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SmartHCM MP3 Release

Release date: 16-Feb-2017

Module version: MP3

Maturity Status: Cancelled

Fixed Issues

30370 - Leave Balance Adjustment(HRS_S198)
- Following customization will be required in the Screen:

  • “Employee Id”, “Employee Name” and “Leave Type” Fields should be moved from Query Panel to Middle Panel.
  • “Remarks” Field will be Added in the Middle Panel.
  • Remove the Field “Adjustment Date”.
  • Change the Field Name from “Leave Bal. Adj.No.” to “Leave Balance Adjustment No.”.
  • Change the Field Name from “Balance Before Adj.” to “Balance Before Adjustment” and from “Balance After Adj.” to “Balance After Adjustment”.
  • Change the Field Name from “Days” to “Adjustment Days/Hours”. - Note: If the “Allow Advance Leave” Check Box is “Checked” against any “Leave Type” then system will be allowed to save “-ve Balance” against selected “Leave Type”. Also, system will be saved “Balance” on Run Time.
  • New Panel “Leave Balance Adjustment History” will be added. Following Columns will be required in this “History” Panel: - Employee Id - Employee Name - Leave Type - Balance Before Adjustment - Balance After Adjustment - Adjustment On - Adjustment By Name - Remarks (with “Detail” button) - Note: Data should be Ordered “Adjustment Date” wise Descending in the “History” Panel. “Search” option will also be required in the “History” Panel.

30841 - Leave Balance Entitlement Process(HRS_LEAVE_BALANCE_PKG)
- Add the Leave Entitlement Slab-wise, option to define “Leave Entitlement Slabs” w.r.t the “Service Length”. - Incorporate the “Balance Entitlement Slab” in “Leave Entitlement Process” instead of “Entitlement Day/Hour” (In both Annual Leave and Frequency Leave).

30483 - Notification Calendar(ESS_S001)
- Provide all applicable templates with proper formatting including applicable tags.

28848 - Salary Sheet(PAY_R004)
- Provide custom page option in Salary Sheet. When custom page will be chosen, system should ask width and height in inches. All columns should be shown as per the custom page width and height in the report.

29320 - Salary Sheet(PAY_R004)
- Provide ordering on following sequence

1. Geo Location Ordering 2. Org Location Ordering 3. Category Ordering 4. Position Ranking 5. Employee ID

Note: Use the Payroll Process detail table to get the history record of Employee.

26603 - Leave Balances(HRS_S033)
- Leave Balance Report-showing in arabic when user language select to English and also alignment issues

27858 - Recruitment Request Form(HRS_S107)
- Redesign the screen with proper alignment

31281 - System Default(SET_S005)
- Provide the proper Description in the Description Column against the Parameter named Off_Prev_Slot_Add_Hours in the System Default Screen.

30284 - Overtime Approval Report(TOM_R013)
- Following customization will be required in the Report:

1. Add the new Column named “Attendance Date” before the “Check In” Column in the Detail Panel.

2. Add the “Attendance” heading on the top of two Columns named “Check In” and “Check Out”.

3. Add the “Overtime” heading on the top of two Columns named “From” and “To”.

4. Value of “Date” should be removed from the Columns “Check In”, “Check Out”, “From” and “To”.

30875 - Roster Process(TOM_S017)
- Message on “Run Roster Process” is:

“The month you are choosing to run the Roster Process will delete all the processes of unauthorized months ahead. if you want to proceed press yes?”.

It should be “It will delete all unauthorized subsequent rosters. Do you want to proceed?”.

Also make sure that it should not delete any authorized roster.

26375 - Employee Promotion*(HRS_R003)
- In Employee Promotion screen remove the field Evaluation rule and keep the the fields empty New Position and Promotion Grade

30636 - Dashboard(Dashboard)
- Link the SmartHCM Announcement widget with this link http://www.smarthcm.com/announcement

27996 - General Work(GEN)
- Change the design as per new provided design. Sample design is attached

30054 - General Work(GEN)
- Remove Notification Setup & Notification Message links from SmartHCM - Wikipedia.

27124 - Job Screen(HRS_S163)
- Remove the JOB ID and Employment Type and show the Job No. in whole application where applicable. Remove the Employment type setup as well

27366 - Tax Slab(PAY_S019)
- Provide the new field after the “Tax %” field that is “Fixed Tax”, “Fixed Tax” should be accept only number data. Database field name should be “FIXED_TAX”.

