Appraiser's Type

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Revision as of 06:35, 16 January 2019 by Bilal.saeed (talk | contribs)
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The purpose of this screen is to define the type of appraisers according to your organization.


The grid has following three columns.

  1. Appraiser ID: This column is automatically generated by the system when a new record is inserted.
  2. Description: You can type in any description of Appraiser's Type.
  3. Command Column: It has following action buttons. Ab.jpeg
    1. Deleteicon.JPG It will delete the record.
    2. Editicon.JPG Allows you to you edit an un-authorized record.
    3. AuthorizeIcon.JPG It will authorize a record (Will be hidden if the record is authorized).
    4. AmendIcon.JPG It will edit authorized record (Will be hidden is the record is un-authorized).


Titles used as prefixes that includes Mr, Mrs, Dr, Col, etc... can be kept as record, this parameter can be viewed in Employee Information Screen.

How to add Titles

Step 1:

Go To Core Module--> Setup--> Core Setup--> Title

Add Title.png

Step 2:

Click Add Button in the toolbar.

Step 3:

Insert the field and click Save to save the record.

Add title.png

Step 4:

Click on the Save button on toolbar, to save all the changes.

New title is ready to use and will be available in Employee Information

ID column is computer gernerated.