SmartHCM Release Notes (Alpha 11-Dec-2018)

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SmartHCM (Alpha) MP 22 R2 Release

Release Date: 11-Dec-2018

Module Version: Alpha MP 22 R2

Maturity Status: QA Approved


  • Detail Payslip - PAY_R038: Remove the fields namely "Days Worked", "Branch Name" and "NTN Number" from the report.
  • Overtime Suggestion Report - TOM_R011: Remove the "Report" from the application.
  • System Default - SET_S005: Remove the “SET_WEBSERVICE” code from the screen.
  • General Work - General Work: Rename “Cancel Approved” with “Cancel Approval” everywhere in the "Request Management System" module.

Fixed Issues

  • Performance/Personal Appraisal - HRS_R030: "Appraiser Comments" are overlapping with the textbox when value is large.
  • Payroll Process - PAY_S020: "Payroll" is not running. When the user pressing the "Run Payroll" button then an error message is appearing.
  • Notification Calendar - ESS_S001: RMS Notification Types - "Tags" are not showing its values in the "Email" on all levels like "Forward", "Approve", "Cancel Approve", "Process", etc.
  • Notification Calendar - ESS_S001: "Late Attendance Notification" is still showing while "Late and Early Departure" is defined as “Not Applicable” in the "Time Slot" screen.