (available in "Attendance Location Grade Setup" screen ) in the screen.
- Employee Attendance Location - TOM_S022: Remove the "Country" column from the screen.
- Request Type Setup - RMS_S001: While adding child "Request Type", "Workflow" should be taken from "Parent" request (if parent is present) by default and it can be changed by user.
- Detail Payslip - PAY_R038: Adjust the fields "Joining Date" and "Address" in the report as suggested.
- User Profile - SEC_S007: Add the new field namely "Email Payslip Password" in the screen. Also, user will enter the "Password" with the "Asterisk - ***" (Hidden) format in this new field and "Password" will be saved in the "Encrypted" form against this field in the database.
- Detail Payslip - PAY_R038: A new button “Send Email” will be provided in parameter form of the report which will send "PDF" (Report) attachment to the employees as per the selected criteria on parameter form.
- Detail Payslip - PAY_R038: If the user will not enter "Password" in the "Email Payslip Password" field against any "Employee" in the "User Profile" screen then the "Attachment" of "Payslip" will be opened directly in the "Email" and if the user entered "Password" then the "Attachment" of "Payslip" will be "Password Protected" and will be opened when the "Employee" will enter correct "Password".
- Workflow Structure - WFL_S001: Rename “Cancel” with “Withdraw” in the screen.
- Manage Request - RMS_S004: Provide the "Employee" combo box instead of "Employee" search field in "Generate Request" window. After selecting "Employee" from "Generate Request" window, system is not showing next fields and showing progress icon. Also, provide the "Cross" button with every field in filter panel to remove data.
- Manage Request - RMS_S004: Rename the "Status" everywhere from “Cancel Approval” to “Approval Canceled”.
- SmartHCM Applications Integration Setup - HRS_S029: Provide the new code “WEB_SERVICE_INTEGRATION” in the screen. If an employee is late then get encrypted “Password” against “WEB_SERVICE_INTEGRATION” code and send this to "Web Service" by "URL" defined against “WEB_SERVICE_INTEGRATION” in the screen. "Web service" will also get encrypted “Password” against “WEB_SERVICE_INTEGRATION” and if both “Integration Passwords” will match then "Web Service" will send the "Late Notification" to the "Recipients" otherwise "Web Service" will not perform any activity.
- Attendance Adjustment - TOM_S010: Change the screen name from "Missing In/Out Time" to "Attendance Adjustment".
- Attendance Adjustment - TOM_S010: When selects status “All” then system is showing "Separated Employees" in the "Grid" panel. System should not show any "Separated Employee".
Fixed Issues
- Performance/Personal Appraisal - HRS_R030: "Appraiser Comments" are overlapping with the textbox when value is large.
- Payroll Process - PAY_S020: "Payroll" is not running. When the user pressing the "Run Payroll" button then an error message is appearing.
- Notification Calendar - ESS_S001: RMS Notification Types - "Tags" are not showing its values in the "Email" on all levels like "Forward", "Approve", "Cancel Approve", "Process", etc.
- Notification Calendar - ESS_S001: "Late Attendance Notification" is still showing while "Late and Early Departure" is defined as “Not Applicable” in the "Time Slot" screen.
- Notification Calendar - ESS_S001: System should allow to remove all the defined "Recipients" and "Notifications" against the selected "Notification Type". Currently, system is not allowing and showing "Alert" message "Please at-least define one notification to save the record".
- Appraisal Plan Generation - HRS_S097: When pressing the "Add All" button then the error message is appearing always.
- Detail Payslip - PAY_R038: "Email" feature is not working properly.
- Probation Confirmation - HRS_S025: Functionality of screen is not working properly. Wrong alert message is showing when selects "Probation Date".
- Probation Confirmation - HRS_S025: 1. “Probation/Confirmation Date” label should be “New Confirm Date”. System should take confirm date in it and on "Authorization" of record, this date should be updated in "Confirmation Date" in "Employee Information" screen. 2. If employee is being confirmed then confirm date range should be between last "Probation Start Date" to current date. 3. If employee probation period is being extended then confirm date range between last "Confirm Date + 1" and greater. 4. “Old Status” label should be “Current Status” and “New Status” label should be “Action”.
- Employee Promotion - HRS_S019: When pressing the "Authorize" button then an error message "Could not update record" is showing always.
- Database - Database / Back-end Development: Wrong "Position" showing in the "Employee" combo box in the "Query" panel and in the "Employee Data Export" report.
- Posting - HRS_S018: When pressing the "Authorize" button then an error message "Could not update record" is showing always.
