SmartHCM Mobile App (Flutter) Release Notes
Revision as of 06:53, 10 February 2023 by Bilal.saeed (talk | contribs) (→SmartHCM Mobile App. (Flutter) Release)
SmartHCM Mobile App. (Flutter) Release
Release Date: 09-Feb-2023
Module Version:
Maturity Status: QA Approved
Application | Version |
SmartHCM MP24 | |
SmartESS MP24 | |
SmartHCM Webservice | |
- General Work - General Work: Created a procedure for supervisory rights check: The Supervisory Rights Check procedure will take following input parameters: a) User ID (the manager) b) Employee ID (the employee) and return message respectively Procedure will check if: -the employee falls under the manager as per supervisory rights -the employee record exists in the 'mob_emp_attend_setup' table.
- General Work - General Work: Created a procedure for Face Image Registration to be done from mobile device, Update Face Image a) Employee ID b) Image Blob c) Image Patter/Code Blob.
- General Work - General Work: Created the Screens with proper functionality and connectivity according the Prototypes created.
- General Work - General Work: Added the Combo-Box in Check Device Table, as explained in the updated prototype.
- General Work - General Work: A single device ID will be allowed to multiple employees/users.
- General Work - General Work: 1. "Time From" field will automatically be populated the "Time" as per employee's shift "Start Time" on selecting date from "Date From" field. Also, "Time To" field will automatically be populated the "Time" as per employee's shift "End Time" on selecting date from "Date To" field. 2. If "Roster" is not defined on selected date from "Date From" field then system will show the alert message "Roster not defined!" on the screen. 3. Also, If "Roster" is not defined on selected date from "Date To" field then system will show the alert message "Roster not defined!" on the screen.
- General Work - General Work: Provided the five new "PMS_URL_WITH_CLIENTID", "CLIENT_SUPPORT_START_DATE", "CLIENT_SUPPORT_END_DATE", "CLIENT_NAME" and "PMS_LAST_FETCHED" columns in the "Product_Version_Android" table.
- General Work - General Work: Application will be working even employee is not added in “Mobile Device Attendance Setup”. Only check-in/out feature may be disabled/hide if this setup not defined.
- General Work - General Work: The changes has been done in the applications as mentioned in detail. 1. "Pending Offline Attendance" will be shown as heading in the popup message when user clicks on the "Offline Attendance" icon in the "User Locked" screen. 2. When user presses the "Logout" button then proper alert message should be shown if data of "Offline Attendance" and "Registered Employees" are available in the application. Otherwise no need to show that alert message every time while user "Logout" from the application. 3. All fields will retained values on the Login screen if user sets "Remember Me" toggle button "On". 4. "Image Capturing" screen is hanging when user allows the "Camera Permission" to application. 5. "Image Capturing" screen will not be opened at the time when "User Instruction" popup window is showing on the screen. 6. Provided the "Cross" button on all fields in the Login screen. When user clicks on the button then system will show respective warning messages on the screen. Data will be removed from the application if user presses the "OK" button of the warning message otherwise if user presses "Cancel" button then data should be retained. 7. Provided the "Cross" button on the "Password field in the "User Locked" screen. When user clicks on the button then system will show a warning messages on the screen. Password has been removed from the application if user presses the "OK" button of the warning message otherwise if user presses "Cancel" button then Password will be retained. 8. Dashboard screen will be shown directly if user sets "Stay Loggin" toggle button "On".
- General Work - General Work: Provided the popup message to show the new "Features" of the Mobile App.; it will be shown one time only for every user when a user installs the Mobile App. and when user presses the OK button of that message then it will never comes again till the reinstall the App. and remove the data from the mobile Settings.
- General Work - General Work: Integrated the current mobile attendance application features of the following screens: 1) My Leaves 2) Apply Leave 3) Salary 4) News to the new SmartHCM Mobile Application.
- General Work - General Work: Integrated the current mobile attendance application features of the following screens: 1) Approve Leave 2) Loan to the new SmartHCM Mobile Application.
- General Work - General Work: Under "Loan" Tab in "Loan Details" for "loan details" Show Details "link" is not present as working and present as in "News" Section, Required new feature give any "link" for "Show Details".
- General Work - General Work: The mobile app should show email notification(s) when a user apply/withdraw/approve/forward/reject a leave request.
- General Work - General Work: In "Attendance Summary" widget: 1) Showed "00" instead of "--" if any "Attend Status" has no value. 2) Changed font of digits to segmented digits font if possible.
- General Work - General Work: 1. Provided the Cancel button on selected images. 2. When we added images using choose file option it is adding the other images in previous ones when user again select the images.
- General Work - General Work: Added a new check on "Login" screen named "Auto Lock Profile" which is used to allow user to set auto lock "Yes/No" and App.
- General Work - General Work: Changed the "Min SDK Version" in the Mobile App. and recompile the Code.