Note: It is required for new Income Tax rule implementation

30277 - Late Approval (Late Approval )
- Functionality of “Two Date Flag” should be worked correctly in the “Late & Early Departure Approval” Screen. Must be covered all “Cases / Scenarios”.

- “Attendance” and calculation of (“Late Minutes” and “Early Departure Minutes”) should be shown correctly and “Action” should be worked properly.

Note: In “Time Slot” Screen, you may set value of “Two Date Flag” Column will be “Yes” and Value of “Attendance Date” Column will be “Start Time” or “End Time” for any “Time Slot”. Developer level Testing should be done also.

27169 - Missing In/Out Attendance for Employees(Missing Attendance)
- ESS-TOM-Max check out and min check in date validation must be skip when missing attendance.

27237 - General Work(GEN)
- 1. Provide the new System default parameter “DISPLAY_HIJRI_CALENDAR” with “Y” or “N” value. If the value is “Y” then show the Hijri date field in whole ESS pages along with Gregorian date filed. If the values is “N” then only show the Gregorian Date field.

2. By default the Calendar should be shown for Gregorian as per system default parameter.

26764 - Overtime “خارج الدوام”(Overtime)
- Provide Overtime Approval Screen in ESS having following features

1. Combination of Overtime Suggestion and Overtime Approval Screen already available SmartHCM. 2. Provide bulk approval 3. Provide Location, Department, Shift, Employee and other filters like Daily Attendance Screens. 4. In case of any changes will be occur in the HCM side then it will be include in this case 5. Provide bulk approval

30943 - Employee Data Report(HRS_R061)
- Provide the new report as per following details.

1. Report standard parameter form will be applicable

2. Show all the fields from “Employee Information” Tab except following with multi select check box. User can uncheck and check the required field that need to be include in Report.

- Title - File/Hafeezah No. - Blood Group

Also, show all the Fields from “Additional Information” Tab in the Report.

3. On each field user should able to provide the filter. For Number and Date field filter should be with “From” and “To” value. All data should be shown as per the standard parameter form plus as per given filters.

4. Button required to show the data in the Grid by “Generate Data” button.

5. Show the data in the grid. This grid will be dynamic as per selected fields from list of fields. Provide the delete button in the grid where can delete any record from the grid.

6. Provide “Export to Excel” button that will show the data in Excel from the gird.

Note: This report will not be shown data in Crystal report it will only show on screen and export data in excel.

29822 - Attendance Uploading Utility(Attendance Uploading Utility)
- 1. Change the Name of “Utility Setup” from “AttendanceUploadingUtilitySetup” to “Attendance Uploading Utility”.

2. “SmartHCM” Company Logo should be shown in the “Utility Setup”.

3. Only “Attendance Uploading Utility” should be shown on the “Path” Field. “Setup” word should be removed from the “Path” Field.

4. “Message” should be shown when the normal user runs the “Utility” if he is not an “Admin” user. Also, he will start “Windows Utility” manually with the help of “Admin” user.

5. By default, all Fields should be shown “Blank” when open the “Utility Setup”.

6. Change the button name from “Update” to “Connect”.

7. When open the “Utility Setup”, all Buttons and Grid Panel should be shown Disable except “URL” and “Security” Fields and “Connect” Button.

8. After successful connection, all other Buttons and Grid Panel will be Enabled and “URL” and “Security” Fields will be Disabled.

9. “Error Log” File should be “Saved” in the system automatically at the time of installation. No need to give Rights to “Folder” manually.

10. “Delete”, “File Error Log” and “Run” Buttons should be shown in each Row separately.

11. Change the Button name from “Save All” to “Save” and from “Reset” to “Reject”.

12. Blue Color “Loading Bar” should be shown on the “Utility Setup”.

28967 - Checklist Category(HRS_S199)
- Provide the new setup “Checklist Category”. It will have two grid panels one for Category and one for Checklist.

- Checklist Category will have following columns 1. Checklist Cat. ID (Auto Number field) 2. Description (Text Field) 3. Active (Check box by default Active)

- Checklist detail will have following columns 1. Checklist ID (Auto Number field) 2. Description (Text Field) 3. Active (Check box by default Active)