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SmartHCM MP21 Release

Release Date: 18-Jul-2018

Module Version: MP21 "Old Name: Alpha (MP 21)"

Maturity Status: Cancelled


  • Fund Setup - PAY_S014: Provide the new column named "Show Balance in Report" (Check Box) after the "Exempt Limit" column. This column having values "Yes" (Checked) or "No" (Unchecked). By default, check box is "unchecked" when add the new record.
  • Employee Data Export - HRS_R060: Provide the "Blood Group" Column in the Report.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: Create the Trigger on "HRS_JOBS" table which will "Sync" all jobs data in "HRS_EMPLOYEE_PERSONNEL" table if the "Employee" is associated with the "Job" and status of "Employee" is "Continue".
  • Full and Final Settlement - HRS_S117: If the "Leave Entitlement" is set as "Annually" and any employee will be "Resigned" in b/w the year then system will calculate amount of "Leave Encashment" till the "Last Working Date" (Calculate the Leave Balance till "Last Working Date") instead of whole year.
  • Letter Tag Setup - HRS_S129: Create the two new "Letter Tags" named "[INSURANCE_NO]" (Employee Insurance Number) and "[SEPARATION_TYPE]" (Employee Separation Type).
  • Appraisal Increment Advice - HRS_S102: Provided the following customization in the screen : 1. Add the new Column namely "Manual Changes" (always disabled) after the "New Basic Pay" column. By default, value "No" will be shown against this column. 2. Provide the "Edit" option in the Grid Panel to edit values of some columns like "Classification", "Increment %" and "Amount". When the user edit any value in these columns and save then the value will be changed from "No" to "Yes" automatically in the "Manual Changes" column. 3. Value of "Increment %" field will be affected on the value of "Amount" field and vise versa. 4. After changes if the user delete the record and generate the "Increment Advice" again then the system generated "Increment Advice" record will be shown in the Grid Panel again. 5. On selecting “Classification” from Combo, relevant "Increment %" will be applied by default. However, user would be able to modify the "Increment %" and "Amount". 6. Provide the message “Discard Manual Changes record” with “Yes” and “No” options on “Generate Increment Advice”. If user will press “Yes” then system should generate increment advice and should not retain “Manual Changes” records.
  • General - General Work: System should show "Short Leave" (Hourly based leave) in correct "Attendance Date" in all relevant Screens and Reports.
  • Notification Calendar - ESS_S001: "Employee Location" Tag should be shown data of "Geo. Location" only. Currently, it is showing concatenated data of both "Org. Location" and "Geo. Location". Also, new tag named "[Employee_Department]" should be given to show the "Department" of an "Employee".
  • Notification Calendar - ESS_S001: Provide the new "[Late_Minutes]" Tag for the "Late Attendance" Notification.
  • Appraisal Workflow - HRS_S087: Provide the common heading “Objective Assigner” above the three columns i.e. “Obj. Appraiser Job”, “Position” and “Employee Name”. Also, change the heading “Obj. Appraiser Job” to “Job Id”.
  • Loan Reschedule - PAY_S032: Screen should also take "Repay Amount" and "Last Inst. Amount" in "Decimal" value in there respective Fields. Also, screen should be shown "Amount" in "Decimal" value in the "Loan Amount", "Paid Amount" and "Outstanding Amount" Fields. Also, impact of "Rounding" and "Not Rounding" of "Principal Amount" and "Installment Amount" should be worked properly in the "Rescheduled Installments" Panel.
  • Appraisal Status – Appraiser Wise - HRS_R065: Create the new report in the "Report" folder of the "Appraisal Management" module.
  • Loan Reschedule - PAY_S032: New Combo field named "Fraction in Last Installment" will be required in the Screen which is used for the rounding / not rounding of "Installment Amount".
  • Allowances - PAY_S003: Provide the new column named "One Time Tax" (Check Box) having values "Yes / No". By default, "No" will be shown on the Grid Panel against the "Allowances" and when the user pressing "Add" button then by default the Check box will be unchecked.
  • Allowances - PAY_S003: Remove the “One Time Addition” from the "Exempt Type" list. Also instead of “Select Null”, "Empty/Blank" value should be given to choose "Null".
