SmartHCM Release Notes MP24

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SmartHCM MP24 Release

Release Date: 01-Dec-2022

Module Version: MP24

Maturity Status: QA Approved


Application Version
SmartESS MP24
SmartHCM Mobile App. (Android)
SmartHCM Mobile App. (iOS)
SmartHCM e-Recruitment
SmartHCM Webservice
SmartHCM Attendance Uploading Utility
SmartHCM Notification Sender Utility


  • HRS_R001 - List of Employee: 1. The new parameters namely "Join Date From" and "Join Date To" have been provided above the "Retirement From Date" field in the "Report Specific Parameter" panel. 2. Impact of the new parameters are provided on the "Join Date" column in the report.
  • SET_S005 - System Default: A new parameter named "SHOW_COMPANY_LOGO_RIGHT_SIDE" has been provided in the screen.
  • SET_S005 - System Default: Provided a parameter "TOM_OT_APPR_FROM_DATE_TO_DATE".The parameter contain: TOM Overtime Approval screen's "From Date" and "To Date" filters by default value. Set "N" if last run "Payroll" period "Provisional or Final" is required and set "Y" if yesterday date range is required.
  • SET_S005 - System Default: The two new parameters named "DURING_MONTH_INCREMENT_SALARY_CALC" and "DURING_MONTH_INCREMENT_OVERTIME_CALC" has been provided in the screen.
  • PAY_S020 - Payroll Process: The during the month "Increment" and "Overtime" calculations have been provided according to the "Increment Date" if the value will be set to "Y" in both parameters "DURING_MONTH_INCREMENT_SALARY_CALC" and "DURING_MONTH_INCREMENT_OVERTIME_CALC" then system should process the "Increment" and "Overtime" with respect to during the month "Increment" and if the value will be set to "N" then system should not take effect of during the month "Increment".
  • PAY_S020 - Payroll Process: The impact of the new "Overtime Slab" panel has been provided in the "Overtime" calculation in the "Payroll Process".
  • PAY_S020 - Payroll Process: Back-end calculation has been provided as per the value set (Y/N) in the new column "New Joiner" check box defined in the "Allowance Location Grade Setup" screen.
  • PAY_S020 - Payroll Process: Provided a check box "Show Provisional Report in ESS Payslip" in the screen and it will be shown when "Provisional" radio button is selected and it will be hidden when "Final" radio button is selected. Data of this check box will be saved directly in the table. By default it will be unchecked.
  • PAY_S020 - Payroll Process: If a "New Joiner" joins the company on "Start Date" of current "Payroll Process" then system should not consider them as "New Joiner".
  • TOM_S010 - Attendance Adjustment: Remarks field has been provided in the screen.
  • TOM_S010 - Attendance Adjustment: Check-In Time have leave Start Time and and Check-Out Time have leave End Time and if leave Start Time and End Time are not defined in the "Time Slot" screen then Check-In Time and Check-Out Time will be Start Time and End Time of Time Slot.
  • PAY_S048 - Outside Payroll Overtime Location Grade Setup: In the "Dependent AD Codes" panel: 1. "Input Type" combo box has been renamed to "Divisor Type". 2. "Divisor Type" combo box has been move to left and "Divisor" field has been move to right. 3. "Monthly Required Hours..." and "Monthly Working Days..." from the "Divisor Type" combo box has been removed. 4. Renamed "Monthly Days" to "Days" and "Monthly Hours" to "Hours" in the "Divisor Type" combo box.
  • PAY_R004 - Salary Sheet: Few employees who were part of payroll in previous months are not being reflected in the report when selected those months due to that "Grade" of an employee has been changed and in that old "Grade", currently not a single employee exists.
  • PAY_R004 - Salary Sheet: Month's name has been provided in the report instead of Digits.
  • PAY_R004 - Salary Sheet: Gross Salary" column has been provided after the include gross salary allowances.
  • PAY_R004 - Salary Sheet: Page sizes have been shown in the "Page Size" combo box for "Without Group" value same as shown for other values of "Group On" combo box.
  • HRS_S091 - Appraisal Attributes: Resized the "Rating Definition" (RATING_DESCRIPTION) column from "200" to "2000" characters. System will allow the user to enter "2000" characters from front-end.
  • PAY_R038 - Detail Payslip: 1. Note has been provided at the bottom of the Detail Payslip "This is a computer-generated Detail Payslip, no signature is required". 2. Provided 'employee type' and 'grade' in Detail Payslip.
  • PAY_R038 - Detail Payslip: Month's name has been provided in the report instead of Digits.
  • Dashboard - Dashboard: Announcement Widget has been provided in the New Mobile App and New e-Rec Portal Announcement.
  • HRS_R012 - Leave Balance Report: Avail From Date Hijri / Gregorian" and "Avail To Date Hijri / Gregorian" fields have been hidden from the "Report Parameters Form" panel.
  • HRS_R012 - Leave Balance Report: Avail From Date Hijri / Gregorian" and "Avail To Date Hijri / Gregorian" fields have been provided in the "Report Parameters Form" panel.
  • SET_S009 - Message Setup: Renamed the "IMEI" word with "Device Id" word in all respective messages.
  • GEN - General Work: System has provided "Powered By" with "SmartHCM" company logo on all pages at bottom right corner of all reports.
  • GEN - General Work: Client Logo" has been provided on top right corner in all reports as per the value "Y" set against the "SHOW_COMPANY_LOGO_RIGHT_SIDE" parameter in the "System Default" screen.
  • GEN - General Work : 1. Provided a new parameter against each employee (Kindly check the SmartHCM application where you provide it) which will be used to that record need to be authorized or not in the “Employee Wise Roster” screen. If Parameter value is set “N” then system will work same as working currently. If Parameter value is set “Y” then without authorization system will not take employees attendance and update it in the Rejection Log (Roster Not Exists tab) of the Machine Attendance Loading screen. 2. Provided new Check Box "Employee Roster Authorization Required" in "Employee Information and Other Information". 3. If "Employee Roster Authorization Required" Check Box will be "True" then attendance record will be rejected and will be shown in "Machine Attendance Loading and Rejected Records and Roster Not Exists". "Description" field will show "Employee Roster Authorization Required".
  • GEN - General Work: Provided an option to listen the "Audio" of "Applicant" who applied against any "Job" and uploaded the "Voice" with it on the "e-Recruitment Portal".
  • GEN - General Work: The table name from "HRS_APPRAISAL_RESULT_CLASSIFICATION" has been changed to "HRS_APPR_RESULT_CLASSIFICATION" everywhere in the front-end.
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: A new report namely "Employee Emergency Evacuation" has been created in Pivot Table Reporting Tool.
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: Incorporated the "Pivot Table Reporting Tool" feature from "MP23.5" build to "MP23.4.1" build.
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: A new report namely "Emergency Evacuation Summary" has been created in Pivot Table Reporting Tool.
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: A new report namely "Employee Status Count" has been created.
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: 'Time In’ and '‘Time Out'’ roaster are now independent in the Employee Daily Time sheet Report
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: Incorporated the back-end structure of "Pivot Table Reporting Tool" from "MP23.5" build to "MP23.4.1" build
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: A new column "Board No." has been provided in the Employee Wise Emergency Evacuation Report.
