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SmartHCM MP5 Release

Release date: 25-May-2017

Module version: MP5

Maturity Status: Cancelled


37443 - Job Information (HRS_S163)

  • Add the new column "Temporary Assigned" in "Job No" combo in first panel and show the current assigned Employee ID with Name. Searching should be work on this new column by employee id as well as on name.
  • Provide the new Field under the "Position" in the first panel that "Temporary Assigned" with "Employee ID" and "Employee Name".

37569 - List of Employee (Old Name was Employee Retiring Between) (HRS_R001)

  • Removed "List of Employee Report" from menu and renamed the "Employee Retirement Between" report as "List of Employee"
  • RETIREMENT DATE FROM and RETIREMENT DATE TO parameter now non mandatory fields. In case of empty, system will not check RETIREMENT DATA FROM and RETIREMENT DATE TO filters

37423, 37565, 37401, 37573 - Letter Tag Setup (HRS_S129)
Following new Systems Tag have been introduced as following

  • Birth date
  • Gender
  • Marital status
  • Personal E-mail
  • City (From Permanent)
  • Geo location
  • Org location
  • Work Permit No
  • EMP_MOBILE_NO (It will show the full Mobile number with Country code)
  • Referee Phone Number (I will show the information from Employee Information screen "Referee" Tab and if need to show the specific record then use the "~" with "1", "2" and so on if multiple records)

Fixed Issues/Bugs

37600 - Leave Balance Adjustment (HRS_S198)
- Remarks textbox is truncating from right and bottom in 130% zoom

37305 - Locations(SET_S002)
- When adding Organizational location, its not giving any Geographical location in Location Link Combo. There is issue in location setup, when add new GEO-Location, system is giving incorrect LOC_TYPE_ID to added record. 37543 - Payroll Inquiry(PAY_S034)
- On 130% zoom the screen is not open correctly

37436 - Machine Attendance Loading (TOM_S018)
- When click on the any column heading system is showing the error message "Uploading log > Uploaded Files"

37615 - Leave Balance Report(HRS_R012)
- Field and buttons at bottom of specific parameter panel are not showing in 130% zoom on 1600 x 900 resolution and 100% on 1366 x 768 resolution

37447 - Supervisory Control Setup(TOM_S002)
- Super Access Flag should be provided in data block as per standard. Other Employee information like Employee ID, Name, Position, Department, Location etc. may also be shown in this block. Edit option will be available to edit Super Access flag.By default it should be shown null. If user creates the master record then depandant block should be enabled to save location/department/shift wise rights.

Note: currently if user doesn't press upper block save button and provides dependant block data to define location/department/shift wise rights, then these rights are not working in TOM b/c upper block didn't save "N" in "Super Access"

37419 - Loan Reschedule(PAY_S032)
- Add button not showing after query the record. Save button not enabling. Loan Waiver impact not properly updated on Reschedule installments. Release all the issues in this screen

37374 - Loan Disbursement(PAY_S030)
- Unable to delete the record after save/Authorize. System should not delete if at least one installment has been paid and unable to Save, Add the records

37396 - Fund Location Grade Setup(PAY_S015)
- Top panel is not visible if the zoom is 130% or the LCD size is small. It should be shown the first panel's fields as other screens

37458 - Employee Data Export(HRS_R060)
- Showing message BANK_ID invalid identifier

37449 - Job(s) Transfer(HRS_S195)
- In Arabic Language, When zoom in upto 130% close and reopen the screen not rendering properly in its normal screen size (100%).

37390 - Loan Manual Reschedule(PAY_S051)
- After delete any record user is not able to add new record unless he refreshes the screen.

37533 - Fund Setup(PAY_S014)
- While saving empty record it shows error message Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

37435 - Full and Final Settlement Report(HRS_R015)
- Net Amount is not showing correct when run the report in Arabic Mode.

37375 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
- When the new user created and Login by that new user then the new Theme of the Application should be shown as Default Theme.

37463 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
- Add the Refresh, Favorite and Help translations in Dashboard activity

37642 - Back Dated Attendance(PAY_S022)
- In Arabic mode, by default current Payroll Month should be shown on the Payroll Month Field and Calendar icon should be shown instead of Drop Down Arrow.

37558 - Notification Calendar(ESS_S001)
- When open the Screen or pressing the Refresh button then an Error message is showing. See the attachment for the Reference.

