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== Enhancement ==
== Enhancement ==
<u>'''General Work'''</u>: Showed the translation of ("Employee Name", "Geo. Location", "Org. Location", "Position", "Country", "Province" and "City") in whole application (where applicable).
* <u>'''General Work'''</u>: Showed the translation of ("Employee Name", "Geo. Location", "Org. Location", "Position", "Country", "Province" and "City") in whole application (where applicable).
<u>'''General Work'''</u>: Showed the "Date" and "Time" as per the "Time Zone - GMT" mechanism in whole application (where applicable).
* <u>'''General Work'''</u>: Showed the "Date" and "Time" as per the "Time Zone - GMT" mechanism in whole application (where applicable).
<u>'''Send Mobile App. Notification (MOB_S001)'''</u>: Created the new screen in the "Mobile Application" module to send the multiple "Notification" at any time to any "Employee" who have installed "Smart Mobile App." and also "Logged-In".
* <u>'''Send Mobile App. Notification (MOB_S001)'''</u>: Created the new screen in the "Mobile Application" module to send the multiple "Notification" at any time to any "Employee" who have installed "Smart Mobile App." and also "Logged-In".
<u>'''Appraisal Increment Advise Report (HRS_R063)'''</u>: Provided the new report that will show the data of "Appraisal Increment Advice".
* <u>'''Appraisal Increment Advise Report (HRS_R063)'''</u>: Provided the new report that will show the data of "Appraisal Increment Advice".
<u>'''Employee Data Export Report (HRS_R060)'''</u>: Added the new "Direct Supervisor" column in the report.
* <u>'''Employee Data Export Report (HRS_R060)'''</u>: Added the new "Direct Supervisor" column in the report.
<u>'''e-Bank File Generation (PAY_S055)'''</u>: Provided the two new columns i.e. "Payroll Month (Mon-YYYY)" and "Payroll Monthly Remarks (Description)".
* <u>'''e-Bank File Generation (PAY_S055)'''</u>: Provided the two new columns i.e. "Payroll Month (Mon-YYYY)" and "Payroll Monthly Remarks (Description)".
<u>'''Leave Balance Adjustment (HRS_S198)'''</u>: Showed also the "Separated Employees" in "Employee" combo box while adding the record.
* <u>'''Leave Balance Adjustment (HRS_S198)'''</u>: Showed also the "Separated Employees" in "Employee" combo box while adding the record.
<u>'''Payroll Process (PAY_S020)'''</u>: Allowed the "Leave without Pay (LOP)" for future "Payroll Months".
* <u>'''Payroll Process (PAY_S020)'''</u>: Allowed the "Leave without Pay (LOP)" for future "Payroll Months".
<u>'''Payroll Process (PAY_S020)'''</u>:
* <u>'''Letter Tags (HRS_S129)'''</u>: Created the new Letter Tags i.e "Degree Level", "Area of Study", "Degree", "Resign Date Hijri", "Last Working Date Hijri", "Passport Number", "Passport Expiry Date Gregorian" and "Passport Expiry Date Hijri".
* <u>'''Attendance Location Setup (TOM_S021)'''</u>: Restrict the Setup to only take values between (-180 to 180) for both "GPS (Latitude)" and "GPS (Longitude)" Columns.
* <u>'''Employee Information (HRS_S185)'''</u>: Provided the new display-only field named "Direct Supervisor" in the "Employee Detail" Panel where the "Direct Supervisor" name will be shown as per the "Organogram" Workflow. Added new fields named "Guardian CNIC", "Guardian Date of Birth" and "Guardian Contact No." in the "Additional Information" Tab. Added new column named "Major Achievement" in the "Education" Tab. Also, added new columns named "Designation", "Company" and "Email Address" in the "Referee" Tab.
* <u>'''Audit Log Report (SEC_R001)'''</u>: Showed the "Employee Picture" in the Report that would be "Add", "Edit", "Authorize", "Amend" from the "Employee Information (HRS_S185)" Screen.
* <u>'''Leave Request (HRS_S034)'''</u>: Provided the new customization ("Advance Search Criteria" and "Sort Criteria") in the Screen.
* <u>'''Country, Province and City (SET_S004)'''</u>: Added the new Translation Panel for "Country Name", "Province Name" and "City Name" with "Male / Female" Nationality.
* <u>'''Full and Final Settlement (HRS_S117)'''</u>: Provided the new fields named "Payment Mode", "Bank", "Branch" and "Bank Account No.". Incorporated the new changes in the Screen related with "Perk" Module. Also, provided the feature of automatic deduction of outstanding "Loan Amount" at the time of final settlement.
* <u>'''System Default (SET_S005)'''</u>: Provided the new parameter named "OSP_SUPPORTED_ATTACHMENT_TYPES" where the "Supported File Extensions" will be defined by "Comma Separated" like “.jpg, .pdf, .docx, .png, etc.”. Also, provided the new parameter named "ENABLE_DISABLE_SSL" to allow emails to be sent through "SSL" connection. 1 and 0 correspond to enable and disable respectively.
