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In this window you can define your Organization and Geographical Locations hierarchy. The levels in each of aforementioned locations should be same or less than those in Location Structure.


Organization and Geo locations of level-1

When you first open this window, the records which appear belong to level-1.

  • Location ID: A system generated Location ID.
  • Short Name: Name of the location.
  • Description
  • Ordering: An integer value which specifies how locations will appear throughout system.

Geo Locations

When you click on Short Name link, you will be redirected to a new panel where you can specify Child Geo locations of prior level.

Geo Locations
  • Location ID: A system generated Location Id.
  • Short Name: A link which redirects you to a down level panel where you can specify all of its children.
  • Description
  • Location Link: Not application for Geo Locations.
  • Active: A flag indicating whether this location is available for use or inactive.
  • Ordering: An integer value which indicates how Geo-locations will organize themselves.

Organization Locations

When you click on Short Name, you will be redirected to a new panel where you can specify Child Org locations of prior level.

Geo Locations
  • Location ID: A system generated Location Id.
  • Short Name: A link which redirects you to a down level panel where you can specify all of its children.
  • Description
  • Location Link: Associate Geo-location with this specific Organization Location. It is only applicable at level-2.
  • Active: A flag indicating whether this location is available for use or inactive.
  • Ordering: An integer value which indicates how Geo-locations will organize themselves.