37360 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- System should not load objects for all additional fields only just load object other then the Additional fields.

37611 - Location Structure(SET_S001)
- System is showing the "Runtime Error" when adding the new node After adding the new node when click on Explorer area the hierarchy auto collapse and data not saved

37502 - Full and Final Settlement(HRS_S117)
- System is showing error message "Runtime Error" when open the screen

37582 - Letter Report(HRS_R051)
- User define TAG not showing the value in the Letter report, although the values has been provided before run the report

37609 - Standard Report Parameter form(Standard Report)
- Some fields are truncating at 130% zoom on 1600 x 900 resolution and 100% on 1366 x 768 resolution

37500 - Employee Separation(HRS_S030)
- 1. System showing "Object reference" error when save the record. Unable to Authorize the record and system is giving error message

2. System showing error when select the Employee from query combo

System not updating the status to Stop, due to this system not discontinue to the Employee as well as the User for this employee have not locked

37344 - Loan Disbursement(PAY_S030)
- Following error is showing when creating the installment with 1000 fixed amount and total payment is 66000

"ORA-20007: Maximum number of installments reached. ORA-06512: at "SMARTHCM_.PKG_LOAN_REQUEST_VALIDATION", line 311 ORA-06512: at "SMARTHCM_.PKG_LOAN_REQUEST_VALIDATION", line 48 ORA-06512: at line 1"

37457 - Notification Calendar(ESS_S001)
- In Alert detail window where user define notifications, when open first time and add new notification, the Supvisory Workflow combo is shown enable without selecting recipient.

37535 - Employee Attendance Location(Tom_S022)
- In Lower Panel, searching is not working in Location Combo of grid

37625 - Stopped Employee List(HRS_R016)
- Company logo is truncating in Crystal report viewer as well as in PDF

37598 - Appraisal Plan Generation(HRS_S097)
- From Date and To date is not suggesting, so wrong date is saving

37581 - Key Checks(LoginPage)
- Login screen design is not according to the suggested design. Correct design is available in the main dev version

37507 - Leave Balance Report(HRS_R012)
- In more then 100% zoom the bottom fields are not showing in the specific parameter form

37391 - Loan Waive Process(PAY_S044)
- While running the process Error appear (ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected ORA-06512: at SMARTHCM.PKG_LOAN_EXEMPT_PROCESS, line 78 ORA-06512: at line 1)

37394 - Monthly Payment Deduction (Code wise)(PAY_S011)
- Top panel is not visible if the zoom is 130% or the LCD size is small. It should be shown the first panel's fields as other screens.

37607 - Degree Setup(HRS_S056)
- Searching is not working in Degree Level and Area of Study Combo Box

37551 - Employee Data Export(HRS_R060)
- When exporting Report from Arabic mode then Titles shows in English language.

37381 - Leave Balance Adjustment (HRS_S198)
- When authorize the record do not create the new entry in Leave balance detail table. Just update the Leave balance in Leave balance master table

37339 - General Parameter(General Parameter)
- 1. When the user pressing the "Load Object" Button in the "Menu and Language Translation" Screen then the extra "Title Bar" is showing on the "Report Parameter Form" of all "Reports".

2. If the user already translated the "Labels" for the "Report General Parameters" Panel and then pressing the "Load Object" for that Report then the system should not remove the translation of that Report.

37454 - Job Information(HRS/HRS_S163)
- 1. Record filtering not working in Arabic language when selecting "Job No".

2. Middle panel hides when zoom in upto 130% in English Language, close and reopens it.

37428 - Letter Report(HRS_R051)
- In history letter, Buttons are not showing History Letter and New Letter alignment should be on left side in Arabic and in English it is on right side that is correct Change the label from "Employee Status_Employee Status:" to "Employee Status" Change the label from "Employee Type_Employee Type" to "Employee Type" Change the label from "Category_Category:" to "Category" Change the label from "Grade_Grade:" to "Grade"

37591 - Standard Report Parameter form(Standard Report)
- All reports in Recruitment Management showing Runtime error

37439 - Additional Information Fields Setup(SET_S012)
- 1. In the "Translation" Panel, "Edit" and "Delete" buttons are not working.

2. In the "Translation" Panel, when the user pressing the "Cancel" button of the "Edit" window then the row should be shown in the Grid Panel.

3. If the "Translation" and "Data" are available against any "Field" and user presses the "Delete" button in the "Fields" Panel then the "Child Record Exist" message should be shown.