  • General - General Work: Incorporate the impact of "Language Translation" mechanism properly in the "HCM" application. Currently, "Emails" are not receiving due to "Language Translation" mechanism is missing.
  • Late/Early Departure Employee List - TOM_R003: Provide the "Early Departure Min." column in the Report in b/w the "Late Min." Column and the "Status" Column. Also, change the Columns Name from "Check in" to "Check In" and from "Late min" to "Late Min."
  • Notification Calendar - ESS_S001: Provide the “Managers” Recipient option in the following given below applicable "Notification Types" same as already available in “Retirement / Contract End Date Notification”. 1. Late Attendance Notification 2. Additional Job Expiry Date Notification
  • Loan Sanction List - PAY_R017: "Decimal" value of "Amount" should also be shown properly under the "Loan Amount", "Paid Amount", "Outstanding Amount" and "Last Inst. Amount" Columns in the Report. "Calc. Type" column must be of integer type value. currently, it is showing decimal value.
  • Leave Balance - HRS_S033: System should entitle "Balance" as per the new “Frequency Type” combo box and “Frequency” parameter.
  • Notification Calendar - ESS_S001: Provide the new "Notification Type" namely "Probation End Date Notification"; having "Notification" values like "Email / SMS / HCM / ESS". It will be worked on "Employee Status" and "Confirm. Date" fields of the "Employee Information - HRS_S185" screen.
  • Leave Balance - HRS_S033: "Add"/"Edit"/"Delete"/"Amend" functionalities should not be allowed in the Screen as per new "Leave Balance History" customization.
  • Appraisal Group - HRS_S086: Provide the “Show Provisional Result on ESS Widget” check box parameter.
  • Payroll Process - PAY_S020: Incorporate the calculation impact of "Out of Service" remarks in the "Payroll Process".
  • Loan Waive Process - PAY_S044: "Loan Waive Process" should take impact of "Rounding" and "Not Rounding" of "Installment Amount" properly.
  • Leave Request - HRS_S034: "Short Leave" (Hourly based leave) should work properly for "Night Shift" (Two Date Shift) too. Currently it is not working properly. Also, System will take input “Date From”, “Time From” and “Hours Requested” and system will suggest correct “Date To” and “Time To” on "Apply Leave". Fields sequence in layout should be “Date From”, “Time From”, “Hours Requested”, “Date To” and “Time To”. Also, changing in “Hours Requested” when "Amend" the record should change the correct “Date To” and “Time To”.
  • Notification Calendar - ESS_S001: If user selected only "Tag" (without selecting "Language") for the "Message Text" then system should not take the impact of "Translation" Panel and show the result from the main "Panel".
  • Leave Request - HRS_S034: Multiple "Short Leaves" (Hourly based leave) will be allowed in single date. However, conflict will not be allowed.
  • Salary Sheet - Summary - HRS_R039: Created the new report in the "Report" folder of the "Payroll Management" module.
  • Payroll Process - PAY_S022: Provide the one time "Allowance" tax deduction in same month, as per the attached sheet “Tax Calculation – Tax Proposed.xlsx”.
  • Appraisal Group - HRS_S086: Change the Tab name from “Appraisal User Rights” to “Appraisal Additional Viewers”.
  • Loan Disbursement - PAY_S030: New Combo field named "Fraction in Last Installment" will be required in the Screen which is used for the rounding / not rounding of "Installment Amount".
  • Payroll Process - PAY_S022: Remove the impact of "Amt_Round_On" parameter which is available in the "System Default" screen for the "Installments Amount" of "Loan" when run the "Payroll Process".
  • Overtime Approval - TOM_S029: Provide the “No round” option by default. Currently, “15 Minutes” is set as by default in “OT Round” field.
  • Leave Location Grade Setup - HRS_S023: Provide the “Frequency Type” Combo Box parameter in the screen; Parameter having values "Daily/Monthly/Yearly". Also, rename the “Frequency Days” Parameter as “Frequency”. System should entitle balance as per the “Frequency Type” and “Frequency” parameters.
  • Leave Location Grade Setup - HRS_S023: Provide the customization in the "Leave Carried Forward" Rule for "Frequency Based" leave.
