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SmartHCM MP7 Release

Release date: 18-Jul-2017

Module version: MP7

Maturity Status: Cancelled


1 38063 - Employee Job Change(HRS_S167)
- Translate -show in ess

2 38140 - Job Information(HRS/HRS_S163)
- Translate -Select Category -Position

3 38138 - Individual Time Sheet(TOM_R002)
- Translate -Select Employee

4 38166 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
- Remove the Dashboard button from Top panel. Move the "Application menu" button from Left side to Right side Rename the "Application Menu" to "Menu" and change the Button color to Green and change the icon on button

5 37982 - e-Bank File Setup(PAY_S054)
- In Net amount the Loan is not added. Add the all Loan amount as the deduction from Net amount.

6 38093 - Letter Template(HRS_S128)
- Edit button not available. Provide the Edit button for each line

7 38149 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
- 1. Remove the Application Menu from left side 2. Remove the Application Menu drop down from Top Panel 3. Remove the "Search Menu" drop down from Top Panel 4. Provide the new "Tree Filter" for Application Menu on Top Panel with search option and tree menu (For example see the link "http://examples.ext.net/#/Treepanel/Advanced/Filter/")

8 38049 - Leave Request(HRS_S034)
- Provide the Alternative Employee field

9 38187 - Loan Plan(PAY_R019)
- Provide the new field beside the "Outstanding Amount" filed that will "Last Inst. Amount" and show the value in it from Loan disbursement screen "Last Inst. Amount".

Correct the date format for "Installment Date", it should be shown in as per Payroll calendar (Gregorian/Hijri)

10 38147 - Loan Sanction List(PAY_R017)
- Change the report as per the following changes

1. Correct the formatting. 2. Remove “Position” column 3. Add Loan Number column 4. Show Hijri date too in Loan Date 5. Rename “Recv. Date” to “Recovery Month” and show recovery month and year “MM-YYYY” 6. Remove “Rate” and “Comp Rate” column 7. Add field “Calc Type”, it should show two values like “No. of Installment” and “6” 8. Add field “Last Inst. Amount” 9. Ordering on Employee ID, Loan Date Desc 10. Add the "Paid Amount" and "Outstanding Amount" 11. Add following option button parameter (Paid/Outstanding/Alll)

11 38134 - Monthly Payment & Deduction (Employee wise)(PAY_S018)
- Translate -code

12 38148 - Loan Outstanding Balance(PAY_R018)
- Remove “Loan Outstanding Balance (PAY_R018)” from menu.

Bug/Issues Fixes

38192 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- In Experience Tab, unable to save the record if the Company have 4 digit ID.

38185 - Employee Training(HRS_S068)
- Please check fields message is showing on editing, deleting and authorizing the record.

37911 - User Rights(SEC_S005)
- when authorizing an item the alert window has no translation to translate

38101 - Applicant Information(HRS_S108)
- Translate the following into Arabic, -Select Nationality -Select Photograph -Select Gender -Select Marital Status -Select Religion

37795 - Letter Report(HRS_R051)
- 1.User defined Letter Tag with Input Type text is not showing on Letter. (Both HCM and ESS) 2.Show in ESS flag not working check both tag (user + system)

38116 - Letter Tag Setup(HRS_S129)
- system tag [SYSDATE_HIJRI_2] to show like the tag [TODAY_GREG_DATE] meaning to show as yyyy-mm-dd

38181 - Shift Transfer Report(TOM_R008)
- Translate -Select Employee -Select Shift

37848 - Publish Job(HRS_S150)
- -Publish Job -Status: -Dead Line From Date: -Dead Line To Date: -Job Posting Status: -Search button -Publish button -Delete Published Job button -Create File button -Search button -Request No -Organizational Location -Geographical Location -Position -Deadline Date -Requisition Fulfill -Last Published Date -Open Date -Close Date -Status

38096 - Deputation Payment Register(HRS_R035)
- -Report cannot open properly -Truncation occur in the screen at zoom 130%

37804 - General Work(GEN)
- About not opening showing error The resource cannot be found.

38103 - Pay-Slip(PAY_R022)
- -when generating report using Arabic screen it does not open correctly at zoom 130%

38069 - Degree Level(HRS_S047)
- when add new record then no record shown in the screen

38033 - End of Term Benefit Calculator(PAY_S052)
- Translate -Month -Day -Year After press on Calculate button Leave encashment should be translate

38041 - Workflow Structure(WFL_S001)
- level Detailsnot translated.

