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SmartHCM MP1 Release

Release date: 19-Jan-2017

Module version: MP1

Maturity Status: Cancelled


  • Dynamic Alert
  • Hierarchical Workflow, department wise, job wise. Rules can be defined on workflow structure.
  • Auto attendance loading from attendance machine to SmartHCM.
  • Multiple attendance machine support installed in multiple locations
  • Bulk overtime approval using auto overtime suggestion
  • Bulk Manual Attendance feature
  • Attendance Summary linked with transactions including missing attendance, manual attendance, late and early approval and daily attendance.
  • State of the art new design of SmartHCM with dashboard and graph
  • Company Policy and documents in ESS and HCM
  • Organogram
  • Exit Interview
  • Loan relief/exemption
  • Auto number Job ID
  • Auto attendance process on single click on payroll
  • Cloud base SmartHCM. Multiple client can be configured using single Application with different schema of every client.
  • e-Bank file generation. Transferred salary directly into bank via e-Bank file
  • Man Power budgeting module
  • Online help mechanism
  • Email account based e-Recruitment
  • Auto skip loan installment if payroll unable to deduct
  • Income tax latest changes as per the FBR Pakistan
  • Advance leave
  • Number of leave allowed within specified period
  • Number of time leave allowed within specified period
  • Leave Location Grade based setup form based design

    Fixed Issues

    23833 - Payroll Groups(PAY_S029)
    - Enable pagination in location combo box.

    30874 - Overtime خارج الدوام(Overtime)
    - Remove the Decision No. and Decision Date Columns from the Screen.

    29321 - TOM Attendance Service Registration Setup(TOM_S028)
    - Provide the new Setup that will do the Registration of Processor ID for SmartHCM Attendance Service for Windows. In this screen following fields should be provided 1. Processor ID (User define text filed and it will be unique) 2. Description (Detail description for the Server Machine where the Service will be installed) 3. Active (Check box by default it will be Checked)

    29539 - Tom Registration(Tom_s026)
    - Remove the Attendance Machine - TOM_S026 Screen from the TOM Module.

    27490 - Late Approval(TOM_S011)
    - HCM-> late approval Screens should populate from and to date automatically when the page is loaded

    27155 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
    - Employee screen should give proper message for validation

    27128 - Request For Leave(HRS_S034)
    - Provide the functionality of Leave Day Type parameter that is available in the Leave Location Grade Setup. If the Leave Day Type is set to Calendar then holidays will be include and if the Working is set then exclude the holidays. The holidays is available in the holiday setup

    29785 - Overtime Approval(TOM_S014)
    - Remove the Overtime Approval TOM_S014 Screen from the SmartHCM Application.

    30941 - Time Slot(TOM_S003)
    - Incorporate the front-end of Two Date Flag functionality in the SmartHCM ver. Dev.

    29542 - Attendance File Format Setup(TOM_S001)
    - 1. Change the Combo Box from “Machine Name” to “Format Name” in the First Panel. Columns are in the Combo Box like “Format Id”, “Format Name” and “Separator Type”.

    2. Add the new Text Field named “Format Name” in the Second Panel.

    3. Change the Combo Box Name from “File Type” to “Separator Type”. Data will be liked “Fixed Length”, “Tabs” and “Others”. - When the user selects “Others” then new Text Field will be shown besides the Combo Box and user can enter in the Field like “, (Comma)”, “; (Semi Colon)”, “: (Colon)”, “- (Dash)”, etc.

    25543 - General Work(GEN)
    - Incorporate hierarchal Workflow

    30039 - General Work(GEN)
    - Remove Notification Setup & Notification Message from activity menu.

    29367 - Employee Attendance(PAY_S010)
    - Increase the size of Attend Value in Employee Attendance. Currently it is 5,2. It should be 10,2

    29292 - Absent Approval screen(Absent Approval screen)
    - Create New Screen Absent Approval screen.

    30268 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
    - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Daily Attendance” Screen. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”.

    - “Attendance” and calculation of (“Late Minutes”, “Early Departure Minutes”, “Extra Hours” and “Remarks”) should be shown correctly.

    Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

    27305 - Apply Leave “طلب إجازة”(Apply Leave)
    - Leave Allowed for no. of Time within specified Days 1. Add new conditions on these fields, “Allowed No. of Time” and “Allowed No. of Time within Days” as per Leave Location Grade wise setup.

    - “Allowed No. of Time” will use to how many time employee can apply leave
    - “Allowed No. of Time within Days” will use to how many time employee can apply leave within no. of days
    - For example: If the parameter set for Annual Leave that are “Allowed No. of Time” is 3 and “Allowed No. of Time within Days” is 365 it's mean Employee can apply the Annual leave 3 times in 365 days. If Employee want 4th time Annual leave then system will not allow.

    Leave Allowed for period Days/Hours within specified Days 2. Add new conditions on these fields, “Allowed period Days/Hours” and “Allowed period within days” as per Leave Location Grade wise setup.

    - “Allowed period Days/Hours” will use to how much leave days/hours employee can avail
    - “Allowed period within days” will use to how much leave days/hours employee can avail within the no. of days. 
    - For example: If Short leave have this setting “Allowed period Days/Hours” = 4 and “Allowed period within days” is 7 and Employee Apply the leave it's mean Employee can avail the 4 hours maximum leave within 7 days. If employee want more then 4 days then system will not allow him to enter the leave within 7 days.

    30154 - General Work(GEN)
    - Multiple Database connections in single ESS version

    27736 - e-Bank File Setup(PAY_S054)
    - 1. Provide the new setup as per the attached prototype. 2. Total 3 panel would be in this setup as following

    i) Bank Info (Bank code (Combo box)  and Bank Name (Display only))
    ii) Bank File Columns (Column Sequence (Auto generate display only field), Column Description (User define text field), Value (Combo box with specified data) and further one more column as per the Value's data)

    iii) Allowance / Deduction (ADCode, Description, Default Behavior)

    3. Following are the possible values for “Values” combo Bank Code Bank Account Number ADCode Sequence No (Auto Number) Employee Name Employee Permanent Address Employee Temporary Address National ID

    4. Default Behavior should be show the “Addition” for Allowances and “Subtraction” would be shown for Deductions

    30297 - Overtime Approval(TOM_S029)
    - 1. Change the column name from “Attend Time” to “Attended Time”.

    2. If the user change the “Overtime Hours” manually then changes should be highlighted with Red color.

    29462 - Loan Manual Reschedule(PAY_S051)
    - Redesign the Loan Manual Reschedule Screen as per the standards.

    27310 - Request For Leave(HRS_S034)
    - Leave Allowed for no. of Time within specified Days 1. Add new conditions on these fields, “Allowed No. of Time” and “Allowed No. of Time within Days” as per Leave Location Grade wise setup. - “Allowed No. of Time” will use to how many time employee can apply leave - “Allowed No. of Time within Days” will use to how many time employee can apply leave within no. of days

    - For example: If the parameter set for Annual Leave that are “Allowed No. of Time” is 3 and “Allowed No. of Time within Days” is 365 it's mean Employee can apply the Annual leave 3 times in 365 days. If Employee want 4th time Annual leave then system will not allow.

    Leave Allowed for period Days/Hours within specified Days 2. Add new conditions on these fields, “Allowed period Days/Hours” and “Allowed period within days” as per Leave Location Grade wise setup. - “Allowed period Days/Hours” will use to how much leave days/hours employee can avail - “Allowed period within days” will use to how much leave days/hours employee can avail within the no. of days.

    - For example: If Short leave have this setting “Allowed period Days/Hours” = 4 and “Allowed period within days” is 7 and Employee Apply the leave it's mean Employee can avail the 4 hours maximum leave within 7 days. If employee want more then 4 days then system will not allow him to enter the leave within 7 days.


    24080 - Training Budget(HRS_S120)
    - Incorporate Training Budget

    30291 - Overtime Suggestion Report(TOM_R011)
    - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Overtime Suggestion” Report. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”.

    Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

    30287 - Individual Time Sheet*(TOM_R002)
    - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Individual Time Sheet” Report. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”.

    Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

    27489 - Missing In/Out Time(TOM_S010)
    - missing/in out add two new field from data (should be the last payroll date )and t0 date(current)that will populated values automatically when the screen is loaded

    28666 - Organization Documents(HRS_S158)
    - Provide the check box Show in ESS in Organizational document. It will show the Document in ESS Policies & Document widget.

    28705 - General Work(GEN)
    - Remove the following activities

    ESS_H037 - Reports ESS_R004 - Tax Slip ESS_S004 - Employee ESS Settings PAY_S044 - Loan Exemption Process

    31482 - Leave Location Grade Setup(HRS_S023)
    - Add the Entitlement Balance Slab in the Copy Record window.

    23275 - Dashboard(Default.apx)
    - Create the new Database procedure name “GET_LEAVE_TYPE_WITH_BAL” in “ESS_DASHBOARD_PKG” to show the Leaves and their current balances. Only show the balanced based leaves with following columns

    1. Leave Type (Leave type name should be show as per User's selected language) 2. Balance

    24275 - Apply Leave “طلب إجازة”(Apply Leave)
    - Currently user unable to apply the leave in advance. Following customization will allow user to apply the leave in advance, in this scenario system will generate the negative leave balance and these balances will auto update on Leave entitlement. Advance leave applicable on the balance based leaves (Annual / Frequency types of leave) and Leave should be limited.

    1. If “Allow Advance Leave” parameter is “Yes” in Leave Location Grade Setup then show the message if the leave balance is not enough when applying the leave.

    2. The message will be “Leave balance is not enough do you want to apply the leave in advance”. Allow negative balance in this case.

    3. Create the negative balance and show the negative balance to the User. For Example: Current balance is 20 and user wants to apply the leave for 30 then the 30-20 = -10. Minus 10 balance will be update in the Leave Balance table.

    28727 - Portal Main Page(MAIN)
    - 1. Open the new system default code to show the Hierarchical Workflow in the Dashboard widget for “Organogram chart” i.e. “ORGANOGRAM_CHART”. In this System default parameter user will define the Hierarchical Workflow ID.

    2. Show the “Organogram chart” link in the Dashboard Widget as per System default “ORGANOGRAM_CHART” defined code from Hierarchical Workflow.

    3. When click on this link show the Organogram chart in Hierarchical way in new page.

    27634 - General Work(GEN)
    - About page not showing in ESS .Please Make its availability.

    27308 - Leave Status Detail “التفاصيل الإجازة”(List of Leave Detail)
    - When change the no. of Days / No. of Hours then check the following conditions that is implemented in the Apply Leave page.

    Leave Allowed for no. of Time within specified Days 1. Add new conditions on these fields, “Allowed No. of Time” and “Allowed No. of Time within Days” as per Leave Location Grade wise setup. - “Allowed No. of Time” will use to how many time employee can apply leave - “Allowed No. of Time within Days” will use to how many time employee can apply leave within no. of days

    - For example: If the parameter set for Annual Leave that are “Allowed No. of Time” is 3 and “Allowed No. of Time within Days” is 365 it's mean Employee can apply the Annual leave 3 times in 365 days. If Employee want 4th time Annual leave then system will not allow.

    Leave Allowed for period Days/Hours within specified Days 2. Add new conditions on these fields, “Allowed period Days/Hours” and “Allowed period within days” as per Leave Location Grade wise setup. - “Allowed period Days/Hours” will use to how much leave days/hours employee can avail - “Allowed period within days” will use to how much leave days/hours employee can avail within the no. of days.

    - For example: If Short leave have this setting “Allowed period Days/Hours” = 4 and “Allowed period within days” is 7 and Employee Apply the leave it's mean Employee can avail the 4 hours maximum leave within 7 days. If employee want more then 4 days then system will not allow him to enter the leave within 7 days.

    29490 - Payroll Process(PKG_PAYROLL_PROCESS)
    - 1. System should generate the Rate for Allowances either Payroll amount is being generated or not.

    2. In Monthly payment & Deduction : If Zero value defined for Deduction code then Payroll will not generate deduction for this code

    3. Employee Allowance and Deduction: If Zero value defined for Deduction code for “Fixed” type then Payroll will not generate deduction for this code

    27370 - Payroll Process(PKG_PAYROLL_PROCESS)
    - Incorporate the new Tax rule that is defined in the attached Tax calculation file. Therefore, provide the new calculation as per the new field added in the Tax Slab screen that is “Fixed Tax”. The Tax calculation should be work as per “New Tax Calc.xlsx” file.

    Note: It is required for new Income Tax rule implementation

    27043 - Database work(Database)

    2. Remove the following tables if not using in the System DATA_EMP_NAME hrs_employee_personnel_bank_bk DATA_PAY_EMP_RATE DATA_EMP_START_SAL

    27332 - Request For Leave(HRS_S034)
    - Currently user unable to apply the leave in advance. Following customization will allow user to apply the leave in advance, in this scenario system will generate the negative leave balance and these balances will auto update on Leave entitlement. Advance leave applicable on the balance based leaves (Annual / Frequency types of leave) and Leave should be limited.

