Back-End Standard

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Naming Conventions and Standards

  • Database Object Name (i.e. Table, Sequence, View, Index, Trigger, Package, Procedure, Function, Materialized View, Job, Type, Directory, Constraints, Synonyms and Tablespace ) should be meaningful. Example : Table Name "HRS_EMPLOYEE_PERSONNEL"
  • Column Name should be clearly defined and meaningful. Example : Employee_ID
  • Database Object name and Column name should not contain the Number and Special characters except "_" character
  • Constraints name should be clearly defined and must be used the prefix and suffix when creating the constraints
Constraints Name
Abbreviation Description Example
fk References (Foreign Key) hr_emp_empid_fk
uk Unique Key hr_emp_empid_uk
pk Primary Key hr_emp_empid_pk
ck Check hr_emp_empid_ck
nn Not Null hr_emp_empid_nn
  • Use the following prefix in Identifier/Variable naming conventions (Local Variable, Global Variable, Parameter Variable, Constant Variable)
Abbreviation Description Example Comment
k g v p
Constant Variable Variable Variable
k_mailhost g_loop_count v_loop_count p_loop_count
Generic constant Global (package-level) variable Local variable Parameter variable