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: System is showing all "Check-In/Check-Out" data while the client needs only "First Check-In" and "Last Check-Out" in the report.
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: A new report namely "Employee Daily Time Sheet" has been created in Pivot Table Reporting Tool.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: The "Missing" status has been removed from "AttendStatus" combo list in the "Set_Language_Combolist" table.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: Created a trigger to do the same task which we are performing on code level to update for "Pay_Emp_Salary" table (Employee Basic Salary Editing screen).
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: A user enters a CNIC number, and can check now the duplicate CNIC for existing employees.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: Created a trigger hrs_requisition table to create a new record in hrs_requisition_display_setup (with all values to 'Y'). also created a script for existing records in hrs_requisition, which doesn't have a record in hrs_requisition_display_setup to create one."
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: Created a table and an stored procedure which will give data on the bases of unique and composite keys.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: The Back-end calculation as per the new customization has been defined in the "TOM Payroll Integration Setup" screen.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: Created the "Indexes" for all "Materialized Views" associated tables.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: Optimized the package/procedure of "Machine Attendance Loading - TOM_S018" screen.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: The table name from "HRS_APPRAISAL_RESULT_CLASSIFICATION" has been changed to "HRS_APPR_RESULT_CLASSIFICATION" everywhere in the database.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: Replaced the Old "Employee Ids" with the provided New "Employee Ids".
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: Created a new function in a database and in result it will tell us the Current status of Applicant and inputs we will provide are Request ID and Applicant ID.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: If the employee is absent either before or after off-days/holidays, the system will now consider all off days as absent.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: Calculation of Monthly Overtime Hours, Monthly Absent Deduction Hours and Monthly Overtime Payment Hours.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: Provided the list of employees who are stopped now but they have been continued by back-end.
  • MonthlyWFHCount - "Monthly Work From Home Count": Created a new report namely "Monthly Work From Home Count" report, containing the columns like the attached Image. Parameters of the report includes - [(Payroll Month From:), (Payroll Month To:), (Employee ID:), (Emp. Attend. Loc. Contain:)].
  • MonthlyWFHCount - "Monthly Work From Home Count": Incorporated the impact of new "Home" check box (Attendance Location Setup screen) in the report.
  • HRS_R007 - Employee Information: Provided a new field named "Expected Salary" in the "Other Information" block. 2. Provided a new field named "Driving License" check box in the "Other Document Information" block.
  • TOM_S038 - Mobile Device Attendance Setup: 1. In this screen added a click buttons of "Add All " and "Delete All" and these both click buttons will now be added after the "Reject Changes " and before "Search space" option. 2. Secondly when we can added any information by clicking "Add "or "Add all" button the check box for "Check GPS" and "auto Register First Device " should be check marked by default where as the column for " Check Device " should autofill the "Employee " and "Company " option by default.
  • TOM_S038 - Mobile Device Attendance Setup: In "Attendance Locations" panel, added the four new columns (Display-Only) "From Date", "To Date", "From Time" and "To Time".
  • TOM_S038 - Mobile Device Attendance Setup: 1. Added the columns "From Date", "From Time", "To Date" and "To Time" columns in the "Attendance Locations" panel. 2. User can now Add, Edit, Delete the data from these columns. 3. By default all fields should be shown non mandatory. 4. If user did not select "From Date" and/or "To Date" then system will not allow to user to enter "From Time" and/or "To Time". 5. "To Date" will not be lesser than "From Date". Also, "From Date" will not be greater than "To Date".
  • TOM_S029 - Overtime Approval: 1. The Overtime Approval button will be used only for approval instead of opening another block: 'Overtime Approval'. (Remove the block that opens by pressing the Overtime Approval button). 2.Before/During/After/Single Value columns will show the OT Code drop-down below the OT Hours. 3. Default OT Code will be shown as default on the OT Code drop-down. If there are multiple OT Codes defined against any Extra Hours Rule then the user can change it by selecting OT Code from the drop-down. 4. Added a new Remarks column as the last column of the screen.
  • TOM_S029 - Overtime Approval: "TOM_OT_APPR_FROM_DATE_TO_DATE". The parameter will have: TOM Overtime Approval screen's "From Date" and "To Date" filters by default value. Set "N" if last run "Payroll" period "Provisional or Final" is required and set "Y" if yesterday date range is required.
  • TOM_S018 - Machine Attendance Loading: Provided the "Geo. Location", "Org. Location" columns in "Machine Data", "Reload Required", "Roster Not Exists", "Duplicate Records" and "Absent Records" tabs. Also provided these as "Filters" in the filter panel of "Uploading Log" panel.
  • TOM_S018 - Machine Attendance Loading: Provided the audit log feature in the screen.
  • TOM_R002 - Individual Time Sheet (Standard): Incorporated "Individual Time Sheet Report" from MP 23.5 to MP 23.4.1(part II). Report design will now be updated in the "Arabic" mode as same as available in the "English" mode. 1. Removed the extra space from each record in the report. 2. Provided a new check box parameter namely "With Additional Columns" in the "Report Specific Parameter" panel. By default, it will be shown unchecked. 3. If an user not checked the "With Additional Columns" check box then report will be shown in the "Portrait" format. Otherwise it will be shown in the "Landscape" format. 4. If an user checked the "With Additional Columns" check box then report will be shown all the new columns "Leave Hours", "Required Hours", "Present Hours", "Absent Hours" and "Provided Hours" in the report. Otherwise it will be hidden. 5. All "Check-In/Check-Out" will be shown if the "Time Calculation Rule" is set "Based on all check-in and check-out" in the "Time Slot" screen.
  • TOM_R002 - Individual Time Sheet (Standard): System will show only "Portrait" report when an user runs the "TOM_R002" (Individual Time Sheet (Standard)) report.
  • TOM_R002 - Individual Time Sheet (Advanced): System will show only "Landscape" report when an user runs the new "TOM_R016" (Individual Time Sheet (Advanced)) report.
  • TOM_S023 - Employee Mobile Phone Registration Setup: The screen will now be hidden in the application. Also, screen will not be shown to any user even if an user adds the screen in the "Menu Activities" screen and gives rights to any user.
  • HRS_S013 - Position: Provided a new column "Active" check box in the 1st panel of the screen. By default, it will be shown "Checked".
  • HRS_S056 - Degree Setup: The screen will now be hidden in the application. Also, screen will not be shown to any user even if an user adds the screen in the "Menu Activities" screen and gives rights to any user.
  • PAY_R001 - Tax Slip: Changed the Date selection parameter in the Report Specific Parameter panel to "Pay Month" as already done in ESS Tax slip screen.
  • PAY_R001 - Tax Slip: The design of the "Tax Calculation Detail" panel has been changed in the report.
  • HRS_S219 - Voice Assessment Setup: A new screen named "Voice Assessment Setup" has been created in the setup of the 'Recruitment Management' module.
  • Tom_S021 - Attendance Locations Setup: "From Date", "From Time", "To Date" and "To Time" columns have been removed from the screen and back-end database.
  • Tom_S021 - Attendance Locations Setup: Provided the "From Time" and "To Time" fields (Text Fields). Both fields will be non mandatory.
  • Tom_S021 - Attendance Locations Setup: If user didn't enter data in "From Date" and/or "To Date" fields so system will not allow to the user to enter "From Time" and/or "To Time".