    1. If “Allow Advance Leave” parameter is “Yes” in Leave Location Grade Setup then show the message if the leave balance is not enough when applying the leave.

    2. The message will be “Leave balance is not enough do you want to apply the leave in advance”. Allow negative balance in this case.

    3. Create the negative balance and show the negative balance to the User. For Example: Current balance is 20 and user wants to apply the leave for 30 then the 30-20 = -10. Minus 10 balance will be update in the Leave Balance table.

    24077 - Exit Interview(HRS_S116)
    - Incorporate Exit Interview

    29106 - Letter Tag Setup(HRS_S129)
    - Provide following tag for letter module

    o Employee National ID / Iqama o Employee Nationality o Employee National ID / Iqama Expiry date o Today Gregorian Date in Arabic language o Employee Direct Manager o Auto-generated number [can be unique for each new letter]

    29448 - Overtime Suggestion(TOM_S012)
    - Copy the Overtime Screen from SmartESS Application to SmartHCM Application.

    29463 - Standard Issues of Screens(Standard Form work)
    - Redesign the Copy Records Window everywhere in the Application as per the standards.

    24100 - Document Type Setup(HRS_S156)
    - Incorporate Document Type Setup

    28483 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
    - Widgets color should auto change when change the Theme

    28667 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
    - Provide the new TAB “Policies & Document” in “Announcement” widget in ESS Dashboard. Only show the document those are active for ESS in Organizational Document.

    28475 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
    - Show the Recent task menu in Company Policy widget and change the name for this widget to Recent Task

    29978 - General Work(GEN)
    - Incorporate the project in product for Product Installation package

    24302 - Leave Location Grade Setup(HRS_S023)
    - 1. Remove the grid from the second panel 2. Provide the Leave Type filter in first panel and filter the record in second panel 3. Redesign the second panel's form based style panel 4. Proper place the field in second panel those depended on each other. For example, “Entitlement Day/Hour:” should come right below “Entitlement Limit:” 5. “Prorate Entitlement” check box should be enable now system showing disabled 6. Encashment check box not enabling the depend fields some time when Edit the record

    29314 - Backdated Attendance Adjustments(PAY_S022)
    - Provide the Month Year calendar. Now system showing date calendar for “Select Date”. Change the label “Select Date” with “Payroll Month” “Payroll Month” should be “MM-YYYY” format For Hijri Payroll Calendar do not show the Gregorian Calendar

    30371 - قائمة طلبات الإجازة Leave Status for Applicant and Supervisor(List of Leave)
    - Remove the Action For Radio Buttons named Forward and Approver from the Filter Panel of this Screen. After that screen should be worked properly.

    28078 - Employee Information الـمــوظــف(Employee Information)
    - Show the Temp. Job Assignment Position with it's department

    30361 - Portal Main Page(MAIN)
    - In the “Policies and Document” Widget:

    1. Change the Columns Name from “Document” to “File Name” and from “Document Type” to “Document Description”.

    General Task:

    1. Vertical Line should be shown in all Grid based “Widgets” in the “Home” Page.

    29922 - Payroll Process(PKG_PAYROLL_PROCESS)
    - Payroll process should not generate the Allowances and Deduction if Employee with Stop status.

    28966 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
    - Provide new tab Checklist will have Grid having columns Task (display only), Done Status (checkbox), Done Date and Remarks. All active tasks in the Grid will automatically be populated as per the Checklist Category selected. So, there should be setup Checklist Setup where checklist tasks would be defined under the checklist category. Also provide Active check in this setup.

    Instead of providing Done Status (checkbox), provide category wise setup based multiple checkbox option in dependent Grid.

    31447 - Request For Leave(HRS_S034)
    - If the Leave Type is “LOP” (Defined in the System Default) then do not allow to enter the leave before and after current Payroll month.

    For example: If the Final payroll run is Jan-2017 and Leave from “25-DEC-2016” to “15-JAN-2017”. System should not allow this period. System should allow in this case from “21-JAN-2017” due to the Payroll cut off date is 20. Therefore, the end date must not be greater “20-FEB-2017”.

    30097 - Employee Status(HRS_S011)
    - Remove the Columns named Template Decision Type, Notification and Notification Days from the Screen.

    27230 - Locations(SET_S002)
    - Provide the new field for “Logo” and provide the upload button to save the image in the logo field. Remove the logo image and change the image should be available. Logo field should be available on Geo location hierarchy.

    27229 - Module Activity Setup(SEC_S001)
    - Provide the new text field for Help that is “Help URL” in database table. Do not provide it in front end.

    29541 - Machine Attendance Loading (TOM_S018)
    - 1. Change the Field Name from “Machine Load No.” to “Load No.” in the First Panel.

    2. “Load No.” will be generated only when the “File” will be uploaded manually by this Screen.

    3. Add the new Fields in the First Panel named “File Load Date From” and “File Load Date To”. User can view the data of “Automatic Load Files” from “Utility” by using these “Date” fields.

    4. Change the Field Name from “Date” to “Attendance Date From” and “Attendance Date To” in the First Panel.

    5. Change the Combo Box from “Select Machine Setup” to “Select File Format” or “Select Machine Format” in the Second Panel. All defined formats will be shown in this Combo Box.

    6. Add the new Column named “Load Date and Time” at the end in the “Loaded Attendance” Tab.

    27722 - Overtime Suggestion(TOM_S012)
    - 1. Provide the display only field “Overtime Type” it will show the “Before” or “After” status for overtime and store it in the database.

    2. Only “Hours Approved” field should be enable to enter the no. of hours all other field should be disabled.

    28474 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
    - Remove the “Logout” button from top in Dashboard and provide the option for Logout under the Username menu.

    Remove the “Language” and “Theme” change option from Username menu and provide the separate menu beside the Username menu for both “Language” and “Theme”. But both menu should be show as a menu do not show the combo box for Language

    30808 - General Work(GEN)
    - Attendance Utility must include .Net 4.5.2 offline installer. Currently, it is installing from Internet only. If Internet is not available then Utility asking this .Net 4.5.2 installer error.

    28685 - General Work(GEN)
    - Remove rounding of basic salary from Employee Increment, Annual Increment Process, Employee information screen and Job information

    27997 - General Work(GEN)
    - Change the design as per new provided design. Sample design is attached

    28908 - General Work(GEN)
    - Create the new Windows Service for client side. This Windows service will be installed on the Client system where the actual Attendance file will be exists. All the default features will be available in this Windows Service that are start date, Frequency, Time etc.

    Provide the Web Service that will use to upload the data. This Web Service would be used from Windows Service. Windows Service will use this Web Service to upload the data on target SmartHCM Database Server.

    All the required security would be consider to implement in Web Service while transfer the data into the Database Server.

    Upload attendance file (new utility) a This utility will be installed where attendance machine file exists. This utility will upload attendance file to HCM on particular time frequency. Utility will have the options to define machine attendance file and path, SmartHCM web service path, Time frequency, delete file after upload (Y/N) and other parameter

    29522 - General Work(GEN)
    - Create the new Wiki pages for each Activity if not available and define the URL in Activity Setup

    Main Menu for Activities http://smarthcm.com/wiki/index.php?title=Screens

    27998 - General Work(GEN)
    - Change the design as per new provided design. Sample design is attached

    30098 - Job Basic Salary Editing(HRS_S165)
    - Change the Screen name / Activity name from Job Basic Salary Decision to Job Basic Salary Editing.

    28625 - Employee Basic Salary Editing (PAY_S042)
    - Remove “Start Basic Salary” and “Annual Start Basic Salary” as these fields are not applicable in current system. Also history grid not showing data and paging navigation not available in the Grid.

    Remove the auto rounding on Basic Salary

    28988 - Leave Location Grade Setup(HRS_S023)
    - 1. Remove the “Prorate Entitlement” check box

    2. Remove the “Prorate Entitlement” panel

    3. Fields width are truncating on when reduce the width

    27331 - Leave Location Grade Setup(HRS_S023)
    - Provide the new check box “Allow Advance Leave” with Yes/No value. It will allow the leave can take the Leave in advance.

    Field name in table should be “ALLOW_ADV_LEAVE”

    27367 - Tax Slab Marginal Tax Relief(PAY_S025)
    - Remove the Activity, it's table structure, from payroll process and remove where applicable

    Note: It is not required for new Income Tax rule implementation

    28079 - Tax Slab(PAY_S019)
    - in tax slap screen it donot take 0 value as input .if we add zero it shows error

    31451 - Payroll Process(PKG_PAYROLL_PROCESS)
    - Add leave days in Absent ID that is defined in system default TOM_ABSENT_ATTEND_ID if the leave type is defined as a LOP (Defined in the System Default)

    28425 - Job Information(HRS/HRS_S163)
    - Remove the auto rounding in Job Basic Salary. System should allow any value either precision or without precision and do not auto round on last digit.

    29527 - Job Information(HRS/HRS_S163)
    - Provide the new filed for display only that will show the complete Organization hierarchy and Geo location hierarchy with “/” separated same as available in Employee Information screen for Geo/Organization location.

    Also show in the History panel for both Org and Geo location.

    30290 - Missing In/Out Report(TOM_R009)
    - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Missing In/Out” Report. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”.

    Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

    30288 - Shift Transfer Report(TOM_R008)
    - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Shift Transfer” Report. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”.

    Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

    30282 - Shift Transfer(TOM_S008)
    - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Shift Transfer” Screen. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”.

    Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

    27150 - Attendance File Format Setup(TOM_S001)
    1. Provide the new panel in top to show the following fields. - Machine / File Name (Machine ID, Machine Name, File Name) (The data will come from the “Attendance Machine” Setup). It will use to filter the second panel. 2. Provide the new field with following values

    - Comma Separated File
    - Fixed Length File

    3. If the “Comma Separated File” will select then hide the “length” field and show the “Position” field. The position field will use to specify the column position in the comma separated file. Do not allow the same position in more then one column. 4. If the “Fixed Length File” will select then show the “length” field as well as the “Position” filed - Note: Both file format for each Machine/File Name. If the “Comma Separated File” is defined then check the file must be comma separated and the column position must be available as per defined position.

    24101 - Organization Documents(HRS_S158)
    - Incorporate Organizational Documents

    27106 - User Profile(SEC_R002)
    - 1. Convert screen as per standard designing 2. Remove the Custom Print button

    28725 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
    - 1. Open the new system default code to show the Hierarchical Workflow in the Dashboard widget for “Organogram chart” i.e. “ORGANOGRAM_CHART”. In this System default parameter user will define the Hierarchical Workflow ID.

    2. Show the “Organogram chart” link in the Dashboard Widget as per System default “ORGANOGRAM_CHART” defined code from Hierarchical Workflow.

    3. When click on this link show the Organogram chart in Hierarchical way in new page.

    28477 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
    - Redesign the About page and show the small window/popup window to show the About Page. Now system is showing in whole page.

    Change the Hcm Version No. to “Version” and “Database No.” to “Database”. Remove the “Hcm Patch No.”.

    Change the label from “Email” to 'email”

    Change the label from “This Product is Licensed under the SmartHCM Ltd License Terms to: “ to “This Product is Licensed to”

    28476 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
    - Move the position for “SmartHCM” widget from dashboard to on Top right Show the data from the SmartHCM”website. In this regard the new Page should be develop and show data in this widget

    30359 - Loan Exemption Process(PAY_S044)
    - Change the Screen Name/Activity Name from Loan Exemption Process to Loan Waive Process.

    27492 - Loan Exemption Process(PAY_S044)
    - Loan Exemption process Provide month,Year calendar in Gregorian

    29585 - Leave Location Grade Setup(HRS_S023)
    - Amount of Leave Within Field should be a non-mandatory Field.

    30278 - Summary for Attendance(Attendance Summary)
    - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Attendance Summary” Screen. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”.

    - Calculation of (“Present”, “Absent”, “Late/Early Departure Count”, “Missing Count”, “Late Minutes”, “Early Departure Minutes”, “Extra Hours”, “Late/Early Departure Approved”, “Missing Filled” and “Manual Attend”) should be shown correctly.

    Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

    26748 - Payslip ملخص الرواتب(PaySlip)
    - Value should show in two Decimal Places maximum for Total Allowances, Total Deductions and Net Salary. This case applicable in case of the Decimal value is allowed in the Payroll group setup.

    28688 - Payroll Process(PKG_PAYROLL_PROCESS)
    - Minimum Amount Parameter of Location Grade Allowance Deduction is also applying the value we defined in Employee Allowance and Deduction. So, this parameter should not overwrite the value we defined in Monthly Payment and Deduction and Employee Allowance and Deduction.

    24079 - Recruitment Budget(HRS_S119)
    - Incorporate Recruitment Budget

    24078 - Head Count Budgeting(HRS_S118)
    - Incorporate Head Count Budgeting

    28466 - Applicant Interviews(HRS_S112)
    - 1. Remove “Administration”, “Division” and “Unit” and show like showing in “Employee” (HR\Admin\....) in all Recruitment Module Screen.