  • Leave Balance - HRS_S033: Develop the mechanism of showing "History" of "Leave Balances" of "Employees".
  • Letter Report - HRS_R051: If user selected only "Tag" (without selecting "Language") in the "Letter Template" then system should not take the impact of "Translation" Panel and show the result from the main "Panel".
  • General - General Work: Provide to mark “Not-Applicable” in "Objective", "Performance" and "Personal Appraisal". "Result" will not take impact of “Not Applicable”.
  • Skip Installment - PAY_S031: Screen should be shown "Loan Amount" in "Decimal" value under the "Loan Amount" Column in the "Loan No." Combo Box. Also, impact of "Rounding" and "Not Rounding" of "Principal Amount" and "Installment Amount" should be worked properly in the "Installments" Panel.
  • Loan Manual Reschedule - PAY_S051: Screen should be shown "Loan Amount" in "Decimal" value under the "Loan Amount" Column in the "Loan No." Combo Box. Also, impact of "Rounding" and "Not Rounding" of "Principal Amount" and "Installment Amount" should be worked properly in the "Installments" Panel.
  • Appraisal Increment Advise Report - HRS_R062: Provide the new Column namely "Manual Changes" after the "New Basic Pay" column in the Report.
  • Employee Perk - HRS_S017: "End Date" field should be non mandatory.
  • Loan Guaranty - PAY_S045: Screen should also take "Loan Amount", "Inst. Amount" and "Last Inst. Amount" in "Decimal" value in there respective Fields.
  • Loan Plan - PAY_R019: Screen should be shown "Loan Amount" in "Decimal" value under the "Loan Amount" Column in the "Loan No." Combo Box. Also, impact of "Rounding" and "Not Rounding" of "Principal Amount" and "Installment Amount" should be worked properly in the "Installments" Panel.

Fixed Issues

  • Full and Final Settlement - HRS_R015: When the user export the Report in the "PDF" file then "Report Name" is showing in the "Header" like "ull & Final Settlement Repo" instead of showing "Full and Final Settlement Report".
  • e-Bank File Generation - PAY_S055: If the setup is not created against the "Bank Code" in the "e-Bank File Setup" Screen then system should show proper Alert message instead of stuck the Screen and showing "Loading Bar" continuously.
  • Skip Installment - PAY_S031: "Skip Installment" functionality is not working. Wrong entry is generating in the "Grid" Panel when skip any record.
  • Machine Attendance Loading - TOM_S018: "Mobile Attendance" is not being "Reload" in the system.
  • General - General Work: Emails are not sending on some networks such as when using "Wateen" network and when using "FiberLink" network emails are sending.
  • Send Mobile App. Notification - TOM_S030: When pressing the "Send" button then system giving the following error message "ORA-08004: sequence MOB_NOTIFICATION_SEQ.NEXTVAL exceeds MAXVALUE and cannot be instantiated ORA-06512: at "SMARTHCM_SDS.MOB_NOTIFICATION_PKG", line 14 ORA-06512: at line 1" due to its "Sequence" next number is too large.
  • Letter Report - HRS_R051: When pressing the "Show Report" button against the "General Letter" then a message "No record found" is showing always.
  • Notification Calendar - ESS_S001: Notification (Email, SMS, HCM, ESS) is not generating against "Manager" Recipient for all "Notification Types" where "Manager" Recipient is used.
  • Employee Data Export - HRS_R060: 1. By default "Selected Columns" should be "Employee Id" and "Full Name". Currently, system is showing "Employee Id" and "Full Name (English)". 2. "Reject Changes" button is not working. 3. "Save" functionality is not working properly with "General Parameter" like "Language" Combo Box. When the query any "Saved Report" then the system is showing default value "English" on the "Language" field. 4. Design of "Select Columns" and "Ordering Criteria" ordering buttons are inappropriate. 5. Remove the "Specific Parameter" Bar from the Screen. 6. Combo Box should be shown instead of "Text" Field for the "Parameter" like "Guardian Type"; also "Cross" button will also be required with this field. 7. When "Save" the report then it should be shown automatically on the "Select Report" Field. 8. "Null" should not be saved as "Report Name". "Report Name" field should be mandatory in the "Save" and "Save As..." window if user wants to save any "Criteria". 9. When selects the "Arabic" language and "Run Report" then heading of all "Selected Columns" should be shown in the "Arabic" language. Currently, it is showing in the "English" language only. 10. "Calendar" icon is truncating in all "Date" fields. 11. "Employee Name" is showing on the "Employee Id" fields instead of "Employee Id". 12. Data in all Combo Boxes are not showing properly. It should be shown Left aligned for "English" language and Right aligned for "Arabic" Language. Currently, it is showing Center aligned. 13. Color of "Search here" Border should be dark in the 1st block of the "Select Columns". It should be same as the color of the 2nd block. 14. "Save" functionality is not working properly.
