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SmartHCM MP23.2 Release
Release Date: 10-Jan-2020
Module Version: MP23.2
Maturity Status: Cancelled
Application | Version |
SmartESS MP23.2 | |
SmartHCM Mobile App. (Android) | |
SmartHCM Mobile App. (iOS) | |
SmartHCM e-Recruitment | |
SmartHCM Webservice | |
SmartHCM Attendance Uploading Utility | |
- Dashboard - Dashboard: The feature of highlighting new "Activities" in the "Tree Menu" according to the "User" wise has been provided. When the "User" clicks on the new "Activity" then the "New" icon will be hide from that "Activity" link for that "User" only.
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: In "Carried Forward Rule" block, “Next Period (number of days)” should also have option to define "Day(s)", "Month(s)" and "Year(s)".
- HRS_S034 - Leave Request: The new feature of entered "Hourly" based leave "Single" entry for "Multiple" days and "Multiple" entries in a "Single" day has been provided. Also, "Attendance Status" has been changed from "Absent" to "Leave/LOP" in the "Daily Attendance" screen if the entered "Hourly" based leave is covered the "Required Hours" defined in “Time Slot” as per "Employee Roster". Also, only the defined "Working Time" of the "Time Slot" will be included in this "Hourly" based leave.
- HRS_S087 - Appraisal Workflow: 1. By default, both check boxes "Show Other Appraisal" and "Show Appraisee Appraisal" has been shown unchecked when open the "Row Editor" in "Add" mode. 2. If user checks the "Show Other Appraisal" check box then system is unchecking the "Show Appraisee Appraisal" check box automatically (if it was checked) and vise versa.
- HRS_S185 - Employee Information: The new "Croppie" feature has been used to upload/save the employee's "Picture".
- PAY_S057 - Attendance Status Setup: The new screen has been developed in the "Setup" folder of "Attendance" module to define the "Attendance Status" which will be shown in the "Monthly Attendance Status" report.
- PAY_R045 - Monthly Attendance Status: The new report has been developed in the "Report" folder of "Attendance" module to show the "Monthly Attendance Status" of "Employee(s)" w.r.t the "Department" wise.
- PAY_R039 - Salary Sheet - Summary: The "Total" of "Employees" and "Departments" has been added at the bottom of report.
- PAY_R039 - Salary Sheet - Summary: The feature of "Enable / Disable" the "Header" of the report has been provided but it is parameterized.
- PAY_R039 - Salary Sheet - Summary: Value of "Signature" has been "Center Aligned".
- TOM_S023 - Employee Mobile Phone Registration Setup: "IMEI Authentication" combo box has been provided to "Enable/Disable" an "Authentication" of "IMEI" number according to "Employee" wise.
- TOM_S031 - TOM Payroll Integration Setup: In the "Sum of" panel, "Leave Hours" and "LOP Hours" combo boxes has been provided.
- SET_S005 - System Default: A new "AUTO_IMEI_REG" parameter has been provided where user should have option to "Enable/Disable" an "IMEI Auto Registration".
- SET_S005 - System Default: A new "CHCK_IMEI_AUTH" parameter has been provided to "Enable/Disable" an "Authentication" of "IMEI" number.
Fixed Issues
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: 1. "Copy Records" functionality was not working. "Leave Type" was not showing in the "Leave Type" block of "Copy Records" window. 2. Correct the formatting of "Leave Type" grid. Also it should show the "Horizontal" scroll bar if text is truncating. "Vertical" scroll bar should be shown when needed. 3. Change the title from "Enter Leave" to "Leave Setting". 4. Data should be ordered in "Alphabetically" ascending in the "Leave Type" grid panel.
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: “Maximum limit to encash” was disabled on editing while “Allow encashment” is checked.
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: "Encashment Formula..." button should also be enabled or disabled based on enabled or disabled of "Allow Encashment" check box in "Add", "Edit" or "Amend" modes.
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: Change the label of "Apply Leave Date" range from "Leave From Date" to "Current Date".
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: 1. If the value is selected "Leave Year" from the "Entitlement cycle based on" combo box then : - Rename the value "On Date of Appointment" as "On Date of Appointment (Prorate Basis)" in the "When first time balance will be entitled" comb box. - Rename the value "Calendar Year" as "On Date of Appointment (No Prorate)" in the "When first time balance will be entitled" comb box. 2. Increase the width of the "When first time balance will be entitled" combo box and its list because data was truncating. 3. When query the record then only "A", "D", etc. are showing on the "When first time balance will be entitled" combo box. 4. When presses "Edit" button and trying to open "When first time balance will be entitled" combo box but it was not opening directly.
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: When clicking on different "Leave Types" to view the detail then "Slider" was not showing on its actual place as per the "Slider" value showed on the screen.
