User Profile
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The Purpose of This Screen
The Login Screen is the first screen to appear to the user, through it the user can enter the system by typing his user ID and Password. Thus screen helps with adding users to the system.
How You Use This Manual
we have:
User Profile: Choose an Employee from the list. The list takes information from Employee Information that is under the module Core Modules and the sub-module Employee. The employees information will appear.
To edit users information: the user clicks Add and then:
Employee ID: choose an employee from the list. The list takes information from Employee Information that is under the module Core Modules and the sub-module Employee. you can edit thin formation by writing the password in Password and re-writing it in Confirm.
Locking: user can lock the user profile for a period of time, first, user can choose yes from Locking then choose a date from Locking Date and when the locking expires from Pass Expired On, user can add remarks and lock reason in Remarks and Lock Reason.
Default: user can choose the default language from Default Language that take information from the screen Language Setup which is under the module Core Modules and the sub-module Setups. User can also choose from where the user profile can access the system by choosing from Location Access that takes information from Static Combo List. if the user chose Select a new section opens, by clicking Add in the new section user can add ID and Name of the location.
at the end user needs to click Save and Authorize.