* <u>'''Letter Template (HRS_S128)'''</u>: Provided the new field named "No. of Record" beside the "Adjust Tag Length" field. It will be enabled if the tag is related with the "Grid" records. Therefore, one new field should be required in Tag setup that will record either the TAG is multiple record or for single record. This field will require number values and it will show the n number of record in the report.
* <u>'''Full and Final Settlement Report (HRS_R015)'''</u>: Showed the "Payment Mode", "Bank", "Branch" and "Bank Account No." fields in the Report.
== Fixed Issues ==
* <u>'''45649'''</u>: "Authorized" or "Unauthorized" data of all the "Translation" related "Tables" should be uploaded by "Upload Setup" Screen.
* <u>'''45109'''</u>: Workflow is getting impact of "Leave Type" setup under the panel "Workflow Special Conditions as per Requester's Job". It should not get impact if the another workflow is being used.
* <u>'''41550'''</u>: Resolved many problems like "wrong columns name were showing", "Shift was not showing in Arabic", "wrong value of Gross Salary was showing", etc. in the "Employee Data Export" Report.
* <u>'''43508'''</u>: All employee records having salary record in "Payroll" and having "Payment Mode"("Bank" and "IBAN Transfer"), should be shown in "e-Bank File" even any employee is separated.
* <u>'''40168'''</u>: When selecting the "Employee" from the Combo Box then a "Runtime Server Error" message is showing in the "Leave Balance Adjustment" Screen.
* <u>'''40993'''</u>: "View" button for "Email" and "SMS" is not working. Letter PDF and view letter should be shown as per the formatted defined in letter template. View Letter should have print option.
* <u>'''39448'''</u>: "Category" field combo is not showing all categories. Currently showing only "15" categories in the combo box.
* <u>'''42088'''</u>: "Link" in the "Email" Notification for "Leave" Module is not working properly for the "Employee" who applied/cancel "Leave" and for the "Backward Loop" Recipient. In all scenarios, "Link" should work properly.
* <u>'''40352'''</u>: When applying "LOP" from ESS, after final Approval it is showing in "Daily Attendance Report" in ESS as "Leave" but in "individual Time Sheet" in HCM it is showing as "Absent.
* <u>'''41728'''</u>: "Employee Job Change" screen is not updating the correct "Org. location" and "Geo. Location" long code.
* <u>'''41871'''</u>: Remove the "Title Bar" from the Screen as per standard.
* <u>'''41748'''</u>: Header and "Footer" Images in the Report should be shown from system configuration folder instead of shown from Hard Coded.
* <u>'''38524'''</u>: Searching is not working in the "Employee" and "Letter" Combo Boxes. Data in the "Letter" Combo Box should be shown as per the "Letter Id" Ascending Order. Report should be opened on separate Tab as per standard.
* <u>'''43688'''</u>: "Job No." Combo Box should be shown data in the combo box as per the "Location Access" Rights of the Logged User. "Assigned User Rights" functionality is not working on this Screen.
* <u>'''45209'''</u>: In "Job Transfer History" panel, system is showing "Org. Location" in "Geo. Location" field. It should be shown the "Geo. Location" instead of "Org. Location".
* <u>'''40229'''</u>: "Gross Salary" should be "Basic + all Allowances". Currently, system is showing "Net Salary" on "Gross Salary" field.
* <u>'''38537'''</u>: In the "Employee Information" Tab, "Paging" functionality is not working in the "Place of Birth" Combo Box and when user selects any "Language" from "Employee Name Translation" Tab and pressing the "Cancel" button of Editing Window and pressing the "Save" button of 2nd Panel then an Error message "Mandatory Fields should not be left blank" is showing. Also, "Employee Name Translation" Panel enable and disable feature is not working properly if the primary language is selected "en-US" in the "System Default" Screen.
* <u>'''40390'''</u>: Selected "Date of Appointment" value from "Leave Calc. On" Combo Box is not working with "Frequency Base" value from "Leave Entitlement" Combo Box for the new entered "Employees" in the system thays why "Annual Leave" Balance is not updating against new entered "Employees" in the system. Also, change the position of "Leave Entitlement" Combo Box on above the "Leave Calc. On" Combo Box from current position. Also, when the user will select "Annual" from the "Leave Entitlement" Combo Box then "Frequency Days" should not be shown in the "Leave Calc. On" Combo Box.
* <u>'''40948'''</u>: Unable to show records in "Leave Type" combo, only show leave entitlement "Frequency base". If Entitlement is "Limited " then show in Leave balance adjustment. Also, if the Entitlement Days is "0" then it should be shown in "Leave Type" combo box of the "Leave Balance Adjustment" Screen.
* <u>'''38538'''</u>: In the "Upload Documents" of "E-File" Tab, "Upload Date" fields should be Display Only and should be shown "System Date" always. "Hint" on "Document Expiry" fields should be shown like "DD-MM-YYYY". "File" uploading field is truncating.
* <u>'''38821'''</u>: In the "Skill" Tab, while click on the "skill" or "Acquired date H" or "Assess Date" then following error shown "could not resolve property". Remove empty level from the Level combo.
