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SmartHCM MP2 Release

Release date: 02-Feb-2017

Module version: MP2

Maturity Status: Cancelled

Fixed Issues

30831 - Overtime Approval(TOM_S029)
- Request No. 5697 - Over time approval screen not showing approved hours It is required to provide the update script to update the Before/After flag in Overtime Approval

27452 - e-Bank Advise Report(PAY_R038)
- Create new report “e-Bank Advise Report” in Payroll report section.

Report Name: e-Bank Advise Report Parameter [Bank Name]

30315 - Notification Calendar(ESS_S001)
- Same as Visibility Field, if user selects Action based Notification Type (For Example: Apply Leave, Cancel Leave, etc.) then Reminder Field should be shown Disabled.

31453 - Payroll Process(PKG_PAYROLL_PROCESS)
- Do not consider the LOP Leave without pay leave as a leave it should be consider Absent if the TIME_MACHINE flag is Y in System default setup.

29272 - Payroll Process(PKG_PAYROLL_PROCESS)
- Payroll process should be work with Allowance Basic Salary Range Setup for Deductions Codes. Currently Payroll Process working for Allowances.

28752 - Payroll Process(PKG_PAYROLL_PROCESS)
- Loan Installment should automatically be skipped on final payroll if loan amount unable to deduct due to insufficient payment

27232 - Job Information(HRS/HRS_S163)
- Provide the new filed in the Org location drop down combo. Therefore, Geo location name required in the Organizational Hierarchical drop down combo. Show the associated Geo location on each Org. Location. Apply this setting in all Organizational Location drop down combo

24162 - Employee Overtime Detail*(PAY_R010)
- Report Employee Overtime Detail should incorporate product standards.

29461 - User Profile(SEC_S007)
- Redesign the User Profile Screen as per the standards.

24143 - Letter Template(HRS_S128)
- 1-When click on 'insert tag' button paragraph template window will be show, here hint show behind the window when mouse hover on command field. 2- In Paragraph template window there should be a search option.

28827 - Standard Issues of Screens(Standard Form work)
- Remove the Top bar from each screen because the Activity Name has been provided on above standard panel for each screen.

24247 - Audit Log(SEC_R001)
- Audit logReport showing in English Format in Arabic version

28473 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
- By default the Left side menu auto hide when login in Application

28472 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
- 1. Provide the status bar where show the SmartHCM logo on left side, Client Logo on Right side and in center show the SDS provided news that will be client specific.

2. When click on this news system will show the popup window and will show the complete details. This bar will be static

3. Provide the Description field in key generator for Client and show this description on this Status bar

25542 - General Work(GEN)
- Incorporate Dynamic Alert System

27686 - General Work(GEN)
- R&D on that the single instance of SmartHCM should run with multiple databases

27228 - General Work(GEN)
- Provide the “Help” button with Help icon on every screen with the Wiki link.

The Wiki link should be setup based. This setup will be in Activity Setup with the name of “Help URL”. If the Help URL available then the Help button will be enable and when user will click on this button the separate window will be open and show the associated Help URL

30174 - Employee Separation(HRS_S030)
- Remove Print Report button from the toolbar

26599 - Leave Location Grade Setup(HRS_S023)
- - Remove “Adv. Sal. Actual Days” checkbox and table field “adv_sal_actual_days”

- Remove “Monthly” from “Leave Entitlement” combo

- Remove “Include in Service Length” and table field “include_in_service_length”

27298 - Leave Location Grade Setup(HRS_S023)
- Leave Allowed for no. of Time within specified Days 1. Add new fields, “Allowed No. of Time” and “Allowed No. of Time within Days”.

- “Allowed No. of Time” will use to how many time employee can apply leave
- “Allowed No. of Time within Days” will use to how many time employee can apply leave within no. of days
- For example: If the parameter set for Annual Leave that are “Allowed No. of Time” is 3 and “Allowed No. of Time within Days” is 365 it's mean Employee can apply the Annual leave 3 times in 365 days. If Employee want 4th time Annual leave then system will not allow.

Leave Allowed for period Days/Hours within specified Days 2. Add new fields, “Allowed period Days/Hours” and “Allowed period within days”.

- “Allowed period Days/Hours” will use to how much leave days/hours employee can avail
- “Allowed period within days” will use to how much leave days/hours employee can avail within the no. of days. 
- For example: If Short leave have this setting “Allowed period Days/Hours” = 4 and “Allowed period within days” is 7 and Employee Apply the leave it's mean Employee can avail the 4 hours maximum leave within 7 days. If employee want more then 4 days then system will not allow him to enter the leave within 7 days.

Note: Implementation will be in Apply Leave (ESS) and Request for Leave (HCM) pages

Proposed Fixed Final

Allowed No. of Time Applying Limit Apply No. of Time Allowed No. of Time within Days Applying Limit within Days Apply No. of Time Within Days

Allowed period Days/Hours Amount of Leave Apply No. of Qty. Allowed period within days Amount of Leave within Days Apply No. of Qty within Days

23833 - Payroll Groups(PAY_S029)
- Enable pagination in location combobox.

30874 - Overtime خارج الدوام(Overtime)
- Remove the Decision No. and Decision Date Columns from the Screen.

29321 - TOM Attendance Service Registration Setup(TOM_S028)
- Provide the new Setup that will do the Registration of Processor ID for SmartHCM Attendance Service for Windows. In this screen following fields should be provided 1. Processor ID (User define text filed and it will be unique) 2. Description (Detail description for the Server Machine where the Service will be installed) 3. Active (Check box by default it will be Checked)