Objective Appraisal

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Objective Appraisal 1.PNG


Appraisers ratings against each objective are defined here, which was defined in employee objective screen.

The screen has following two panels.

In the first panel :

  1. Employee: This combo box is used to select the "Employee" for query the employee detail.
  2. Employee Id: On selection of Employee from Employee combo employee id is automatically displayed.
  3. Plan: Plan is selected from Plan combo. Current and previous appraisal plans are displayed here.
  4. Appraisal Group: On selection of plan Appraisal Group is automatically populated.
  5. From Date: On selection of plan From Date is automatically populated.
  6. To Date: On selection of plan To Date is automatically populated.
  7. Max Score: On selection of plan Max Score is automatically populated.

Objective Appraisal 2.PNG

In the second panel : In this panel two tab exist: a. Objective Appraisal b. Objectives

Objective Appraisal

In Objective Appraisal tab Appraisers are selected for providing there comments and rating.

Objective Appraisal 1.PNG

  1. Appraiser Type: Select one of the Appraiser Type defined in Appraiser's Type.
  2. App Type Weight: On selection of Appraiser Type from combo App Type Weight is displayed automatically.
  3. Appraisal By: Select Appraiser Name from combo with respect to selected Appraiser Type.
  4. Appraisal Date: Enter Appraisal Date performed by selected Appraiser.
  5. Appraiser Comment: Enter Appraiser Comments.
  6. Appraisee Comment: Enter Appraisee Comments.
  7. Marks Obtained: Marks Obtained is a read only field which will be displayed when rating is given against each objective for an employee.
  8. Percentage (%): Percentage (%) is a read only field which will be displayed when rating is given against each objective for an employee.