  • Outside Payroll Overtime Transactions - PAY_S049: Calculation of "Overtime" without "Payroll" is not working properly. It is working fine only on "Basic Salary" Allowance Code and if we selects "Home Allowance" then little difference is showing in the calculation. Also, system is not taking impact of "Transportation Allowance" if we add this "Allowance".
  • Salary Sheet - Summary - HRS_R039: 1. It should be under payroll sub menu "Registers" instead of "Slips". 2. Layout template is not saving Signatory data. Horizontal scroll coming unnecessarily, adjust the items width to be fixed on page width. 3. On report 5 lines are coming for signatory sign even when there is no signatory. Give all print options same as on Salary Sheet, currently its splitting report on two pages. 4. Provide Show PDF button. 5. Latest payroll month should be auto-selected.
  • Login Page - Login Page: Size of the "Login" button on the "Login" Page is not proper.
  • Labels and Menus Translation - SEC_S002: "Basic Information" Tab name of the "Employee Information - HRS_S185" screen is not available against the selected "Language" after pressing the "Load Object" button for the translation.
  • Appraiser's Type - HRS_S085: When trying to delete any record which have child record then an Error message "not-null property references a null or transient valueSmartHCM.Core.Domain.Model.AppraiserType.Discription" is appearing always instead of proper "Alert" message.
  • Dashboard - Dashboard: In the "Search Menu" field on the "Dashboard", if user writes something then he wants to delete it he will click backspace till it erases what was written and sometimes user will keep clicking on backspace to erase faster, now in "Search Menu" field if you click backspace after it erases the words it sends you back to "Login Page" and user will loose all "Tabs" that were opened.
  • Consolidated Leave Card - HRS_R010: 1. All "General and Specific Parameters" should be worked properly in the Report. 2. If the user selects "Date" range then impact of "Date" range should be worked on upper block of the Report for all "Leave Types" (Annually / Frequency) (Limited / Unlimited). 3. If the user selects "Date" range and "Leave Type" is (Annually) (Limited) then in the lower block related records should be shown. 4. If the user selects "Date" range and "Leave Type" is (Frequency) (Limited) then in the lower block all records should be shown. Impact of "Date" range will not be worked. 5. If the user selects "Date" range and "Leave Type" is (Annually / Frequency) (Unlimited) then in the lower block related records should be shown.
  • Standard Issues of Screens - Standard Form: In the "Arabic" mode, when adding new record then input fields are not positioned as per language direction in all grid based transnational screens and panels.
  • Salary Sheet - PAY_R004: In the Arabic screen, system always shows "June" as default; system should show the "Current Payroll Month" like in the "English" screen.
  • Loan Disbursement - PAY_S030: When we add a new record in "Loan Disbursement" and "Save" it, "Add" button become disabled and we can not add another record until refresh the page.
  • Notification Calendar - ESS_S001: "Tag" should not be inserted in “Subject Text” field when double click on any "Tag".
  • Tax Slab - PAY_S019: When the user add any record in the Grid and "Save" the record then system change the value of last Column "Fixed Tax" automatically by "Zero" and when the user "Edit" any record then an Error message "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime." is appearing.
  • Letter Report - HRS_R051: "Parameters" in the "Tag Description" Panel should be shown when the user will select the values from the "Letter Category" and from the "Letter" Combo Boxes, no need to select value from the "Employee" Combo Box or no need to enter value in the "Payroll Date" Field.