37842 - Written Test Result(Test Wise)(HRS_S194)
- Recomm. For Interview. translation not showing.

38182 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- when search cities in Address Tab then the searching city shown in Education /Additional Field . Show all cities in Education /Addtional Field If we search Damam in Address Tab then there is only Damam city show in Education/Additional Field.

38124 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- If Employee Bank record exists in Employee Bank but Employee Bank Account No. is not defined then system is showing the error message and Data is not showing. System should show all the data and ignore the Employee Bank if bank account no. not exists.

38143 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- Experience tab is not rendering the company name correctly, when any record is deleted from the grid all values in the grid became wrong.

38097 - Monthly Payment & Deduction (Employee wise)(PAY_S018)
- -screen does not open properly -Truncation occur in both screen (Englsih+Arabic) at zoom 130%

38277 - Payroll Inquiry(PAY_S034)
- bottom panel Payroll Allowance detail/Panel Deducton detail overlap with uper panel . Screen should open properly in Arabic + English Interface

38141 - Daily Attendance Report(TOM_R001)
- Report not working

37917 - Full and Final Settlement Report(HRS_R015)
- Remove the report name from the top left side, and replace it with the employee bank account number

38000 - Deputation Rate On Allowances(HRS_S173)
- Unnecessary words show in Page

38012 - Employee Deputation(HRS_S174)
- -In Arabic mode ,Employee name should be shown in Arabic when add a employee -Translate Deputation Date From

37920 - Employee Information(HRS_R007)
- 1- when printing the employee information report in the ARABIC LANGUAGE JOB_ID shows in the top left side. 2- also the code of the report of page HRS_R٠٠٧ appears in the Report field.

remove the whole Report field and delete the job id as well from the report.

37918 - Employee Data Export(HRS_R060)
- Under Specific Fields > Select Fields add the following values to show in the report : - Work Permit No. . - Full Name in English. -GOSI number. - service length (years-months-days) -Phone No. and Ext. No. -resignation date. -Employee status (Active, Resigned, on leave...etc.)

37869 - Applicant Information List(HRS_RR050)
- -Request No.

38237 - Labels and Menus Translation(SEC_S002)
- When doing load object system deleting the translation in Arabic Language for some labels.

37832 - Letter Report(HRS_R051)
- -Value. -Parameter. -Header Image -Footer Image Translation not Showing.

38100 - Shift wise Roster(TOM_S009)
- Translate the following into arabic, -Select GeoLoc -Select Shift -Employee Exist -Select Roster Month

37806 - Company Documents(HRS_S158)
- -Attachment. -Attach Files. -Green, Yellow and Red.

Translations Not Found

38013 - Audit Log(SEC_R001)
- labels are unable to translate in the screen (Activity,Emplyee,Action etc) in Arabic mode

37980 - Full and Final Settlement Report(HRS_R015)
- Translate the bank Name ,Account No and align the table

37856 - Download Applicants(HRS_S152)
- -Download Resume -Request No -Position -Geo. Location -Org. Location -Deadline -Last Downloaded Date -Authorize Resume -Authorize -Applicant Name -CNIC -Email -Gender -Cell No -Last Modified Date H -Last Modified Date G

37987 - General Work(GEN)
- Add new language parameter in the package ,screen are final settlement and End term

38042 - Building and Office(OSP_S003)
- Translate the following -Location Detail. -Room Accessory

37871 - Applicant Resume(HRS_RR48)
- -Request No.

37913 - Workflow Structure(WFL_S001)
- translations not available for : - Rights = الصلاحيات - Cancel = الغاء - Forward = اعادة توجيه - Approve = السماح - Reject = عدم السماح - Revoke = سحب

please add the translations.

38126 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- In Courses Tab while entering date in dd-mm-yyyy(01-05-2017) is displaying 05-Jan-2017 instead of 01-May-2017

38125 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- Degree Level is not visible in Education Tab

38144 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- In address tab, show all the cities name, make sure that searching should work properly in the combo.

38218 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- unable to show all records in Courses Tab sponsered by -Its shows only first page record in sponser by setup

37862 - Salary Sheet(PAY_R004)
- under Specific Parameter all the words have no translation.

