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SmartESS MP23 Release
Release Date: 31-Jul-2019
Module Version: MP23
Maturity Status: Cancelled
Application | Version |
SmartHCM MP23 | |
SmartHCM Mobile App. (Android) | |
SmartHCM Mobile App. (iOS) | |
SmartHCM Webservice | |
SmartHCM Attendance Uploading Utility | |
- Portal Main Page - Portal Main Page: The following "Menus" has been removed : 1. Employee File - Widget 2. Leave - HR Approval 3. Office Support Portal - SPM Tickets
- General Work - General Work: The "Multi-Language" feature has been provided in the application.
- Change User Name/Password - Change User Name/Password: 1. The screen name has been changed from "Change Credentials" to “Change User Name/Password”. 2. A relevant "Icon" has been provided. 3. Only "User Name" changes has been allowed. 4. Relevant messages has been showing instead of showing message “Please enter required fields !”. 5. Design of the screen has been changed.
- Admin News - Admin News: The filter “DISPLAY DATE RANGE” which should take "FROM DATE" and "TO DATE" has been provided in the screen. Also, the current "Date" has been showing in this parameter by default.
- Manage Request - Manage Request: The new fields namely "Requested By:" and "Requested On:" has been added in the "Request Information" block same as "Action By:" "Action On:" are available in the "Forward/Approve Information" block.
- Daily Attendance - Daily Attendance: 1. Dependency of "Attend Status" on “Availability” combo box has been removed; All "Status" has been showing now in “Attend Status” combo box. 2. “Absent" status has been worked properly with the "Yes" value of "Check-In/Check-Out Exists" combo box. 3. The label of “Availability” combo box has been renamed by “Check-In/Check-Out Exists”; Also, “Available” with “Yes” and “Not Available” with “No” in the combo box.
- Location Tracking - Location Tracking: "Map" has been showing on the screen even starting and ending point (Tracking on/off signal) are not available.
- Location Tracking - Location Tracking: "Employees" list has been ordered by "Last Tracking Time" wise descending.
Fixed Issues
- Employee Information - Employee Information (الـمــوظــف): 1. Data was not displaying properly in the "Geo. Location" field. It should be shown like "Al Hokail SofDigital Systems\SofDigital Systems Ahsa". 2. Data was not displaying properly in the "Org. Location" field. It should be shown like "Software Development\Product Development". 3. "Description" of "Employee Type" should be shown instead of "Short Name". 4. Proper space should be shown b/w all fields.
- Apply Leave - Apply Leave: When applied "Hourly" based leave from "09:00" to "12:00" (3 Hours) and after approved when open the screen then system is showing wrong "Time" range from "12:00" to "12:00".
- Generate Request - Generate Request: "Hint" was not showing for "Attachment" data type.
- Generate Request - Generate Request: "Attachment" field was not showing "Browse" window as per “File Type (Comma Separated)” "Attachment" Data Type in "Request Field Setup" screen.
- Generate Request - Generate Request: When the user presses the button "Cancel" of first "Confirmation" message then the "Submit" button was not enabling. It is showing disabled.
- Generate Request - Generate Request: If the field is set as non-mandatory (Data Type - Text) then there should be an option to remove data from the field while applying request. "Cross" button will be shown on the field same as showing in the "Time" field.
- Generate Request - Generate Request: When moves the cursor on the Data Tye "List" field then "Hint" was showing in the "Tool Tip" like "row.HINT".
- Generate Request - Generate Request: There should be a "Cross" button to remove data from the field while applying request if the "Data Type" is "Number" is set as non-mandatory.
- Manage Request - Manage Request: 1. “Status By” filter was not working. 2. “Have Attachment” filter should search in whole "Workflow". For Example: If the attachment is available on any single level or multi level (Generate Request / Forward / Approve / Process / Reject / Cancel Approve / Withdraw) then system should search the record by this filter.
- Manage Request - Manage Request: 1. "View All" button should show first attachment by default. 2. Remove the "Request Type Hierarchy" label from the back of hierarchy and reduce the font size of hierarchy in the grid record. 3. "Employee Information" popup should be redesigned. 4. Record count should be shown on top like "TOM" and "Load more records..." should not be show if no more records. 5. Buttons should be redesigned in grid panel.
- Manage Request - Manage Request: "Search" was not working in the dynamic fields.
- Location Tracking - Location Tracking: Supervisor has selected record of another employee but the track was showing of previous selected employee.
- Location Tracking - Location Tracking: "Total Duration" was showing wrong on the "End Points".
- Location Tracking - Location Tracking: "Stay" was showing "0" but it was highlighting the "Points" in some areas while parameter for "Minimum Stay" was set "1".
- Location Tracking - Location Tracking: If the "Super Access" will be set "No" in the "Supervisory Control Setup" screen then the "Employees" own "Location Tracking" should be shown. Currently, blank screen was showing.
- Location Tracking - Location Tracking: Screen was showing "Employee" in the list but not showing the "Map" when select that "Employee".
- Daily Attendance - Daily Attendance: 1. Remove the "Out Of Service" status from the "Attend Status" combo box. 2. Remove the "Out of Service" status from the "Summary" block.