  • Tom_S021 - Attendance Locations Setup: 1. "Attendance Location Setup" Screen "Paging" is now working properly ,15 Records will be shown in Per page. 2. Provided a new "Searching" functionality for Search Records in the Screen. 3. Provided "Location wise Ordering" for Ordering Records.
  • Tom_S021 - Attendance Locations Setup: Provided the "From Date", "To Date" fields and "Home" check box.From Date will not be greater than To Date and To Date will not be less than From Date.
  • PAY_S042 - Employee Basic Salary Editing: Removed the code as mentioned in the detail from file "Paycontroller.cs".
  • HRS_S020 - Employee Increment: Added more "Increment Types" in the "Increment Type" combo box.
  • HRS_S020 - Employee Increment: System will not allow the user to enter more than one record against any employee as per their "Payroll Month" range.
  • TOM_S001 - Attendance Machine File Format Setup: A new mapping field has been provided "Time Flag In/Out Text”, it will be used for machine that is using for both Check-In / Check-Out.
  • HRS_R018 - Employee Increment List: 1. Added the column 'Increment type' after the 'Increment Date' in the report. 2. Also added the Filter of 'Increment Type' in the specific parameter section and its impact will be correct on using this filter.
  • HRS_RR48 - Applicant Resume: 1. Provided a new field named "Expected Salary" in the "Personal" block. 2. Provided a new field named "Driving License" check box in the "Personal" block.
  • PAY_S013 - Employee Allowances and Deductions: The "A01" (Basic) allowance code has been shown in the "Code Title" combo box.
  • PAY_S013 - Employee Allowances and Deductions: "Stopped" employees will be shown in drop down of "Employee". Currently, "Continue" employees are showing in the combo box.
  • PAY_S010 - Employee Payroll Attendance: Provided the "Delete all" button after the 'Reject Changes' button in the screen and it will now work properly.
  • PAY_S010 - Employee Payroll Attendance: "Stopped" employees will be shown in the "Employee" combo box. Currently, only "Continue" employees are showing.
  • HRS_S113 - Employee Hiring: The "Employee Id" field will be auto generated or manual depends on the Parameter value defined in the "System Default" screen as it will now be generated in the "Employee Information Screen".
  • HRS_S113 - Employee Hiring: Incorporated the impact of both fields "Expected Salary" and "Driving License" in the screen to update the data in the "Employee Information" screen when user authorizes the record here.
  • PAY_R026 - Bank Advise: Added the "Employee Id" column in the report.
  • TOM_R014 - Attendance Register (With Time Details): Provided a new report named "Attendance Register (With Time Details)" (TOM_R014) in the "Reports" folder of the "Time Office Management" module.
  • PAY_S018 - Monthly Payment & Deduction (Employee wise): The "A01" (Basic) allowance code has been shown in the "Code Title" combo box.
  • HRS_S185 - Employee Information: 1. Provided a new field named "Expected Salary" in the "Other Information" panel of "Employee Information" tab. It will be a Numeric field and a non mandatory field. 2. Provided a new field named "Driving License" check box in the "Additional Information" tab. By default it will be shown "Unchecked". 3. Provided the columns in the database for these two fields. 4. Both fields data will be updated in the screen when user "Authorize" the record of an applicant from the "Employee Hiring" screen.
  • HRS_S185 - Employee Information: Alert message will be shown when a user presses "Verify NIC" button if duplicate NIC(s) are not available in the system.
  • HRS_S185 - Employee Information: Duplicate CNIC check option. Provided an "information" button beside the employee information CNIC text box. Tool Tip will be appear upon hovering on the Information button.
  • TOM_S003 - Time Slot: Advance setting has been provided to facilitate single attendance machine for both In/Out option. - In Time range: i.e 1 hour before and after of the slab end-time, would be consider as In time. All other will be rejected. This setting will not only useful for single Check-in/Checkout machine, but a feature can be helpful where a dedicated machine is using for only Check-in option, to further control on in-time.
  • TOM_S003 - Time Slot: Calculation of Monthly Overtime Hours, Monthly Absent Deduction Hours and Monthly Overtime Payment Hours.
  • HRS_S218 - Appraisal Result Classification: Provided a new column namely "Increment%" field after the "Classification" column in the screen same as available in the "Increment Advise Classification - HRS_S095" screen. Also, it will be mandatory field.
  • TOM_S031 - TOM Payroll Integration Setup: In the "Irregularity (Count)" panel: 1. Provided a new check box namely "Absent Count" after the "Missing Count" check box. 2. Provided a new option namely "Less than" in the "Count Rule" drop down. 3. Changed the option name from "Greater then" to "Greater than" in the "Count Rule" drop down. 4. Changed the column name from "Count" to "Count Rule Value". 5. Provided a new drop down named "Accumulate Rule" after the "Count Rule Value" text field. This drop down having two values like "Constant Value" and "Count Value" in it. 6. Provided a new text field named "Accumulate Rule Value" after the "Accumulate Rule" drop down. It will be enabled only on selection of "Constant Value" from the "Accumulate Rule" drop down. 7. All these changes has been copied on other "Location" and "Grade" by the "Copy Records" functionality.
  • EmployeeRosterStatus - Employee Roster Status: A new report named "Employee Roster Status" has been created in the "Pivot Table Reporting Tool" screen.
  • PAY_S006 - Allowance Deduction Location Grade Setup:1. Provided a new column named "New Joiner" check box after the "In Gross" column. By default, it's value will be set "Y" (Checked). 2. This new column's value has been copied on other "Location" and "Grade" by the "Copy Records" functionality.
  • PAY_S055 - e-Bank File Generation: Value will now not be repeated for the "Sequence No" (Auto number) column.
  • TOM_S037 - Time Slot Location Shift Setup: Incorporated the screen from MP 23.5 to MP 23.4.1(partII).
  • Tom_S022 - Employee Attendance Location: The screen will now be hidden in the application. Also, screen will not be shown to any user even if an user adds the screen in the "Menu Activities" screen and gives rights to any user.
  • EmployeeRoster - Employee Roster: Created a Pivot Table Report for Employee Wise Roster. Report can now be seen by the actions of Supervisory Control Setup in which User can see its own report (if no rights assigned), and as well as others report (if rights allowed). The Report will now work on the Month Filter.
  • HRS_S212 - Pivot Table Reporting Rights:Incorporated the screen from "MP23.5" build to "MP23.4.1" build.
  • HRS_S212 - Pivot Table Reporting Rights: Added delete all and add all options on toolbar of the screen.
  • AttendanceRanking - Attendance Ranking Report: Incorporated the impact of new "Home" check box (Attendance Location Setup screen) in the report.
  • AttendanceRanking - Attendance Ranking Report: Provided a new pivot table report "Attendance Ranking" as per the mentioned detail.
  • PAY_S004 - Attendance Setup: "Dependent Attend Id" will now show OT Code in the drop-down menu.
  • HRS_S086 - Appraisal Group: Created a new column name "Ordering" in Appraisal Type Setting. It will be mandatory field and system will not allow user to enter same value in this field.
  • HRS_S108 - Applicant Information: 1. Provided a new field named "Expected Salary" in the "Personal" tab. It will be a Numeric field and a non mandatory field. 2. Provided a new field named "Driving License" check box in the "Personal" panel. By default it will be shown "Unchecked". 3. Provided the columns in the database for these two fields.
