SmartHCM Release Notes MP23
Revision as of 11:55, 2 August 2019 by Bilal.saeed (talk | contribs)
SmartHCM MP23 Release
Release Date: 31-Jul-2019
Module Version: MP23
Maturity Status: QA Approved
Application | Version |
SmartESS MP23 | |
SmartHCM Mobile App. (Android) | |
SmartHCM Mobile App. (iOS) | |
SmartHCM e-Recruitment | |
SmartHCM Webservice | |
SmartHCM Attendance Uploading Utility | |
- HRS_S185 - Employee Information: The “Insurance No.” field "100" characters length has been provided. Previously, it was accepts only "14" digits.
- HRS_S185 - Employee Information: Hierarchy has been removed from "Geo. Location" and "Org. Location" fields.
- HRS_S163 - Job Information: Hierarchy has been removed from "Geo. Location" and "Org. Location" fields.
- HRS_S091 - Appraisal Attributes: 1. The "Recommended Course" column has been removed from the "Attribute Rating" panel. 2. The new panel namely "Recommend Course for Training" has been added besides the "Attribute Rating" panel. If user clicks on any row in the grid of "Attribute Rating" panel then user can "Add", Edit", "Amend" and "Delete" the record from this new panel.
- HRS_S094 - Training Course Recommendation Setup: The screen has been removed from the application.
- HRS_S127 - Letter Setup: The screen has been removed from the application.
- HRS_S128 - Letter Template: The screen has been redesigned and user can create new "Letter(s)" directly in any "Letter Type" like "General Letter"/"Employee Letter"/"Recruitment Letter". Also, the "HTML" editor has been provided in the screen to define formatted "Letter Templates".
- HRS_R051 - Letter Report: The report "Parameters Form" has been redesigned and multiple "Letters" saving feature against each "Employee" has been provided. Also, the grid panel has been provided to view all saved "Letters" in both "Crystal Report" and "PDF" formats.
- HRS_R004 - Employee Increment Report: "Incremented Amount" and "Percentage" columns has been added in the report.
- RMS_S002 - Request Fields Setup: The button name has been changed from "Re-Order" to "Renumber".
- RMS_S002 - Request Fields Setup: The "Floating Point" value has been provided in the “Order” field.
- RMS_S004 - Manage Request: 1. The filter “Employee” has been provided instead of “Employee ID”. So, search should be available by "Employee Id" and "Employee Name" both. 2. Instead of providing “My Action From Date” and “My Action To Date” filter separate labels, the single label “My Action Date” has been provided. 3. Instead of providing “Request From Date” and “Request To Date” filter separate labels, the single label “Request Date” has been provided. 4. Instead of providing “Status From Date” and “Status To Date” filter separate labels, the single label “Status Date” has been provided.
- ESS_S001 - Notification Calendar: The screen has been redesigned and enabling/disabling the "Notification" feature has been added. Also, the "HTML" editor has been provided in the screen to define formatted "Email Templates" and "Alerts" (for "Alerts" widgets of "HCM" and "ESS" applications).
- ESS_S001 - Notification Calendar: If the "Forward" is selected from "Input On" combo box against any "Field" then the "Tag" related with the "Field" should not be shown in the "Tags List" of "Reject Request" and "Withdraw Request" Notification Types.
- ESS_S001 - Notification Calendar: 1. “Cancel Approval Leave Notification” should be shown instead of “Revoke Leave Notification”. 2. “Cancel Leave Notification” should be changed with “Withdraw Leave Notification”.
- ESS_S005 - ESS Specific Activity Right: The screens names has been changed from "Manage Leave" to "Manage Leave Request" and from "My Leave Detail" to "My Leave Requests and Balances Report" in the "Menu" of "ESS" application.
- PAY_S017 - Monthly Data Upload: The "Fund Withdrawal" data uploading feature has been added in the screen.
- PAY_S056 - Fund Withdrawal: System should not allow the user to enter/select backdated date and future date from the current "Payroll Month" w.r.t the selected "Employee".
- PAY_S010 - Employee Payroll Attendance: The "Validation" of "Maximum Value" Parameter has been provided (available in "Attendance Location Grade Setup" screen ) in the screen.
- PAY_S042 - Employee Basic Salary Editing: 1. A new column named "Change By Id" (Employee Id) has been added in b/w "Current Basic Salary" and "Change By" columns. 2. The column name has been changed from "Change By" to "Change By Name".
- PAY_R004 - Salary Sheet: The "Signatory" option has been provided in all formats of the report.
- PAY_R025 - Reconciliation Statement: The new "AD CODE" combo box has been provided in the report parameter form which will allow user to select multiple payment/deduction as well as "Total". Report will show the data as per selected "AD CODE". "Select All" and "Deselect All" features has been provided. By default all "AD CODE" will be selected.