* <u>'''39751'''</u>: In the "Family Name" field of "Employee Information" Screen, unable to show some Arabic character. For Example .د, ج, ذ, ك
* <u>'''41515'''</u>: If the user have no rights for "Add", "Delete", "Edit", "Amend" and "Authorize" then system should not be shown these buttons on the "Employee Information" screen.
* <u>'''43650'''</u>: When the user selecting any "Employee" from the "Employee" Combo box of the Query Panel then all Tabs of the Screen should be shown disabled till the complete data will not be fetched. Also, "Loading Bar" should be shown as per standard on the Screen when the user querying any record.
* <u>'''44570'''</u>: System must allow the user to enter any "Email Address" in the "Email" field even any value is exist or not exist in the "Active Directory" field. "Email Address" should not be related with "Active Directory" functionality.
* <u>'''45214'''</u>: System is showing the message "could not delete: [SmartHCM.Core.Domain.Model.EmployeeType#166][SQL: DELETE FROM HRS_EMP_TYPE WHERE TYPE_ID = ?]" instead of showing meaningful message while deleting any record in the "Employee Type" screen.
* <u>'''44769'''</u>: Some numbers are missing always in the "Serial No." Column of the "Salary Sheet" report.
* <u>'''44668'''</u>: In the "Header" of the "Salary Sheet" Report, when the user print the "Report" there is some letters are missing/truncating like ("Date" and "Year") and "User Id" is coming in half Arabic and in half English letters.
* <u>'''44228'''</u>: "Attachment" functionality is not working in "Arabic" mode in the "Leave Request" screen.
* <u>'''44248'''</u>: "Email" should be sent to concerned "Recipients" while performed Actions "Approve", "Reject" and "Revoke" by "Leave Request" screen.
* <u>'''41849'''</u>: Show the "Separated Employees" in "Employee" combo box of the "Leave Balance" screen.
* <u>'''41549'''</u>: If any user have "Default" or "Selected" Location Access Rights in "User Profile" Screen then "Resigned" Status related "Employees" are showing in the "Employee" Combo Box of the "Contract Renewal" screen.
* <u>'''41091'''</u>: While saving record, following error showing "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime" in the "Contract Renewal" screen.
* <u>'''42830'''</u>: In the "Employee Increment List" Report, change the Labels Name from "Date From" to "Increment Date From" and from "Date To" to "Increment Date To" in the "Report Specific Parameters" Form. Remove the "Hijri Date" from the "Header" of the Report. All Columns heading should be center aligned. Change the Column Name from "Incriment Date" to "Increment Date". Data of "Employee Id" Column should be Center Aligned in English mode. Data of "Employee Name" Column and "Position" Column should be Left Aligned in English mode.
* <u>'''40811'''</u>: "Fund Yearly Contribution" report is not showing "Company Balances" for provident fund.
* <u>'''44233'''</u>: In the "Grand Total" Block of "Fund Yearly Contribution" report, wrong value is showing against the "Closing Bal." Column and the "Total (Both)" Row.
* <u>'''38642'''</u>: Copy Records not working properly in the "Attendance Location Grade Setup" screen.
* <u>'''43511'''</u>: "User Profile" combo box should be shown data in the Combo Box as per the "Location Access" Rights of the Logged User in the "User Profile" screen.
* <u>'''41280'''</u>: "Password" changes automatically when the user re-login after eidt value from "Location Access" combo box in the "User Profile" screen.
* <u>'''46109'''</u>: "Restore Default Sequence" functionality is not working in the "Menu Sequence" screen.
* <u>'''46110'''</u>: "Load Object" functionality is not working in the "Labels and Menus Translation" screen.
* <u>'''40949'''</u>: "Active" column's value is not working properly in the "Menu Activities" screen i.e. when column value is set "N" but particular node is showing.
* <u>'''43528'''</u>: "User" and "Copy From User" Combo Boxes should be shown data in the respective Combo Boxes as per the "Location Access" Rights of the Logged User. Also, image of the "Copy" button is not showing on the Screen which is shown when the user selects data from the "Copy From User" Combo Box.
* <u>'''42829'''</u>: In the "Stopped Employee List" report, change the Column Name from "EmployeeId" to "Employee Id" in the Report.Remove the "Hijri Date" from the "Header" of the Report. Change the Columns Name from "Sepration Date" to "Separation Date" and from "Sepration Type" to "Separation Type" in the Report. In the "Header" of the Report, Space required in b/w "From" and its value and in b/w "To" and its value. Currently, it is showing like "From01-01-2015 To31-08-2015". Change the Labels Name from "Date From" to "Separation Date From" and from "Date To" to "Separation Date To" in the "Report Specific Parameters" Form.
* <u>'''40429'''</u>: "Geo. location" and "Org. location" general parameters are not working. System is showing all the employees without checking the selected Geo and Org locations filters in the "Stopped Employee List" report.
* <u>'''42108'''</u>: When run the "Consolidated Leave Card" report then an Error message "Error in File temp_0063f65d-4c99-479e-bac2-34dcf35668fb 11804_13852_{738EC593-52C4-4894-82D2-9C3B0DCD9CC5}.rpt: Operation illegal on linked parameter." is showing.