  • HRS_S108 - Applicant Information: Provided a new "Download Resume" option just below the "Email" field in the "Personal" tab.
  • PAY_R022 - Pay-Slip:1. Included a note at the bottom of the Payslip "This is a computer-generated Payslip, no signature is required".2. Provided 'employee type' and ' grade' in Payslip.
  • PAY_R022 - Pay-Slip: Month's name has been provided in the report instead of Digits.
  • PAY_S011 - Monthly Payment Deduction (Code wise): Provided the "Delete all" button after the 'Reject Changes' button in the screen and it will work properly.
  • PAY_S022 - Back Dated Attendance: The column label has been changed from "Batch Month" to "Adjustment Month".

Fixed Issues

  • HRS_S097 - Appraisal Plan Generation: Record wise deletion and addition options were not working properly in the screen.
  • HRS_RR50 - Applicant Information List: 1. System was not showing data in the Request Id, Location, Department, Position Name and Emp Type fields which are using as a Group.
  • HRS_RR50 - Applicant Information List: Column and Row Lines were not showing properly.
  • HRS_RR50 - Applicant Information List: 1. Header of the report was not showing as per application standard. 2. Report was not showing data as per the selected Specific Parameters. 3. End of the Report and Dash Line were showing on the Extra page of the report. It will be shown just below the last record.
  • HRS_RR50 - Applicant Information List: On opening the Applicant Information List screen, there was an error occurred.
  • HRS_RR50 - Applicant Information List: Report was not generating and showing an error when we are clicking on "Show PDF and "Show report".
  • HRS_RR38 - Written Test Result Report: On opening Written Test Result Report screen, there was an error occurred.
  • HRS_RR38 - Written Test Result Report: 1. System was not showing data in the Location, Department, Position Name, and Emp Type fields which were using as a Group in the report. 2. System was not showing data of all Applicants in the grid panel of the report.
  • HRS_S194 - Written Test Result(Test Wise): On opening the screen, on selecting Request ID first after selecting any Test, there was an error occurred.
  • HRS_S194 - Written Test Result(Test Wise): Corrected the space issue and spelling "Recommend" as " Recommended For Interview" in the "Written Test Result(Test Wise)" window. Kindly see the attached highlighted screenshot.
  • HRS_S194 - Written Test Result(Test Wise): When a user presses the "Save" button after "Add", "Edit" or "Amend" the record, then an error message "Unable to update applicant job applied for status" was appearing on the screen.
  • HRS_S194 - Written Test Result(Test Wise): 1. When a user presses the Save button in the Recommended for Interview window then an error message "Unable to update applicant job applied for status" was showing on the screen.
  • HRS_RR48 - Applicant Resume: On opening the the screen,there was an error occurred.
  • HRS_RR48 - Applicant Resume: Report was not generating and showing an error when we were clicking on "Show PDF and "Show report".
  • HRS_RR48 - Applicant Resume: "Position Name" was truncating in Show PDF.
  • HRS_RR48 - Applicant Resume: When a user fetches a report, the Issue date and Expiry date in Personal Information and To & From dates in Experience and Courses was showing the date in Hijri Format.
  • GEN - General Work : Checking all screens of Recruitment Management module wherever Request ID is used.
  • GEN - General Work : System must get logo (Company Logo) from the "Configuration" folder and show that logo is all reports.
  • GEN - General Work : A "Universal User Name" was created for local database which will be used to Login in all the database dumps with the same Id and Password. (Different Client's User should be renamed, and they should have all the User Rights)
  • GEN - General Work : Fixes the ESS and HCM build issues
  • GEN - General Work : Resolved the issues of Machine Attendance Loading screen and Overtime Approval screen from back-end.
  • GEN - General Work : "Exceptions" that occurred on the Application Server for client "Chase Value" specifically.
  • GEN - General Work : When a user has more than 50-60 location rights assigned in User Profile screen. Hence, other screens was not working properly. (Client wants to assign 1200 locations to a single employee).
  • HRS_RR37 - Shortlisted Applicants: 1. System was not showing data in the Location, Department, Position Name and Emp Type fields which are using as a Group.
  • HRS_RR37 - Shortlisted Applicants: On opening the screen, there was an error occurred.
  • HRS_S185 - Employee Information: Status of "Stopped" employees automatically changes to "Currently Working" if an user makes any change in the "Employee Name" or in any other information. Note: Check and resolve the issue on "AHC" database dump.
  • HRS_S185 - Employee Information: The error message "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown." was appearing on the screen.
  • HRS_S185 - Employee Information: Increase the text field of 'NIC' to remove the highlighted space in the attached screenshot. Also it should be visible clearly at 100% zoom on all the screens.
  • HRS_S185 - Employee Information: "CNIC" field and "Verify CNIC" button were truncating on the Laptop screen.. It should be shown properly in the 100% zoom.
  • HRS_S185 - Employee Information: When a user separates of employees from the "Employee Separation" screen but the employee was still showing Active (Continue).
  • HRS_S185 - Employee Information: In "E-Files" tab, when we Add the record without selecting any value in the popup window so it updated that but one empty record was created in the grid. Also, same problem exists in the "Edit" mode.
  • HRS_S185 - Employee Information: 1. Provide the new field "Gross Adjustment:" between the fields "Basic Salary:" and "Gross Pay:" 2. Also move the field "Expected Pay" field after the field "Roster Authorized:" 3. Also correct the spelling for the field "Roster Authorized:"
  • HRS_S185 - Employee Information: "Basic Salary" field was showing large value of the "Decimal Place" in the "Job Detail" panel. It should be restricted on the "Two" decimal places.
  • HRS_S185 - Employee Information: Rejoined employees from back-end become "Stopped" after some times.
  • HRS_S185 - Employee Information: When we hired applicant from Employee Hiring screen and search in the "Employee Information" Screen the loader was moving continuously and not showing employee information.
  • HRS_S185 - Employee Information: When we hired applicant from Employee Hiring screen and search in the "Employee Information" Screen the data was showing but in "Other Information" "System.Object" was showing in the "Status Date" field instead of "Date".
  • HRS_S185 - Employee Information: When a user selects the "Don't Disclose" value from the Gender combo then the system was showing error message on saving.
  • HRS_S185 - Employee Information: Spaces shouldn't be allowed in "Employee Id" field.
  • ESS_S001 - Notification Calendar: System was showing wrong value against the "[Transaction_Date_Gregorian]" and "[Transaction_Date_Hijri]" tags in the "Leave Email" notification.
  • MOB_S001 - Send Mobile App. Notification: Notification was going in 'Pending Status', and when "Resend" button was clicked "Unable to send notification" error message was showing.
  • MOB_S001 - Send Mobile App. Notification: System was not sending the "Push Notifications" to employees without re-login the "SmartHCM Mobile App".
  • TOM_S018 - Machine Attendance Loading: In the "Machine Data" sub-tab of the "Loaded Records" tab, the "Reload Attendance" button should be hide/show to only those employees who have the "Authorize" rights defined in the "User Rights" screen.
