Auto Backup of Oracle Database

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Create a backup script file;

vim /home/oracle/

Write following code in file

export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1
expdp system/password@pdbsmarthcm schemas=smarthcm directory=data_dump dumpfile=smarthcm
mv /u01/data_dump/smarthcm.dmp /u01/data_dump/smarthcm_`date +%Y_%m_%d_%H`.dmp

Create a Cron Job;

crontab -e

Insert following schedule in cron job;

0 23 * * * /home/oracle/

Understanding Cron Job scheduler;

Crontab Format:
Minute | Hour | Day | Month | DayOfWeek | user | ThingToDo

'user' is the account name for the 'ThingToDo' to be run under. Exceptionally useful. You don't want every job running as root do you?
'ThingToDo' is as per any command line syntax. Typically, it invokes a script.
'Day' and 'Date' are easy to understand, but very difficult to read in their raw form

Thus, our cron job will execute the script on 23:00 hours daily.