* <u>'''45790'''</u>: In the "Consolidated Leave Card" report, if the value available in the "Decimal" then should not be rounded in the "Days Requested" and "Days Approved" Columns in the "English" mode. If the user is not selecting "Date" range in the "Arabic" mode then the value is showing like "adasdasdasd" against "Date" range in the "Header" of the Report.
* <u>'''44748'''</u>: Same records of "AD Codes" are showing on the 2nd Page of the Grid Panel. Paging functionality issue found in the "Allowance Deduction Location Grade Setup" screen.
* <u>'''45090'''</u>: "Performance/Personal Appraisal" report is not showing data properly when run the report without selecting any value from the "Specific Parameters".
* <u>'''43790'''</u>: All employees are added in the system for "Appraisal" but only 15 employees are showing on the screen. Paging functionality is not working in the "Appraisal Plan Generation" screen.
* <u>'''41512'''</u>: Process is showing inappropriate error message "1000000406" "Security Code not defined in E-Recruitment" when the value of "LOP" in system default have different from the value in the "Leave Type" screen. Also, if the "LOP" is not define in the System default then Payroll process should work.
* <u>'''43228'''</u>: Sometimes the "Names" of "Week Days" arrangement are showing wrong for some Months in the "Shift wise Roster" screen. For Example: Month of "October - 2017".
* <u>'''46230'''</u>: There is an issue in the Arabic mode, user can not select any template from the "Select Template" Combo box in the "Roster Template" screen.
* <u>'''45971'''</u>: When change/update the name of the "Location" in the "Location" Screen and run any "Report" then a message "Record not found" is showing. Also, this error message "Index was outside the bounds of the array" is occurring in the "List of Employee - HRS_R001" Report due to name of "Organization" is very long.
* <u>'''41272'''</u>: "Supervisory Control Access" value changes automatically in "Supervisory Control Setup" screen.
* <u>'''45430'''</u>: Paging Bar functionality of the "Grades" Panel is not working properly. When the user creates the new "Position" in the "Last Page" of the 1st Panel then same "Page No." is showing automatically in the "Grades" Panel after clicking on the Row of that new record.
* <u>'''39769'''</u>: System is showing the "Module" head without any activity. If user have no activity rights then it's header should not be shown in the "Menu" list in the "Dashboard".
* <u>'''38980'''</u>: "Favorite" auto remove after some time in specific case. Normally it is working fine.
* <u>'''45290'''</u>: When we grant or revoke any screen rights to an employee, his all favorite tasks became void.
* <u>'''42813'''</u>: Proper "Alert" message should be shown to the user when he will "Authorize" the record if the history has future date against that "Job No.". Currently, when the user pressing the "Authorize" button then a wrong Error message "Attempt to create delete event with null entity Parameter name: entity" is showing always.
* <u>'''39718'''</u>: "Null/Blank" should be stored in database if resign data is null in "Employee Separation" Screen. Currently system is storing “01-01-0001" instead of null.
* <u>'''41888'''</u>: "Company Contribution" functionality is not working in calculation of any "Fund" even "Contribution Flag" are selected "Both" or "Company". Only "Own" Contribution functionality is working.
* <u>'''44368'''</u>: When pressing the "Save" button after "Delete" any record then an Error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at SmartHCM.Controllers.PayController.SaveOrUpdateOtEmpHours()" is appearing on the "Payroll Overtime Records" screen.
* <u>'''44347'''</u>: In the "Monthly Payment Deduction (Code wise)" screen, "Action" buttons on the grid should be shown if the record enter in the "Month" on which "Payroll Process" is run "Provisionally" or will run in future.
* <u>'''39711'''</u>: When editing the "Unauthorized" records then system is updating the "Authorize_on" filed with "01-JAN-0001" date; it should not update with this date due to this systme unable to "Authorize" the record.
* <u>'''43008'''</u>: "Copy Record" functionality is not working in the "Fund Location Grade Setup" screen.
* <u>'''43510'''</u>: "Loan No." combo box should be shown data in the Comb Box as per the "Location Access" Rights of the Logged User in the "Loan Disbursement" screen.
* <u>'''40408'''</u>: "Gender" functionality is not working for "Frequency Based" Leave Entitlement.
* <u>'''40931'''</u>: Unable to authorize the record, error message is showing in the "Probation Confirmation" screen.
* <u>'''39710'''</u>: If the "Job History" is available with greater date then system shows the message that is correct but after click "ok" from message system auto authorize the record but employee not separated. It should not authorize the record if any error message received in the "Employee Separation" screen.
* <u>'''39325'''</u>: If the "Employee Bank" and/or "Employee Branch" is not defined in the "Employee Bank" Screen against any "Employee" then the system must be shown the record(s) of such "Employee(s)" in the "Bank Advice" Report against selected "Company Bank".
* <u>'''45210'''</u>: After saved the new job when click on the "Job History" panel's "Refresh" button then system is showing the error on the "Job Information" screen.
