Release Notes

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SmartESS (Alpha) Release

Release date: 16-February-2017

Module version: Alpha

Maturity Status: QA Approved


  • Dynamic Alert
  • Hierarchical Workflow, department wise, job wise. Rules can be defined on workflow structure.
  • Auto attendance loading from attendance machine to SmartHCM.
  • Multiple attendance machine support installed in multiple locations
  • Bulk overtime approval using auto overtime suggestion
  • Bulk Manual Attendance feature
  • Attendance Summary linked with transactions including missing attendance, manual attendance, late and early approval and daily attendance.
  • State of the art new design of SmartHCM with dashboard and graph
  • Company Policy and documents in ESS and HCM
  • Organogram
  • Exit Interview
  • Cloud base SmartHCM. Multiple client can be configured using single Application with different schema of every client.
  • Advance leave
  • Number of leave allowed within specified period
  • Number of time leave allowed within specified period
  • Leave Location Grade based setup form based design

    Fixed Issues


      30277 - Late Approval (Late Approval )
      - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Late & Early Departure Approval” Screen. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”. - “Attendance” and calculation of (“Late Minutes” and “Early Departure Minutes”) should be shown correctly and “Action” should be worked properly. Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

      27169 - Missing In/Out Attendance for Employees(Missing Attendance)
      - ESS-TOM-Max check out and min check in date validation must be skip when missing attendance.

      29533 - General Work(GEN)
      - Remove the Administration, Division and Unit fields and provide one filed for Organization Location same as in Employee Information Screen. Same for Geo Location. Also show in the History panel for both Org and Geo location where applicable Note: do this work in whole application where applicable.

      27237 - General Work(GEN)
      - 1. Provide the new System default parameter “DISPLAY_HIJRI_CALENDAR” with “Y” or “N” value. If the value is “Y” then show the Hijri date field in whole ESS pages along with Gregorian date filed. If the values is “N” then only show the Gregorian Date field. 2. By default the Calendar should be shown for Gregorian as per system default parameter.

      26764 - Overtime “خارج الدوام”(Overtime)
      - Provide Overtime Approval Screen in ESS having following features 1. Combination of Overtime Suggestion and Overtime Approval Screen already available SmartHCM. 2. Provide bulk approval 3. Provide Location, Department, Shift, Employee and other filters like Daily Attendance Screens. 4. In case of any changes will be occur in the HCM side then it will be include in this case 5. Provide bulk approval

      30874 - Overtime خارج الدوام(Overtime)
      - Remove the Decision No. and Decision Date Columns from the Screen.

      29292 - Absent Approval screen(Absent Approval screen)
      - Create New Screen Absent Approval screen.

      30268 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
      - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Daily Attendance” Screen. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”. - “Attendance” and calculation of (“Late Minutes”, “Early Departure Minutes”, “Extra Hours” and “Remarks”) should be shown correctly. Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

      27305 - Apply Leave “طلب إجازة”(Apply Leave)
      - Leave Allowed for no. of Time within specified Days 1. Add new conditions on these fields, “Allowed No. of Time” and “Allowed No. of Time within Days” as per Leave Location Grade wise setup. - “Allowed No. of Time” will use to how many time employee can apply leave - “Allowed No. of Time within Days” will use to how many time employee can apply leave within no. of days - For example: If the parameter set for Annual Leave that are “Allowed No. of Time” is 3 and “Allowed No. of Time within Days” is 365 it's mean Employee can apply the Annual leave 3 times in 365 days. If Employee want 4th time Annual leave then system will not allow. Leave Allowed for period Days/Hours within specified Days 2. Add new conditions on these fields, “Allowed period Days/Hours” and “Allowed period within days” as per Leave Location Grade wise setup. - “Allowed period Days/Hours” will use to how much leave days/hours employee can avail - “Allowed period within days” will use to how much leave days/hours employee can avail within the no. of days. - For example: If Short leave have this setting “Allowed period Days/Hours” = 4 and “Allowed period within days” is 7 and Employee Apply the leave it's mean Employee can avail the 4 hours maximum leave within 7 days. If employee want more then 4 days then system will not allow him to enter the leave within 7 days.