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: 1. "Contents" in bottom of page was truncating. 2. “Date of Confirmation” should be “Confirmation” in "When can be requested" block as per prototype. 3. “Service Length Months” should be “Number of Months” in "When can be requested" block as per prototype. 4. “Auto calculate on Final Settlement …” check box was disabled on editing while “Allow encashment” is checked. If “Allow encashment” is unchecked and checked then “Allow encashment” becomes enabled but when “click “Allow encashment” then it becomes disabled. Also options under this checkbox do not enable.
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: All buttons should be enabled to view the "Setting" without pressing “Edit” button.
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: 1. All "Leave Types" were not showing in the "Leave Type" panel on "Laptop" screen. 2. Fields were truncating in the all "Sub Blocks" of the "Leave Setting" panel on "Laptop" screen.
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: 1. Page from right side was truncating. 2. After pressing “Add” or “Edit” button, "Leave Type" panel should be disabled. After pressing “Reject” button, selected leave setting should be shown. 3. "Balance Quantity" was not showing the values in grid panel.
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: "Next period (number of days)" field was showing as mandatory while “This is balance based leave” is not checked.
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: If "This is balanced based leave" check box is "Unchecked" then the whole "Encashment Settings" block will be shown disable.
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: Selected "Leave Type" should be shown unselected and data of all fields should be cleared in "Leave Setting" panel if the user changes "Location" and/or "Grade".
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: Screen was not working properly while on "Save" the record. "Leave Type" panel should be enabled and fields of "Leave Setting" panel should be disabled.
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: When presses the "Add" button and open the "Leave Type" combo box and presses the "Refresh" icon of the combo box then some already selected "Leave Types" were showing in the combo box like "Annual Leave, Hajj Leave, Air Ticket, Compensation, etc." against selected "Geo. Location" and "Grade".
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: Functionality of "Special Condition..." in the "How many allowed" block was not working.
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: Data was not populating in the fields even click on "Leave Type". Check with following steps: 1. Select any "Geo Location" and any "Grade" from query panel. 2. Click on any "Leave Type". 3. Select another "Grade" from query panel. 4. Click on same "Leave Type" which was chosen earlier.
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: "Leave Due" parameter was not working. For example: If the value "Date of Confirmation" is set in this parameter and "Employee" is on "Probation" then "Leave Type" should not be shown in the "Leave Type" combo box of the "Apply Leave" screen (SmartESS).
- HRS_S023 - Leave Location Grade Setup: When selects the value "On Date of Appointment (Prorate Bases)" or selects the value "On Date of Confirmation" for Entitlement cycle based on "Leave Year" and save the record then an error message "could not update" was showing always on the screen.
- HRS_S034 - Leave Request: When presses the "Save" button then an error message "Object reference is not set an instant object" was showing always on the screen.
- HRS_S034 - Leave Request: "Search" field functionality was not working. "Transaction Aborted" message was showing on the screen.
- HRS_S101 - Appraisal Result Process: When pressing the "Run Appraisal Process" button then an error message "value larger than specified precision allowed for this column Smarthcm.hrs_s101_pkg; line 80" was showing on the screen.
- HRS_S167 - Employee Job Change: 1. Combo box should be opened for "Grade" field if multiple "Grades" are defined against the selected "Position". Also, the "Evaluation Criteria" field has been removed. 2. The "Decision No." and "Decision Date" columns has been removed from the history panel. 3. Change the panel name from "Employee Job History" to "Job Change History".
- HRS_S167 - Employee Job Change: 1. When trying to "Search" in "Job" combo box then a run time "Server" error message was showing on the screen. 2. When select any old record then related record appears but when moves the cursor any where then system was loading current authorized record on the screen automatically.
- HRS_S189 - Employee Bank: When the user changes "Location Access" rights to an employee from the "User Profile" screen, it was not affecting on this screen and he was still able to see all employees.
- HRS_S189 - Employee Bank: "Searching" functionality was not working properly.
- HRS_R010 - Consolidated Leave Card: When run the report then an error messages "Extra record of "lblLeaveBalHead" and "p_Duration" define in report translation table" were showing on the screen.
- HRS_R031 - Appraisal Result: When run the report then an error message "Specified cast is not valid" was showing on the screen.
- HRS_R060 - Employee Data Export: When the user exports the "Report" in "Excel Sheet" then the "Headers" of columns were not showing in "Excel Sheet".
- PAY_S020 - Payroll Process: "Present Days", "Absent Days", "Out of Service" and other "Status" count were not showing correctly in "Employee Payroll Attendance" screen as per "TOM Payroll Integration Setup" screen in case of "New Joiner" / "Stopped" in the month.
- PAY_S020 - Payroll Process: "Present Hours" was calculating wrong in "Employee Payroll Attendance" screen in case of "New Joiner" / "Stopped" in the month.