- Daily Attendance - Daily Attendance: "Extra Hours" was showing wrong in "Off Day" if "Check-In" or "Check-Out" was missing.
- Daily Attendance - Daily Attendance: "Out of Service" records should not be shown in the screen.
- Daily Attendance - Daily Attendance: "Present Hours", "Absent Hours", "Provided Hours" and "Extra Hours" calculation was showing wrong.
- Daily Attendance - Daily Attendance: After pressing the "Search" button, "Date Type" become “Today” while it was chosen “Custom”.
- Daily Attendance - Daily Attendance: System was showing wrong "Present Hours" and "Extra Hours (Single Value)" after "Hourly Based" leave was approved.
- Daily Attendance - Daily Attendance: "Attendance" data was not showing on the screen if any user have "Super Access" rights "Yes" (full access). System was stuck and only "Loading Circle" was showing on the screen.
- Attendance Summary - Summary for Attendance: "Out of Service" records should not be shown in the screen.
- Attendance Summary - Summary for Attendance: "Attendance" data was not showing on the screen if any user have "Super Access" rights "Yes" (full access). System was stuck and only "Loading Circle" was showing on the screen.
- Attendance Summary - Summary for Attendance: 1. If the "Supervisory" rights was not set from the "Supervisory Control Setup" screen against any user then system should show only his records by default on the screen instead of "Blank" screen. 2. Change the column name from "Working Time" to "Working Hours".
- Attendance Summary - Summary for Attendance: "Employee Name" translation was not working. Also, some "Labels" and "Columns Heading" translation were not showing on the screen.
- Late/Early Departure Approval - Late/Early Departure Approval: 1. One value must be shown/selected on the "Status" combo field. 2. "Supervisor Name" was showing against some "Pending" records. 3. "Action" button in the Grid panel should be disabled by default.
- Overtime Approval - Overtime Approval: Remove the "Edit" button from the grid panel when "Reject" status is selected in the "Filter".
- Attendance Adjustment - Attendance Adjustment: "Employee Name" translation was not working. Also, some "Labels" and "Columns Heading" translation were not showing on the screen.
- Admin News - Admin News: The design of the "Check Box" has been changed which is available for the selection of "Default" (Title) image.
- News Detail - News Detail: 1. If image will not be selected against the news then "No preview available" image block should be hide. Only "Text" should be shown in the "Right" panel of the screen. 2. If any image will be selected as "Default" then it should be shown only on main image block and that image should not be shown at the bottom of the news. 3. If image will not be selected against the news then main image block should be hide. Only "Text" should be show.
- Employee Electronic Directory - Employee Electronic Directory: "Sub Levels" of all "Departments" were not showing properly in the "Department" combo list.
- Leave Card Report - Leave Card Report: 1. Rename report name as “My Leave Requests and Balances Report” in "Menu" and in "Report". 2. "Status" should be shown in past tens like “Approved”, “Rejected” and so on. 3. "Leave Balances" were showing two time but not showing its "Leave Year". 4. Headings should be shown “My Leave Requests” before leave requests records and “My Leave Balances” before leave balances records.
- Leave Card Report - Leave Card Report: 1. "Frequency" based leave balances should also be shown in the "My Leave Balances" block. 2. "Annual" based leave balances should be shown in the "Descending" order. 3. Decrease the size of highlighter which is used for the headings "My Leave Requests" and "My Leave Balances". 4. Format of date range should be shown like "DD-MM-YYYY" in the "Duration" column. 5. The "Remarks" of one leave should not be shown in the row of next leave.
- Interactive Appraisal - Interactive Appraisal: When pressing the "Save" or "Submit" buttons after entering "Comments" in both "Appraiser Comments" and "Appraisee Comments" fields in all "Panels" then an error message "ORA-12899: value too large for column (actual: 2000, maximum: 200)" is appearing always. Currently, system was allowing to enter max. 2000 values in both fields but from back end it was allowing only 200 values to save.
- Interactive Appraisal - Interactive Appraisal: Wrong spelling of "Appraiser Comments" and "Appraisee Comments" were showing in all "Panels". Currently, "Appraser Comments" and "Apprasee Comments" showing.
- List of Tickets Detail - List of Ticket Detail: "Calendar" buttons of "Date From" and "Date To" filters were not working.
- Tax Slip - Tax Slip: When clicking "Show Report" and "Show PDF" buttons then an error message "Unable to find the report in the manifest resources. Please build the project, and try again." was appearing.
- Letter Report - Letter Report: Report was not working.
- Dashboard - Dashboard: 1. In the both "My Request" and "My Approval" widgets, data should be shown as "Left" aligned in the "Type" columns. 2. In the "Time Office" widget, date should be shown as "Center" aligned in the "Date" column. 3. In the "Important Dates" widget, date should be shown as "Center" aligned in the "Expiry Date" column. 4. Font of names of all "Widgets" should be shown "Bold" and Font Size should be same.
- General Work - General Work: "Leave Management" module (ESS) : 1. Rename Action “Cancel” with “Withdraw” and Status “Cancel” with “Withdrawal”. 2. Rename Action “Revoke” with “Cancel Approval” and Status “Revoked” with “Approval Canceled”.