SmartHCM e-Recruitment Release Notes

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SmartHCM e-Recruitment Release

Release Date: 29-May-2024

Module Version: MP29.1

Maturity Status: QA Approved


Application Version
SmartHCM MP29.1
SmartHCM Web API

Fixed Issues

  • General Work - General Work: All "Alert" popup messages have been translated into the Arabic language.
  • Profile - Profile: While filling out the "Personal Information" panel, the "Expected Salary" field accepted negative values and alphanumeric values. This field should have only considered positive numeric values.
  • Profile - Profile: The translation for the following fields didn’t reflect on the portal: 1. In the "Personal Information" panel, the "NIC Place of Issue", "Gender", "Nationality", and "Place of Birth" fields. 2. In the "Contact (Present Address / Permanent Address)" panel, the "Country", "Province", and "City" fields. 3. In the "Qualification" panel, the "Institute City" field. 4. In the "References" panel, the "City" field.
  • signup - Sign Up: The system generated two "Authentication Code Email Notifications" at a time.
  • Profile - Profile: After signing in or refreshing the Profile screen, a "Something went wrong" error message appeared on the screen.
  • Profile - Profile: After uploading the CV, the message was updated to display the file name along with a confirmation message stating "File uploaded." The CV section strictly accepted only Word and PDF formats, rejecting any other file formats. Messages displayed after uploading were accurately translated into Arabic, indicating actions such as "File uploaded" or "Invalid format." Previously, when a user downloaded a file from the CV section, the system downloaded four files instead of one. Upon uploading the CV, the download button displayed the hint "Download CV" twice.
  • Applied-Jobs - Applied Jobs: RTL was not working against applied jobs. Data was not showing correctly in the Job section.
  • JOB_DETAIL.PHP - Job Detail Page: All text in the "Jobs Name" and "Job Details" sections was aligned right-to-left (RTL). All headings related to the job description accurately matched the information provided in the "Job Details" section.
  • FORGOT.PHP - Forgot Password: When the user requested to reset their password, after receiving the email for the password reset, when the user clicked on the link, they were not redirected to the forgot password screen.
  • Profile - Profile: When a user set any option as the final step in the recruitment setup portal, the profile section of the recruitment portal did not show the next button in the last section.