  • Leave Balance Adjustment - HRS_S198: When selects the correct "Adjustment Date" then "Leave Type" combo is opening; After selection of "Leave Type" when the user selects the wrong "Adjustment Date" then "Leave Type" field is showing selected "Leave Type". System should reset the "Leave Type" field. Also, when query the record then "Adjustment Date" is not showing on the screen.
  • Loan Manual Reschedule - PAY_S051: 1. When save the record then "Paging Bar" is disappearing automatically in the Last Panel and it is showing again when "Zoom-In" or "Zoom-Out" the Screen. 2. Also, "Employee Id" and "Employee Name" should be shown in the "Reschedule No." Combo Box in the Query Panel.
  • Dashboard - Dashboard: "Logout" icon and "Time Zone" icon are overlapping in all other "Themes" excluding "Default" theme and "Text" also not proper. "Time Zone" Label also not provided.
  • Letter Template - HRS_S128: In the "Insert Tag" window: 1. Rename the Column name from “Adjust Tag Length” with “Length”. 2. Provide the new Column “Alignment” with “Left” and “Right” option. After inserting tag “Right” and “Left” option should work as was working before.
  • Employee Separation - HRS_S030: "Gregorian Date" field of "Resign Date" is not showing data when query the "Employee Separated" record.
  • General - General Work: More than "10 or 15" records are not showing in all the Panels of the "Copy Record" window. Resolve the issue in the "HCM" application where applicable.
  • Leave Request - HRS_S034: Showing double digit in "Time To" column if the "Hours Requested" in "2" Decimal.
  • General - General Work: System should show the "Date" and "Time" as per the "Time Zone - GMT" mechanism in whole application (where applicable).
  • Appraisal Increment Advise Report - HRS_R062: Data of "Classification" and "Employee Name" Columns are truncating in the Report.
  • Notification Calendar - ESS_S001: Tag "[Employee_Name]" is not showing the "Employee Name" instead it is showing the name of the person who "Revoked" the leave.
  • Employee Information - HRS_S185: When the user "Save" any record after "Add", "Edit" or "Amend" then an Alert message "Record Saved Successfully" is showing in "English" language instead of "Arabic" language in the "Arabic" mode.
  • Leave Type - HRS_S021: 1. "Description" and "Short Name" fields should be mandatory in the "Leave Type Translation" Tab. 2. Change the Column Name from "Description" to "Description" in the "Leave Type Translation" Panel.
  • Leave Location Grade Setup - HRS_S023: “Balance Entitlement Slab” and "block" are not resetting on selection of any other leave from "Leave Type" combo. Also, "Advance Salary Days" block should be disabled when selects the value "No" from the "Allow Advance Leave" Combo Box.
  • Leave Balance Report - HRS_R012: If any "Leave Type" having Negative (-ve) Balance like "-5" then it should be shown in the Report. Currently, report is not showing those "Leave Types" which has negative "Balance".
  • Employee Training - HRS_S068: 1. "Total Cost" field should be Display-Only field. 2. Sum of Data of "Amount" Column in the "Expense" Tab for both "Planned / Unplanned" training plans should be reflected/shown in the "Total Cost" field. 3. Arrangement of Fields are not proper.
  • Position - HRS_S013: "Title" field should be mandatory in the "Position Translation" Panel.
  • Country, Provinces and Cities - SET_S004: 1. "Country Name", "Nationality Male" and "Nationality Female" fields should be mandatory in the "Country Translation" Panel. 2. "Province Name" field should be mandatory in the "Province Translation" Panel. 3. "City Name" field should be mandatory in the "City Translation" Panel.
  • Locations - SET_S002: 1. "Location Description" and "Short Name" fields should be mandatory in the "Location Translation" Panel. 2. Change the Column Name from "Location Description" to "Location Description" in the "Location Translation" Panel.
  • Detail Payslip - PAY_R038: 1. When generate the report for all employees, it removes the block for "Loan / Funds". If we generate for one employee, it is coming fine. 2. Fixed "Loan" and "Fund" blocks should be shown in the Report by default. Blocks will be grow depending on the data.
  • Standard Issues of Reports - Reports: When pressing the "Show PDF" button then the "PDF" should be opened in "100%" Zoom (Actual Size) for all Reports. Currently, "PDF" is opening on different percentages of "Zoom" like "80%", "100%", "130%", etc for different Reports.