* <u>'''42408'''</u>: In the "Employee Posting" report, remove the "Hijri" Date from the "Date" Field in the "Header" of the Report. Remove the "Decision Date" and "Decision No." Columns from the Report in both English and Arabic mode. Font Size of the Report Name should be increased little more in the "Header" of the Report. Change the Columns Name from "Old Dept/Div/Sec" to "Old Department" and from "New Dept/Div/Sec" to "New Department". Data of "Old Location", "New Location", "Old Department" and "New Department" Columns are overlapping with each other.
* <u>'''45208'''</u>: In the "Job Basic Salary Editing" screen, "Salary Date" is showing the date in "Hijri" only; it should be shown in both "Gregorian" and "Hijri".
* <u>'''41450'''</u>: In the "Leave Balance" Report, not showing actual values but it is showing value after rounding in all Columns. Also, “Availed” Column and "Entitlement" Column are showing different values than "Leave Balance" screen.
* <u>'''45308'''</u>: "Request (Job)" is not publishing by the "Publish Job" screen. When pressing the "Publish Job" button then "Loading Bar" is showing and screen is stuck.
* <u>'''45789'''</u>: In the "Leave Balance" report, "Open Bal." and "Open Date" Columns should be shown in "Arabic" mode in the Report. If the value available in the "Decimal" then should not be rounded in the "Open Bal." Column in both "English" and "Arabic" modes.
* <u>'''43068'''</u>: If the user have "Limited" Rights like "Default" or "Selected" from the "Location Access" Combo Box and when he is trying to open the "Appraisee Job" Combo Box, "Obj. Appraiser Job" Combo Box and "Appraiser Job" then a Runtime Server Error message is showing on the "Appraisal Workflow" screen.

Latest revision as of 13:02, 3 January 2018

SmartHCM (Alpha) Hotfix 13 Release

Release Date: 22-Dec-2017

Module Version: Alpha Hotfix 13

Maturity Status: QA Approved


  • General Work: Showed the translation of ("Employee Name", "Geo. Location", "Org. Location", "Position", "Country", "Province" and "City") in whole application (where applicable).
  • General Work: Showed the "Date" and "Time" as per the "Time Zone - GMT" mechanism in whole application (where applicable).
  • Send Mobile App. Notification (MOB_S001): Created the new screen in the "Mobile Application" module to send the multiple "Notification" at any time to any "Employee" who have installed "Smart Mobile App." and also "Logged-In".
  • Appraisal Increment Advise Report (HRS_R063): Provided the new report that will show the data of "Appraisal Increment Advice".
  • Employee Data Export Report (HRS_R060): Added the new "Direct Supervisor" column in the report.
  • e-Bank File Generation (PAY_S055): Provided the two new columns i.e. "Payroll Month (Mon-YYYY)" and "Payroll Monthly Remarks (Description)".
  • Leave Balance Adjustment (HRS_S198): Showed also the "Separated Employees" in "Employee" combo box while adding the record.
  • Payroll Process (PAY_S020): Allowed the "Leave without Pay (LOP)" for future "Payroll Months".
  • Letter Tags (HRS_S129): Created the new Letter Tags i.e "Degree Level", "Area of Study", "Degree", "Resign Date Hijri", "Last Working Date Hijri", "Passport Number", "Passport Expiry Date Gregorian" and "Passport Expiry Date Hijri".
  • Attendance Location Setup (TOM_S021): Restrict the Setup to only take values between (-180 to 180) for both "GPS (Latitude)" and "GPS (Longitude)" Columns.
  • Employee Information (HRS_S185): Provided the new display-only field named "Direct Supervisor" in the "Employee Detail" Panel where the "Direct Supervisor" name will be shown as per the "Organogram" Workflow. Added new fields named "Guardian CNIC", "Guardian Date of Birth" and "Guardian Contact No." in the "Additional Information" Tab. Added new column named "Major Achievement" in the "Education" Tab. Also, added new columns named "Designation", "Company" and "Email Address" in the "Referee" Tab.
  • Audit Log Report (SEC_R001): Showed the "Employee Picture" in the Report that would be "Add", "Edit", "Authorize", "Amend" from the "Employee Information (HRS_S185)" Screen.
  • Leave Request (HRS_S034): Provided the new customization ("Advance Search Criteria" and "Sort Criteria") in the Screen.
  • Country, Province and City (SET_S004): Added the new Translation Panel for "Country Name", "Province Name" and "City Name" with "Male / Female" Nationality.
  • Full and Final Settlement (HRS_S117): Provided the new fields named "Payment Mode", "Bank", "Branch" and "Bank Account No.". Incorporated the new changes in the Screen related with "Perk" Module. Also, provided the feature of automatic deduction of outstanding "Loan Amount" at the time of final settlement.
  • System Default (SET_S005): Provided the new parameter named "OSP_SUPPORTED_ATTACHMENT_TYPES" where the "Supported File Extensions" will be defined by "Comma Separated" like “.jpg, .pdf, .docx, .png, etc.”. Also, provided the new parameter named "ENABLE_DISABLE_SSL" to allow emails to be sent through "SSL" connection. 1 and 0 correspond to enable and disable respectively.