      30154 - General Work(GEN)
      - Multiple Database connections in single ESS version

      23275 - Dashboard(Default.apx)
      - Create the new Database procedure name “GET_LEAVE_TYPE_WITH_BAL” in “ESS_DASHBOARD_PKG” to show the Leaves and their current balances. Only show the balanced based leaves with following columns 1. Leave Type (Leave type name should be show as per User's selected language) 2. Balance

      24275 - Apply Leave “طلب إجازة”(Apply Leave)
      - Currently user unable to apply the leave in advance. Following customization will allow user to apply the leave in advance, in this scenario system will generate the negative leave balance and these balances will auto update on Leave entitlement. Advance leave applicable on the balance based leaves (Annual / Frequency types of leave) and Leave should be limited. 1. If “Allow Advance Leave” parameter is “Yes” in Leave Location Grade Setup then show the message if the leave balance is not enough when applying the leave. 2. The message will be “Leave balance is not enough do you want to apply the leave in advance”. Allow negative balance in this case. 3. Create the negative balance and show the negative balance to the User. For Example: Current balance is 20 and user wants to apply the leave for 30 then the 30-20 = -10. Minus 10 balance will be update in the Leave Balance table.

      27041 - News Administration (Previous was Admin Panel)(News Administration)
      - 1. Remove Category 2. Remove blank images fields, if the image will be edit/delete then show the images 3. Show button on Edit/Delete in the grid and remove the test for editdelete 4. All the alignment should be proper as per the other ESS pages.

      28727 - Portal Main Page(MAIN)
      - 1. Open the new system default code to show the Hierarchical Workflow in the Dashboard widget for “Organogram chart” i.e. “ORGANOGRAM_CHART”. In this System default parameter user will define the Hierarchical Workflow ID. 2. Show the “Organogram chart” link in the Dashboard Widget as per System default “ORGANOGRAM_CHART” defined code from Hierarchical Workflow. 3. When click on this link show the Organogram chart in Hierarchical way in new page.

      27634 - General Work(GEN)
      - About page not showing in ESS .Please Make its availability.

      27308 - Leave Status Detail “التفاصيل الإجازة”(List of Leave Detail)
      - When change the no. of Days / No. of Hours then check the following conditions that is implemented in the Apply Leave page. Leave Allowed for no. of Time within specified Days 1. Add new conditions on these fields, “Allowed No. of Time” and “Allowed No. of Time within Days” as per Leave Location Grade wise setup. - “Allowed No. of Time” will use to how many time employee can apply leave - “Allowed No. of Time within Days” will use to how many time employee can apply leave within no. of days - For example: If the parameter set for Annual Leave that are “Allowed No. of Time” is 3 and “Allowed No. of Time within Days” is 365 it's mean Employee can apply the Annual leave 3 times in 365 days. If Employee want 4th time Annual leave then system will not allow. Leave Allowed for period Days/Hours within specified Days 2. Add new conditions on these fields, “Allowed period Days/Hours” and “Allowed period within days” as per Leave Location Grade wise setup. - “Allowed period Days/Hours” will use to how much leave days/hours employee can avail - “Allowed period within days” will use to how much leave days/hours employee can avail within the no. of days. - For example: If Short leave have this setting “Allowed period Days/Hours” = 4 and “Allowed period within days” is 7 and Employee Apply the leave it's mean Employee can avail the 4 hours maximum leave within 7 days. If employee want more then 4 days then system will not allow him to enter the leave within 7 days.

      30371 - قائمة طلبات الإجازة Leave Status for Applicant and Supervisor(List of Leave)
      - Remove the Action For Radio Buttons named Forward and Approver from the Filter Panel of this Screen. After that screen should be worked properly.

      28078 - Employee Information الـمــوظــف(Employee Information)
      - Show the Temp. Job Assignment Position with it's department

      30361 - Portal Main Page(MAIN)
      - In the “Policies and Document” Widget: 1. Change the Columns Name from “Document” to “File Name” and from “Document Type” to “Document Description”. General Task: 1. Vertical Line should be shown in all Grid based “Widgets” in the “Home” Page.

