SmartHCM Release Notes (Alpha 22-Dec-2017)

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SmartHCM (Alpha) Hotfix 13 Release

Release Date: 22-Dec-2017

Module Version: Alpha Hotfix 13

Maturity Status: QA Approved


General Work: Showed the translation of ("Employee Name", "Geo. Location", "Org. Location", "Position", "Country", "Province" and "City") in whole application (where applicable).

General Work: Showed the "Date" and "Time" as per the "Time Zone - GMT" mechanism in whole application (where applicable).

Send Mobile App. Notification (MOB_S001): Created the new screen in the "Mobile Application" module to send the multiple "Notification" at any time to any "Employee" who have installed "Smart Mobile App." and also "Logged-In".

Appraisal Increment Advise Report (HRS_R063): Provided the new report that will show the data of "Appraisal Increment Advice".

Employee Data Export Report (HRS_R060): Added the new "Direct Supervisor" column in the report.

e-Bank File Generation (PAY_S055): Provided the two new columns i.e. "Payroll Month (Mon-YYYY)" and "Payroll Monthly Remarks (Description)".

Leave Balance Adjustment (HRS_S198): Showed also the "Separated Employees" in "Employee" combo box while adding the record.

Payroll Process (PAY_S020): Allowed the "Leave without Pay (LOP)" for future "Payroll Months".

Letter Tags (HRS_S129): Added the new Tags i.e "Degree Level", "Area of Study", "Degree", "Resign Date Hijri", "Last Working Date Hijri", "Passport Number", "Passport Expiry Date Gregorian" and "Passport Expiry Date Hijri".