Release Notes

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SmartHCM Web Service Release

Release date: 18 February 2017

Module version:Final

Maturity Status: QA Approved

New Features

- Push Notification system is introduced.
- Multiple Language Feature is introduced

Fixed Issues

    29348 - Create the Push Notification mechanism that will auto show the Notification when receive new notification/alert.
    29352 - Whole application should be properly workable in RTL Language. There should be option to select the Application Language and application change the whole application language as per selected Language.
    29867 - Display the Server time when Check In / Check Out.
    29868 - Remove the Message Code/No. for all Success messages.
    Bug Fixing
    29165 - Many time, when press Approve Button, it shows processing and then it shows message "something went wrong" or "server not responding"and leave detail screen do not change as it supposed to change and return to previous screen (pending leaves list).
    28565 - Update Mobile Package as per new workflow.
    29283 - when internet is not available it shows right message on top "Disconnected from internet" but a message bar is showing "Location not available" though GPS is on if it is about network location put the proper message "Network location unavailable" find attached image.
    29285 - web service version is different from that one in webconfig of deployed web service. In web.cofig webservice version is 2.1.4 but in app about page showing 2.1.5.
    29347 - Final Leave Approval is not working properly.
    29214 - when the link is down while making check in/out showing this message as provided in screen shot please remove "error undefined" only show "server time not available".
    30105 - when the leave is approved and user check his leaves system show pending at My leave but in leave detail it show correct information.
    30235 - Mobile attendance is not working.
    31005 - Mobile app is not working properly. Unable to approve the Short Leave in Live.
    30503 - Editing in "Appr. Days" not working properly. Not showing keyboard to edit in this field. Also design is not proper to edit Not showing supervisor name. On Forward, showing message "... Something went wrong" but when I pressed back button and again press this leave, system shows in the workflow that leave is forwarded.
    31610 - REMOVE ID from the message "logout successfully" logout Popup message
    31611 - OUR MISSION-Correct the spelling of "employee" currently showing "employ".
    30607 - showing all records as pending. While there is not pending record.
    30502 - when click on leave actual pending leave are not showing.

    Check the complete list of Fixed Issues and API Changes.