    2. Remove column “Description”. Rename “Rating ID” as “Rating”. Rating description should be shown in this column

    3. Interview Information Panel is not enabled after saving the Applicant Interview record

    4. Remove “Budgeted” field

    28965 - Recruitment Request Form(HRS_S107)
    - Remove Last Req. Date field and add Expected Date of Joining instead of.

    27723 - Overtime Approval(TOM_S014)
    - 1. Provide the display only field “Overtime Type” it will show the “Before” or “After” status for overtime and store it in the database.

    2. Disable the “Add” and “Delete” button

    3. Enable the Edit / Amend button

    29786 - Overtime Suggestion(TOM_S012)
    - Remove the Overtime Suggestion TOM_S012 Screen from the SmartHCM Application.

    29532 - Standard Issues of Screens(Standard Form work)
    - Remove the Administration, Division and Unit fields and provide one filed for Organization Location same as in Employee Information Screen. Same for Geo Location. Also show in the History panel for both Org and Geo location where applicable

    Note: do this work in whole application where applicable.

    29213 - General Work(GEN)
    - Provide quick search feature in SmartHCM

    29543 - General Work(GEN)
    - Create the “Utility” to take / fetch automatically the “Multiple Attendance Files” with different “Formats” from different “Machines” and put these “Files” into the “Application Server”.

    Features of the “Utility” will be:

    - user can set “Intervals”. - user can “Start / Stop” the “Scheduler”. - “Log” should be maintained. - Support multiple “Formats”. - “Security” should be provided.

    27995 - General Work(GEN)
    - Change the design as per new provided design. Sample design is attached

    27231 - General Work(GEN)
    - Show the Company logo in each report as per attached image with the selected company. If the select company have not the logo image then check it's parent company logo if image is available in parent company then show that image

    27104 - General Work(GEN)
    - Remove the Decision in over all application's screen/setup. Temporary block the code

    30040 - General Work(GEN)
    - Remove Notification Setup & Notification Message links from SmartHCM - Wikipedia.

    30835 - Leave Location Grade Setup(HRS_S023)
    - Add the Leave Entitlement Slab-wise, option to define “Leave Entitlement Slabs” w.r.t the “Service Length”.

    - Provide the new panel for “Balance Entitlement Slab” in Leave Location Grade Setup.

    - Remove the “Entitlement Day/Hour” field from Leave Location Grade Setup.

    25974 - Leave Type(HRS_S021)
    - Remove calendar color and calendar description fields

    24161 - Employee OverTime Hours(PAY_S012)
    - Screen Employee OverTime Hours should incorporate product standards.

    29876 - Absent Approval screen(Absent Approval screen)
    - Change the Name of Screen from the Absent Approval to Manual Attendance in the Menu of TOM Module. Also, from the Title Bar of the Screen.

    29875 - Manual Attendance(Manual Attendance)
    - Remove the old Manual Attendance Screen from the TOM Module of the SmartESS Application.

    26013 - قائمة طلبات الإجازة Leave Status for Applicant and Supervisor(List of Leave)
    - Only 5 records showing per page, should show 100 records

    25886 - قائمة طلبات الإجازة Leave Status for Applicant and Supervisor(List of Leave)
    - 1. Provide searching on Employee 2. Position combo in search panel is not showing all positions


      30055 - e-Bank File Generation(PAY_S055)
      - 1. Data is not showing from the E-bank file setup screen. 2. In E-bank file setup, city should be editable. 3. Change the 3rd panel name from “e-Bank File Setup” to “ Allowance / Deduction “

      30223 - Employee Monthly Payroll Remarks(PAY_S050)
      - employee monthly payroll remarks-employee combo box searching is not working

      30369 - Download Applicants(HER/HER_S152)
      - HCM LINK - e-Recruitment - http://it-sds13-pc/Smart_e-Recruitment_QA_2.0.0.0 Applicant CNIC : 2374439129 Exception : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. on Download applicant error generate

      23915 - Attendace Location Setup(Tom_S021 )
      - 1- Grid Header Label show incorrect format in arabic culture.

      28113 - upload setup(HER/HER_S151)
      - Language Setup is not uploading

      28865 - Job Information(HRS/HRS_S163)
      - 1. Job No. not showing when saving the record. System showing the Job No. in query panel “Job No.” combo. It should be shown in the second's panel Job No. field. 2. When authorize the record system showing the message “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”. 3. Do not round the Job Basic salary. It should not round on last digit nor in decimal place.

      30705 - Late Approval(TOM_S011)
      - Request No. 5630 Late Employee Report: employee number 100016. For this employee late is rejected on 29 November 2016 but in HCM report it is showing under approved status. Kindly fix this bug on urgent basis. Conclusion: I have made a conclusion on this request. They first approved late (for employee id 100016) of 29-NOV-2016 and then reject it. This process changed the status of late approve but approver name (who approved it firstly) is still there. Now when they are going to run report (either with Late approve ='NO' or Late approve is empty) its showing them the record of 29-NOV-2016 with approver name which is creating confusion. Another reason of confusion is there is no column in report about late approve status i.e either its approved or not.

      23760 - Job(s) Transfer(HRS_S195)
      - In HRS_S195, the paging is not done in Job information panel.

      30422 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
      - Employee information screen
      • employee ID should be high lighted when employee id auto number is selected (N) is system default.

      26447 - Employee Training(HRS_R020)
      - In “employee training” when the record is deleted it donot delete rather than it got increase

      30441 - Stopped Employee List*(HRS_R016)
      - Report Parameters Form: 1. By default, all “Status” should be selected in the “Employee Status” Combo Box. When open the Screen or pressing the “Refresh” Button then all “Status” must be shown on the Field. 2. “Date” Parameters are not working properly. Wrong records are showing when selects “Date” Range. “Date” Range Parameters should work on “Separation Date” Column. Report: 1. Change the Report Name from “Stopped Employee Information” to “Stopped Employee List” in the Header. 2. Space required in b/w “From” and its “Date”. Also, Space required in b/w “To” and its “Date” in the Header. 3. Space required in b/w Column Name like “Employee Id” in the Detail Report. 4. Wrong “Date” is showing in the “Separation Date” Column. “Date” of “Last Working Date” should be shown in the “Separation Date” Column.

      31454 - Recruitment Budget(HRS_S119)
      - 1. Remove the following Parameter from the “System Default” Screen. - REC_BUDGET_ORG_LOC_TYPE 2. In the Query Panel, “Searching” should be worked on “Budget Id”, “Geo Location” and “Org Location” in the “Budget No.” Combo Box. 3. Change the Field Name from “Geo Loc Id” to “Geo. Location”. “Geo. Location Name” should be shown on the Field instead of “Geo. Location Id”. 4. Remove the “Display-Only” Field named “Geo Loc Name”. 5. Change the Field Name from “Org Loc Id” to “Org. Location”. “Org. Location Name” should be shown on the Field instead of “Org. Location Id”. Also, Hierarchical Combo Box should be opened as per Standard. 6. Remove the “Display-Only” Field named “Org Loc Name”. 7. “Geo. Location” related “Org. Locations” should be shown in the “Org. Location” Combo Box. 8. “Budget To” Field should be “Display-Only” Field. When the user selects any “Date” from “Budget From” Field then respective one year range value should be shown in “Budget To” Field. For Example: If user selects “01-Jan-2017” then “31-Dec-2017” should be shown on the “Budget To” Field and if user selects “01-Jul-2017” then “30-Jun-2017” should be shown. 9. Duplicate records should not be allowed to “Save” in the system w.r.t “Date” Range, “Geo Location” and “Org Location”. Proper Alert message should be shown. 10. Change the Columns Name from “Recruitment Id” to “Expense Id” and “Recruitment Name” to “Expense Name”.

      30224 - Head Count Budgeting(HRS_S118)
      - On delete, Please check fields is showing.

      28088 - Full and Final Settlement(HRS_S117)
      - Only Authorize records should be shown in the Resign Id Combo Box of this Screen. Currently, Unauthorized records also showing in the Resign Id Combo Box.

      30373 - Exit Interview(HRS_S116)
      - Exit Interview 1.Save error.”Object reference not set to an instance” 2.Please check delete and authorize button also

      30164 - Employee Hiring(HRS_S113)
      - Unable to add record.

      27932 - Applicant Information(HRS_S108)
      - Iqama Issue Date should not be mandatory

      27931 - Applicant Information(HRS_S108)
      - Iqama Place of Issue should be mandatory

      29854 - Applicant Information(HRS_S108)
      - 1. Provide searching for 'Code' and 'Name' fields in mobile combo box. 2. Amend button should not show if the the record is not authorized. When editing the record, Amend button is showing.

      27924 - Applicant Information(HRS_S108)
      - Other tabs should be enable after saving Personal tab.

      30234 - Recruitment Request Form(HRS_S107)
      - Budgeted value is not showing.

      30632 - Overtime Approval Report(TOM_R013)
      - overtime Approval Report
      • while opening report showing error “Invalid index. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002000B (DISP_E_BADINDEX))”
      • Make sure if data exist record should be shown.

      30630 - Overtime Approval Report(TOM_R013)
      - Translation not showing in Labels and Menu Translation screen

      30804 - Overtime Approval Report(TOM_R013)
      - Overtime approval report specific parameter when employee select and remove employee name then click show report it automatically select previous employee name

      30629 - Overtime Suggestion Report(TOM_R011)
      - Translation not showing in Labels and Menu Translation screen

      30627 - Shift Transfer Report(TOM_R008)
      - Translation not showing in Labels and Menu Translation screen

      30099 - Roster Template(TOM_S004)
      - while deleting record system is showing wrong error message and record is not deleting

      29772 - Time Slot(TOM_S003)
      - When the user change the value from No to Yes against the Two Date Flag Field and Save but Yes value is not updating in the system. When pressing the Refresh button then No value is showing again.

      30562 - Membership Setup(HRS_S084)
      - Increase the length of Membership ID field.

      28095 - Publish Job(HRS_S150)
      - Publish Job failed message is showing when apostrophe symbol is given in job Job Description or any other field

      26375 - Employee Promotion*(HRS_R003)
      - In Employee Promotion screen remove the field Evaluation rule and keep the the fields empty New Position and Promotion Grade

      30256 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
      - If user open some screen from menu and user search from top search bar and open it, it open same screen second time as well.

      30605 - General Work(GEN)
      - update time slot ->“run process” enable the button and make sure its functionality TOM_S025

      27996 - General Work(GEN)
      - Change the design as per new provided design. Sample design is attached

      27579 - General Work(GEN)
      - System showing error while opening the Employee Personal screen. Note: data uploaded from the backend

      30222 - Penalty and Absence Decision Form (PAY_S043)
      - penalty and absence Decision-while searching give error “Value cannot be null. Parameter name: String”

      27124 - Job Screen(HRS_S163)
      - Remove the JOB ID and Employment Type and show the Job No. in whole application where applicable. Remove the Employment type setup as well

      24235 - Decision by Setup(HRS_S184)
      - There is no error when add same employee in grid.

      30020 - Tax Slip*(PAY_R001)
      - Report is not working. Showing Error message when open the Report.

      30283 - Payroll Groups(PAY_S029)
      - Remove the description box when click on the message field while adding / edit record and it should not retain its previous value

      30254 - Employee Perk(HRS_S017)
      - If limit is applied in the Grade Wise Perk screen, then Amount should not be greater than that limit.

      30782 - Monthly Data Upload(PAY_S017)
      - Monthly Data Upload Data is not showing in rejection log.It should show All the reject record in rejection log screen

      31164 - Fund Contribution(PAY_S016)
      - 1. This message “Nothing to display. All Setuped Employees have been added.” popup window should be shown on the Screen as per Standard. 2. When pressing the “Add All” button for any other “Fund” then an Error message “ORA-02290: check constraint (SMARTHCM_QA.SYS_C00302364) violated ORA-06512: at “SMARTHCM_QA.ADD_ALL_EMP_IN_FUND_MEMBERS”, line 78 ORA-06512: at line 1” is showing always.

      28587 - List of Employees*(HRS_R002)
      - List of employees Arabic Report showing heading بيان حسميات ( هيئة الري والصرف) لشهر

      29847 - Over Time Approval(OverTimeApproval.aspx)
      - 1. System is calculating wrong “Overtime” Hours for “Before Time Slot”. 2. Change the column name from “Attend Time” to “Attended Time”. 3. If the user change the “Overtime Hours” manually then changes should be highlighted with Red color.