- Employee Data Export - HRS_R060: "Nationality" combo box filter is not working in the report.
- Employee Data Export - HRS_R060: "Filters" are not working while exporting report from "Export Data" button directly.
- Employee Data Export - HRS_R060: It will not work properly in case of “&” character in data.
- Employee Data Export - HRS_R060: "Nationality" is not showing in the report.
- Employee Data Export - HRS_R060: "From Date" field is showing on the place of "To Date" field and "To Date" field is showing on the place of "From Date" in the "Arabic" mode of the report.
- Reconciliation Statement - PAY_R025: In the report, “Show Difference Only” parameter is not working properly. Also do the following points : 1. Show (-) sign for negative values instead of brackets throughout the report. 2. First list the "Allowances" then "Deductions" in the report. 3. Calculation of difference is not correct when any negative value is coming.
- Overtime Approval - TOM_R013: 1. Change the column name from "From Date Time" to "From Time" and from "To Date Time" to "To Time" under the "Overtime" header. 2. Change the column name from "Check In" to "Check-In" and from "Check out" to "Check-Out" under the "Attendance" header. 3. Change the column name from "Over Time Description" to "Overtime Description". 4. Columns name should be shown in all pages of the report. 5. Column lines are not showing in all pages if the data exceeds in the "Remarks" column. 6. Data is not showing in all "Summary" blocks (Approved / Rejected / Pending). 7. Change the column name from "Over Time Description" to "Overtime Description" in all "Summary" blocks. 8. Change the format of "Date From" and "Date To" in the "Header" of the Report". It should be liked "DD-MM-YYYY".
- Individual Time Sheet - TOM_R002: 1. "From Date" and "To Date" range should be shown just below the "Title" of the report in the main "Header" as per standard. Format of the "Date" should be liked "DD-MM-YYYY". 2. Change the column name from "Attendence Date" to "Attendance Date" and from "Slot" to "Time Slot". 3. Add the "Header" of the column "Check-In" and change the columns name under this heading from "Date In" to "Date" and "Time In" to "Time". 4. Add the "Header" of the column "Check-Out" and change the columns name under this heading from "Date Out" to "Date" and "Time Out" to "Time". 5. Change the column name from "Early Min" to "Early Dep. Min". 6. Wrong remarks is showing in the "Remarks" column. For Example: "On Time" is showing instead of "Present". Also in the "Summary", "On Time" is showing instead of "Present".
- Objective Appraisal - HRS_S098: In the "Objectives" Tab : Provide the "Objective Definition" length "2000" characters. When open the "Description" window to view the data but the data is truncating (not showing complete "2000" characters).
- Employee Information - HRS_S185: System should allow to remove the "Email Address" from the "Front-end" in the "Email" field.
- Late/Early Departure Employee List - TOM_R003: 1. "Bottom Line" of the main "Header" is not showing in the report as per standard. 2. "From Date" and "To Date" range should be shown just below the "Title" of the report in the main "Header" as per standard. Format of the "Date" should be liked "DD-MM-YYYY". 3. Change the name of the report from "Late Employee Report" to "Late/Early Departure Employee List". 4. Value of "Time Slot" should be shown one time only. Currently, it is showing two times like "08:00 - 17:00 (08:00 - 17:00)". 5. Change the column name from "Late Min." to "Min." under the "Late" heading. 6. Change the column name from "Late Min." to "Min." under the "Early Departure" heading. 7. "Vertical" border line of the "Remarks" column is truncating in the report.
- General Work - General Work: "Folder Icons" showing like disabled in all "Request Type" combo boxes in "Request Management System" module.
- General Work - General Work: Provide the "Search" option in "Request Type" combo box everywhere in "Request Management System" module.
- General Work - General Work: Provide the main "Vertical Scroll Bar" to scroll all panels like "Employee Information" screen in all screens of "Request Management System" module.
- General Work - General Work: If "Org. Locations" or "Geo. Locations" has "&" sign in the "Location Description" then system is not sending "Late Attendance" notification.
- Overtime Approval - TOM_R013: 1. "Status" parameter is not working in the report. 2. "Min. OT Hours" parameter is not working in the report.
- Time Slot - TOM_S003: 1. "Working Hours" field should be display-only field. 2. When moves the cursor from "Start Time" field to onward then the value of "Working Hours" field and "Required Hours" field should not be changed automatically. 3. Impact of "Duration" of the "Breakup" is not working properly on the "Working Hours" field. Sometimes it works and sometimes it did not work.
