Release Notes

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SmartESS Release

Release date: 29 August 2016

Module version:Final(Patch)

Maturity Status: QA Approved

Fixed issues

  • 27093 Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance) - Create status and remarks in Daily Attendance for Late and Early Departure Enhancement
  • 27233 Menu and Label Translation (Menu and Label Translation) - Provide the complete labels for ESS screen translation
  • 27296 Summary for Attendance (Attendance Summary) - If user have Supervisory rights then the Searching not working on his name. System should search the user by his name if the Supervisory rights is assigned. System should allow user to see his records if the Supervisory rights available or not available in both cases
  • 27168 Summary for Attendance (Attendance Summary) - ESS-Attendance summary 0 value should be null
  • 27115 Manual Attendance (Manual Attendance) - Please make sure to prevent manual attendance for marking future date attendance..
  • 27207 Late Approval (Late Approval) - In ESS->Late and Early Approver->In Remarks Field When Enter is used for multi line comments it donot take action.Please Find the attached Image.
  • 27206 Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance) - If user have Supervisory rights then the Searching not working on his name. System should search the user by his name if the Supervisory rights is assigned. System should allow user to see his records if the Supervisory rights available or not available in both cases
  • 27093 Daily Attendance Screen (Daily Attendance) - Create status and remarks in Daily Attendance for Late and Early Departure Enhancement 27309 Dashboard (Default.apx) - ESS->DashBoard->Reportee are not showing to the Person who has Assigned Authority Medium 27319 Dashboard (Default.apx) - Remove the case sensitivity from ESS Default.aspx page IN ESS->when the (default) is used Translation occur but when the (Default) is used Translation is not shown. Medium 27217 Portal Main Page (MAIN) - Reportee are not showing if the Supervisor on Temporary Job Assignment and Supervisor login in ESS and Supervisor not showing for Reportee if the Reportee is login in ESS

    Check the complete list of Fixed Issues and API Changes.