      27984 - Summary for Attendance(Attendance Summary)
      - There is one presence exists with missing check-out and two off-days. System is not showing presence count. System is showing late minutes which is wrong. System is not showing missing count. Check 000021 attendance from 21-oct-2016 to 23-oct-2016 in smarthcmsds

      31181 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
      - If the scenario of “Time Slot” is defined like: Day 4 : Morning , Day 5 : Night , Day 6 : Off and Attendance Date : Start Time (Two Date Flag). When the user entering the “Start Time” like “20:00” (05-01-2017) for Day 5 and entering the “End Time” like “04:00” (06-01-2017) for Day 5 then system is showing record of Day 5 in the “Missing In/Out Time” Screen instead of this Screen.

      29189 - Apply Leave طلب إجازة(Apply Leave)
      - System is storing wrong time in Date From G field when apply the leave.

      28687 - Portal Main Page(MAIN)
      - If select the English Language from Login screen and login then system should show all the labels in English. System showing in Arabic labels.

      27237 - General Work(GEN)
      - 1. Provide the new System default parameter “DISPLAY_HIJRI_CALENDAR” with “Y” or “N” value. If the value is “Y” then show the Hijri date field in whole ESS pages along with Gregorian date filed. If the values is “N” then only show the Gregorian Date field. 2. By default the Calendar should be shown for Gregorian as per system default parameter.

      31006 - General Work(GEN)
      - When search the Employee on the Employee Field then that Employee is showing Two Time in the Search List in all Screens of TOM Module.

      30255 - General Work(GEN)
      - In case of one connection string, company name field should disappear

      26764 - Overtime “خارج الدوام”(Overtime)
      - Provide Overtime Approval Screen in ESS having following features 1. Combination of Overtime Suggestion and Overtime Approval Screen already available SmartHCM. 2. Provide bulk approval 3. Provide Location, Department, Shift, Employee and other filters like Daily Attendance Screens. 4. In case of any changes will be occur in the HCM side then it will be include in this case 5. Provide bulk approval

      30873 - Deputation انتداب(Deputation)
      - Remove the Decision No. and Decision Date Columns from the Screen.

      29822 - Attendance Uploading Utility(Attendance Uploading Utility)
      - 1. Change the Name of “Utility Setup” from “AttendanceUploadingUtilitySetup” to “Attendance Uploading Utility”. 2. “SmartHCM” Company Logo should be shown in the “Utility Setup”. 3. Only “Attendance Uploading Utility” should be shown on the “Path” Field. “Setup” word should be removed from the “Path” Field. 4. “Message” should be shown when the normal user runs the “Utility” if he is not an “Admin” user. Also, he will start “Windows Utility” manually with the help of “Admin” user. 5. By default, all Fields should be shown “Blank” when open the “Utility Setup”. 6. Change the button name from “Update” to “Connect”. 7. When open the “Utility Setup”, all Buttons and Grid Panel should be shown Disable except “URL” and “Security” Fields and “Connect” Button. 8. After successful connection, all other Buttons and Grid Panel will be Enabled and “URL” and “Security” Fields will be Disabled. 9. “Error Log” File should be “Saved” in the system automatically at the time of installation. No need to give Rights to “Folder” manually. 10. “Delete”, “File Error Log” and “Run” Buttons should be shown in each Row separately. 11. Change the Button name from “Save All” to “Save” and from “Reset” to “Reject”. 12. Blue Color “Loading Bar” should be shown on the “Utility Setup”.

      30314 - Checklist Category(HRS_S199)
      - If record exists in detail grid and user is deleting the header record, Child record exist. message should show instead of unhandled exception.

      28967 - Checklist Category(HRS_S199)
      - Provide the new setup “Checklist Category”. It will have two grid panels one for Category and one for Checklist. - Checklist Category will have following columns 1. Checklist Cat. ID (Auto Number field) 2. Description (Text Field) 3. Active (Check box by default Active) - Checklist detail will have following columns 1. Checklist ID (Auto Number field) 2. Description (Text Field) 3. Active (Check box by default Active)

      29128 - Letter Report( Hrs_R051)
      - Its not giving bold check box in Arabic interface but giving in English, also sentence are not full length even in justify format

      30358 - Deputation Process(HRS_S193)
      - Deputation Process Screen->Put a calendar in “This Year run” and should be applicable if Gregorian is select in system default Currently system donot allow user to add date manually.

      29455 - Database work(Database)
      - Multiple Database connections in single HCM version

      31245 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
      - Error on Employee Information screen, when a employee is selected from the Employee Combo then its information loads in the lower fields, after loading all the information an error of Transaction aborted in being displayed.

      28429 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
      - Skill column is not showing some rows data in Skill tab

      29885 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
      - System showing this message Mandatory fields should not be left blank when saving the record. System should show the required field if there is any required field to fill.

      30364 - Request For Leave(HRS_S034)
      - In Leave request searching is not working check in all scenario

      26370 - Employee Promotion List(HRS_R017)
      - Employee promotion list Translate the report in arabic and resolve alignment issues

      28115 - Employee Promotion List(HRS_R017)
      - Employee Promotion Lists->Report is not working

      29865 - Employee Promotion List(HRS_R017)
      - Report is not as per standards please see attachment 1- Dates are showing in Arabic and English mixed 2- Some dates are Gregorian and some are Hijri

      30230 - Direct Taxes - Deduction at Source u/s -149*(PAY_R013)
      - Report not working and showing error.

      30218 - Attendance Location Grade Setup(PAY_S005)
      - Attendance Location Grade Setup->while deleting record system should show proper message,currently showing Request Failure Some record have no success. Functionality is working fine

      31456 - Allowances(PAY_S003)
      - Null is not setting in Exempt Value if there is currently some value in the field.

      29361 - User Rights(SEC_S005)
      - System showing error when click on the User combo ORA-20001: Invalid date format. Please enter the valid date format for Gregorian “dd-mm-yyyy” ORA-06512: at “SMARTHCM_QA.CONVERT_GREGORIAN_TO_HIJRI”, line 141 ORA-06512: at line 1

      30274 - Exit Interview(HRS_S116)
      - Button toolbar not according to the standard. It should be as per standard toolbar.

      29884 - Applicant Interviews(HRS_S112)
      - In Interviewer tab panel comments button should not be editable its should only show the contents of last saved commends.

      30623 - Appraisal Increment Advice(HRS_S102)
      - Translation not showing in Labels and Menu Translation screen

      27961 - Letter Template(HRS_S128)
      - Tag window should show tags in ascending order

      30292 - Overtime Approval Report(TOM_R013)
      - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Overtime Approval” Report. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”. Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

      26666 - Missing In/Out Report(TOM_R009)
      - Missing in/out Report Alignment issue

      30834 - Late Deduction Setup(TOM_S013)
      - 1. Rename the Screen Name from “Late Deduction Setup” to “Late and Early Departure Deduction Setup”. 2. Change the Field Name from “Number of Late” to “Number of Late/Early” in this setup from front-end and from back-end.

      29355 - Overtime Suggestion(TOM_S012)
      - a. To Time is not updating as per Hour Approved b. Overtime desc is not showing c. Payroll is not generating payment after approving

      28098 - Download Applicant(HER_S152)
      - Error Applicant CNIC : 1234567890 Exception : ORA-02291: integrity constraint (SMARTHCM_PRESENT.HRS_EREC_APP_LANG_FK4) violated - parent key not found is occurring in downloading. Please check following image

      30231 - Document Type Setup(HRS_S156)
      - Store is loading twice after deletion of the record.

      29908 - Standard Issues of Reports(Reports)
      - Following issues should be solved in all reports of Recruitment module :- SmartHCM_QA/Rep/HRS_RR50v.aspx is showing instead of HRS_RR50v. SmartHCM_QA/Rep/HRS_RR48v.aspx is showing instead of HRS_RR48v. SmartHCM_QA/Rep/HRS_RR49v.aspx is showing instead of HRS_RR49v. SmartHCM_QA/Rep/HRS_RR37v.aspx is showing instead of HRS_RR37v. SmartHCM_QA/Rep/HRS_RR38.aspx is showing instead of HRS_RR38v. SmartHCM_QA/Rep/HRS_RR39v.aspx is showing instead of HRS_RR39v. SmartHCM_QA/Rep/HRS_RR40v.aspx is showing instead of HRS_RR40v. SmartHCM_QA/Rep/SEC_RR01v.aspx is showing instead of SEC_RR01. System showing ““rtHCM_QA/Rep/TOM_RR07v.aspx”“ instead of TOM_RR07 in title bar where the Activity name is being shown. It need to correct the Activity name to show the Help. “

      29855 - Appraisal Attributes(HRS_S091)
      - 1. Correct spelling for Evelution (Evaluation) and Defination (Definition). 2. Make every field mandatory in the form panel except 'Attribute Id'. 3. When a 'rating' has been added, the record gets authorized automatically. 4. Authorized record in not deleting.

      24247 - Audit Log(SEC_R001)
      - Audit logReport showing in English Format in Arabic version

      29107 - Employee Leave Encashment(HRS_R014)
      - Date and days heading are interchanged. It should be shown on proper place.

      30225 - General Work(GEN)
      - payroll module->In all form where copy record exist check the buttons where applicable(in most form the buttons are showing missing)

      30261 - General Work(GEN)
      - OverTime word in HCM should be Overtime where required.

      30298 - General Work(GEN)
      - PAY_S053 - Fund slab wise location grade setup-System should show the proper message instead of Invalid Range when the range already available. Message should come from Message setup.

      25542 - General Work(GEN)
      - Incorporate Dynamic Alert System

      30622 - Employee Assignment(HRS_S169)
      - Remove the translation for Workflow Wizard panel that have been removed from this screen. System showing Translation when load object for this screen

      31166 - Overtime Decision(PAY_S049)
      - 1. Page Bar should not be truncated in the “Select Overtime” Combo Box. 2. When pressing the “Save” button then an Error message “Input string was not in a correct format.” is showing always.

      27481 - Employee Information Report(HRS_R007)
      - Employee information report is not working as it is associated with Position (setup) and job information.Evaluation rule is removed from the screens buts its effect still in employee information report.Evaluation criteria is defined in employee information Report.Please Rectify and resolve the issue.

      29531 - Employee List For Payroll Report(PAY_R029)
      - Remove Administration, Division and Unit column and provide the new column for Organization location with / separated with complete hierarchy.

      30035 - Tax Slip*(PAY_R001)
      - Report should be worked as per the new FBR Tax Rules.

      24020 - Monthly Payment Deduction (Code wise)(PAY_S011)
      - system should show proper message when entering wrong date format.

      27212 - Employee Retiring Between(HRS_R001)
      - Employee Retiring Between Report->shows error->ORA-01843: not a valid month ORA-06512: at SMARTHCM_QA.HRS_R001_PKG, line 35 ORA-06512: at line 1

      30626 - Leave Encashment(HRS_S043)
      - When we select employee leave encashment it should show all leave balances of employee(leave bal. display field req.)

      28749 - Fund Yearly Contribution Report Parameter(PAY_R012v)
      - Fund Yearly contribution report Resolve the alignment issues in Arabic

      30337 - Summary for Attendance(Attendance Summary)
      - Stop Status employee(s) also showing in the Grid while employees are not exists between selected Date From and Date To.

      30466 - Manual Attendance(Manual Attendance)
      - When clicks on the Manual Attendance Link then this is showing on the Browser Bar. It should be shown like

      28048 - Leave Status Detail “التفاصيل الإجازة”(List of Leave Detail)
      - This message appears after pressing Approve button and long processing. Server was unable to process request ---> Unable to connect to the remote server ---> A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond”

      30056 - Leave Status Detail “التفاصيل الإجازة”(List of Leave Detail)
      - 1. When pressing the “Cancel Leave” Button then “Cancel Remarks” Panel is showing and there is one more “Cancel Leave” button is showing on the Panel with the “OK” button. 2. “Cancel Leave” functionality is not working. “Leave” still showing “Apply” and “Pending” Status.

      27616 - Employee Monthly Payroll Remarks(PAY_S050)
      - Provide Month,Year Calendar(like Pay_S012). Currently (Day,month,Year) is added.please change the calendar as in employee overtime hours.

      27244 - Employee Monthly Payroll Remarks(PAY_S050)
      - o Make it as per Hijri/Gregorian Payroll setting. Currently it is Hijri based o Provide Employee ID column. o Provide search option in Grid in both columns i.e. Employee and Remarks. o Provide Remarks field multi-line with reading/editing editor. And increase the width of column o Make it as per standard

      27917 - Payroll Process(PKG_PAYROLL_PROCESS)
      - “% of Rate” and “% of Payment” parameters are not working properly from Location Grade Allowance Deduction Setup and Employee Allowance Deduction. These parameter should work for both Allowance and Deduction codes. Employee Allowance Deduction setup will overwrite the Percentage if defined in case of the Monthly Allowance and Deduction not defined. If defined then the High priority will be for Monthly Allowance and Deduction setup. If the Employee wise Allowance and Deduction has defined the Percentage for Deduction then Payroll process not deducting the Amount as defined percentage from Allowance Location Grade Setup.