      27042 - Portal Main Page(MAIN)
      - Remove the paramter HIDA_ERP_URL System Default setup and update in ESS where it is using

      30278 - Summary for Attendance(Attendance Summary)
      - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Attendance Summary” Screen. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”. - Calculation of (“Present”, “Absent”, “Late/Early Departure Count”, “Missing Count”, “Late Minutes”, “Early Departure Minutes”, “Extra Hours”, “Late/Early Departure Approved”, “Missing Filled” and “Manual Attend”) should be shown correctly. Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

      26748 - Payslip ملخص الرواتب(PaySlip)
      - Value should show in two Decimal Places maximum for Total Allowances, Total Deductions and Net Salary. This case applicable in case of the Decimal value is allowed in the Payroll group setup.

      29876 - Absent Approval screen(Absent Approval screen)
      - Change the Name of Screen from the Absent Approval to Manual Attendance in the Menu of TOM Module. Also, from the Title Bar of the Screen.

      29875 - Manual Attendance(Manual Attendance)
      - Remove the old Manual Attendance Screen from the TOM Module of the SmartESS Application.

      27093 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
      - Create status and remarks in Daily Attendance for Late and Early Departure

      26013 - قائمة طلبات الإجازة Leave Status for Applicant and Supervisor(List of Leave)
      - Only 5 records showing per page, should show 100 records

      25886 - قائمة طلبات الإجازة Leave Status for Applicant and Supervisor(List of Leave)
      - 1. Provide searching on Employee 2. Position combo in search panel is not showing all positions


        29847 - Over Time Approval(OverTimeApproval.aspx)
        - 1. System is calculating wrong “Overtime” Hours for “Before Time Slot”. 2. Change the column name from “Attend Time” to “Attended Time”. 3. If the user change the “Overtime Hours” manually then changes should be highlighted with Red color.

        27984 - Summary for Attendance(Attendance Summary)
        - There is one presence exists with missing check-out and two off-days. System is not showing presence count. System is showing late minutes which is wrong. System is not showing missing count. Check 000021 attendance from 21-oct-2016 to 23-oct-2016 in smarthcmsds

        27115 - Manual Attendance(Manual Attendance)
        - Please make sure to prevent manual attendance for marking Future date attendance..

        31181 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
        - If the scenario of “Time Slot” is defined like: Day 4 : Morning , Day 5 : Night , Day 6 : Off and Attendance Date : Start Time (Two Date Flag). When the user entering the “Start Time” like “20:00” (05-01-2017) for Day 5 and entering the “End Time” like “04:00” (06-01-2017) for Day 5 then system is showing record of Day 5 in the “Missing In/Out Time” Screen instead of this Screen.

        27309 - Dashboard(Default.apx)
        - ESS->DashBoard->Reportee are not showing to the Person who has Assigned Authority

        29189 - Apply Leave طلب إجازة(Apply Leave)
        - System is storing wrong time in Date From G field when apply the leave.

        28687 - Portal Main Page(MAIN)
        - If select the English Language from Login screen and login then system should show all the labels in English. System showing in Arabic labels.

        27237 - General Work(GEN)
        - 1. Provide the new System default parameter “DISPLAY_HIJRI_CALENDAR” with “Y” or “N” value. If the value is “Y” then show the Hijri date field in whole ESS pages along with Gregorian date filed. If the values is “N” then only show the Gregorian Date field. 2. By default the Calendar should be shown for Gregorian as per system default parameter.

        30255 - General Work(GEN)
        - In case of one connection string, company name field should disappear

        31006 - General Work(GEN)
        - When search the Employee on the Employee Field then that Employee is showing Two Time in the Search List in all Screens of TOM Module.

        26764 - Overtime “خارج الدوام”(Overtime)
        - Provide Overtime Approval Screen in ESS having following features 1. Combination of Overtime Suggestion and Overtime Approval Screen already available SmartHCM. 2. Provide bulk approval 3. Provide Location, Department, Shift, Employee and other filters like Daily Attendance Screens. 4. In case of any changes will be occur in the HCM side then it will be include in this case 5. Provide bulk approval

        30873 - Deputation انتداب(Deputation)
        - Remove the Decision No. and Decision Date Columns from the Screen.