  • Locations - SET_S002: If we put ",(Comma)" in any location then a Runtime Server Error message occurs when trying to expand the "Hierarchy" of the "Locations" in the Combo Box.
  • Training Course Recommendation - HRS_R032: 1. Remove the extra space which is showing in the Header. 2. Heading with Date range are not properly aligned. Date range should be shown like "01-01-2017 to 31-12-2017".
  • Employee Objectives - HRS_R026: 1. Report name should be "Employee Objectives". 2. Change the Field name from "Employee" to "Employee Id". 3. Space required in b/w "Employee Name" and Label. 4. Doted line should be shown above the "End of Report" as per standard. 5. Remove the extra space which is showing in the Header. 6. Heading with Date range are not properly aligned. Date range should be shown like "01-01-2017 to 31-12-2017".
  • Objectives Appraisal - HRS_R027: 1. Heading with Date range are not properly aligned. Date range should be shown like "01-01-2017 to 31-12-2017". Also, Name of "Appraisal Type" should be shown as a Heading. 2. Remove the extra space which is showing in the Header. 3. Remove the "Colon (:)" from the "Position" label. 4. Decrease the width of "Objective Description" column and increase the width of "Remarks" column. 5. "Doted line" should be shown at the end of the Report. Also, "End of Report" should be shown below the "Doted Line".
  • End of Term Benefit Calculator - PAY_S052: Wrong data is showing against the "Location" field. System is showing "Org. Location" instead of "Geo. Location".
  • Payroll Overtime Records - PAY_R010: 1. In the 1st Page (General / Specific Parameters Information Page) of the Report, data of "Position" and other fields are overlapping with each other. Also, format of "Page No." in the Arabic mode in the Header of the Report is not proper. 2. In the Report main Page, translation of "End of Report" is required. Also, in the Header of the Report proper translation of Labels are not showing. 3. Also the "Month" should show as a number not the name of the month in the Header of the Report.
  • Locations - SET_S002: System is not allowing the user to do "Inactive" any "Parent Node".
  • Employee Information - HRS_S185: 1. When query the record then the data of "Passport Issued At" field is not showing on the Screen. 2. When any employee have data in both fields ("Passport Issued At" and "Old Passport Issued At") and the user "Edit / Amend" the record of that employee and change the data of "Passport Issued At" field then the "City Description" is updated on the "Old Passport Issued At" field instead of "City Id". System should not update / change the "Id" into "Description" of the "Old Passport Issued At" field (if available). 3. When the user "Edit" or "Amen" the data of "Passport Issued At" and query the record then the data disappears from the "Old Passport Issued At" field and vise versa.
  • Temporary Job Assignment - HRS_S169: Value of "Temporary Job Status" in the "Query" panel is showing in "Arabic" language in the "English" mode. Also, value of "Status" in the "Temporary Job Renewal/Cancel History" panel is showing in "Arabic" language in the "English" mode.
  • Monthly Payment & Deduction (Employee wise) - PAY_S018: When the user delete a record and click "Save" button then system gives an error message "no success confirmation" but system actually deletes the record successfully, so this message should not show.
  • Leave Balance Adjustment - HRS_S198: If the "Yes" is selected in the "Allow Advance Leave" Parameter against any "Leave Type" in the "Leave Location Grade Setup" screen then system should allow the user to update "Balance" in "Negative (-ve)" against that "Leave Type".
  • Appraisal Result - HRS_R031: 1. Headings are not showing in every page. 2. Vertical Lines are not showing in many pages. 3. Records are repeating. 4. Headings are truncating.
  • Notification Calendar - ESS_S001: Issues related with the "Late Attendance" Notification: 1. Format of "Attendance Date" should be shown like "DD-MON-YYYY" in the Notification (Email / SMS). 2. Message text should be shown in the Notification (Email / SMS) according to the format defined of message text in the "Notification Calendar" screen. "HTML" is not properly working like working in other notifications. "Ampersand (&)" in "HTML" is not working. Also, when the user write plain text having new line, text is not showing in new line. 3. Remove the "[CheckOut_Time]" Tag from the "Tag List".