  • Letter Template (HRS_S128): Provided the new field named "No. of Record" beside the "Adjust Tag Length" field. It will be enabled if the tag is related with the "Grid" records. Therefore, one new field should be required in Tag setup that will record either the TAG is multiple record or for single record. This field will require number values and it will show the n number of record in the report.
  • Full and Final Settlement Report (HRS_R015): Showed the "Payment Mode", "Bank", "Branch" and "Bank Account No." fields in the Report.

Fixed Issues

  • 45649: "Authorized" or "Unauthorized" data of all the "Translation" related "Tables" should be uploaded by "Upload Setup" Screen.
  • 45109: Workflow is getting impact of "Leave Type" setup under the panel "Workflow Special Conditions as per Requester's Job". It should not get impact if the another workflow is being used.
  • 41550: Resolved many problems like "wrong columns name were showing", "Shift was not showing in Arabic", "wrong value of Gross Salary was showing", etc. in the "Employee Data Export" Report.
  • 43508: All employee records having salary record in "Payroll" and having "Payment Mode"("Bank" and "IBAN Transfer"), should be shown in "e-Bank File" even any employee is separated.
  • 40168: When selecting the "Employee" from the Combo Box then a "Runtime Server Error" message is showing in the "Leave Balance Adjustment" Screen.
  • 40993: "View" button for "Email" and "SMS" is not working. Letter PDF and view letter should be shown as per the formatted defined in letter template. View Letter should have print option.
  • 39448: "Category" field combo is not showing all categories. Currently showing only "15" categories in the combo box.
  • 42088: "Link" in the "Email" Notification for "Leave" Module is not working properly for the "Employee" who applied/cancel "Leave" and for the "Backward Loop" Recipient. In all scenarios, "Link" should work properly.
  • 40352: When applying "LOP" from ESS, after final Approval it is showing in "Daily Attendance Report" in ESS as "Leave" but in "individual Time Sheet" in HCM it is showing as "Absent.
  • 41728: "Employee Job Change" screen is not updating the correct "Org. location" and "Geo. Location" long code.
  • 41871: Remove the "Title Bar" from the Screen as per standard.
  • 41748: Header and "Footer" Images in the Report should be shown from system configuration folder instead of shown from Hard Coded.
  • 38524: Searching is not working in the "Employee" and "Letter" Combo Boxes. Data in the "Letter" Combo Box should be shown as per the "Letter Id" Ascending Order. Report should be opened on separate Tab as per standard.
  • 43688: "Job No." Combo Box should be shown data in the combo box as per the "Location Access" Rights of the Logged User. "Assigned User Rights" functionality is not working on this Screen.
  • 45209: In "Job Transfer History" panel, system is showing "Org. Location" in "Geo. Location" field. It should be shown the "Geo. Location" instead of "Org. Location".
  • 40229: "Gross Salary" should be "Basic + all Allowances". Currently, system is showing "Net Salary" on "Gross Salary" field.
  • 38537: In the "Employee Information" Tab, "Paging" functionality is not working in the "Place of Birth" Combo Box and when user selects any "Language" from "Employee Name Translation" Tab and pressing the "Cancel" button of Editing Window and pressing the "Save" button of 2nd Panel then an Error message "Mandatory Fields should not be left blank" is showing. Also, "Employee Name Translation" Panel enable and disable feature is not working properly if the primary language is selected "en-US" in the "System Default" Screen.
  • 40390: Selected "Date of Appointment" value from "Leave Calc. On" Combo Box is not working with "Frequency Base" value from "Leave Entitlement" Combo Box for the new entered "Employees" in the system thays why "Annual Leave" Balance is not updating against new entered "Employees" in the system. Also, change the position of "Leave Entitlement" Combo Box on above the "Leave Calc. On" Combo Box from current position. Also, when the user will select "Annual" from the "Leave Entitlement" Combo Box then "Frequency Days" should not be shown in the "Leave Calc. On" Combo Box.
  • 40948: Unable to show records in "Leave Type" combo, only show leave entitlement "Frequency base". If Entitlement is "Limited " then show in Leave balance adjustment. Also, if the Entitlement Days is "0" then it should be shown in "Leave Type" combo box of the "Leave Balance Adjustment" Screen.
  • 38538: In the "Upload Documents" of "E-File" Tab, "Upload Date" fields should be Display Only and should be shown "System Date" always. "Hint" on "Document Expiry" fields should be shown like "DD-MM-YYYY". "File" uploading field is truncating.
  • 38821: In the "Skill" Tab, while click on the "skill" or "Acquired date H" or "Assess Date" then following error shown "could not resolve property". Remove empty level from the Level combo.
  • 39751: In the "Family Name" field of "Employee Information" Screen, unable to show some Arabic character. For Example .د, ج, ذ, ك
  • 41515: If the user have no rights for "Add", "Delete", "Edit", "Amend" and "Authorize" then system should not be shown these buttons on the "Employee Information" screen.
  • 43650: When the user selecting any "Employee" from the "Employee" Combo box of the Query Panel then all Tabs of the Screen should be shown disabled till the complete data will not be fetched. Also, "Loading Bar" should be shown as per standard on the Screen when the user querying any record.
