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SmartESS MP23.2 Release

Release Date: 10-Jan-2020

Module Version: MP23.2

Maturity Status: Cancelled


Application Version
SmartHCM MP23.2
SmartHCM Mobile App. (Android)
SmartHCM Mobile App. (iOS)
SmartHCM Webservice
SmartHCM Attendance Uploading Utility


  • Apply Leave - Apply Leave "طلب إجازة": The new feature of applying "Hourly" based leave "Single" entry for "Multiple" days and "Multiple" entries in a "Single" day has been provided. Also, "Attendance Status" has been changed from "Absent" to "Leave/LOP" in the "Daily Attendance" screen if the applied "Hourly" based leave is covered the "Required Hours" defined in “Time Slot” as per "Employee Roster". Also, only the defined "Working Time" of the "Time Slot" will be included in this "Hourly" based leave.
  • List of Leave Detail - Leave Status Detail "التفاصيل الإجازة": The new feature of approving "Hourly" based leave "Single" entry for "Multiple" days and "Multiple" entries in a "Single" day has been provided. Also, "Attendance Status" has been changed from "Absent" to "Leave/LOP" in the "Daily Attendance" screen if the approved "Hourly" based leave is covered the "Required Hours" defined in “Time Slot” as per "Employee Roster". Also, only the defined "Working Time" of the "Time Slot" will be included in this "Hourly" based leave.
  • Attendance Summary - Summary for Attendance: "Hourly Leave Count / Hours" columns calculation has been fixed for "Single" entry "Hourly" based leave consist on "Multiple" days.
  • MAIN - Portal Main Page: The new "Croppie" feature has been used to upload/save the employee's "Picture".

Fixed Issues

  • Daily Attendance - Daily Attendance: "Status Summary" (at bottom of the report) was not showing correctly in case of new joiner in the month.
  • Daily Attendance - Daily Attendance: If value is defined in "Attendance exists before" in the "Time Slot" screen and value of "Check-In / Check-Out" exists and system shows "Absent" status then after that when employee applied leave then system was not changing status from "Absent" to "Leave".
  • Daily Attendance - Daily Attendance: "Off Day" sandwich rule was not working properly when apply "Hourly" based leave on a "Working Day" slot which is just before / after the "Off Day" slot. If both "Working Day" slots have "Absent" status then sandwich "Off Day" slots should also be shown "Absent".
  • List of Tickets - List Support Ticket/Issue "قائمة تذاكر الدعم": Selected "Filters" in the "Filter" panel was not restored when the user clicks on any "Ticket" after searching and then back to "List of Support Tickets" screen.
  • List of Tickets Detail - List of Ticket Detail / تفاصيل التذكرة: "Attachments" were not showing in the viewer.
  • Manage Request - Manage Request: When the user clicks on "Pending" requests, grid starts loading and stuck on loading and user unable to see requests.
  • Manage Request - Manage Request: Wrong "Attachment" was showing with every request.
  • Manage Request - Manage Request: 1. System was taking time to load data in the "Grid" panel. 2. Moreover "Approve" action was also performing very slow.
  • Manage Request - Manage Request: In the "Employee Information" window : 1. "NIC" was not showing. 2. Wrong "NIC Expiry Date" was showing. 3. Wrong "NIC Place of Issue" was showing. 4. "Grade Id" was showing instead of "Grade Description". 5. Concatenate the "Mobile Code" with "Mobile No.". 6. Wrong "Additional Position" was showing. "Employee Id" was showing instead of "Position".
  • Pivot Table Reporting - Pivot Table Reporting: Data was not showing in "Normal" font instead of "Bold" in the report.
  • Payslip - Payslip "ملخص الرواتب": Wrongly "Total Payment" AD Code was showing in the "Deduction" block of the report.
  • List of Leave - قائمة طلبات الإجازة Leave Status for Applicant and Supervisor: When clicks on any "Leave" record which was entered directly from "Leave Request - HRS_S034" screen (SmartHCM application) then an error message "ORA-01403: no data found ORA-06512: at "SMARTHCM.WFL_WORKFLOW_PKG", line 6627 ORA-06512: at "SMARTHCM.WFL_WORKFLOW_PKG", line 4153 ORA-06512: at line 1" was showing on the screen instead of opening "Leave Detail" screen.
  • List of Leave - قائمة طلبات الإجازة Leave Status for Applicant and Supervisor: "Filter" were not working. After pressing "Search" button, filters become reset on default state as follows and records shows as per the default filter values.
  • List of Leave Detail - Leave Status Detail "التفاصيل الإجازة": When presses the "Forward" or "Approve" buttons after editing the value of "Approved Hours" then an error message "ORA-01847: day of month must be between 1 and last day of month ORA-06512: at "SMARTHCM.WFL_WORKFLOW_PKG", line 5433 ORA-06512: at line 1" was showing on the screen just below the "Action" buttons.
  • Login - Portal Login Page: "Locking" functionality was not working. If the value "Yes" is selected from the "Locked" combo box in the "User Profile" screen then system was allowing the user to login in the application.
  • Login - Portal Login Page: "Password Expiry" feature was not working properly. Also, when presses the "Update" button of "Password Expired" window then an error message "Nullable object must have a value." was appearing on the screen.
  • Attendance Summary - Summary for Attendance: User trying to search "3" months records but system was not able to generate.
  • Attendance Summary - Summary for Attendance: Screen was taking too much time to load records.