  • TOM_S018 - Machine Attendance Loading: a. When a user opens the Uploading Log tab in TOM_S018, all the 4 sub-tabs should be shown blank. Currently all 4 sub-tabs were showing data. b. Searching should work on each tab separately. Currently, when a user searches a record, data is being loaded of each tab.
  • TOM_S018 - Machine Attendance Loading: "Machine Attendance Loading" Screen While click on its selection from its drop down list for select the "File Format" it Server "error" shows "status" Code "500" in the page.
  • TOM_S018 - Machine Attendance Loading: The back-end development was provided to the "Geo. Location", "Org. Location" columns in all tabs. Also provided these as "Filters".
  • TOM_S018 - Machine Attendance Loading: The screen was not taking parameters whilst loading.
  • TOM_S018 - Machine Attendance Loading: The "Reloading Attendance" functionality was not working.
  • PAY_S020 - Payroll Process: When run the "Payroll Process" then an error message "Cannot insert null into PAY_OVERTIME_DECISION table." was appearing on the screen.
  • PAY_S020 - Payroll Process: The system was not calculating Fund Arrears Calculation correctly.
  • PAY_S020 - Payroll Process: System was not calculating Present Hours correctly, when a user selects "Constant Divisor" with No Limit in Divisor Type column in Attendance Location Grade Setup screen.
  • PAY_S020 - Payroll Process:The "Gross Salary" formula was not rounding properly the value as per setup defined in the "Allowances and Deduction Location Grade Setup" screen. "Payroll Process" was updating value "3" in the "Pay_Emp_Payroll" table and updating value "2" in the "Pay_Emp_Rate" table and due to that system was showing "Gross Salary" value "54,999" in the report. System should update same value in both tables after running the "Payroll Process".
  • PAY_S020 - Payroll Process: 1. When running the Payroll of the month of August (Cutoff from 1st till 31st). PF was not getting deducted if any date is selected. 2. Deduction was made if we select start date to 31-jul-21 but the amount has difference due to additional 1 day.
  • TOM_R002 - Individual Time Sheet (Standard): If an employee applied "Hourly" based leave in a gap b/w multiple "Check-In" and "Check-Out" ("Based on all Check-In and Check-Out" option is set in the "Time Calculation Rule" block for the "Time Slot") then system must added the approved "Leave Hours" in the "Present Hours". Currently, system was showing approved "Leave Hours" in the "Absent Hours".
  • TOM_R002 - Individual Time Sheet (Standard): Changed the label name to "Hours Worked (Working Time)".
  • TOM_R002 - Individual Time Sheet (Standard): System was taking too much time to show data in the report.
  • TOM_R002 - Individual Time Sheet (Standard): Calculations of all the columns working on "With Additional Columns" checkbox, should only load when the user checks the checkbox. Currently, even unchecked checkbox was loading data in back end, hence slowing the query.
  • TOM_R002 - Individual Time Sheet (Standard): When a user runs the report, "Specified cast was not valid" error message was showing.
  • PAY_S034 - Payroll Inquiry:There is an issue in employee basic salary of employee ID(005428). On changing the employee salary from Employee Basic Salary Editing screen from Rs:16250 to 20150, the salary changed and the new basic salary also changed in employee information screen as well. But after the run of provisional payroll , the basic salary was not showing exactly amount in Payroll inquiry even the employee payroll attendance showing full attendance of 31 days.
  • PAY_S034 - Payroll Inquiry: System was showing double "Deduction" against "Loan Installment" in the "Deduction" panel. For Example: "Loan Installment" is "15,500" but system was showing "31,000" in the "Deduction" panel.
  • HRS_RR40 - Hiring Detail: On opening the screen, an error was occurred.
  • HRS_RR40 - Hiring Detail: 1. System was not showing data in the Request Id, Location, Department, Position Name and Emp Type fields which are using as a Group. 2. System was not showing data in the Address field which is using as a Group. 3. System was not showing data in the Geo Location and Org Location fields. 4. System was not showing data in the Position column in the Approver block. 5. Extra blank page was showing always.
  • HRS_S108 - Applicant Information: 1. When we were searching any applicant id and then clicking on add button the Field of "Expected Salary" should be shown non mandatory and "Driving License" check box should be shown Unchecked which was not showing right. 2. In the above same scenario it also work correctly when we edit, amend or save any data without showing Expected Salary" non mandatory and "Driving License" unchecked by default .
  • HRS_S108 - Applicant Information: In Voice Assessment tab; 1. Rating Column should show blank value by default. 2. Assessment Description column should be read-only. 3. Hide the delete button in the tab.
  • HRS_S108 - Applicant Information: When we were saving the applicant information with "Don't Disclose" gender option it was not saving the data and showing the error message.
  • HRS_S108 - Applicant Information: When we were adding and saving applicants in 'applicant shortlist' its status was not updating in 'applied sub status' of 'applicant information' screen until and unless we authorize that particular applicant in "applicant shortlist".
  • HRS_S108 - Applicant Information: On applying to the different jobs on the portal with the same id the screen was not updating any status 'applied job history' panel.
  • HRS_S108 - Applicant Information: The screen of 'Voice Assessment' was not visible completely at 100% zoom in laptop screen while it is ok in the desktop screen.
  • HRS_S108 - Applicant Information: Screen was not showing the applicant id in the "Applicant ID" panel on saving the data on E-recruitment portal without applying on any job.
  • HRS_S108 - Applicant Information: In the screen the field of " Emergency Contact No:" and its 'text box' is overlapping. There should be a gap between both of them with proper alignment .
  • HRS_S108 - Applicant Information: In table "HRS_Applicant", system was updating invalid value "67" in the column "Country_Mobile_NO1".
  • HRS_S108 - Applicant Information: When we were searching any applicant ID in screen and then after clicking on add option for creating new applicant ID the searched applicant CV was still there in download CV option. Secondly, the data of "Applied Job History" for selected applicant was still showing, it should be cleared when we click on Add button.
  • HRS_S108 - Applicant Information: 1. In Applicant Information Screen, Applicant ID was not visible until and unless applicant applied for the job but the applicant record was save in the database. 2. Paging bar was not displaying records as per the format.
  • HRS_S108 - Applicant Information: On opening the screen, an error was occurred.
  • PAY_R004 - Salary Sheet: If a user generates a report for the period like "July-2019 to June-2020" then the "Payroll Months" was not showing in a correct sequence/order.
  • PAY_R004 - Salary Sheet: 1.On generating the report when we selecting the filter "Without Group" of 'Group On 'filed for a single month there was no comma separation showing in the total amount. 2. On generating the report when we selecting the filter "Without Group" of 'Group On 'filed for a different month there was no comma separation showing in the entire sheet.
  • PAY_R004 - Salary Sheet: If only "One" Payroll Month selected then do not show the "Total" on Row.
  • PAY_R004 - Salary Sheet: Report was not showing company logo when a user fetches the report selecting "With Additional Columns" radio button. Also, correct the spelling from Additional" to "Additional" of both the radio buttons.
  • PAY_R004 - Salary Sheet: "Position" was not showing completely in the report.
  • HRS_R017 - Employee Promotion List: Removed the columns 'Last Basic' and 'New basic' in the report. And also adjust the remaining columns in a decent way for a entire report.
  • TOM_S036 - Monthly Time Sheet Approval: Application was hanging while working on the screen.