        30337 - Summary for Attendance(Attendance Summary)
        - Stop Status employee(s) also showing in the Grid while employees are not exists between selected Date From and Date To.

        30466 - Manual Attendance(Manual Attendance)
        - When clicks on the Manual Attendance Link then this is showing on the Browser Bar. It should be shown like

        27206 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
        - 1. If user have Supervisory rights then the Searching not working on his name. System should search the user by his name if the Supervisory rights is assigned. 2. System should allow user to see his records if the Supervisory rights available or not available in both cases

        27217 - Portal Main Page(MAIN)
        - 1. Reportee are not showing if the Supervisor on Temporary Job Assignment and Supervisor login in ESS and Supervisor not showing for Reportee if the Reportee is login in ESS

        27072 - General Work(GEN)
        - Resolve the issue to allow multiple SmartESS instances to be configured in single port.

        30056 - Leave Status Detail “التفاصيل الإجازة”(List of Leave Detail)
        - 1. When pressing the “Cancel Leave” Button then “Cancel Remarks” Panel is showing and there is one more “Cancel Leave” button is showing on the Panel with the “OK” button. 2. “Cancel Leave” functionality is not working. “Leave” still showing “Apply” and “Pending” Status.

        28048 - Leave Status Detail “التفاصيل الإجازة”(List of Leave Detail)
        - This message appears after pressing Approve button and long processing. Server was unable to process request ---> Unable to connect to the remote server ---> A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond”

        28046 - Summary for Attendance(Attendance Summary)
        - All records not showing due to paging not available

        29266 - Manual Attendance(Manual Attendance)
        - Manual attendance screen is not working properly.both check in and out shows as check out.

        31163 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
        - If the scenario of “Time Slot” is defined like: Day 1 : Off , Day 2 : Night , Day 3 : Night and Attendance Date : End Time (Two Date Flag). When the user entering the “Start Time” like “22:00” (02-01-2017) for Day 3 and entering the “End Time” like “09:00” (03-01-2017) for Day 3 then system is showing “Off Day” in the “Remarks” Column.

        27682 - General Work(GEN)
        - 1. Filters arrangement should on as following ordering in all screens where these filters are using 1. Location 2. Organization (Dept.) 3. Shift 2. The data should be shown in these filters as per the Supervisory Control setup. Do not filter the data as per User Profile, in user profile the Organization / Location allow or not allow in these filters system should not consider from User Profile 3. If select the “All” from any above mentioned filters, that's mean all the data as per Supervisory Control setup if user have no rights in for example: User have no rights on location then do not add that location in “All” filter. 4. Priority will be like first system will check the Supervisory control for Location then Organization (Dept.) then Shift. If Supervisory control is defined for Location only then It's mean all the Organizations and Shift under this Location will have rights to the user. If Supervisor Control define like specific Location and then specific Organization and do not define the Shift then it's mean all the shifts under this specific Organization will have rights to the User. In last if in Supervisory Control setup the Shift also defined after Location and specific Organization then it's mean only this particular shift have rights. In the above all three filters just only show the shift who have rights as per Location and Organization wise 5. The shifts will be get from the Employee Personnel information Note: Implement this cases where these three filters are available.

        30265 - General Work(GEN)
        - Company Name is fixed to 3 digits, should be flexible from 1 to 20

        28950 - Leave Status Detail “التفاصيل الإجازة”(List of Leave Detail)
        - System giving another Leave information in Email Notification when one Employee applied more then one leave and it's supervisor forwarding one of them. Secondly, system also storing the comments in another Leave, Supervisor forwarding another but system auto forward different leave but the Application in this case is same. Because the Applicant applied two leaves.