      30341 - Download Applicants(HER/HER_S152)
      - Download applicant-> Authorize alert message change the spell of SuccessFull to Successfull

      30338 - Download Applicants(HER/HER_S152)
      - Request no field data is not showing in combo

      31141 - Database work(Database)
      - Attendance Records should be updated in the Tom_Attend_Detail Table in proper Order.

      28428 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
      - Signature is not refreshing when the employee chosen having no signature

      28567 - Salary Sheet(PAY_R004)
      - Provide all the Translation data that is not available in Report translation language table

      29662 - Request For Leave(HRS_S034)
      - When open the Screen or pressing the Refresh button then a Run Time Server Error message is appearing always.

      30624 - Training Plan(HRS_S067)
      - Page navigation not working in Labels and Menu Translation screen

      29523 - Applicant Interviews(HRS_S112)
      - Remove Administration, Division and Unit and show like showing in Employee Module (HR\Admin\....) in all Recruitment Module Screen.

      28468 - Written Test Result(HRS_S111)
      - e-Mail should be email in Applicant ID Combo. No need to show the Rating ID column. Test Combo Headings are not bold

      30306 - Applicant Information(HRS_S108)
      - 1. Select an authorized record. Goto next tab then come back to “Personal”. Amend button will hide. It shouldnt be. 2. “Object reference not set” is showing on delete. 3.Alignment issues in “Personal” tab. 4. In Referee” tab, Phone Number should be a number field. Currently it is taking alphabetic input too.

      27350 - Applicant Information(HRS_S108)
      - Debugger is active on the screen which struck the app

      24123 - Objective Appraisal(HRS_S098)
      - When changing screen resolution, screen gets messed up.

      27955 - Letter Template(HRS_S128)
      - Para Order field label is truncating due to less column width while there is sufficient space to increase column width

      30625 - Employee wise Roster Report(TOM_R006)
      - Translation not showing in Labels and Menu Translation screen

      30881 - Machine Attendance Loading (TOM_S018)
      - Do the customization in the Screen as discussed.

      23596 - Machine Attendance Loading (TOM_S018)
      - Screen related task 1. Remove the “FTP” path setting. It should not be required. When browse the file it should just show the local folders and load the local file into the database. Therefore, no need the “FTP” server setting now system will get the file from the local system. 2. Insert the data into the new Attendance loading table “TOM_MACHINE_FILE_UPLOAD” from File. It should also save the additional information regarding the file uploading i.e. uploading Date, File name, Extension, User Name & File Path Process related task 3. Use the Attendance table “TOM_MACHINE_FILE_UPLOAD” where the file is saved. This file may be come from the Manual Attendance uploading or it may be come from the Auto loading. In both case first save the file into the Attendance table “TOM_MACHINE_FILE_UPLOAD” and then use the data from this table. Do not delete the data from this “TOM_MACHINE_FILE_UPLOAD” table. 4. Update the Attendnace Process as per the both file format for each Machine/File Name. If the “Comma Separated File” is defined then check the file must be comma separated and the column position must be available as per defined position.

      29844 - Late Deduction Setup(TOM_S013)
      - In Minute Calculation Case of Late Deduction, Minutes of Early Departure Remarks should be added with Minutes of Late Remarks and update in the Employee_Attendance Table.

      27336 - Missing In/Out Time(TOM_S010)
      - HCM->TOM->missing in/out time shows error “Request Failure” Please solve the issue

      30541 - Shift wise Roster(TOM_S009)
      - Shift wise report when new data is added or record is edited on authorize button Days Name changed to “undefined” Make sure that days name remain same after authorize.

      30233 - Roster Template(TOM_S004)

      31421 - Appraisal Types(HRS_S086)
      - Appraiser ID Combo box is not opening.

      30701 - Leave Balance(HRS_R012)
      - If Bal_year not available in Frequency base leave then system should show the record

      30504 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
      - Not showing “Reportee” on “Additional Job”. Also check “Additional Job Manager”. Note: Resolve this case both in “HCM” and “ESS” Applications.

      31167 - Overtime Payment Register (مسیر الاضافي)(PAY_R027)
      - 1. In the “Report Parameter Form”, “From Date” and “To Date” should be shown in “Gregorian” also. Currently, only “Hijri Date” Fields are showing. 2. In the “Report Detail”, Report is not showing data as per Standard. 3. Remove the “Decision No.” Combo Box from the “Report Parameter Form” Screen.

      30228 - General Work(GEN)
      - Company Name is fixed to 3 digits, should be flexible from 1 to 20

      30805 - General Work(GEN)
      - Update Time Slot process should be rectified for two date flag. It is not working if previously roster was defined two date based shift and after arriving attendance roster defined single date based slot tom_s025

      27236 - General Work(GEN)
      - Incorporate Income Tax module and Calculation as per new FBR rules and regulation (FBR Rule for 2016-2017)

      24181 - Payroll Register Report(PAY_R024)
      - Fields are not aligned.

      28038 - Reconciliation Statement Report(PAY_R025)
      - “Total is wrong (Allowance should be added and deduction should be deducted). Currently allowances and deduction both are being added”

      30021 - Payslip(PAY_R022)
      - Remove Employment Type Id from report procedure where applicable. Report is not working because of this. After changes, make sure the report works.

      30137 - Assign Authority(WFL_S004)
      - Assign Authority WFL_S004 - Color of Unassign button in the grid should be shown as per standard. “Unassign” functionality is not working.

      29879 - Employment Type(HRS_S164)
      - Remove activity HRS_S164 from the menu

      28034 - Applicant Resume(HRS_RR48)
      - Educational information is available but report not showing educational data. It is showing just education heading with empty frame

      29898 - Employee Separation(HRS_S030)
      - When pressing the Save button then record is not saving.

      30273 - Grade Wise Perks(HRS_S022)
      - 1. In-Active perks are showing in perk combo box. 2. Limit is showing as 'Y' for Yes and 'N' for No. It must show full word. 3. When limit is selected as 'Yes' and 'Limit amount' is left empty, an error message “Input string is not in correct format” occurs. 4. “Runtime Error” occurs immediately after opening the screen.

      29451 - Leave Location Grade Setup(HRS_S023)
      - Copy record button not working properly. When copy a Leave Type on all locations with one grade, it copied to all grades.

      26834 - Employee Promotion(HRS_S019)
      - Employee Promotion screen remove the field Evaluation Rule

      29996 - Tax Slab(PAY_S019)
      - 1. Data should be saved and shown atleast One Decimal Place in the “Tax %” Column. 2. “Min.” and “Max.” validation message should be shown as per standard.

      29454 - Employee Allowances & Deductions(PAY_S013)
      - Column Name saving Employee instead of Employee_Id.

      29367 - Employee Attendance(PAY_S010)
      - Increase the size of Attend Value in Employee Attendance. Currently it is 5,2. It should be 10,2

      26495 - Fund Yearly Contribution Report Parameter(PAY_R012v)
      - Fund contribution report
      • filter month not working correctly...
      • also open balance should be show on report....

      28046 - Summary for Attendance(Attendance Summary)
      - All records not showing due to paging not available

      29266 - Manual Attendance(Manual Attendance)
      - Manual attendance screen is not working properly.both check in and out shows as check out.

      31163 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
      - If the scenario of “Time Slot” is defined like: Day 1 : Off , Day 2 : Night , Day 3 : Night and Attendance Date : End Time (Two Date Flag). When the user entering the “Start Time” like “22:00” (02-01-2017) for Day 3 and entering the “End Time” like “09:00” (03-01-2017) for Day 3 then system is showing “Off Day” in the “Remarks” Column.

      27682 - General Work(GEN)
      - 1. Filters arrangement should on as following ordering in all screens where these filters are using 1. Location 2. Organization (Dept.) 3. Shift 2. The data should be shown in these filters as per the Supervisory Control setup. Do not filter the data as per User Profile, in user profile the Organization / Location allow or not allow in these filters system should not consider from User Profile 3. If select the “All” from any above mentioned filters, that's mean all the data as per Supervisory Control setup if user have no rights in for example: User have no rights on location then do not add that location in “All” filter. 4. Priority will be like first system will check the Supervisory control for Location then Organization (Dept.) then Shift. If Supervisory control is defined for Location only then It's mean all the Organizations and Shift under this Location will have rights to the user. If Supervisor Control define like specific Location and then specific Organization and do not define the Shift then it's mean all the shifts under this specific Organization will have rights to the User. In last if in Supervisory Control setup the Shift also defined after Location and specific Organization then it's mean only this particular shift have rights. In the above all three filters just only show the shift who have rights as per Location and Organization wise 5. The shifts will be get from the Employee Personnel information Note: Implement this cases where these three filters are available.

      30265 - General Work(GEN)
      - Company Name is fixed to 3 digits, should be flexible from 1 to 20

      28950 - Leave Status Detail “التفاصيل الإجازة”(List of Leave Detail)
      - System giving another Leave information in Email Notification when one Employee applied more then one leave and it's supervisor forwarding one of them. Secondly, system also storing the comments in another Leave, Supervisor forwarding another but system auto forward different leave but the Application in this case is same. Because the Applicant applied two leaves.

      27736 - e-Bank File Setup(PAY_S054)
      - 1. Provide the new setup as per the attached prototype. 2. Total 3 panel would be in this setup as following i) Bank Info (Bank code (Combo box) and Bank Name (Display only)) ii) Bank File Columns (Column Sequence (Auto generate display only field), Column Description (User define text field), Value (Combo box with specified data) and further one more column as per the Value's data) iii) Allowance / Deduction (ADCode, Description, Default Behavior) 3. Following are the possible values for “Values” combo Bank Code Bank Account Number ADCode Sequence No (Auto Number) Employee Name Employee Permanent Address Employee Temporary Address National ID 4. Default Behavior should be show the “Addition” for Allowances and “Subtraction” would be shown for Deductions

      25663 - Leave Balance Adjustment(HRS_S198)
      - Add Leave Balance Adjustment

      30275 - E-Rec Integration Setup(HRS_S029)
      - Its not taking long security code and also not giving proper error message, please fix it.

      30270 - Deputation Process(HRS_S193)
      - Change the spelling Deputaion Process to Deputation Process

      27595 - Job Information(HRS/HRS_S163)
      - Show a proper message while inserting wrong information and also make sure that message Data will be come form message table. Note: Find the attached Image.

      29839 - Database work(Database)
      - If the Employee Status is Stop then the records of that Employee should not be shown in the TOM_MONTHLY_ATTEND Table as an Absent.

      31021 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
      - When any Employee will be Stopped from Employee Separation Screen then Last Working Date must be updated in the Retirement Date Field as a Retirement Date in the Screen.

      28465 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
      - 1. Cannot add family name in Arabic 2. When save without retirement date, its giving no message but do not save record on employee screen. 3. Sometime, giving no error but also not saving record on employee screen

      29458 - Employee Monthly Attendance*(PAY_R011)
      - Overtime is not showing. Format of the Report is not proper. Only one Employee is showing in whole page.

      29556 - Attendance Location Grade Setup(PAY_S005)
      - “Enabling” and “Disabling” behavior of the “Divisor” Field of other Row is working abnormally when “Edit” or “Add” the record. For Example: If the “Divisor Type” is selected “Days / Hours” at the time of “Add”, “Edit” or “Amend” any record then “Divisor” Field is showing “Disabled” after that when “Edit” or “Amend” any other record which have “Divisor Type” value “Constant Divisor” then “Divisor” Field is showing “Disabled” also.

      29555 - User Profile(SEC_S007)
      - When query the record then Gregorian Date is not showing on the Pass. Expired On Field.

      30229 - Grade(HRS_S007)
      - Search is not working on Short Name & Description fields

      27152 - Activity Translation(SEC_S002)
      - Ignore the case sensitive when auto load the labels

      26641 - Stopped Employee List*(HRS_R016)
      - Stop employee list report -Translate the report in Arabic and also follow the standards

      28111 - Applicant Information(HRS_S108)
      - 1-Delete button should be shown disable after authorize. 2-Applicant ID should be auto number 3-Mobile No Combo is not taking value

      27936 - Applicant Information(HRS_S108)
      - Place of Birth should not be mandatory

      29864 - Applicant Information(HRS_S108)
      - When multiple educational records entered on any applicant below error raised, First record saved other records not saving The Record with the Specified Degree Already Exists!

      29459 - Payroll Parameters(PAY_S009)
      - Searching is not working properly. If saad is searched then system is not showing all records which contains saad but system is showing Saad Saleh Mohammad Alaish record, while Saad is searched then system is not showing any record.

      29245 - Payroll Inquiry(PAY_S034)
      - By default last Month-Year not showing when select the Employee

      28036 - Letter Template(HRS_S128)
      - When moving the tag window on top, the title bar of Tag window goes behind the form title bar

      30603 - Machine Attendance Loading (TOM_S018)
      - machine attendance loading->Browse button should be visible,currently showing disable

      30802 - Machine Attendance Loading (TOM_S018)
      - 1. Proper message is not showing if “Load Attendance” button is pressed and “Select File Format” is not selected. 2. Rename “Select File Format” as “File Format”. 3. If only one file format is defined, it automatically should be selected by default on Form loading.