37895 - Locations(SET_S002)
- Unable to add sub departments in Locations screen

38054 - Full and Final Settlement(HRS_S117)
- -when printing report using Arabic screen result come different from final settlement screen, also when print report from English screen result come fine and different then report from Arabic screen. -After decimal point only show two digits in the screen and its report(English+Arabic)

38122 - Applicant Interviews(HRS_S112)
- Translate -select the applicant

37836 - Recruitment Request Form(HRS_S107)
- -Request No. -Job Requirement. -Salary Option. -Period To. -Salary. -Salary Option. -For HR Use. all translations not showing.

37925 - Letter Tag Setup(HRS_S129)
- proper message should be shown if delete the user tag which is being used in letter

38073 - General Work(GEN)
- Translate General Parameter in master page at all reports screen (i.e HRS_R015)

37822 - General Work(GEN)
- in SmartHCM in the translation section when you try to translate training management, Training Plan and Employee Training. the 2nd page of the items is not accessible

38120 - Pay-Slip(PAY_R022)
- Translate -Show Attendence

38040 - Employee Deputation(HRS_S174)
- Employee name shows in English in the Arabic Version.Translate the Name in Arabic at Arabic mode

38279 - Job Basic Salary Editing(HRS_S165)
- When edit 6 digit salary then error shown . See attachment

37850 - Define Workflow(WFL_S002)
- the bar under work flow has no translation

38011 - Notification Calendar(ESS_S001)
- when click create/edit alignment is not correct using Arabic Screen and also translate where required

37919 - General Parameter(General Parameter)
- Change password is not working fine in ESS When you change password it is accepted but when you login with new password it is not accepted by system and showing password is expired

38074 - Letter Report( Hrs_R051)
- Translate the following - Select Employee. - Employee.

38071 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- when adding Referee City the combo box shows only a few cities ,shows all cities in the combo which are added in SET_S004

38193 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- In Course Tab, Paging bar is not showing in Sponsored by setup.

37908 - Fund Yealy Contribution Report(PAY_R012)
- after printing the report the statement Grand Total has no translation and the letters in english should be fixed

38032 - Stopped Employee List(HRS_R016)
- Translation of End Of Report not showing in the report

37838 - Applicant Information(HRS_S108)
- -Referred By. translation not showing

38102 - Company Documents(HRS_S158)
- Translate the following into Arabic, -No File Selected & Browse -Search -Link to open

38066 - Full and Final Settlement Report(HRS_R015)
- Translate the following -Show parameter -All resigned employee

38123 - Hiring Detail(HRS_RR40)
- Translate -status

37883 - Interview Results(HRS_RR39)
- -Request No. -For Position.

37881 - Written Test Result Report(HRS_RR38)
- -Request No. -For Position. -Recommended for Interview.

37828 - Renew/Cancel Temporary Job(HRS_S175)
- -Employee Information. -New Job Information. -Organization Location. -Renew / Cancel. Translation Not Found.

38095 - Fund Slab Wise Location Grade(PAY_S053)
- -screen does not work properly -Trucation occur at zoom 130% in the screen

38109 - Letter Report( Hrs_R051)
- Dot is showing as Comma in Letter Report

38121 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- Can not search during editing in Institute field in Education tab

38238 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- In Education Tab, when searching Specialization, it will get only those specializations when we insert next record like if we enter 'b' then it will get all specializations containing letter 'b' so when next record is inserted, not all specializations are shown

When search cities (Passport issued at) in Additional Info Tab, then the searching city shown in Driving License Issued at field . Show all cities in Passport issued at Field and Driving License Issued at field. If we search Karachi then there is only Karachi city show in Passport issued at/Driving License issued at Field.

Place of Entry is also effected by above combos Also Pagination not working in both above fields

37834 - Training Plan(HRS_S067)
- -Training Plan.

37988 - Fund Yealy Contribution Report(PAY_R012)
- Showing error message while generating the report

38164 - Full and Final Settlement(HRS_S117)
- 1. System is not calculating the No. of days.

2. If the Employee service length more then the first slab then Fund amount is not calculating correct. For Example: Service Length is 5 years, 1 Month and 10 Days

37909 - Download Resume(HER_S152)
- -Download Resume -Request No -Position -Geo. Location -Org. Location -Deadline -Last Downloaded Date -Authorize Resume -Authorize -Applicant Name -CNIC -Email -Gender -Cell No -Last Modified Date H -Last Modified Date G

37873 - Applicant Track List(HRS_RR49)
- -Request No.

