Training Course Recommendation

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Revision as of 08:08, 16 January 2019 by Bilal.saeed (talk | contribs) (→‎Grid)
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The purpose of this screen is to define training courses recommendation as per rating of attributes. For example there is an attribute called "Writes clean code" and employee gets lowest rating against this attribute from his appraisee's, then system will suggest appropriate course based on the rating.

Query Panel

On top there is a filter panel which contains just one dropdown as shown below. Attributes dropdown values are defined in Appraisal Attributes screen.

Alt text
Query Panel


In the grid you can view records inserted against attributes and also add,delete, and update existing records.


It has three following columns.

  1. Rating: It is defined in Objectives Rating screen.
  2. Course Name: It is defined in Course Setup.
  3. Command Column: It has following action buttons. Ab.jpeg
    1. Deleteicon.JPG It will delete the record.
    2. Editicon.JPG Allows you to you edit an un-authorized record.
    3. AuthorizeIcon.JPG It will authorize a record (Will be hidden if the record is authorized).
    4. AmendIcon.JPG It will edit authorized record (Will be hidden is the record is un-authorized).