  • TOM_S036 - Monthly Time Sheet Approval: If an employee applied "Hourly" based leave in a gap b/w multiple "Check-In" and "Check-Out" ("Based on all Check-In and Check-Out" option was set in the "Time Calculation Rule" block for the "Time Slot") then system must added the approved "Leave Hours" in the "Present Hours". Currently, system was showing approved "Leave Hours" in the "Absent Hours".
  • PAY_R022 - Pay-Slip: When a User gets the Report/PDF without selecting any Employee. Payslip was not working on "ALL" and not fetching any data for InterWood.
  • PAY_R022 - Pay-Slip: When a user have "Selected Rights" Geo. Location or Employee List was not showing. However, user can view full report on clicking Show Report button.
  • PAY_R022 - Pay-Slip: The "Attendance Days" was not showing in the report when the "Payroll Process" is run "Provisional".
  • PAY_R022 - Pay-Slip: Report was not showing the details of the employee (000000).
  • PAY_R022 - Pay-Slip: When a user fetches data in the screen, "Geo Location" and "Org Location" filters were not working properly in Pay-slip as all locations and organization Pay-Slips had been displayed.
  • PAY_R022 - Pay-Slip: When clicking on Show Attendance "Overtime attendance/hours" was not showing in the Report, while running Provisional and/or Final Payroll Process.
  • PAY_R022 - Pay-Slip: Location Wise "Logo" was not Showing in "Pay-Slip".
  • PAY_R022 - Pay-Slip: When a user runs the report then an error message "ORA-01722: invalid number" was appearing on the report page.
  • PAY_R022 - Pay-Slip: 1. Show the 'Net Salary ' ,'Total Allowances' ,'Total Deductions' spelling all with exactly same font size. 2. Also show the value for 'Net Salary' in Bold font , in the Pay slip.
  • PAY_R022 - Pay-Slip: Payslips was not showing Overtime whose code is T20.
  • HRS_S117 - Full and Final Settlement: Only "Authorize" records should be shown in the "Resign Id" combo box of the "Query" panel. Currently, "Unauthorized" records were also showing in the "Resign Id" combo box.
  • HRS_S117 - Full and Final Settlement: 1. Provide the screen with better visibility like lower the "Employee Perk Information" section at minimum level. 2. Also provide a "Scroll up" and "Scroll down' option in the same section position.
  • HRS_S117 - Full and Final Settlement: Wrong information was displaying in "Employee Perk Additional Information" on selecting any "Resign Id".
  • HRS_S117 - Full and Final Settlement: Hide the field " Notice Period Days for Deduction:" on the screen. Also, adjust the remaining fields in a way that looks user-friendly.
  • HRS_S117 - Full and Final Settlement: 1. On adding different allowances it was adding the same code allowances multiple times which was wrong. It should enter and save the same code wise allowances in single entity against the relevant id. 2. If the user add the allowances manually, it should overwrite the data on clicking the 'calculate' button but if the data was not entered manually the "Calculate" button should work accordingly in the defined way.
  • HRS_S117 - Full and Final Settlement: System was showing an error message when a user presses "Save" button after entering record of any "AD Code".
  • TOM_S010 - Attendance Adjustment:For Attendance Adjustment Screen (HCM & ESS) and Attendance Machine, if a user tries to mark Check-In of conflicting time of first slot, then system should show an error message. For Attendance Adjustment Screen (HCM & ESS) and Attendance Machine, if a user tries to mark Check-Out of conflicting time of Second slot, then system should show an error message End Time of 1st Slot is not updating in the attendance adjustment screen, system was showing error message on the screen.
  • TOM_S010 - Attendance Adjustment: Wrong "Resigned Employees" were showing in the selected "Date" range. In GET_MISSING_ATTENDANCE_RECORDS procedure which resides in TOM_PKG package.
  • PAY_S049 - Outside Payroll Overtime Transactions: When a supervisor approved "Overtime Hours" record as an "Outside Overtime" against any employee in the "Overtime Approval" screen (HCM / ESS) then system is updating the record in the screen but value "Zero" was showing in the "Hours" column and due to that "Amount" is calculating "Zero" as well.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: Wrong assignment of base level id was showing on hierarchy in "Define Workflow" Screen.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: If employee tax adjustment comes in a particular month then that month is repeated showing only the Additional Amount Value in a new Column. Also, tax amount was not getting deducted.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: "Back Dated" Employee Increment "Arrears" Calculation was not Working.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: Remove the "Request_Id" column from the "Hrs_Applicant" table and by removing this column if there is any issue in the database resolve that as well.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: System was sending request management notification to wrong person.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: When we are adding new Org Location in location screen sub level, under an already defined parent then Association with Geo location was not creating.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: LOP hours were not reflected on the screen, 0 value is showing in attend value against LOP hours.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: In the Employee Payroll Attendance screen, Attendance Records were not showing while “Employee Payroll Attendance Report” was showing record. Possibly due to decimal point values. In the Payroll Process screen, the sum of Leave Without Pay “is “12.47” so LOP Hours” attendance value should be “12.47” but it was showing “12.4666666666”.
  • Database - Database / Backend Development: Alter "Shift" column data type from "Number(3)" to "Number" in all DB Tables.
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: Report error was showing in Home / Office attendance detail.
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: Facing an issue in the Pivot report of Employee information, In HCM it shows all records but when they export in excel it displays only 26 rows.
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: Date Format was wrong in Export to Excel.
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: Header row should be bold.
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: "Export to Excel" feature giving blank sheet.
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: If report doesn’t have data on selected parameters, It should show the message like “No data found”. Currently it doesn’t shown any message.
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: Export to Excel button looks disabled. Need to change color.
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: "Report Name" field should be mandatory field in the "Edit Query" window.
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: When we create a new layout and save it, screen got stuck.
  • HRS_S207 - Pivot Table Reporting Tool: Manager should be able to see a report where employees’ Actual KM, Travel Expense Request KM and Approved KM should be shown of payroll month.
  • PAY_R038 - Detail Payslip: On clicking the "Send Email" button, "Payslip could not be sent due to following error: Missing parameter values." Error message was showing.
  • PAY_R038 - Detail Payslip: When a User gets the Report/PDF without selecting any Employee. Detail-Payslip was not working on "ALL" and not fetching any data for InterWood.
  • PAY_R038 - Detail Payslip: Payslips were not showing Overtime whose code is T20.
  • PAY_R038 - Detail Payslip: When a user runs the report then an error message "ORA-01722: invalid number" was appearing on the report page.
  • PAY_R038 - Detail Payslip: Show the value for 'Net Salary' in Bold font , in the detail Payslip.
  • PAY_R038 - Detail Payslip: Report was not showing the details of the employee (000000).
  • PAY_R038 - Detail Payslip: There was error message is occurring when user was clicking on "Send Email" button on the screen.
  • PAY_R038 - Detail Payslip: When a user have "Selected Rights" Geo. Location or Employee List was not showing. However, user can view full report on clicking Show Report button.
  • PAY_R038 - Detail Payslip: Location Wise "Logo" was not Showing in "Detail Pay-Slip".
  • PAY_R038 - Detail Payslip: Department filter was not working in Detail pay-slip.
  • PAY_S055 - e-Bank File Generation: When a user uploads Tax of the employees manually, the Tax impact did not show results correctly on the screen. "Salary Sheet" report shows correct result.