- Login - Login: The back-end development for "Login" screen has been done , when user enters the data in the required fields and presses the "Login" button then system will generate his "Profile" (take data from database).
- Login - Login: Fixed the prefix and post-fix, and ask only the domain name in Server Address on the login screen. Removed the HTTPS toggle button Add a "Custom Domain" button which will disable the the prefix and postfix.
- Login - Login: 1. When the user "Login" in the system then it will check "Start Date" and "End Date" in the "SmartPMS" application and following validations will be checked: - If the "Subscription" expired then system will return the message. - If the "Subscription" is not expire then system will update the "CLIENT_SUPPORT_START_DATE" and "CLIENT_SUPPORT_END_DATE" in the "Product Version" table (Database). 2. When the user "Login" again in the system then it will check "CLIENT_SUPPORT_START_DATE" and "CLIENT_SUPPORT_END_DATE" in the "Product Version" table (Database). 3. If the "Subscription" date expired in the "Product Version" table (Database) then system will check "Start Date" and "End Date" again from the "SmartPMS" application and following validation will be checked: - If the "Subscription" expired then system will return the message. - If the "Subscription" dates updated in the "SmartPMS" application then system will update the date in the "CLIENT_SUPPORT_START_DATE" and "CLIENT_SUPPORT_END_DATE" in the "Product Version" table (Database).
- ViewRegEmp - View Registered Employee: The back-end development for "View Registered Employee" mobile screen has been done, supervisor can see this screen if he has rights to register employees by checked the "Face Registration" check box in the "Mobile Device Attendance Setup" screen (SmartHCM) and can view only those employees as per the rights provided in the "Supervisory Control Setup" screen (SmartHCM).
- FaceRegistration - Face Registration: The back-end development for "Face Registration" mobile screen has been done, supervisor can see this screen if he has rights to register employees by checked the "Face Registration" check box in the "Mobile Device Attendance Setup" screen (SmartHCM) and can register only those employees as per the rights provided in the "Supervisory Control Setup" screen (SmartHCM).
- FaceRegistration - Face Registration: Created a New Screen "Instructions For Face Registration" in the application.
- Attendance - Attendance Screen(s): Incorporated the "Employees Attendance Summary" screen into the new SmartHCM Mobile Application.
- Attendance - Attendance Screen(s): Incorporated the "My Attendance Records" screen into the new SmartHCM Mobile Application.
- Attendance - Attendance Screen(s): Incorporated the "Employees Attendance Records" screen into the new SmartHCM Mobile Application.
- Attendance - Attendance Screen(s): If user is marking offline attendance (Check-In or Check-Out) so system will check validations of "From Time", "To Time", "From Date" and "To Date" fields and on behalf of that show the message of allow and reject while marking the attendance.
- Attendance - Attendance Screen(s): Incorporated the "My Attendance Summary" screen into the new SmartHCM Mobile Application.
- Attendance - Attendance Screen(s): Incorporated the "Location/Department/Shift Wise Attendance Summary" screen into the new SmartHCM Mobile Application.
- Attendance - Attendance Screen(s): The back-end development for "Attendance Summary" mobile screen has been done, supervisor can view only those employees as per the rights provided in the "Supervisory Control Setup" screen (SmartHCM) otherwise user can see only self data.
- Tracking - Location Tracking: Incorporated the "Location Tracking" screen from the old application into the new SmartHCM Mobile Application.
- Dashboard - Dashboard Screen: Impact of "From Date" and "To Date" fields is working properly in the "Check-In" / "Check-Out" functionality.
- Dashboard - Dashboard Screen: Added "attendance summary widget" on the dashboard.
- Dashboard - Dashboard Screen: In "Mobile App.", there is a screen of "Sync Locations" in which it shows the location(s) for an employee that is allowed, so added the four new columns on that screen "From Date", "To Date", "From Time" and "To Time".
- Dashboard - Dashboard Screen: The impact of the "From Date", "From Time", "To Date" and "To Time" columns is working, when the user marked attendance "Offline" from "Mobile App".
- Dashboard - Dashboard Screen: Added counting badge for pending leave approvals on the dashboard button and in the left menu.
- Dashboard - Dashboard Screen: A new password expiry dashboard has been added for users who are already logged in and whose password has expired, as well as an automatic lock feature for the user ID on the dashboard. Additionally, during the first time login, if the password has expired, the user will be prompted to reset it, and if the user ID is locked, a message will be displayed indicating so.
- Dashboard - Dashboard Screen: A new feature has been added to the face registration process to check for identity conflicts with previously registered employees. If a conflict is detected, the registration will be prevented and a list of employees with similar faces will be displayed with a proper message. The conflicting list of employees will also be shown on the check-in screen.
- Dashboard - Dashboard Screen: The home page now includes a check of Subscription Validity during initialization and will display a Subscription Expire message based on the expiry date. This improves the overall user experience by keeping them informed of their subscription status.