      27388 - Machine Attendance Loading (TOM_S018)
      - TOM machine working only if have equal number of files Present in directory if one file is present Then then it donot upload file

      26464 - Employee wise Roster(TOM_S005)
      - Employee wise roster the holiday slot color need to be change.

      27641 - Payslip(PAY_R022)
      - If the Job History not available then system should show the data from main Job, in this case do not consider the Job History. In normal case if the History is available then show the data from Job History.

      25375 - Loan Exemption Process(PAY_S044)
      - Loan Exemption Process This is working only in Hijri Payroll. Should work with Gregorian too.

      30468 - Employee Deputation(HRS_S174)
      - 1. Remove the gap between Deputation date from and date to in the first panel. There is a search button which cannot be seen because of this gap. 2. Country and City names should show instead of their IDs in the 2nd panel.

      27404 - Employee Separation(HRS_S030)
      - The employee separation screen is not working properly when a new record in inserted. 1.The record is automatic authorized. 2. It should not authorized automatically. 3. The authorized button some times automatically hide and amend button shows. 4. The amend button should not show automatically. 5. The record is sometimes show authorized button but when we authorized records it shows some error. please rectify error and resolve it.

      27009 - Employee Promotion(HRS_S019)
      - Employee Promotion->second panel name show employee interview history Also record is adding in child class without Parent class

      29275 - Loan Disbursement(PAY_S030)
      - System showing following message when enter second loan on same Recovery Month. could not insert: [SmartHCM.Core.Domain.Model.LoanMast#1019][SQL: INSERT INTO PAY_LOAN_MAST (LOAN_TYPE, LOAN_DATE, RECOV_ST_DATE, LOAN_AMT, COMP_INT_RATE, OWN_INT_RATE, COMP_FUND, OWN_FUND, REPAY_WITHDRAW, CALC_TYPE, INSTALL_VALUE, LAST_INSTALL_VALUE, REMARKS, USER_LOAN_NO, GUARANTY_NO, PREPARED_BY, PREPARED_ON, AUTHORIZED_BY, AUTHORIZED_ON, TOTAL_LOAN_AMT, EMPLOYEE_ID, FUND_ID, LOAN_NO) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)]

      29887 - Loan Disbursement(PAY_S030)
      - After save Loan, loan query combo should be enable. It should always enable

      28728 - Monthly Payment Deduction (Code wise)(PAY_S011)
      - 1. Unable to save the record. 2. Remove the description popup. Expand the Remarks field. Remarks should be enter the direct remarks field without opening the Description popup 3. System showing error when select the Month/Year (It is happening in Patch)

      24133 - Employee Attendance(PAY_S010)
      - 1-some time in final payroll month data amend button is enabled. 2-When click add button in attend id combo min 10 record should be show. 3-when we clear Month field, grid should be disabled and clear all record, currently abnormal behavior after clear month field.

      29125 - Leave Encashment(HRS_S043)
      - System showing error when select the particular employee. System should not be shown any error in the screen.

      30269 - Over Time Approval(OverTimeApproval.aspx)
      - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Overtime Approval” Screen. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”. - “Attendance” and calculation of (“OT Hours” in “Before Time Slot / After Time Slot”) should be shown correctly. Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

      28210 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
      - Location Name is not showing in Check-out Time while it is showing in detail window. See attendance of employee 000023 on 27-10-2016 in smarthcmsds. See following image

      30276 - Missing In/Out Attendance for Employees(Missing Attendance)
      - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Missing In/Out Time” Screen. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”. - “Attendance” should be shown correctly and impact of “Action” should work properly. Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

      26577 - Apply Leave طلب إجازة(Apply Leave)
      - Provide the functionality of Leave Day Type parameter that is available in the Leave Location Grade Setup. If the Leave Day Type is set to Calendar then holidays will be include and if the Working is set then exclude the holidays. The holidays is available in the holiday setup

      27634 - General Work(GEN)
      - About page not showing in ESS .Please Make its availability.

      29313 - Leave Status Detail “التفاصيل الإجازة”(List of Leave Detail)
      - When open the web application in Smart Phone / Mobile and take the “Forward” action on Leave then the System show the main page. In Mobile there are back button available when user click on this button the History page showed. This history page showing all the previous leave status with Forward button. So, the user can again click on forward button. System should not show the history page when click on back button from Mobile device.

      30566 - Checklist Category(HRS_S199)
      - * Check List Category - when click on delete record having child record Correct the spelling of Record currently showing “reocord”

      30565 - e-Bank File Generation(PAY_S055)
      - E-bank File: security issue, anyone can browse and download file. http://cloud.smarthcm.com/hcm/configuration/ebankfiles/. E-bank File should create on run time.

      28043 - Payroll Process(PKG_PAYROLL_PROCESS)
      - Min Amount parameter in PAY_S006 - Allowance Deduction Location Grade Setup is not working. If the Min Amount is available then system should generate this Amount if the calculated amount is less then the Min Amount. The priority for other Monthly or Employee wise Allowance & Deduction will remain same.

      30074 - Employee additional job(HRS/HRS_S169)
      - 1. “Employee Name” Field is missing in the 2nd Panel (Temporary Job Record). Field should be “Display-Only”. 2. “Employee Id” Field is missing in the 3rd Panel (Temporary Job Type “Job Wise”). Field should be “Display-Only”.

      30118 - Job Information(HRS/HRS_S163)
      - “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error is showing on save after editing the record. Activity id HRS_S107 **

      29983 - Loan Manual Reschedule(PAY_S051)
      - 1. Re-Schedule date should be a date control. Currently it is a Text Field.

      29279 - Salary Sheet(PAY_R004)
      - Create Salary Sheet report for difference sizes.

      28077 - Request For Leave(HRS_S034)
      - Provide the strong Searching and sorting feature in Leave

      29188 - Leave Balances(HRS_S033)
      - 1. Heading Available should be Availed 2. For Unlimited leaves balance should be Null. (Currently system system showing balance against short leave)

      30226 - Training Result(HRS_R021)
      - Invalid index. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002000B (DISP_E_BADINDEX))

      30334 - Consolidated Leave Card*(HRS_R010)
      - in Leave Report the Company name is overlapped by company logo. From and To dates are also missing.

      31455 - Training Budget(HRS_S120)
      - 1. Remove the following Parameter from the “System Default” Screen. - TRG_BUDGET_GEO_LOC_TYPE - TRG_BUDGET_ORG_LOC_TYPE 2. In the Query Panel, “Searching” should be worked on “Budget Id”, “Geo Location” and “Org Location” in the “Budget No.” Combo Box. 3. Change the Field Name from “Geo Loc Id” to “Geo. Location”. “Geo. Location Name” should be shown on the Field instead of “Geo. Location Id”. 4. Remove the “Display-Only” Field named “Geo Loc Name”. 5. Change the Field Name from “Org Loc Id” to “Org. Location”. “Org. Location Name” should be shown on the Field instead of “Org. Location Id”. Also, Hierarchical Combo Box should be opened as per Standard. 6. Remove the “Display-Only” Field named “Org Loc Name”. 7. “Geo. Location” related “Org. Locations” should be shown in the “Org. Location” Combo Box. 8. “Budget To” Field should be “Display-Only” Field. When the user selects any “Date” from “Budget From” Field then respective one year range value should be shown in “Budget To” Field. For Example: If user selects “01-Jan-2017” then “31-Dec-2017” should be shown on the “Budget To” Field and if user selects “01-Jul-2017” then “30-Jun-2017” should be shown. 9. Duplicate records should not be allowed to “Save” in the system w.r.t “Date” Range, “Geo Location” and “Org Location”. Proper Alert message should be shown. 10. Change the Columns Name from “Training Id” to “Expense Id” and “Training Name” to “Expense Name”.

      29781 - Applicant Interviews(HRS_S112)
      - Interview Information Panel is not enabled after saving the Applicant Interview record.

      29874 - Applicant Information(HRS_S108)
      - Multiple educational records should save.

      27507 - Overtime Location Grade Setup(PAY_S008)
      - overtime dependent codes are not copying to other locations. Record should be copied in child grid also. Please Find The Attached Image

      29888 - Skip Installment(PAY_S031)
      - System showing unhandled exception while adding new Skip installment

      27963 - Letter Template(HRS_S128)
      - Provide User Tag and System Tag combo box to filter the Tags as per user defined tag or system tags

      27636 - Missing In/Out Time(TOM_S010)
      - Missing In/Out Time screen showing “Transaction aborted” error message some time in OSIT database..Please Rectify and resolve the issue.

      27484 - Employee wise Roster(TOM_S005)
      - Please increase the name length in “Employee Wise Roster” Combo as its not showing complete name for some employees Please Find Attached Image

      30602 - Organization Documents(HRS_S158)
      - Remove Upload limit. Provide Search option. Document Type always showing red border

      24100 - Document Type Setup(HRS_S156)
      - Incorporate Document Type Setup

      31342 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
      - when the record is search in top search bar system to donot allow to search it again

      30722 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
      - Correct headings “TypeType” as “Type, “UserUser” as “User” Dashboard

      26381 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
      - password expire issue in HCM dashboard...also put the proper message as it show similar message while updating password

      26363 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
      - When we login in application, immediate it gives the following information but after few seconds HR and Organization alerts disappear.

      30227 - General Work(GEN)
      - In case of one connection string, company name field should disappear

      29954 - General Work(GEN)
      - Change the message from “Please check/revise workflow using Workflow (HRS_S002) screen, if applicable” to “Please check/revise workflow using “Define Workflow (WFL_S002) screen, if applicable.” Note: Resolve this Case in Three Screens named “Job Information”, “Posting” and “Employee Additional Job”.

      28469 - General Work(GEN)
      - After session expire, system shows the login window inside the home tab.

      31441 - Employee Job Change(HRS_S167)
      - 1. When delete the record system is showing the message “Input string was not in a correct format”. It should not show the message and proper delete the record if not authorized. 2. Unable to Authorize the record after save. But after re-query system is authorizing the record. 3. Searching by name not working in first panel's query “Employee” combo

      27311 - Assign Authority(WFL_S004)
      - HCM->Assign Authority->Assign Authority History->when click on top run time error occur Please Find the Attachment

      27245 - Employee Separation(HRS_S030)
      - Delete button is deleting the record without warning while record is authorized. Actually delete button should be disabled on authorized records.

      30561 - Area of Study(HRS_S048)
      - No message is showing on deletion If the record is being used in the system.

      27614 - Monthly Data Upload(PAY_S017)
      - Monthly data uploading screen have issues when loading OT data. System inserting the record in the table very slow and in the screen not showing any progress.

      29225 - Employee Retiring Between(HRS_R001)
      - System showing the following error message when run the report “ORA-01843: not a valid month ORA-06512: at “SMARTHCM_QA_32X.HRS_R001_PKG”, line 35 ORA-06512: at line 1”

      26597 - List of Employees*(HRS_R002)
      - List of employee report showing different data in pdf. Also should show label name dynamically for administration, division and unit. it should show last three level of organizational hierarchy. Data should also show dynamically for last three levels

      30316 - Degree Setup(HRS_S056)
      - 1. No message is showing on deletion If the record is being used in the system. 2. On Degree Level selection, Area of Study combo should be emptied.Grid should also be disabled and emptied.

      27987 - Summary for Attendance(Attendance Summary)
      - “Missing Filled” column showing value of “Manual Attend” and vice versa

      30279 - Manual Attendance(Manual Attendance)
      - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Manual Attendance” Screen. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”. - “Attendance” should be shown correctly and “Save” should be work properly. Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

      28078 - Employee Information الـمــوظــف(Employee Information)
      - Show the Temp. Job Assignment Position with it's department

      31061 - Apply Leave “طلب إجازة”(Apply Leave)
      - After applying the leave, message “Request Apply successfully” showing with only “Yes” button. This is not appropriate behavior. Provide the message “Leave applied successfully. Do you want to apply more leaves ?” with “Yes” and “No” button. When pressing “No”, it should return previous screen else same screen should be available for applying new leave.

      30266 - Letter Report شهادة التعريف(Letter Report)
      - ESS letter report is not showing

      28729 - Portal Main Page(MAIN)
      - Handle the quotation in Encrypted password. System is showing the error page when change the Language due to to the Quotation in encrypted password and also Reset Password is not working due to the same issue

      29666 - Portal Main Page(MAIN)
      - In the “Orgonogram” Screen: 1. If picture is available against any “Employee” then it should be shown in the “Hierarchy”. 2. “Login User” should be shown in “Green” color as per “Legend”.

      30095 - General Work(GEN)
      - Issues in “Leave” Module: 1. Size of the message/popup window “Record Forward/Reject Successfully” should be decrease which is showing after pressing the “Cancel”, “Forward”, “Reject” buttons. 2. Change the button name of the message/popup window from “أغلق” to “OK” in English Language.