  • TOM_S014 - Overtime Approval: Screen was working too slow.
  • HRS_S086 - Appraisal Group: Translation of data of "Appraisal Type" combo box was not working in the "Appraisal Type Setting" panel.
  • HRS_S086 - Appraisal Group: In "Appraisal Group" Screen All Headers "Columns" alignments issue, When Selection in Language Mode in "Arabic".
  • RMS_S004 - Manage Request: On searching for an employee, the drop down shows an error and shows "undefined" in the dropdown list.
  • RMS_S004 - Manage Request: When enters the translation against any "Field" in the "Request Fields Setup" screen then the "Field Label" was not showing on the "Generate Request" screen.
  • RMS_S004 - Manage Request: When click to view attachment of request, after viewing clicking close, not removing loading bar from request.
  • TOM_S003 - Time Slot: In "Time Slot" Screen 100% Resolution should be view full Screen even this Screen "User" Open in "Laptop" or "Pc" or choose any "Device".
  • TOM_S003 - Time Slot: Screen was not calculating the correct difference b/w "Start Time" & "End Time".
  • HRS_S158 - Company Documents: When a user edit the record and uploads the file again then system was showing "undefined" file name instead of actual file name.
  • HRS_S112 - Applicant Interviews: 1. When a user Add a new record and presses the Save button then an error message "Record already Exist or Unable to update applicant job applied for status" was showing on the screen. 2. When a user presses the Save button in the Close Interview panel then an error message "Unable to update applicant job applied for status" was showing on the screen. 3. "Close Interview" button behaves abnormally.
  • HRS_S112 - Applicant Interviews: Screen wan not completely visible at exact 100% zoom resolution in laptop screen.
  • HRS_S112 - Applicant Interviews: On opening the screen and select Request ID, an error was occurred.
  • HRS_S107 - Recruitment Request Form: 1. When presses the other tabs instead of Recruitment Request tab then "Amend" button was hidden from the Tool Bar, after that when presses the Recruitment Request tab then it should be shown on the Tool Bar. 2. When system shows Amend button on the Tool Bar then Publish Job and Featured Job On buttons should be shown at the same time on the Tool Bar. Currently, user needs to select the Request No. again from the query panel to view these buttons.
  • HRS_S107 - Recruitment Request Form: When a user refreshes the screen after saving a record in "Exp. Remarks", the record was not showing/saving.
  • HRS_S107 - Recruitment Request Form: Sometimes "Display Setup" tab was showing blank screen.
  • HRS_S107 - Recruitment Request Form: Paging Bar was not working properly in the "Geo Location" combo box.
  • HRS_S110 - Applicant Shortlist: 1. Records should be added in the "Applicants" panel by searching the data from the "Applied Job History" panel (Applicant Information screen - HRS_S108) when a user checked the check boxes "Applied for this request" and "Request No." and selected "Yes" from the "Applied for this request" combo box and selected same "Request No." from the "Request No." combo box in the "Selection Criteria" window. 2. Provided the "Download Resume" option with each record in the "Applicants" panel. 3. "Area of Study" selection criteria was not working properly. 4. "Grade" selection criteria was not working properly. 5. "Applied for this request" selection criteria was not working. 6. "Include already shortlisted" selection criteria was not working properly. 7. "Request No." selection criteria was not working properly. 8. When "Add", "Edit", "Authorize" or "Amend" the record then an error message "Unable to update applicant job applied for status" was showing on the screen.
  • HRS_S110 - Applicant Shortlist: Screen was showing 'save error' message " ORA-06550: line 1,cloumn 7:PLS-00306:wrong number or type of arguments in call to 'HRS_APPL_SHORTLIST_SP' ORA -06550:line 1,coloumn 7 :PL/SQL:Statement ignored".
  • HRS_S110 - Applicant Shortlist: 1. Add a new column "Applied Date" right after the "Applicant Eligible " column. 2. Also add a new column "Applicant Status" which should a message "Viewed" if applicant resume was viewed or "Not Viewed " by default if it was not viewed.
  • HRS_S110 - Applicant Shortlist: When a user presses the "Save" button after "Add", "Edit" or "Amend" the record then an error message "Unable to update applicant job applied for status" was appearing on the screen.
  • HRS_S110 - Applicant Shortlist: On opening the screen an error was occurred.
  • HRS_R006 - Employee Information*: When we are adding a new employee and on pressing the Save button it was showing an error message that "Object Reference not set to an instance of an object" and the employee did not add after the message. I have checked this issue on the Local server as well, It was showing the same error.
  • TOM_S038 - Mobile Device Attendance Setup: When we delete record from "Allowed Devices" and it didn't delete the record and show failure request with the message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". Same happens with the "Attendance Location" record that record was not deleted.
  • TOM_S038 - Mobile Device Attendance Setup: Screen was giving error if records exceed 1000 in main grid.
  • TOM_S038 - Mobile Device Attendance Setup: Paging was not visible in 100% resolution of Laptop screens.
  • TOM_S038 - Mobile Device Attendance Setup: When adding employee from front it was not displaying on the screen but it was showing in the database.
  • TOM_R004 - Roster Template Report: In roster template report "Specific Parameter " section when we were searching for shifts it was not showing more than 10 records.
  • HRS_R030 - Performance/Personal Appraisal: Translation of data of "Flag" combo box was not working.
  • HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: "Leave Location Grade Setup" Screen in Language Selection in "Arabic" Mode Whole Screen Layout issue including buttons, Text Boxes fields overriding on the Screen.
  • HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: Medical check box functionality was not working correctly.
  • TOM_S002 - Supervisory Control Setup: "Delete Attendance Rights" was not working for "Attendance Adjustment Screen".
  • HRS_R012 - Leave Balance Report: 1. Change the parameter name from "Leave Days Minimum / Maximum" to "Leave Balance Range From / To". 2. Change the parameter name from "Avail Days From / To" to "Leave Availed Range From / To". 3. Functionality of all "Parameters" should be worked properly. 4. System was not showing data in any order. It should be shown Ascending order on "Employee Id" column.
  • PAY_S010 - Employee Payroll Attendance: Error message: "maximum allowed attend value '0', You exceeding limit" was showing when a user changes a value.
  • PAY_S010 - Employee Payroll Attendance: When a user manually enters value in the "Attend Value" field and save it then system should show value in two "Decimal Places" only instead of showing more than two "Decimal Places".
  • HRS_S020 - Employee Increment: System was showing wrong error message when a user presses "Save" button after entering the record of increment for an employee.
  • HRS_S020 - Employee Increment: 1. When we were giving any increment to any employee it was working fine until the authorize step but on refreshing the page when we were searching the relevant employee again the 'Increment NO:' was showing two records for it and that's why its impact was also not showing in the 'Employee Information' screen.
  • HRS_S020 - Employee Increment: Issue on its Searching Drop down list When a user search with "Text" any "Increment No" or "Employee Id" in "Employee Increment" Screen Searching was not working.
  • SET_S002 - Locations: System was not allowing to create location to the "2nd Level" and automatically deleting created location. Further after the "2nd Level", user need to create "3rd Level" of location as well.
  • HRS_S111 - Written Test Result: When we delete all the test records against any applicant id from the the screen then the applicant id was not showinf in the "Employee hiring" screen when we were going to add the applicants for the interviews.