  • 44570: System must allow the user to enter any "Email Address" in the "Email" field even any value is exist or not exist in the "Active Directory" field. "Email Address" should not be related with "Active Directory" functionality.
  • 45214: System is showing the message "could not delete: [SmartHCM.Core.Domain.Model.EmployeeType#166][SQL: DELETE FROM HRS_EMP_TYPE WHERE TYPE_ID = ?]" instead of showing meaningful message while deleting any record in the "Employee Type" screen.
  • 44769: Some numbers are missing always in the "Serial No." Column of the "Salary Sheet" report.
  • 44668: In the "Header" of the "Salary Sheet" Report, when the user print the "Report" there is some letters are missing/truncating like ("Date" and "Year") and "User Id" is coming in half Arabic and in half English letters.
  • 44228: "Attachment" functionality is not working in "Arabic" mode in the "Leave Request" screen.
  • 44248: "Email" should be sent to concerned "Recipients" while performed Actions "Approve", "Reject" and "Revoke" by "Leave Request" screen.
  • 41849: Show the "Separated Employees" in "Employee" combo box of the "Leave Balance" screen.
  • 41549: If any user have "Default" or "Selected" Location Access Rights in "User Profile" Screen then "Resigned" Status related "Employees" are showing in the "Employee" Combo Box of the "Contract Renewal" screen.
  • 41091: While saving record, following error showing "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime" in the "Contract Renewal" screen.
  • 42830: In the "Employee Increment List" Report, change the Labels Name from "Date From" to "Increment Date From" and from "Date To" to "Increment Date To" in the "Report Specific Parameters" Form. Remove the "Hijri Date" from the "Header" of the Report. All Columns heading should be center aligned. Change the Column Name from "Incriment Date" to "Increment Date". Data of "Employee Id" Column should be Center Aligned in English mode. Data of "Employee Name" Column and "Position" Column should be Left Aligned in English mode.
  • 40811: "Fund Yearly Contribution" report is not showing "Company Balances" for provident fund.
  • 44233: In the "Grand Total" Block of "Fund Yearly Contribution" report, wrong value is showing against the "Closing Bal." Column and the "Total (Both)" Row.
  • 38642: Copy Records not working properly in the "Attendance Location Grade Setup" screen.
  • 43511: "User Profile" combo box should be shown data in the Combo Box as per the "Location Access" Rights of the Logged User in the "User Profile" screen.
  • 41280: "Password" changes automatically when the user re-login after eidt value from "Location Access" combo box in the "User Profile" screen.
  • 46109: "Restore Default Sequence" functionality is not working in the "Menu Sequence" screen.
  • 46110: "Load Object" functionality is not working in the "Labels and Menus Translation" screen.
  • 40949: "Active" column's value is not working properly in the "Menu Activities" screen i.e. when column value is set "N" but particular node is showing.
  • 43528: "User" and "Copy From User" Combo Boxes should be shown data in the respective Combo Boxes as per the "Location Access" Rights of the Logged User. Also, image of the "Copy" button is not showing on the Screen which is shown when the user selects data from the "Copy From User" Combo Box.
  • 42829: In the "Stopped Employee List" report, change the Column Name from "EmployeeId" to "Employee Id" in the Report.Remove the "Hijri Date" from the "Header" of the Report. Change the Columns Name from "Sepration Date" to "Separation Date" and from "Sepration Type" to "Separation Type" in the Report. In the "Header" of the Report, Space required in b/w "From" and its value and in b/w "To" and its value. Currently, it is showing like "From01-01-2015 To31-08-2015". Change the Labels Name from "Date From" to "Separation Date From" and from "Date To" to "Separation Date To" in the "Report Specific Parameters" Form.
  • 40429: "Geo. location" and "Org. location" general parameters are not working. System is showing all the employees without checking the selected Geo and Org locations filters in the "Stopped Employee List" report.
  • 42108: When run the "Consolidated Leave Card" report then an Error message "Error in File temp_0063f65d-4c99-479e-bac2-34dcf35668fb 11804_13852_{738EC593-52C4-4894-82D2-9C3B0DCD9CC5}.rpt: Operation illegal on linked parameter." is showing.
  • 45790: In the "Consolidated Leave Card" report, if the value available in the "Decimal" then should not be rounded in the "Days Requested" and "Days Approved" Columns in the "English" mode. If the user is not selecting "Date" range in the "Arabic" mode then the value is showing like "adasdasdasd" against "Date" range in the "Header" of the Report.
  • 44748: Same records of "AD Codes" are showing on the 2nd Page of the Grid Panel. Paging functionality issue found in the "Allowance Deduction Location Grade Setup" screen.
  • 45090: "Performance/Personal Appraisal" report is not showing data properly when run the report without selecting any value from the "Specific Parameters".
  • 43790: All employees are added in the system for "Appraisal" but only 15 employees are showing on the screen. Paging functionality is not working in the "Appraisal Plan Generation" screen.
  • 41512: Process is showing inappropriate error message "1000000406" "Security Code not defined in E-Recruitment" when the value of "LOP" in system default have different from the value in the "Leave Type" screen. Also, if the "LOP" is not define in the System default then Payroll process should work.