38072 - Employee Job Change(HRS_S167)
- Translate Select Employee in the screen

38107 - Employee Information(HRS_R007)
- Employee name is overlapping in the report

38278 - Bank Advise(PAY_R026)
- Specific parameter form, filter the Account No. as per selected Bank. Show the all employees who have the Company bank as selected from parameter form in report

38131 - Degree Level(HRS_S047)
- Degree Levels aren’t visible in Degree Level Setup

37916 - Attendace Location Setup(Tom_S021 )
- Attendance location data is not showing on form

38139 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- In Address tab -Address are not editable -Cities shows according tu nationality condition

38184 - Training Plan(HRS_S067)
- Training Plan No. combo's data is truncating. Data is not populating in the form. Whole screen is not working.

38130 - Monthly Payment & Deduction (Employee wise)(PAY_S018)
- If the Payroll Final run not executed for the selected employees then system should allow to add the record on specified Payroll Month.

Now system is not allowing to add the record if any other location's Final Payroll has been executed.

Separate the both screen code currently same code is being using in the Monthly Payment Deduction (Code wise) and Monthly Payment & Deduction (Employee wise)

37846 - Employee Hiring(HRS_S113)
- -Request Information. -Applicant Information. -Employee Hiring Information.

Translations Not Showing.

37914 - Letter Tag Setup(HRS_S129)
- Provide the new tags with new tag handlers for the following : -Employee Referee work address. -Employee Referee Phone Number. -and we need to add tags for a second referee.

38180 - Roster Template Report(TOM_R004)
- Translate -GeoLoc

38070 - General Work(GEN)
- Translate Select Posting Status in the screen Publish Job(HER_S150)

37865 - Loan Waive Process(PAY_S044)
- Waive Type has no translation.

38098 - Employee Data Export(HRS_R060)
- Under Specific Fields > Select Fields add the following values to show in the report : - Full Name in English. still shows in arabic.

-resignation date. there is no resignation date in the options in the english and arabic versions.

-Employee status (Active, Resigned, on leave...etc.) only shows if they are temporary or permemant.

- employee detailed salary including all allowances. (car allowance, gas allowance...etc)

38165 - Database work(Database)
- In the Set_Send_Email_Pkg, the Webservice Address is hard-coded and due to this issue Email is not generating.

37852 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- Select Employee is translated but still shows in english

38110 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- E-File panel, while adding the new file and click on the description then system auto open the separate text box and after save it still remain open

38044 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- In Additional Information tab Other Mobile No. and Ext No. are not editable.

38038 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- Transaction Aborted message is displaying while query record. I think system is fetching uploaded images. Editing of Description is also not allowed.

38146 - Country, Provinces and Cities(SET_S004)
- Pagging bar of child panel is not being refresed while selecting record from the parent panel, For example, if province panel is on 2nd page and other record is being selected from the country panel then the province panel is still on 2nd page, it should be refreshed to 1st page.

38117 - Full and Final Settlement(HRS_S117)
- Gross Pay does not show right amount, it shows Basic Salary in the screen

37999 - Full and Final Settlement(HRS_S117)
- Leave Encashment can not be translated to Arabic and also show translation in its report

37844 - Applicant Interviews(HRS_S112)
- -Request Information. -Applicant Information.

Translations Not Showing.

37840 - Applicant Shortlist(HRS_S110)
- 1-Request Information. 2-Action.

37854 - Letter Report(HRS_R051)
- after translating the page it turns back to english after a few minuts

37973 - Letter Tag Setup(HRS_S129)
- newly added letter tags are throwing error while adding to the letter template and running the report .Following are the tags REFEREE_NO REFEREE_PHONE_NO SECOND_REFEREE_NAME SECOND_REFEREE_ADDRESS SECOND_REFEREE_PHONE_NO SECOND_REFEREE_CITY REFEREE_CITY

38062 - Company Documents(HRS_S158)
- Translate the show in ess check box

38188 - Full and Final Settlement Report(HRS_R015)
- Net Amount in the report is showing wrong in Arabic but in English it is working fine.

37875 - Shortlisted Applicants(HRS_RR37)
- -Request No.

37861 - General Work(GEN)
- Machine Attendance Loading shows server error.

37794 - Pay-Slip(PAY_R022)
- Pay-slip in Arabic has following issues; 1. ADCODE and ADCODE Name not showing. 2. Rate is not correct when export to PDF, Word and etc.