  • Leave Balance Report - HRS_R012: 1. Data of "Leave Type" column is overlapping with the data of "Open Bal." column in the Crystal Report. 2. Data of "Leave Type" column is truncating in the "PDF" Report. 3. When open the screen or pressing the "Refresh" button then by default value of "Leave Year" range will be selected (which is entered in the "System Default" screen will be shown by default).
  • Letter Template - HRS_S128: Remove the "Language Specific" Letters Tags and provide the Tags should return the value as per the selected Language. Also, provide user defined language to return the value as per user need.
  • Dashboard - Dashboard: "Lock" and "Unlock" icons looking similar in SmartHCM application. "Unlock" icon should be shown like showing in "SmartESS" application.
  • Notification Calendar - ESS_S001: "Geo. Location" (Top Levels), "Org. Location" (Top Levels) and "Employee Status" parameters for the "Specific Criteria" Recipient are not working. "Notifications" are not showing in the Widgets of "HCM" and "ESS" applications.
  • Tax Slip - PAY_R001: "Show Parameter" Check functionality is not working in the Report.
  • Loan Disbursement - PAY_S030: When the user selects "Repay" and "Fund" against any "Loan" in the "Loan Location Grade Setup" screen then that "Loan" should be shown in the "Loan Type" Combo Box. Also, that "Loan" should be shown in the "Loan No." Combo Box.
  • Position Attributes - HRS_S092: "Attribute" is not rendering properly.
  • Recruitment Request Form - HRS_S107: When selects the "Range" option of "Salary" then alignment of "Salary" fields are not showing properly.
  • Renew/Cancel Temporary Job - HRS_S175: Value of "Renew / Cancel" combo box in the "Renew / Cancel" panel is showing in "Arabic" language in the "English" mode. Also, value of "Status" in the "Temporary Job Renewal/Cancel History" panel is showing in "Arabic" language in the "English" mode.
  • Employee Data Export - HRS_R060: When the user export data from the Report to "Excel Sheet" then the data of all "Date" Columns should be shown in "Date" format instead of "General" format in the "Excel Sheet".
  • Shift Wise Roster - TOM_S009: "Time Slot Menu" in the screen is not showing all the "Time-Slots" defined, however if we search the name of the "Time Slot" it will show. "Paging" issue because some Clients have so many records in "Time slot" screen.
  • Loan Plan - PAY_R019: 1. "Inst. Value" must be shown in "Integer" if the "Installment Tye" is "No. of Installment" and "Inst. Value" must be shown in "Decimal" if the "Installment Tye" is "Fixed Value". 2. Value of "Paid Amount" and "Outstanding Amt" must be shown as "0.00". Currently they are showing empty value.
  • Employee Hiring - HRS_S113: 1. All "Status" are not showing in the "Status" Combo Box. 2. All "Shifts" are not showing in the "Shift" Combo Box. Also, "Paging Bar" is not working properly. Currently, only one record is showing on one page.
  • Leave Balance - HRS_S033: 1. Increase the "Leave Type" Column width in the "Leave Balances" Panel because "Compensatory Leave - Hours" and "Compensatory Leave - Days" names are not showing completely in this column. 2. Change the Column Names from "Opening Date Hijri" to "Opening Date H" and from "Opening Date" to "Opening Date G" in the "Leave Balances" Panel. 3. When open the screen or pressing the "Refresh" button then by default value of "Leave Year" range will be selected (which is entered in the "System Default" screen will be shown by default).
  • Performance/Personal Appraisal - HRS_R030: 1. Change the Report Name in the Header from "Performance Reports" to "Performance Appraisal" and from "Personal Reports" to "Personal Appraisal". 2. Remove the extra space which is showing in the Header. 3. Heading with Date range are not properly aligned. Date range should be shown like "01-01-2017 to 31-12-2017". 4. Remove the "Colon (:)" from all the labels in the Report. 5. Change the field name from "Employee ID" to "Employee Id". 6. Data in the "Attribute Category" should not be overlapped with the next column. 7. Value of "Weight" column should not be shown in "Decimal".
  • Full and Final Settlement - HRS_S117: Issue in "Final Settlement" where "Leave Encashment" amount is affected by previous salaries. Also, data is not showing properly in the "Gregorian Date" for "Resign Date" field.