Back-End Standard

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Naming Conventions and Standards

  1. 1 Numbered list item

Database Object Name (i.e. Table, Sequence, View, Index, Trigger, Package, Procedure, Function, Materialized View, Job, Type, Directory, Constraints, Synonyms and Tablespace ) should be meaningful Example : Table Name "HRS_EMPLOYEE_PERSONNEL"

  1. 2 Numbered list item

Column Name should be clearly defined and meaningful Example : Employee_ID

  1. 3 Numbered list item

Database Object name and Column name should not contain the Number and Special characters except "_" character

  1. 4 Numbered list item

Constraints name should be clearly defined and must be used the prefix and suffix when creating the constraints

    1. abc
    2. def
    3. ghi

  1. abc
  2. def
  3. ghi