- PAY_R042 - Fund Balance Statement: The new report has been provided in the "Report" folder of the "Fund Management" module. User can view the "Fund Balances" against "Employees" according to the selected "Date" range.
- TOM_S018 - Machine Attendance Loading: The “Error log” button has been provided against the “Pending” status record which will show the "Error Description" if there is any error. 2. The “Reload” button has been added against every "Pending" record where error exists.
- TOM_S018 - Machine Attendance Loading: In the "Uploaded Files" Tab: 1. The width of the "Remarks" column has been increased to view the long remarks. 2. The "File Download" option has been provided.
- TOM_S018 - Machine Attendance Loading: 1. If the "Shift" is not defined against any "Employee" then the "Exception" will be shown in the "Error Log (Remarks)" Column of the "Uploaded Files" Tab. 2. Also, data related with "Shift Not Exists" will be shown in the "Roster Not Exists" Tab.
- TOM_S020 - Holiday Setup: The columns named "Calendar Color" and "Calendar Description" has been removed from the Middle panel of the screen.
- TOM_S027 - TOM Payroll Integration Setup: Panel name has been renamed from “Extra Hours” to “Overtime Automatic Approval for Pending Extra Hours Suggestions”.
- TOM_R007 - Time Slot Report: The name has been changed from "Working Time" to "Working Hours".
- TOM_R003 - Late/Early Departure Employee List: The "Employee" combo box (Parameter) has been added in the "Specific Parameter" panel of the report.
- Dashboard - Dashboard: The "Searching" functionality has been provided in the "Time Zone" combo box on the "Dashboard".
- General Work - General Work: The "Serial No." column has been added in two reports.
- General Work - General Work: The "Total no. of records" field has been added in two reports.
Fixed Issues
- HRS_S019 - Employee Promotion: Data should be shown in the "Grade" combo box related with the selected "Position".
- HRS_S025 - Probation Confirmation: "Confirm Status" was not being updated in "Employee" Screen if "Confirm Status" was not defined in "System Default" screen while record become authorize.
- HRS_S030 - Employee Separation: "Employee" should be dissociated with his "Job" after separation.
- HRS_S030 - Employee Separation: 1. The label of “Request Approval” has been changed by “Resign Reason”. 2. The "Employee Comments" field has been provided with icon. Also multi-line text was not being entered.
- HRS_S033 - Leave Balance: System was not showing the "Leave Balances" of old "Employees".
- HRS_S034 - Leave Request: When the user trying to add "Leave" from this screen then an error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." is showing on the screen.
- HRS_S167 - Employee Job Change: 1. Remove all the "Administration", "Division" and "Unit" fields and columns from the screen. Add the "Org. Location" field and column instead of these fields. 2. Data was not displaying properly in the "Geo. Location" fields. It should be shown like "Al Hokail SofDigital Systems\SofDigital Systems Ahsa". 3. Data was not displaying properly in the "Org. Location" fields. It should be shown like "Software Development\Product Development". 4. Remove the extra space from the screen.
- HRS_S185 - Employee Information: 1. In the "Experience" tab, when edit the record and remove the value from "Start Date H" field and again select date and save the record then an error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." was appearing. Also, "Start Date H" field should be shown as mandatory field. 2. In the "Membership" tab, when remove the value from "End Date H" field then the value on "End Date" should also be removed automatically.
- HRS_S185 - Employee Information: If the value "Yes" set against the "Validate Mobile Format" field in the "Mobile No. Fields Setup" screen then the impact of the value was not working on the "Mobile" field of this screen.
- HRS_S198 - Leave Balance Adjustment: 1. "Employee Id" and "Employee Name" both should be shown in “Employee” while adding the record or getting the record. 2. The panel heading “Employee wise Leave Adjustment History” has been renamed by “Leave Balance Adjustment History”. Also, "Employee Id" and "Employee Name" columns has been removed from "History" panel.
- HRS_R007 - Employee Information: 1. The "Administration", "Division" and "Unit" fields has been removed from the report. Also, the "Org. Location" field has been added instead of these fields. 2. The field name has been changed from "Location" to "Geo. Location". 3. Data was not displaying properly in the "Geo. Location" field. It should be shown like "Al Hokail SofDigital Systems\SofDigital Systems Ahsa". 4. Data was not displaying properly in the "Org. Location" field. It should be shown like "Software Development\Product Development".
- HRS_R007 - Employee Information: "Date of Birth" should be shown in "Gregorian". Previously, it was showing in "Hijri".
- HRS_R015 - Full and Final Settlement: 1. Report should show records as per the "Ordering" of fields. 2. If the "AD CODE" was given and manual description (Narrative) was given then report was showing "AD CODE" description instead of manual description (Narrative).