      30309 - Leave Status Detail التفاصيل الإجازة(List of Leave Detail)
      - System is asking for alternative employee but Alternative Employee field is disabled while forwarding leave. Also applicant name is showing in Approver Field.

      28569 - Payroll Process(PKG_PAYROLL_PROCESS)
      - System giving the error and not running the Payroll Process due to the TOM_MONTHLY_ATTENDANCE_PROCESS procedure in Payroll Process. System getting the Decision ID from Decision table for Overtime Decision. This Overtime Decision using for Without Payroll. TOM process should not get the Decision ID for Overtime Decision because it is not required field in this table.

      27982 - Written Test Result (Test Wise)(HRS_S194)
      - Add button is not applicable, so should be hidden

      30402 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
      - when employee is search in Religion combo first time 1 is showing and on refresh Islam is showing

      30989 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
      - Employee information Screen DATA is not saving

      28068 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
      - If any issue generated when pressing the Save button then proper Alert message should be shown. Currently, when pressing the Save button then Save functionality is not working and no Alert message is showing on the Screen.

      28487 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
      - 1. When pressing the “Save” Button in the Middle Panel, if an Alert message “Please Check Fields” is showing then “Save” and “Add” Buttons of “Employee Name Translation” Panel should never Enable. 2. When pressing the “Save” Button of the “Employee Name Translation” Panel then an Error message “could not insert: [SmartHCM.Core.Domain.Model.EmployeePersonnelTrans#_][SQL: INSERT INTO HRS_EMPLOYEE_PERSONNEL_TRANS (FIRST_NAME, MIDDLE_NAME, LAST_NAME, FAMILY_NAME, PREPARED_BY, PREPARED_ON, AUTHORIZED_BY, AUTHORIZED_ON, EMPLOYEE_ID, LANGUAGE) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)]” is appearing always. Note: These Issues are occurring when the Value of “DATA_PRIMARY_LANGUAGE” Parameter in the “System Default” Screen is “ar-SA”. 3. When pressing the “Save” Button in the Middle Panel, if an Alert message “Please Check Fields” is showing then “Employee Name Translation” Panel should never Enable. 4. When pressing the “Save” Button of the “Employee Name Translation” Panel then an Error message “could not insert: [SmartHCM.Core.Domain.Model.EmployeePersonnelTrans#_][SQL: INSERT INTO HRS_EMPLOYEE_PERSONNEL_TRANS (FIRST_NAME, MIDDLE_NAME, LAST_NAME, FAMILY_NAME, PREPARED_BY, PREPARED_ON, AUTHORIZED_BY, AUTHORIZED_ON, EMPLOYEE_ID, LANGUAGE) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)]” is appearing always. Note: These Issues are occurring when the Value of “DATA_PRIMARY_LANGUAGE” Parameter in the “System Default” Screen is “en-US”.

      29901 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
      - - When query an employee and add a new after query it will not clear the photo of the previous queried employee - In Signature Select Image display field is truncating and there is a distance between Select Image field and select Image button. - In Criminal Record tab there is no Save button

      30464 - Request For Leave(HRS_S034)
      - 1. When entering the value in “Decimal” like “1.5” in the “Days/Hours Approved” Field then system is not showing the value in the “Date To” Field. System should show the value in the “Date To” Field. 2. When the user removes the value from the “Days/Hours Approved” Field then system is not removing the value from the “Date To” Field. System should delete the value from the “Date To” Field. 3.On saving data showing error

      31446 - Request For Leave(HRS_S034)
      - System showing Approve and Delete button instead of to show Revoke button only. If the Workflow is not available then system auto enable these two button.

      30280 - Attendance Location Grade Setup(PAY_S005)
      - attendance location grade setup-while deleting record and on save it should shows show the proper message

      30285 - Bank & Branches(SET_S003)
      - 1. Increase the width of Agreement Code field. 2. Account Number field should be restricted to length.

      31282 - Monthly Payment & Deduction (Employee wise)(PAY_S018)
      - Hint should be shown like MM-YYYY on the Date Field.

      28751 - Monthly Payment & Deduction (Employee wise)(PAY_S018)
      - Unable to showing the saved records and after click on save button system not removing the Red highlight from record and showing the record that is not save but actually system saving the record.

      27624 - Monthly Payment & Deduction (Employee wise)(PAY_S018)
      - Monthly Payment and Deduction(Employee wise). 1- Copy record Button is not functioning Properly.Make sure its working fine. 2-Please Provide (month,Year) calendar in Front of month.

      29782 - Applicant Interviews(HRS_S112)
      - Add the two Fields named Org. Location and Geo. Location in the Request Block of the Middle Panel. Also, data should be shown as per new Standard in both these Fields.

      30375 - Written Test Information(HRS_S103)
      - Written Test Information -If Test Type “Rating Based” then Total Marks and Passing Marks should be disabled

      27994 - Overtime Location Grade Setup(PAY_S008)
      - Overtime Location Grade Setup--- Copy Record button is not copying dependent records

      25462 - Allowance Deduction Location Grade Setup(PAY_S006)
      - In Allowance Deduction Location Grade Setup rate of % value always behaves 100% in case of deduction

      29549 - Allowance Deduction Location Grade Setup(PAY_S006)
      - When selects the value % of Rate then Amount Field should be Enabled and should be shown Blank just like when the user selecting the value % of Payment.

      27980 - Letter Tag Setup(HRS_S129)
      - Data is not inserting due to sequence not reset

      27962 - Letter Template(HRS_S128)
      - Tag windows title is not appropriate. Currently Paragraph Template is showng in Tag window title. It should be Letter Tags

      28847 - Missing In/Out Report(TOM_R009)
      - Report alignment is not properly set there are some Formatting issues.

      30289 - Daily Attendance Report*(TOM_R001)
      - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Daily Attendance” Report. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”. Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

      30482 - Roster Process(TOM_S017)
      - 1. Roster Process Button should be Enabled. Currently, it is showing Disabled. 2. Hint on both Fields are showing wrong.

      26459 - Holiday Setup(TOM_S020)
      - updating of child grid giving error

      30803 - Roster Template(TOM_S004)
      - Roster template ->On selecting Organizational Location Data block should be clear

      30380 - Position(HRS_S013)
      - On deletion of a header (position) record which has a record in detail (grade) grid, “Child record exists” message occurs. After that, the page goes to number 4 in 2nd Panel.

      28474 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
      - Remove the “Logout” button from top in Dashboard and provide the option for Logout under the Username menu. Remove the “Language” and “Theme” change option from Username menu and provide the separate menu beside the Username menu for both “Language” and “Theme”. But both menu should be show as a menu do not show the combo box for Language

      30564 - General Work(GEN)
      - Incorporate whole Training module in SmartHCM without Decision Functionality. Also Resolve all issues related to Training module.

      27997 - General Work(GEN)
      - Change the design as per new provided design. Sample design is attached

      26016 - General Work(GEN)
      - Remove all system default parameters which are not being used in the system

      27998 - General Work(GEN)
      - Change the design as per new provided design. Sample design is attached

      29910 - Employee Job Change(HRS_S167)
      - screen generating error after query employee record

      28090 - Employee Separation(HRS_S030)
      - Following conditions will be applicable to “Authorize” the Records manually are: 1. If the “Last Working Date” is less than the “Authorize On” of any “Employee” then the system will update that “Last Working Date” in the “Status Date” Field for that “Employee” without any intimation. 2. If the “Last Working Date” is equal to the “Authorize On” of any “Employee” then the system will update that “Last Working Date” in the “Status Date” Field for that “Employee” without any intimation. 3. If the “Last Working Date” is greater than the “Authorize On” of any “Employee” then the system will intimate the user that “If you authorize the record then today's Date will be updated in the “Status Date” field, “Last Working Date” field and “Stop Working Date” field. Do you want to continue ?” with the “Yes” or “No” buttons. - If the user will press the “Yes” button then the “Authorize” On” Date will be updated in the “Status Date” field, “Last Working Date” field and “Stop Working Date” field. - If the user will press the “No” button then the record will not “Authorize”.

      25975 - Leave Location Grade Setup(HRS_S023)
      - Leave Location Grade Setup have following issues
      • Record should not be open for editing while adding record
      • There is no message showing on save, if mandatory field not filled
      • Mandatory field should be shown with red border when add/edit record

      23865 - Loan Disbursement(PAY_S030)
      - 1. When number of installments are selected as “0”, the attached message is appearing. 2. It must show proper message and this message should come from set_message table. 3. “Total Loan Amount” field should be populated automatically when chosen Guaranty No. field. 4. Should show proper error message when loan amount exceeds the maximum allowed amount. Such that, maximum allowed loan amount is 1200% of the basic, if requested loan amount exceeds this factor, system should show proper error message. P.S. this message should come from set_message table. 5. Fund and PF case the loan fields should be hide as per these Loan types 6. Screen should be as per HCM Standard. Provide the query panel and show the “Loan” combo in it. and do the other standards related work. 7. Loan Save button not working properly validation not apply on save button

      28079 - Tax Slab(PAY_S019)
      - in tax slap screen it donot take 0 value as input .if we add zero it shows error

      30272 - Monthly Data Upload(PAY_S017)
      - when user clicks on Show Rejection Logs the system shows an error and the design get disturbed. when user load data from file and there no record to show and user press Authorize, the system will freez the screen for forever.

      30634 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
      - Status “Absent” not working correctly. It is showing all employees including the employee whose status is stop while showing list of continue status. Also rename “Employee Type” as “Employee Status” in searching filter Rename “Status” as “Employee Availability” in searching filter. Also rename “Present” as “Available” and “Absent” as “Not Available” in this combo Many employee remarks are null when looking “Absent” status. Check SDS data for 25-01-2017. Employee “Tari Noman Tari Al Shamri [000042] “ showing null remarks “Out of Service” remarks should be shown only for those employees whose status is stop on “Attend Date”

      27246 - Late Approval (Late Approval )
      - Enter Key should work in this screen

      29086 - Leave Status Detail “التفاصيل الإجازة”(List of Leave Detail)
      - System forwarding another leave when Supervisor taking the action. System should not forward another leave.

      24269 - Employee additional job(HRS/HRS_S169)
      - Addition job record Date calendar is need to insert and Employee combo and date fields are truncating in small Monitor screen

      27652 - Employee mobile registration(TOM_S023)
      - Increase the length from 20 to 36 for MOBILE_IMEI field in TOM_EMP_MOBILE_REGISTRATION table in next patch and main dev.

      30833 - Deputation Process(HRS_S193)
      - Deputation Process->Final run payroll is not working.Make sure its functionality.

      30801 - Deputation Process(HRS_S193)
      - HRS_S193-Deputation Process
      • when click on final run,System is showing Last year run as “Provisional”
      • Make sure its Functionality should work fine

      30257 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
      - Employee Information Screen in Arabic: query bar is showing half / hidden behind lower section.

      30286 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
      - Paging functionality of the Assets Tab is not working properly. Currently, screen is showing only one Page records.

      27103 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
      - 1. Show employee status like Probation (Continue), Confirm (Continue), Resigned (Stop) etc. 2. Provide the scroll bar in “Additional Information” Tab screen. If open the screen in small monitor the fields in the bottom of the page not showing and user unable to see the more fields.

      27315 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
      - file should be greater than 5MB... employee personnel...

      27506 - Salary Sheet(PAY_R004)
      - Please Find the attachment. Data is not appropriate according to columns heading. Please Rectify the issue 1-Basic Salary is shown in Employee Name Column. 2-Similar For other Columns.

      31303 - Recruitment Budget(HRS_S119)
      - When pressing Delete button its showing message 'Please check fields' and deleting data.

      29886 - Employee Hiring(HRS_S113)
      - When adding applicant and select applicant from the Applicant No. combo Joining Date, Cont.End Date, Confirmation Date & Hiring Date field showing Mandatory fields back-ground color outside the fields.

      30621 - Applicant Information(HRS_S108)
      - Remove the translation for Workflow Wizard panel that have been removed from this screen. System showing Translation when load object for this screen

      27938 - Applicant Information(HRS_S108)
      - Reject Changes button is not working.It should reset all the records

      27960 - Letter Template(HRS_S128)
      - Provide Search option in Tag window.

      27965 - Letter Template(HRS_S128)
      - All the Fields should be disable without pressing add button.currently fields are editable

      28035 - Letter Template(HRS_S128)
      - Hint is showing behind the Tag window when mouse over on the Command Text Box. Also align it properly. Also check the Command is working properly as per the showing in hint description.

      30628 - Missing In/Out Report(TOM_R009)
      - Translation not showing in Labels and Menu Translation screen

      27160 - Shift wise Roster Report(TOM_R005)
      - If the Exist emolyee checked in only the shift that contain employee should be shown.