  • 43228: Sometimes the "Names" of "Week Days" arrangement are showing wrong for some Months in the "Shift wise Roster" screen. For Example: Month of "October - 2017".
  • 46230: There is an issue in the Arabic mode, user can not select any template from the "Select Template" Combo box in the "Roster Template" screen.
  • 45971: When change/update the name of the "Location" in the "Location" Screen and run any "Report" then a message "Record not found" is showing. Also, this error message "Index was outside the bounds of the array" is occurring in the "List of Employee - HRS_R001" Report due to name of "Organization" is very long.
  • 41272: "Supervisory Control Access" value changes automatically in "Supervisory Control Setup" screen.
  • 45430: Paging Bar functionality of the "Grades" Panel is not working properly. When the user creates the new "Position" in the "Last Page" of the 1st Panel then same "Page No." is showing automatically in the "Grades" Panel after clicking on the Row of that new record.
  • 39769: System is showing the "Module" head without any activity. If user have no activity rights then it's header should not be shown in the "Menu" list in the "Dashboard".
  • 38980: "Favorite" auto remove after some time in specific case. Normally it is working fine.
  • 45290: When we grant or revoke any screen rights to an employee, his all favorite tasks became void.
  • 42813: Proper "Alert" message should be shown to the user when he will "Authorize" the record if the history has future date against that "Job No.". Currently, when the user pressing the "Authorize" button then a wrong Error message "Attempt to create delete event with null entity Parameter name: entity" is showing always.
  • 39718: "Null/Blank" should be stored in database if resign data is null in "Employee Separation" Screen. Currently system is storing “01-01-0001" instead of null.
  • 41888: "Company Contribution" functionality is not working in calculation of any "Fund" even "Contribution Flag" are selected "Both" or "Company". Only "Own" Contribution functionality is working.
  • 44368: When pressing the "Save" button after "Delete" any record then an Error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at SmartHCM.Controllers.PayController.SaveOrUpdateOtEmpHours()" is appearing on the "Payroll Overtime Records" screen.
  • 44347: In the "Monthly Payment Deduction (Code wise)" screen, "Action" buttons on the grid should be shown if the record enter in the "Month" on which "Payroll Process" is run "Provisionally" or will run in future.
  • 39711: When editing the "Unauthorized" records then system is updating the "Authorize_on" filed with "01-JAN-0001" date; it should not update with this date due to this systme unable to "Authorize" the record.
  • 43008: "Copy Record" functionality is not working in the "Fund Location Grade Setup" screen.
  • 43510: "Loan No." combo box should be shown data in the Comb Box as per the "Location Access" Rights of the Logged User in the "Loan Disbursement" screen.
  • 40408: "Gender" functionality is not working for "Frequency Based" Leave Entitlement.
  • 40931: Unable to authorize the record, error message is showing in the "Probation Confirmation" screen.
  • 39710: If the "Job History" is available with greater date then system shows the message that is correct but after click "ok" from message system auto authorize the record but employee not separated. It should not authorize the record if any error message received in the "Employee Separation" screen.
  • 39325: If the "Employee Bank" and/or "Employee Branch" is not defined in the "Employee Bank" Screen against any "Employee" then the system must be shown the record(s) of such "Employee(s)" in the "Bank Advice" Report against selected "Company Bank".
  • 45210: After saved the new job when click on the "Job History" panel's "Refresh" button then system is showing the error on the "Job Information" screen.
  • 42408: In the "Employee Posting" report, remove the "Hijri" Date from the "Date" Field in the "Header" of the Report. Remove the "Decision Date" and "Decision No." Columns from the Report in both English and Arabic mode. Font Size of the Report Name should be increased little more in the "Header" of the Report. Change the Columns Name from "Old Dept/Div/Sec" to "Old Department" and from "New Dept/Div/Sec" to "New Department". Data of "Old Location", "New Location", "Old Department" and "New Department" Columns are overlapping with each other.
  • 45208: In the "Job Basic Salary Editing" screen, "Salary Date" is showing the date in "Hijri" only; it should be shown in both "Gregorian" and "Hijri".
  • 41450: In the "Leave Balance" Report, not showing actual values but it is showing value after rounding in all Columns. Also, “Availed” Column and "Entitlement" Column are showing different values than "Leave Balance" screen.
  • 45308: "Request (Job)" is not publishing by the "Publish Job" screen. When pressing the "Publish Job" button then "Loading Bar" is showing and screen is stuck.
  • 45789: In the "Leave Balance" report, "Open Bal." and "Open Date" Columns should be shown in "Arabic" mode in the Report. If the value available in the "Decimal" then should not be rounded in the "Open Bal." Column in both "English" and "Arabic" modes.
  • 43068: If the user have "Limited" Rights like "Default" or "Selected" from the "Location Access" Combo Box and when he is trying to open the "Appraisee Job" Combo Box, "Obj. Appraiser Job" Combo Box and "Appraiser Job" then a Runtime Server Error message is showing on the "Appraisal Workflow" screen.