SmartHCM Release Notes (Alpha 22-Dec-2017)

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SmartHCM (Alpha) Hotfix 13 Release

Release Date: 22-Dec-2017

Module Version: Alpha Hotfix 13

Maturity Status: QA Approved


General Work: Showed the translation of ("Employee Name", "Geo. Location", "Org. Location", "Position", "Country", "Province" and "City") in whole application (where applicable).

General Work: Showed the "Date" and "Time" as per the "Time Zone - GMT" mechanism in whole application (where applicable).

Send Mobile App. Notification (MOB_S001): Created the new screen in the "Mobile Application" module to send the multiple "Notification" at any time to any "Employee" who have installed "Smart Mobile App." and also "Logged-In".

Appraisal Increment Advise Report (HRS_R063): Provided the new report that will show the data of "Appraisal Increment Advice".

Employee Data Export Report (HRS_R060): Added the new "Direct Supervisor" column in the report.

e-Bank File Generation (PAY_S055): Provided the two new columns i.e. "Payroll Month (Mon-YYYY)" and "Payroll Monthly Remarks (Description)".

Leave Balance Adjustment (HRS_S198): Showed also the "Separated Employees" in "Employee" combo box while adding the record.

Payroll Process (PAY_S020): Allowed the "Leave without Pay (LOP)" for future "Payroll Months".

Letter Tags (HRS_S129): Created the new Letter Tags i.e "Degree Level", "Area of Study", "Degree", "Resign Date Hijri", "Last Working Date Hijri", "Passport Number", "Passport Expiry Date Gregorian" and "Passport Expiry Date Hijri".

Attendance Location Setup (TOM_S021): Restrict the Setup to only take values between (-180 to 180) for both "GPS (Latitude)" and "GPS (Longitude)" Columns.

Employee Information (HRS_S185): Provided the new display-only field named "Direct Supervisor" in the "Employee Detail" Panel where the "Direct Supervisor" name will be shown as per the "Organogram" Workflow. Added new fields named "Guardian CNIC", "Guardian Date of Birth" and "Guardian Contact No." in the "Additional Information" Tab. Added new column named "Major Achievement" in the "Education" Tab. Also, added new columns named "Designation", "Company" and "Email Address" in the "Referee" Tab.

Audit Log Report (SEC_R001): Showed the "Employee Picture" in the Report that would be "Add", "Edit", "Authorize", "Amend" from the "Employee Information (HRS_S185)" Screen.

Leave Request (HRS_S034): Provided the new customization ("Advance Search Criteria" and "Sort Criteria") in the Screen.

Country, Province and City (SET_S004): Added the new Translation Panel for "Country Name", "Province Name" and "City Name" with "Male / Female" Nationality.

Full and Final Settlement (HRS_S117): Provided the new fields named "Payment Mode", "Bank", "Branch" and "Bank Account No.". Incorporated the new changes in the Screen related with "Perk" Module. Also, provided the feature of automatic deduction of outstanding "Loan Amount" at the time of final settlement.

System Default (SET_S005): Provided the new parameter named "OSP_SUPPORTED_ATTACHMENT_TYPES" where the "Supported File Extensions" will be defined by "Comma Separated" like “.jpg, .pdf, .docx, .png, etc.”. Also, provided the new parameter named "ENABLE_DISABLE_SSL" to allow emails to be sent through "SSL" connection. 1 and 0 correspond to enable and disable respectively.

Letter Template (HRS_S128): Provided the new field named "No. of Record" beside the "Adjust Tag Length" field. It will be enabled if the tag is related with the "Grid" records. Therefore, one new field should be required in Tag setup that will record either the TAG is multiple record or for single record. This field will require number values and it will show the n number of record in the report.

Full and Final Settlement Report (HRS_R015): Showed the "Payment Mode", "Bank", "Branch" and "Bank Account No." fields in the Report.

Fixed Issues

45649: "Authorized" or "Unauthorized" data of all the "Translation" related "Tables" should be uploaded by "Upload Setup" Screen.

45109: Workflow is getting impact of "Leave Type" setup under the panel "Workflow Special Conditions as per Requester's Job". It should not get impact if the another workflow is being used.

41550: Resolved many problems like "wrong columns name were showing", "Shift was not showing in Arabic", "wrong value of Gross Salary was showing", etc. in the "Employee Data Export" Report.

43508: All employee records having salary record in "Payroll" and having "Payment Mode"("Bank" and "IBAN Transfer"), should be shown in "e-Bank File" even any employee is separated.

40168: When selecting the "Employee" from the Combo Box then a "Runtime Server Error" message is showing in the "Leave Balance Adjustment" Screen.

40993: "View" button for "Email" and "SMS" is not working. Letter PDF and view letter should be shown as per the formatted defined in letter template. View Letter should have print option.

39448: "Category" field combo is not showing all categories. Currently showing only "15" categories in the combo box.

42088: "Link" in the "Email" Notification for "Leave" Module is not working properly for the "Employee" who applied/cancel "Leave" and for the "Backward Loop" Recipient. In all scenarios, "Link" should work properly.

40352: When applying "LOP" from ESS, after final Approval it is showing in "Daily Attendance Report" in ESS as "Leave" but in "individual Time Sheet" in HCM it is showing as "Absent.

41728: "Employee Job Change" screen is not updating the correct "Org. location" and "Geo. Location" long code.

41871: Remove the "Title Bar" from the Screen as per standard.

41748: Header and "Footer" Images in the Report should be shown from system configuration folder instead of shown from Hard Coded.

38524: Searching is not working in the "Employee" and "Letter" Combo Boxes. Data in the "Letter" Combo Box should be shown as per the "Letter Id" Ascending Order. Report should be opened on separate Tab as per standard.