      30523 - Leave Balance(HRS_R012)
      - leave balance report is showing “Record not found”. Though leave balance exists.Currently showing data only if user apply for leave at least one time. leave balance report should show data (balance) of all available leaves either user apply for leave or not.

      26588 - Supervisory Control Setup(TOM_S002)
      - Supervisory control Supper access=null employee Not working Properly according to the assigned rights

      28405 - Position(HRS_S013)
      - position setup->when delete record multiple record are deleted, after adding record more than 25 system donot allow to add more record, search is not working properly

      26084 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
      - Searching is required by Activity id too in Tree menu

      27071 - General Work(GEN)
      - Resolve the issue to allow multiple SmartHCM instances to be configured in single port.

      24184 - Payslip(PAY_R022)
      - 1. Provide Payroll Month as per standard in parameter form. In specific parameter form the Payroll Month should open in “MM-YYYY” format. Provide the “Month” combo and “Year” field and by default Month and Year auto select as per the last Final Payroll 2. Rename Amount as Payment 3. Rename Attend Days as Attendance. Currently this column is not showing values. 4. Provide Show attendance Checkbox parameter. By default it should be unchecked. If it is checked then Attendance column should show value of those allowance and deduction where Attend Impact is set as Yes in Allowance Deduction Location Grade Setup

      27247 - Employee Separation(HRS_S030)
      - Employee Separation->In authorization success message please correct the spelling of record

      30842 - Leave Location Grade Setup(HRS_S023)
      - Encash With Payroll not editable after pressing Edit button while Encashment is Yes.

      29585 - Leave Location Grade Setup(HRS_S023)
      - Amount of Leave Within Field should be a non-mandatory Field.

      27351 - Employee Promotion(HRS_S019)
      - Employee Promotion Screen Shows Save error and also screen is not Responsive

      27488 - Loan Disbursement(PAY_S030)
      - Provide Year and Month Calendar in Recovery date and change the Receovery Date to Recovery Month

      27509 - Employee Attendance(PAY_S010)
      - 1-Rename “Month” to “Payroll Month” 2-Provide Month Year Calendar in “Payroll Month” field 3-Increse the Length of Employee column as the Full name should be shown in Text Box field.

      25684 - Employee Retiring Between(HRS_R001)
      - Employee Retiring Report------Provide Date Calendar Feature

      27988 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
      - Late minutes is showing wrong. Employee have Off-day on 23-sep-2016 as per roster. But system is showing other time slot “KP3”. System should pick Off Days instead of other time slot. Also system is showing 1436 late minutes which is wrong. Check employee 000113 attendance on 23-09-2016 in smarthcmsds

      28209 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
      - Check-out in not showing in Google Map

      30339 - Dashboard(Default.apx)
      - Iqama Expiry Date should be NIC Expiry Date important dates widget

      30365 - Portal Login Page(Login)
      - This Error message is showing most of the time on the Client Side. Message is “Connection request time out”. Do the R&D and then Resolve the issue. Note: See the Email for reference.

      26748 - Payslip ملخص الرواتب(PaySlip)
      - Value should show in two Decimal Places maximum for Total Allowances, Total Deductions and Net Salary. This case applicable in case of the Decimal value is allowed in the Payroll group setup.

      28094 - Payslip “ملخص الرواتب”(PaySlip)
      - ESS->Paysip-> 1- Allowances is not showing in ADCODE wise ascending order.Should be according to AD code 2-.Total is showing wrong floating values. like 14914.380000000001.Please remove the more values after point or use round around ie...above than 50 consider 1 and less than 50 minus one.Please Find Attached image

      30832 - Apply Leave “طلب إجازة”(Apply Leave)
      - Request# 5719 for staff : 100002 on 18 of Jan It show here in the approval leaves report .. short leave personal it is approved But in the ESS and late report at the same date and time .. it is late Temporary solution Provided by Mustafa Sajid They did not put data of short leave in correct way. Instead of 0900 they put some thing like this '09.:00'. Permenant solution suggest by Usman bhai it should not allow incorrect time / date formats

      27633 - Letter Report شهادة التعريف(Letter Report)
      - Letter Report is not showing.please Rectify the issue

      30296 - Overtime Approval(TOM_S029)
      - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Overtime Approval” Screen. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”. - “Attendance” and calculation of (“OT Hours” in “Before Time Slot / After Time Slot”) should be shown correctly. Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

      24765 - Notification Calendar(ESS_S001)
      - Provide the SMS noficiation for Late if the Employee is Late.

      27644 - Payroll Process(PKG_PAYROLL_PROCESS)
      - If the Allowance and Deduction location grade setup have Attend Impact is No then loan should be deduct either Attend Impact is No or Yes

      29554 - Payroll Process(PKG_PAYROLL_PROCESS)
      - If the Attendance of any Employee is not present in the system and value of Attend Impact is selected No in the Allowance Deduction Location Grade Setup then Payroll Process should generate the Payment or Deduction against that Allowance Code or Deduction Code.

      29067 - Payroll Process(PKG_PAYROLL_PROCESS)
      - Payroll process not getting the impact from “Allowance Deduction Location Grade Setup” for Min Amount and Maximum Amount parameters. System should get the impact in both Allowances and Deduction Codes. In only two cases these values will not be overwritten. 1. Employee Allowance and Deduction case for “Fixed” value these Minimum and Maximum values will not be overwritten. 2. Monthly Allowance and Deduction case these Minimum and Maximum values will not be overwritten.

      30258 - DashBoard(SET/SET_DashBoard)
      - In setting ->Language Translation - Dashboard: giving error.The resource cannot be found.

      30601 - Applicant Report(Hrs_R059)
      - Should be as per standard (Remove this report and incorporate the Applicant notification screen from hida)

      30335 - Deputation Process(HRS_S193)
      - On Run Monthly Payroll, correct the spellings of alert message. Deputation runs successfully

      30259 - Job Information(HRS/HRS_S163)
      - No delete button on Job Information screen.Add delete button.Make sure its functionality

      30216 - Late Approval(TOM_S011)
      - 1-when click on check in Date (sorting) run time error occur. 2-Same issue on All other columns like Attendance Date,check in date,check in time,check out date,minute.

      27632 - Late Approval(TOM_S011)
      - Late Approval Screen showing Transaction aborted error message some time in OSIT database.

      28427 - Employee Basic Information(HRS_S185)
      - Assets Combo box is not opening while values are exists in setup

      28588 - Salary Sheet(PAY_R004)
      - 1. Report formatting issues in Excel and PDF 2. Payroll Month and Year not showing in Arabic Language. It should be shown.

      30421 - Stopped Employee Information(HRS_R022)
      - Remove the Report Stopped Employee Information HRS_R022 from the Menu.

      29551 - Employee Monthly Attendance*(PAY_R011)
      - Monthly payment and deduction (code wise) screen PAY_S011

      Query panel missing date filter and also check standard procedures (query, update , amend , authorized and delete)

      Monthly payment and deduction (employee wise) screen PAY_S018

      Add and copy record buttons disabled also check button should behave as standards

      29915 - User Profile(SEC_S007)
      - When change the value of Location Access from All to Default or Selected and Save then a Run Time Server Error message is showing on all the Forms of the Application and Employee Combo Box is not opening.

      28049 - Monthly Payment & Deduction (Employee wise)(PAY_S018)
      - System showing error and not copying the record

      “ORA-20051: Error - Please provide the data ORA-06512: at “databaseusername.PAY_MONTHLY_ALLOW_DEDUCTCOPY”, line 20 ORA-06512: at line 1”

      31452 - Head Count Budgeting(HRS_S118)
      - 1. Remove the following Parameters from the “System Default” Screen.


      2. In the Query Panel, “Searching” should be worked on “Budget Id”, “Geo Location” and “Org Location” in the “Budget No.” Combo Box.

      3. Change the Field Name from “Geo Loc Id” to “Geo. Location”. “Geo. Location Name” should be shown on the Field instead of “Geo. Location Id”.

      4. Remove the “Display-Only” Field named “Geo Loc Name”.

      5. Change the Field Name from “Org Loc Id” to “Org. Location”. “Org. Location Name” should be shown on the Field instead of “Org. Location Id”. Also, Hierarchical Combo Box should be opened as per Standard.

      6. Remove the “Display-Only” Field named “Org Loc Name”.

      7. “Geo. Location” related “Org. Locations” should be shown in the “Org. Location” Combo Box.

      8. “Budget To” Field should be “Display-Only” Field. When the user selects any “Date” from “Budget From” Field then respective one year range value should be shown in “Budget To” Field. For Example: If user selects “01-Jan-2017” then “31-Dec-2017” should be shown on the “Budget To” Field and if user selects “01-Jul-2017” then “30-Jun-2017” should be shown.

      9. Duplicate records should not be allowed to “Save” in the system w.r.t “Date” Range, “Geo Location” and “Org Location”. Proper Alert message should be shown.

      10. Change the Column Name from “Total Amount” to “Total Count”.

      24078 - Head Count Budgeting(HRS_S118)
      - Incorporate Head Count Budgeting

      29883 - Applicant Shortlist(HRS_S110)
      - In selection criteria window only labels are showing but filter fields are not showing.

      29889 - Skip Installment(PAY_S031)
      - In first panel the query combo Skip No should be remain enable when add the new record. After authorization system not showing the Installment details

      27981 - Letter Tag Setup(HRS_S129)
      - Some test data exists like Tag ID 4444 and Tag Description [D22]

      30604 - Employee wise Roster(TOM_S005)
      - Employee wise roster->

      • when delete record showing save error “object reference not set to an instance”

      27322 - Key Checks(LoginPage)
      - SmartHCM login page is showing with tree menu after session timeout

      28431 - Appraisal Attributes(HRS_S091)
      - 1. 0 (zero) is not saving in “Rating Value” 2. “Definition” field is editable without edit mode 3. Edit button is not available after add and save the record 4. “Attribute Id” should be read-only

      30260 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
      - When click on Dashboard button on top, it open additional Home screen, 2 home screens at a time.

      30743 - General Work(GEN)
      - Document Type Setup Report

      check the purpose of Report name. Remove it if not working

      27681 - General Work(GEN)
      - 1. Filters arrangement should on as following ordering in all screens where these filters are using 1. Location 2. Organization (Dept.) 3. Shift

      2. The data should be shown in these filters as per the Supervisory Control setup. Do not filter the data as per User Profile, in user profile the Organization / Location allow or not allow in these filters system should not consider from User Profile

      3. If select the “All” from any above mentioned filters, that's mean all the data as per Supervisory Control setup if user have no rights in for example: User have no rights on location then do not add that location in “All” filter.

      4. Priority will be like first system will check the Supervisory control for Location then Organization (Dept.) then Shift. If Supervisory control is defined for Location only then It's mean all the Organizations and Shift under this Location will have rights to the user. If Supervisor Control define like specific Location and then specific Organization and do not define the Shift then it's mean all the shifts under this specific Organization will have rights to the User. In last if in Supervisory Control setup the Shift also defined after Location and specific Organization then it's mean only this particular shift have rights.

      In the above all three filters just only show the shift who have rights as per Location and Organization wise

      5. The shifts will be get from the Employee Personnel information

      Note: Implement this cases where these three filters are available.

      27995 - General Work(GEN)
      - Change the design as per new provided design. Sample design is attached

      30606 - Employee List For Payroll Report(PAY_R029)
      - Report not as per standard formatting

      24161 - Employee OverTime Hours(PAY_S012)
      - Screen Employee OverTime Hours should incorporate product standards.

      30403 - Employee Attendance(PAY_S010)
      - Data is not showing on validating Payroll Month if date is typed in it.

      30807 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
      - Many employee remarks are null when looking “Absent” status. Check SDS data for 25-01-2017. Employee “Tari Noman Tari Al Shamri [000042] “ showing null remarks

      “Out of Service” remarks should be shown only for those employees whose status is stop on “Attend Date”

      30267 - Dashboard(Default.apx)
      - Organogram is not showing in ESS

      29354 - Portal Login Page(Login)
      - Version compatibility checking not working. It should check the version compatibility on login. If version is not compatible with the defined version in PRODUCT_VERSION table then do not allow to login in application

      26787 - Create Ticket/Issue نشاء تذكرة(Create Ticket)
      - IN Ess->OSp->Create ticket->when ticket is created it show cross sign alert message.it should show tick sign alert message

      30340 - Employee Information الـمــوظــف(Employee Information)
      - Correct Sub-Tab name from NIc to NIC in Document Information Panel. Also, wrong value of Date is showing against the Expiry Date Field.

      30100 - طلبات الإجازات لموظفي الهيئة Leave Status for Final Approver(List of Leave for Approver)
      - When approve any Leave then a message is showing Unable to generate the Decision No.. This message should not shown. The message should be shown like Leave Approved successfully..

      26798 - Communication System Create Message(Create Message)
      - Value of Attachment Type is showing wrong .it is showing like encrypting form

      30806 - General Work(GEN)
      - OverTime word in HidaESS Application should be shown like Overtime where required.