  • HRS_S111 - Written Test Result: 1. When a user deletes all tests records against any applicant then system should remove value from the "Recommend for Interview" field and show blank. 2. Correct the spelling of Label with "Recommend for Interview".
  • HRS_S111 - Written Test Result: 1. When "Add", "Edit", "Authorize" or "Amend" the record then an error message "Unable to update applicant job applied for status" was showing on the screen.
  • HRS_S111 - Written Test Result: When we are setting the criteria to 'PASS' 'or 'FAIL' the applicants by rating wise in "Test Rating setup" screen. It was not working correctly as it was showing "PASS" status for every defined criteria.
  • HRS_S111 - Written Test Result: On opening the screen and select Request ID, an error was occurred.
  • HRS_S111 - Written Test Result: When a user presses the "Save" button after "Add", "Edit" or "Amend" the record then an error message "Unable to update applicant job applied for status" was appearing on the screen.
  • TOM_S020 - Holiday Setup: If overwrite checkbox was checked, "Unique Constraint Error" was showing.
  • TOM_S020 - Holiday Setup: In "Copy Records" System should select all the child location check-boxes when a User checks a Location in "Geo Locations". System was currently checking all the child locations, but when there are a greater number of locations, system was not selecting all the check boxes of the selected location.
  • TOM_S020 - Holiday Setup: 1. Screen was showing error upon loading - Holiday Grid, Type/Time Slot is not loading. 2. In "Copy Records" window, Location was taking time in loading completely.
  • HER_S152 - Download Resume: When clicking on "Download Resume" Button, "Error Log" message was showing (Failed to download resume).
  • HER_S152 - Download Resume: Hide the screen in the application. Also, the screen should not be shown to any user even if a user adds the screen in the "Menu Activities" screen and gives rights to any user.
  • HER_S152 - Download Resume: e-recruitment/hcm downloaded resume authorize issue.
  • TOM_R014 - Attendance Register (With Time Details): Attendance register report was showing error "ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string ORA-06512: at "SYS.STANDARD", line 130 ORA-06512: at "SMARTHCM_CHASEVALUE.TOM_R014_PKG", line 335" while opening for a whole month. It was only working when we open it for a limited time period (10 to 15 days) or when a particular employee was searched.
  • HRS_S033 - Leave Balance: Highlighted data in "Leave Balance" panel was showing details of "Leave Type" in "Leave Balance History" of an Employee A. But, when a user selects an Employee B with only a single row data in "Leave Balance" parameter, no data was showing in "Leave Balance History" until the user refreshes the screen. If user selects new Employee then highlighted row should be unhighlighted.
  • HRS_S033 - Leave Balance: When a user selects value from "Leave Year Start" combo box then an error message "Request Failure - Specified cast is not valid." was appearing on the screen.
  • HER_S151 - Upload Setups: Hide the screen in the application. Also, the screen should not be shown to any user even if a user adds the screen in the "Menu Activities" screen and gives rights to any user.
  • HRS_S163 - Job Information: 1. Provide the "Old Emp. Id" and "New Emp. Id" columns in the "Job History" panel. 2. Provide the "Activity Name" column in the "Job History" panel. 3. "Last Updated On" column was not showing date correctly.
  • HRS_S163 - Job Information: An employee was "Active" on a job but when we check the same job in the "Job Information" screen it was showing "Vacant".
  • HRS_S099 - Performance/Personal Appraisal: Translation of data of "Flag" combo box was not working.
  • HRS_R015 - Full and Final Settlement Report: Hide the field " Notice Period Days for Deduction:" in the report. Also, adjust the remaining fields in a way that looks user-friendly.
  • HRS_R018 - Employee Increment List: Employee Parameter was Required in Employee Increment List.
  • HRS_R018 - Employee Increment List: 1. Error in employee increment list report, when user want to export report in excel or in any other format , the export function was not working. 2. Also Go to the next page button was showing an error "unable to process your request".
  • PAY_S006 - Allowance Deduction Location Grade Setup: When selects the value "% of Rate" then "Amount" field should be enabled and should be shown "Blank" just like when the user selecting the value "% of Payment". Currently, "Amount" field always shown "100" value in case of "Deduction" code when selects value "% of Rate".
  • PAY_S006 - Allowance Deduction Location Grade Setup: Value of "Attend" column was not rendering b/c "Attend Id" is exists in the 2nd page of "Attend" combo list.
  • HRS_R002 - List of Employees*: List of employees report was not working correctly when a user selects employee status resignation and selects retirement date filters, then the results were not showing correctly.
  • PAY_R001 - Tax Slip: System was wrongly projected the value of "Employee Tax Adjustment" in the "Adjustment Amount" field of the report.
  • PAY_R001 - Tax Slip: Do all the numeric(amounts) data in right aligned format for the entire report as highlighted in attached image.
  • PAY_R001 - Tax Slip: "Date" in Report Header should be same as selected in the parameter.
  • SEC_RR01 - Audit Log: Activity Id, Label translation was missing in audit log "Show Report".
  • Login - Login: System was showing error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when user login after update the expired password.
  • Login - Login: When a user presses the "Login" button then a wrong alert message "Login Information - Client information is incorrect! Please contact" was appearing on the screen.
  • HRS_R051 - Letter Report: "Employee" and "General" categories related "Letters" should be shown in the "Select Letter" combo box. Currently "Recruitment" category related "Letters" were showing in the combo.
  • HRS_R051 - Letter Report: "Letter Tags" were not reflecting their values other than "English" language in the "PDF" file of "Letter Report".
  • HRS_R051 - Letter Report: 1. "Letter Report" After Selection Language in "Arabic" Mode "From Date" Georgian and Hijri field and "To Date Field" Georgian and Hijri field gap should be shown its Screen.2.Also Right First Header "Checkbox" was not aligned correct position.
  • HRS_R051 - Letter Report: "Letter Tags" were not reflecting their values in the "Letter Report".
  • HRS_R010 - Consolidated Leave Card: "Employee Information" was not showing in Report when leave request was not recorded. (Position, Location, Employee Id, Employee Name, Employee Type, Department).
  • HRS_R010 - Consolidated Leave Card: In PDF format year was truncating.
  • HRS_R010 - Consolidated Leave Card: When we click on Show PDF and Show Report buttons, an error was occurred.
  • WFL_S001 - Workflow Structure: While deleting workflow; workflow was not deleting. Also, wrong "Error" message "Check-in time must be less then Check-out time" was showing on the screen.
  • WFL_S001 - Workflow Structure: "Final Approving Level" and "Sec. Last Approving Level" fields should be mandatory.
  • HRS_RR39 - Interview Results: On opening the screen, an error was occurred.
  • HRS_RR39 - Interview Results: 1. System was not showing data in the Location, Department, Position Name and Emp Type fields which were using as a Group. 2. System was not showing data in the Address and Phone fields which were using as a Group.
  • RMS_S001 - Request Type Setup: "Paging Bar" functionality was not working in the "1st" panel. System was showing records of "1st Page" only.
  • HRS_R065 - Appraisal Status – Appraiser Wise: Wrong report name was showing as a heading in the "Report Parameter Form" sub-tab.
  • HRS_R065 - Appraisal Status – Appraiser Wise: Report was not working on General Parameters.