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This section will be added after the document format finalization and this section will let the user know that how the user should go through this manual, how this manual is designed and what is the format followed to design this document.


This section warns the user about the possible ways that may harm the system potentially and the user must be aware of it, in order to avoid any harm to the system.


Manual would not be covering the following entities:

  • The fields that are generated by the system.
  • The field that are non navigable.
  • The fields that are read only.


Login Screen is the High Level User Interface that validates user and then proceeds to the SmartHCM main menu. To access Login Screen, write the URL of SmartHCM on any browser, press enter button after writing the link of SmartHCM the Login Screen appears now enter the valid User ID and Password.

1. User ID

SmartHCM Getting Started 1.png

2. User Password


After correct authorization of the user, the very first screen of SmartHCM module will be opened and that screen is divided into two divisions. The first division has pictures in it for making the screen user friendly and contains the basics of the screen, where the user can “Refresh” the data by simply pressing the button or simply pressing the “Logout” button to shut down the SmartHCM Module.

Second division is the most commonly used, as it contains the overall transactions that are being used in SmartHCM, with following heads:

1. Human Resource

2. e-Recruitment

3. Payroll

4. Employee Self Service

5. Leave Workflow

Main Screen.jpg

6. Time Office Management

7. Settings

8. Security

Payroll: This module is used to make the payroll ready on each month, maintains records of the various components of employee salary, categories the salary components on the basis of allowances / deductions and auto-generates salary sheet and salary slip of all employees. All these functionalities can be done under the defined rules of allowances, deductions, attendance, overtime, income tax, funds and loans for employees.

Main Screen of SmartHCM Modules:


Forms in SmartHCM have a standard format, it facilitates in a user-friendly way to view, insert, and delete data. Following is the screen short of the toolbar, which will be frequently used by the user, to view, insert, cancel or delete the information.

Standard Toolbar

Save.jpg User can save changes such as addition, modification or deletion of record by pressing this button from the toolbar.

Employee Status.jpg To exit from the any open screen press this cross button which is showing with the name of screen Tab.

Add.jpg Press this button to add a new record.

Reject Changes.jpg Press this button to reject changes a record.

Remove.jpg Press this button to remove or delete a record.

Edit.jpg Press this button to edit a record.

Authorize.jpg Press this button to authorize a record.

Amend.jpg Press this button to amend a record after authorization.


Before entering transactions in the system employee wise, we must enter the initial data and one time information through the Setup Forms.



Purpose of the Screen: The purpose of screen is to define the various allowances for employees as per policy of the organization.

Steps How to Enter the Information

1. Press Add button to enter the various allowances.

2. Press Save button to save the record.

3. Press Authorize button to authorize the record.



Purpose of the Screen: The purpose of screen is to define the various deductions for employees as per policy of the organization.

Steps How to Enter the Information

1. Press Add button to enter the various allowances.

2. Press Save button to save the record.

3. Press Authorize button to authorize the record.



Purpose of the Screen:The purpose of screen is to define the various bonuses for employees as per policy of the organization.

Steps How to Enter the Information

1. Press Add button to enter the various allowances.

2. Press Save button to save the record.

3. Press Authorize button to authorize the record.

Allowances Deductions Location Grade Setup

Allowances Deductions Location Grade Setup.jpg

Purpose of the Screen: The purpose of screen is to define the various allowances and deductions with different rules applied on different locations of the organization and different grades of the employees as per policy of the organization.

Steps How to Enter the Information

1. Select the Location from the combo.

2. Select the Grade from the combo.

3. Press Add button to enter different allowances and deductions with defined rules for selected location and grade as per policy of the organization.

4. Press Save button to save the record.

5. Press Authorize button to authorize the record.

6. Press Add button of lower block to enter depend code if select % of Payment or % of Rate in above block.

7. Press Save button to save the record.

8. Press Authorize button to authorize the record.