        30269 - Over Time Approval(OverTimeApproval.aspx)
        - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Overtime Approval” Screen. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”. - “Attendance” and calculation of (“OT Hours” in “Before Time Slot / After Time Slot”) should be shown correctly. Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

        27296 - Summary for Attendance(Attendance Summary)
        - If user have Supervisory rights then the Searching not working on his name. System should search the user by his name if the Supervisory rights is assigned. System should allow user to see his records if the Supervisory rights available or not available in both cases

        28210 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
        - Location Name is not showing in Check-out Time while it is showing in detail window. See attendance of employee 000023 on 27-10-2016 in smarthcmsds. See following image

        27319 - Dashboard(Default.apx)
        - Remove the case sensitivity from ESS Default.aspx page IN ESS->when the (default) is used Translation occur but when the (Default) is used Translation is not shown. please find attached image

        27074 - Missing In/Out Attendance for Employees(Missing Attendance)
        - In Missing Attendance not Showing Employees Name List.Please Find the Attached Image

        30276 - Missing In/Out Attendance for Employees(Missing Attendance)
        - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Missing In/Out Time” Screen. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”. - “Attendance” should be shown correctly and impact of “Action” should work properly. Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

        26577 - Apply Leave طلب إجازة(Apply Leave)
        - Provide the functionality of Leave Day Type parameter that is available in the Leave Location Grade Setup. If the Leave Day Type is set to Calendar then holidays will be include and if the Working is set then exclude the holidays. The holidays is available in the holiday setup

        27634 - General Work(GEN)
        - About page not showing in ESS .Please Make its availability.

        29313 - Leave Status Detail “التفاصيل الإجازة”(List of Leave Detail)
        - When open the web application in Smart Phone / Mobile and take the “Forward” action on Leave then the System show the main page. In Mobile there are back button available when user click on this button the History page showed. This history page showing all the previous leave status with Forward button. So, the user can again click on forward button. System should not show the history page when click on back button from Mobile device.

        27987 - Summary for Attendance(Attendance Summary)
        - “Missing Filled” column showing value of “Manual Attend” and vice versa

        30279 - Manual Attendance(Manual Attendance)
        - Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Manual Attendance” Screen. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”. - “Attendance” should be shown correctly and “Save” should be work properly. Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

        28078 - Employee Information الـمــوظــف(Employee Information)
        - Show the Temp. Job Assignment Position with it's department

        31061 - Apply Leave “طلب إجازة”(Apply Leave)
        - After applying the leave, message “Request Apply successfully” showing with only “Yes” button. This is not appropriate behavior. Provide the message “Leave applied successfully. Do you want to apply more leaves ?” with “Yes” and “No” button. When pressing “No”, it should return previous screen else same screen should be available for applying new leave.

        30266 - Letter Report شهادة التعريف(Letter Report)
        - ESS letter report is not showing

        29666 - Portal Main Page(MAIN)
        - In the “Orgonogram” Screen: 1. If picture is available against any “Employee” then it should be shown in the “Hierarchy”. 2. “Login User” should be shown in “Green” color as per “Legend”.

        28729 - Portal Main Page(MAIN)
        - Handle the quotation in Encrypted password. System is showing the error page when change the Language due to to the Quotation in encrypted password and also Reset Password is not working due to the same issue

        30095 - General Work(GEN)
        - Issues in “Leave” Module: 1. Size of the message/popup window “Record Forward/Reject Successfully” should be decrease which is showing after pressing the “Cancel”, “Forward”, “Reject” buttons. 2. Change the button name of the message/popup window from “أغلق” to “OK” in English Language.

        30309 - Leave Status Detail التفاصيل الإجازة(List of Leave Detail)
        - System is asking for alternative employee but Alternative Employee field is disabled while forwarding leave. Also applicant name is showing in Approver Field.

        27233 - Menu and Label Translation(Menu and Label Translation)
        - Provide the complete labels for ESS screen translation Please Find the attachment.

        30634 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
        - Status “Absent” not working correctly. It is showing all employees including the employee whose status is stop while showing list of continue status. Also rename “Employee Type” as “Employee Status” in searching filter Rename “Status” as “Employee Availability” in searching filter. Also rename “Present” as “Available” and “Absent” as “Not Available” in this combo Many employee remarks are null when looking “Absent” status. Check SDS data for 25-01-2017. Employee “Tari Noman Tari Al Shamri [000042] “ showing null remarks “Out of Service” remarks should be shown only for those employees whose status is stop on “Attend Date”

        27246 - Late Approval (Late Approval )
        - Enter Key should work in this screen

        29086 - Leave Status Detail “التفاصيل الإجازة”(List of Leave Detail)
        - System forwarding another leave when Supervisor taking the action. System should not forward another leave.