- Time Slot - TOM_S003: When the user selects "Slot Type" as "Off-Day" then the value "Zero (0)" must be entered automatically in the fields namely "Minimum hours difference from previous day time-slot" and "Min start time".
- Time Slot - TOM_S003: 1. "Time Breakup" range should not be exceeded from the actual range of "Start Time" and "End Time" of the "Time Slot". It will be same of less than the actual range of "Time Slot". 2. When the user changes the "Time Breakup" range and pressing the "Save" button of "Define Breakup" window then the system should directly show the impact of "Breakup" on the "Working time Graph". Currently, system is showing the impact after "Refresh" the whole screen.
- Time Slot - TOM_S003: When the user pressing the "Add" button then the "Working time Graph" of previous selected "Time Slot" should be removed from the screen. Currently, it is showing on the screen.
- Time Slot - TOM_S003: Design of the "Working time Graph" is not proper as provided in the document. Also, values are not showing properly in the "Graph".
- Time Slot - TOM_S003: "Searching" should be worked properly in all columns excluding "Start Time" column as per standard in the "Time Slot" combo box.
- Time Slot - TOM_S003: 1. In the "Define Breakup" window, when pressing the "Save" button then the "Save" loading bar is showing and stuck. 2. When pressing the "Add" button then all the "Mandatory Fields" should be shown in "Red" color. For example: "Time calculation rule" and "Present rule" blocks should be shown in "Red" color. 3. Change the block name from Time calculation rule" to "Time Calculation Rule" and from "Present rule" to "Present Rule" and from "Extra hours rule" to "Extra Hours Rule".
- Daily Attendance - TOM_R001: 1. "Employee Status" general parameter is not working properly. All "Stop" related records are also showing in the report without selecting any "Stop" status. 2. "From Date" and "To Date" range should be shown just below the "Title" of the report in the main "Header" as per standard. Format of the "Date" should be liked "DD-MM-YYYY". 3. Columns name should be shown in all pages of the report. 4. Change the column name from "Slot" to "Time Slot". 5. Add the "Header" of the column "Check-In" and change the columns name under this heading from "Date In" to "Date" and "Time In" to "Time". 6. Add the "Header" of the column "Check-Out" and change the columns name under this heading from "Date Out" to "Date" and "Time Out" to "Time". 7. Change the column name from "Early Min" to "Early Dep. Min". 8. Wrong remarks is showing in the "Remarks" column. For Example: "On Time" is showing instead of "Present".
- Employee Objectives - HRS_S096: When the user pressing the "Save" button then an error message "ORA-12899 value too large for column" is showing. Provide the "Objective" length "2000" characters. Moreover, also check that system should not allow to enter character more than the allowed character length.
- System Default - SET_S005: "Value" of "Out of Service" parameter should be shown "Null" in the screen. Currently, it is showing "205" value.
- TOM Payroll Integration Setup - TOM_S027: Correct the spelling of column heading "Accumulate In" in both tabs namely "Irregularity (Minutes)" and "Irregularity (Count)".
- TOM Payroll Integration Setup - TOM_S027: Same "Attend Id" should not be selected for more than one "Parameter" except the "Parameters" of "Extra Hours" block.
- TOM Payroll Integration Setup - TOM_S027: "Copy Record" functionality is not working properly.
- Machine Attendance Loading - TOM_S018: In the "Roster Not Exists" tab, increase the width of the "Description" column to view the long description.
- Machine Attendance Loading - TOM_S018: Change the column name from "Missing By" to "Missing Filled By" in the "Loaded Records" tab.
- Machine Attendance Loading - TOM_S018: "Attendance Location Name" is not showing on the screen and in the "Detail" page (actually "Reloading Attendance" removes the "GPS" and "Location Name").
- Leave Balance Adjustment - HRS_S198: 1. Wrong value is showing in the "After Balance Adjustment" field (showing current "Leave Year" value) if the user selects "Adjustment Date" of previous year to adjust the "Leave Balance" in the previous year. 2. When the user moves the cursor from the "Adjustment Date" field then all related fields resetting. System should not reset the fields if the user not change the date in the "Adjustment Date" field. 3. When the user query the record then "Employee Id" is showing in the "Middle" panel instead of "Employee Name". 4. Remove the "Employee Id" and "Employee Name" columns from the "History" block. 5. Increase the width of the "Leave Type" column in the "History" block.
- Attendance Adjustment - TOM_S010: Wrong "Date" showing against both "Hijri Date" fields in the "Filter" panel.