4. If the Size of the "Label" of "Field" is big then "Label" should not be overlapped with the "Field" in the "Employee Information" Screen.

37494 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- Photograph box is truncating from bottom

Job No Combo Box is truncating

Refresh, help and Favourite buttons labels not showing

Rename panel "Organizational Detail" with "Job Detail"

Rename "Employee Type" panel with "Organnizational Detail"

Mobile Format validation is not working

Reject Changes button is disabling Employee Name Translation panel

System is giving message on save "Mandatory fields should not be left blank" while all mandatory fields are filled. Actually "Full Name" field length exeeding. Also system is giving error message "could not update: [SmartHCM.Core.Domain.Model.EmployeePersonnel#000127][SQL: UPDATE HRS_EMPLOYEE_PERSONNEL SET OLD_EMPLOYEE_ID = ........" if you leave "Middle Name" empty and other name fields filled with full length. Same message is appearing if you fill Active Directory or Email field as per the allowed length.

Email field should check email format validation

Rename tab "Addition Info" as "Additional Field"

In Employee Information Tab, fields alignments are out in Arabic language

37557 - Employee Information(HRS_S185)
- While adding new employee this message is shown Mandatory fields should not be left blank even after filling all the mandatory fields

37466 - Skip Installment(PAY_S031)
- When adding skip installment and after skipping any installment and clicking on reschedule, it is not creating correct entries and on saving it string was not recognized as valid date time error is coming

37546 - Roster Template Report(TOM_R004)
- System is showing Runtime Error

37596 - Employee wise Roster(TOM_S005)
- Delete button is not working. Last day delete button is not working and both pages is showing Runtime error

37619 - Full and Final Settlement Report(HRS_R015)
- Remove the hard coded footer logo powered by SofDigital Systems

37589 - Employee Leave Encashment(HRS_R014)
- When generating Final Settlement Report in Arabic Screen, Alignment is not correct, 'Leave Encashment' in report is not translated and we can not find it in Translation file

37537 - Position(HRS_S013)
- When searching on the Grade combo in grade panel then system is showing the Runtime Error

37548 - Position(HRS_S013)
- Searching functionality is not working in the Grade Combo box. A Runtime Server Error message is appearing on the screen. It should work properly on all Columns in the Combo Box.

37531 - Report A Defect(Report A Defect)
- Send button is missing

37495 - Job Information(HRS_S163)
- Job No Combo box is truncating

Rename lable "Last Updated ON" as "Last Updated On" in Job History panel

Rename lable "Last Updated BY" as "Last Updated By" in Job History panel

Rename lable "Job History" as "Job History No"

Correct time is not updating in "Last Updated ON". It is saving 12:00 AM which wrong

37468 - Employee Bank(HRS_S189)
- After adding/editing the record system is not enabling the Add/Save button

37577 - Employee Data Export(HRS_R060)
- When choosing all fields, in Excel data appears un-organized with ?

37421 - Payroll Process(PKG_PAYROLL_PROCESS)
- Payroll process running slow

37538 - Contract Renewal(HRS_S028)
- Showing Runtime Error when opened. (Arabic and English versions )

37486 - Contract Renewal(HRS_S028)
- 1. When open the screen system is showing error message 2. When opening screen error message shown "Regularized Employee Status not found" 3. Record not Saved 4. Employee combo not loaded

37357 - Bank and Branches(SET_S003)
- When pressing the Save button in the Payment Mode Panel then an Error message is showing.

37563 - Letter Tag Setup(HRS_S129)
- When I add the Tags [REFEREE_NAME] and [REFEREE_ADDRESS] to any report then I can not generate the report, it gives a message GET_EMP_REFEREE_ADDRESS invalid. See the attachment.

37617 - Position(HRS_S013)
- In Grades panel when save null value then existing record is being deleted

37498 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
- Vacant... and Job Busy... labels are truncating

37488 - Employee Job Change(HRS_S167)
- Grade combo remains disabled even if grades are available against a job. Because of this issue, user could not able to save the record.

37622 - Employee Training(HRS_S068)
- While saving new record could not insert error appears

37376 - Full and Final Settlement Report(HRS_R015)
- Remarks (Payment or Deduction) should be shown in Arabic Translation when the user run the Report in Arabic Mode.

37553 - List of Employees(PAY_R029)
- Remove the activity from Module activity as well as from project.