        28209 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
        - Check-out in not showing in Google Map

        27988 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
        - Late minutes is showing wrong. Employee have Off-day on 23-sep-2016 as per roster. But system is showing other time slot “KP3”. System should pick Off Days instead of other time slot. Also system is showing 1436 late minutes which is wrong. Check employee 000113 attendance on 23-09-2016 in smarthcmsds

        27207 - Late Approval (Late Approval )
        - In ESS->Late and Early Approver->In Remarks Field When Enter is used for multi line comments it don0t take action.Please Find the attached Image.

        29006 - Dashboard(Default.apx)
        - My Team Widget popup is not showing

        30339 - Dashboard(Default.apx)
        - Iqama Expiry Date should be NIC Expiry Date important dates widget

        30365 - Portal Login Page(Login)
        - This Error message is showing most of the time on the Client Side. Message is “Connection request time out”. Do the R&D and then Resolve the issue. Note: See the Email for reference.

        28094 - Payslip “ملخص الرواتب”(PaySlip)
        - ESS->Paysip-> 1- Allowances is not showing in ADCODE wise ascending order.Should be according to AD code 2-.Total is showing wrong floating values. like 14914.380000000001.Please remove the more values after point or use round around ie...above than 50 consider 1 and less than 50 minus one.Please Find Attached image

        26748 - Payslip ملخص الرواتب(PaySlip)
        - Value should show in two Decimal Places maximum for Total Allowances, Total Deductions and Net Salary. This case applicable in case of the Decimal value is allowed in the Payroll group setup.

        27567 - Apply Leave طلب إجازة(Apply Leave)
        - when supervisor reject leave system will look for Leave Location grade setup for supervisor.It should not applicable for Supervisor.System should need to check only the employee/sub ordinate location grade setup.

        30832 - Apply Leave “طلب إجازة”(Apply Leave)
        - Request# 5719 for staff : 100002 on 18 of Jan It show here in the approval leaves report .. short leave personal it is approved But in the ESS and late report at the same date and time .. it is late Temporary solution Provided by Mustafa Sajid They did not put data of short leave in correct way. Instead of 0900 they put some thing like this '09.:00'. it should not allow incorrect time / date formats

        27633 - Letter Report شهادة التعريف(Letter Report)
        - Letter Report is not showing.please Rectify the issue

        27168 - Summary for Attendance(Attendance Summary)
        - ESS-Attendance summary 0 value should be null

        30807 - Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance)
        - Many employee remarks are null when looking “Absent” status. Check SDS data for 25-01-2017. Employee “Tari Noman Tari Al Shamri [000042] “ showing null remarks “Out of Service” remarks should be shown only for those employees whose status is stop on “Attend Date”

        30267 - Dashboard(Default.apx)
        - Organogram is not showing in ESS

        29354 - Portal Login Page(Login)
        - Version compatibility checking not working. It should check the version compatibility on login. If version is not compatible with the defined version in PRODUCT_VERSION table then do not allow to login in application

        25893 - Payslip ملخص الرواتب(PaySlip)
        - At month drop down it is showing choose the country

        26787 - Create Ticket/Issue نشاء تذكرة(Create Ticket)
        - IN Ess->OSp->Create ticket->when ticket is created it show cross sign alert should show tick sign alert message

        30340 - Employee Information الـمــوظــف(Employee Information)
        - Correct Sub-Tab name from NIc to NIC in Document Information Panel. Also, wrong value of Date is showing against the Expiry Date Field.

        30100 - طلبات الإجازات لموظفي الهيئة Leave Status for Final Approver(List of Leave for Approver)
        - When approve any Leave then a message is showing Unable to generate the Decision No.. This message should not shown. The message should be shown like Leave Approved successfully..

        26798 - Communication System Create Message(Create Message)
        - Value of Attachment Type is showing wrong .it is showing like encrypting form

        30806 - General Work(GEN)
        - OverTime word in HidaESS Application should be shown like Overtime where required.