- Employee Objectives - HRS_R026: 1. Value of "Target" column is overlapping with the value of "Weight" Column. So, increase the width of "Target" Column and decrease the width of "Weight" column. 2. Data of "Objective Description" is overlapping with the "Total" label and overlapping with the "Dotted Line" of "End of Report".
- Employee Objectives - HRS_R026: Data in the "Objective Description" column is truncating. Only "1539" characters are showing in this column currently. Total "2000" characters should be shown in the report.
- Leave Request - HRS_S034: 1. When pressing the "Save" button after "Add" or "Amend" any "Hourly based" leave record then an error message "There is no row at position 0." is showing always. 2. Also, internal "Server" error message "Input string was not in a correct format." is appearing against the function "GetToDateBasedOnLocGrade". 3. When pressing the "Save" button after "Add" leave record then an error message "Could not update" is showing.
- Leave Request - HRS_S034: When enter value "23:30" (From Time) for "Night Shift" and entered "Hours Requested" value then an error message "NaN-NaN-0NaN" is showing on the "Date To" field.
- Leave Request - HRS_S034: Change the word from "Revoked" to "Approval Canceled" in the message which is showing on the screen while pressing the "Cancel Approval" button.
- Overtime Approval - TOM_S029: Wrong data is showing in the "Attended Time" column.
- Request Type Setup - RMS_S001: In "Tree Menu" of "Request Field Setup" and "Request Rights Setup", color of "Folder" should not be like disabled. "Closed" and "Opened" folder's icons should be different.
- Request Type Setup - RMS_S001: 1. "Request Type" translation block is not showing in laptop resolution. Provide main scroll bar. 2. Rename button “Re-Order” with “Renumber”, also it should work on selected level. Currently it is working on all levels.
- Request Type Setup - RMS_S001: "Delete" record is not showing correct message in case of child record exists (Request Field Setup exists). It is showing “could not delete: [SmartHCM.Core.Domain.Model.RequestType#102][SQL: DELETE FROM RMS_REQUEST_TYPE WHERE REQUEST_TYPE_ID = ?]” while it should show “Request Field Setup exists”.
- Request Fields Setup - RMS_S002: 1. Check boxes should be center aligned in "Grid" panel. 2. Remove irrelevant fields from translation panel and give naming properly. 3. Resize width of columns w.r.t to their data. 4. "Visible on" should be renamed as "Input On". 5. "Hint" should be shown in "List Type" setting when adding list items in popup. 6. Tag should not be generated when field type is "Attachment". 7. Tag should not be generated when field type is "List". 8. "Hint" should be show for "File Type" field in "field data type setup" panel if type is "Attachment".
- Request Fields Setup - RMS_S002: Remove the "Unique" column from the middle panel of the screen.
- Request Fields Setup - RMS_S002: "File Format" should be mandatory field.
- Request Fields Setup - RMS_S002: Spaces should not be allowed in “File Type (Comma Separated)” field in “Field Data type Setup”. "Hint" should not show space between extensions.
- Request Fields Setup - RMS_S002: 1. "Delete" record is not showing correct message in case of child record exists of List type field values. It is showing “could not delete: [SmartHCM.Core.Domain.Model.RequestTypeFields#92_Airline][SQL: DELETE FROM RMS_REQUEST_TYPE_FIELD WHERE REQUEST_TYPE_ID = ? AND FIELD_NAME = ?]” while it should show “List values exists”. 2. There is no provision to delete all "List" data type values.
- Request Rights Setup - RMS_S003: 1. "Save" button is not showing any confirmation message after save. 2. "Progress" indicator is not showing when record is loading. 3. When grid is in editing mode and press main “Save” button in “Employee Wise Rights”, system is showing "Runtime" error. Check this error commonly throughout the "RMS". 4. “Add” button is useless in “Field Rights Information”, so remove it.
- Request Rights Setup - RMS_S003: “Copy Record” button is not working properly. "Rights" become duplicate in all tabs.
- Manage Request - RMS_S004: After pressing the “Search” button, "Filter Criteria" is resetting, while it should retain provided values.
- Manage Request - RMS_S004: "List" data type field is not showing in the "Generate Request" screen if “Multi Select” is “No” set in the "Request Field Setup" screen.
- Manage Request - RMS_S004: In the "Generate Request" screen, "Hint" is not showing in "List" data type as per defined in "Request Field Setup" screen.
- Manage Request - RMS_S004: "List Type" field is not showing in the "Generate Request" window.