- HRS_R060 - Employee Data Export: Whenever the user moves any field from left to right for customized report then all sequences gets disturbed.
- HRS_R065 - Appraisal Status – Appraiser Wise: Data of "Position" column was overlapping with the data of "Status" column in the report.
- PAY_S011 - Monthly Payment Deduction (Code wise): The "Month" label has been changed by "Payroll Month" in first panel.
- PAY_S031 - Skip Installment: In the "Grid" panel, need to increase the width of some "Columns" because complete "Columns Names" are not showing.
- PAY_S034 - Payroll Inquiry: 1. Data was not displaying properly in the "Geo. Location" fields. It should be shown like "Al Hokail SofDigital Systems\SofDigital Systems Ahsa". 2. Data was not displaying properly in the "Org. Location" fields. It should be shown like "Software Development\Product Development".
- PAY_R004 - Salary Sheet: In the "Header" of the report, the last number of "Date" was showing in "Arabic" instead of "Gregorian" in the "English" mode.
- PAY_R004 - Salary Sheet: 1. "Calendar" should be shown as per standard for both "From Date" and "To Date" fields in the "Specific Parameters" panel. 2. Alignment of the report was not proper. It should be shown proper in "Crystal Report" and in "PDF". 3. "Print" option was not working properly. 4. The new "Serial No." column has been added in the report.
- PAY_R039 - Salary Sheet - Summary: When the user run the report then the "Order" of columns did not show correctly.
- PAY_R039 - Salary Sheet - Summary: The amount of "Total Payment" was showing different in both "Salary Sheet" and "Salary Sheet - Summary" reports. Correct "Total Amount" was showing in "Salary Sheet" report only.
- RMS_S004 - Manage Request: "Hint" was not showing for "Attachment" data type in the "Generate Request" screen.
- RMS_S004 - Manage Request: 1. “Status By” filter was not working. 2. “Have Attachment” filter should search in whole "Workflow". For Example: If the attachment is available on any single level or multi level (Generate Request / Forward / Approve / Process / Reject / Cancel Approve / Withdraw) then system should search the record by this filter.
- TOM_S029 - Overtime Approval: The "Edit" button has been removed from the grid panel when "Reject" status is selected in the "Filter".
- SET_S002 - Locations: "Paging" functionality was not working properly in the "Locations" combo box of "Associated Locations" panel.
- SET_S002 - Locations: Rendering Issue: If the user selects "Location" from the pages other than the 1st page of the "Location" combo box then it was not showing on the screen. Previously, blank record was showing in the "Associated Locations" panel.
- SET_S002 - Locations: "Paging" functionality was not working properly in the "Locations" panel. Previously, same records were showing in multiple pages.
- SEC_S007 - User Profile: "Employee" should not be shown in the "Employee Id" combo box if the "Employee" record is already exist in the "User Profile" combo box.
- SEC_S007 - User Profile: 1. The "Searching" functionality has been provided in the "Time Zone" combo box. 2. If the "Lock" button is "Unlocked" by default when open or refresh the screen then the "Time Zone" combo box should be shown as non-mandatory field by default. When the user "Locked" the button then combo box should be shown as mandatory field.
- SEC_S010 - User Rights: When presses the "Save" button after deleted any record then a message "Some records have no success confirmation!" was showing instead of proper message "Record deleted successfully.".
- ESS_S005 - ESS Specific Activity Right: In the "Specific Employees" Panel : 1. Some "Employee" records were showing in multiple pages. "Paging Bar" issue. 2. When the user add same "Employee" again then an "Alert" message should be shown. 3. The "Administration", "Division" and "Unit" columns has been removed. The "Org. Location" column has been added instead of these columns. 4. Data was not displaying properly in the "Geo. Location" fields. It should be shown like "Al Hokail SofDigital Systems\SofDigital Systems Ahsa". 5. Data was not displaying properly in the "Org. Location" fields. It should be shown like "Software Development\Product Development".
- ESS_S017 - Email/SMS Server Settings: 1. The "Title" bar has been removed from the screen. 2. "Save", "Add" and "Reject Changes" buttons were not showing on the "Tool" bar as per standard.
- WFL_S002 - Define Workflow: "Copy Record" button was not showing confirmation (Y/N) message.
- WFL_S002 - Define Workflow: Message should be shown like "Do you want to copy the Workflow ?" when the user pressing the "Copy" button in the "Copy Records" window. Also, "Copy" and "Close" buttons were truncating.
- Database - Database: If the length of "Employee Id" defined in the "System Default" screen is greater than the length of "Employee Id" available in the "Attendance Machine" then system will append the required "Zeros - 000" at the start of the "Employee Id" which comes from the "Attendance Machine".
- General Work - General Work: If "Hint" text was larger than textbox width then it was truncating and there was no option to read complete hint in all transaction screens of "Request Management System" module.