- PAY_S020 - Payroll Process: When the user changes the value in the "Attend Value" column against any "Attend Id" and also record is "Unauthorized" in the "Employee Payroll Attendance" screen but after run the "Payroll Process", it was not updating the actual value in "Attend Value" column.
- PAY_R004 - Salary Sheet: In the "Header" of the report, value of "User" field was showing in "Arabic" language in "English" mode.
- PAY_R012 - Fund Yearly Contribution: 1. Whole year months were not showing in single page of the report; two months were showing on next page of the report. 2. If first month is chosen "July" then last month "June" data was not showing.
- PAY_R022 - Payslip: 1. Report in "PDF" was not displaying "Amount" properly and clearly. 2. Report in "Crystal Report" was overlapping "Rate" and "Amount" figures. 3. Report in "Word" was not displaying "Amount", "Total Amount" and "Net Amount" properly and clearly.
- PAY_R022 - Payslip: Wrongly "Total Payment" AD Code was showing in the "Deduction" block of the report.
- PAY_R038 - Detail Payslip: Wrongly "Total Payment" AD Code was showing in the "Deduction" block of the report.
- PAY_R039 - Salary Sheet - Summary: 1. "Total Payment", "Total Deduction" and "Net Total" were not showing in the "Select Columns" block. 2. "Total Payment", "Total Deduction" and "Net Total" should not be shown in the "AD Codes" combo box in the "Formula" window.
- PAY_R039 - Salary Sheet - Summary: Alignment of the report was not as per application standard in both "Crystal Report" and in "PDF".
- TOM_S003 - Time Slot: 1. "Present Rule", "Present Hours Rule" and "Extra Hours Rule" were not being saved or not showing what options are chosen. 2. Design of screen was not proper.
- TOM_S003 - Time Slot: If the "Off Day" slot type is selected then "Minimum Hours Difference From Previous Day Time-Slot" field was not enabling in the "Add", "Edit" or "Amend" modes. Also, it was not showing as mandatory field for "Off Day" slot type and it was not disabling for "Working Day" slot type.
- TOM_S003 - Time Slot: 1. If a "Not Applicable" is selected then related fields should be disabled in "Add", "Edit" or "Amend" modes. 2. When presses "Save" button after "Edit" or "Amend" any record then after all "Radio" buttons should be shown disable like other disable fields.
- TOM_S003 - Time Slot: In "Extra Hours Rule" block, system was not saving "Not Applicable" suggestion type against "Off Day" slot type. When "Edit" or "Amend" the record and query the record then system was showing "Single Suggestion" suggestion type automatically against "Off Day" slot type.
- TOM_S031 - TOM Payroll Integration Setup: Design of the blocks in the "Copy Records" window was improper.
- RMS_S004 - Manage Request: Wrong "Attachment" was showing with every request.
- RMS_S004 - Manage Request: In the "Employee Information" window : 1. "NIC" was not showing. 2. Wrong "NIC Expiry Date" was showing. 3. Wrong "NIC Place of Issue" was showing. 4. Picture was showing "Blur". 5. "Grade Id" was showing instead of "Grade Description". 6. Concatenate the "Mobile Code" with "Mobile No.". 7. Wrong "Additional Position" was showing. "Employee Id" was showing instead of "Position".
- RMS_S004 - Manage Request: System was taking time to load data in the "Grid" panel.
- SEC_S007 - User Profile: Wrong value was updated in the "Locking Date" field when pressing the "Update" button of "Password Expired" window from both "HCM" and "ESS" applications.
- SEC_S007 - User Profile: When selects the value "Yes" from the "Locked" combo box then the "Locking Date" field should be shown mandatory.
- SEC_S007 - User Profile: The "Employee Type" combo box has been removed from the screen.
- SEC_RR01 - Audit Log: 1. "Report Specific Parameters" page was showing while “Show Parameter” check box is unchecked. 2. "Report Specific Parameters" page was showing wrong "Value" and wrong label “Column Param”. It should show like Column Value: "Equal To 000167". 3. The "Search" feature was not available in “Activity” combo box in "Report Specific Parameters" form. 4. The label “Employee” was not renamed with “Changed By” in "Report Specific Parameters" form. 5. “SeqNO” column heading should be shown like “Seq. No.”. 6. Fields name were not in any ordered. It should be shown in "Alphabetical" order. 7. "End of Report" was showing two times at the end of report. 8. Each record of same "Screen" or "New Screen" should be shown from the start of the new page in the report. 9. Provide the "Header" of the report as per applications standard.
- SEC_RR01 - Audit Log: When user runs the report then an error message "ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'GET_AUDIT_LOG' ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored" was showing on the report.
- SET_S002 - Locations: In the "Associated Locations" panel, "Searching" was not working in the "Location" combo box.
- ESS_S001 - Notification Calendar: System was not creating a new "Custom Date Notification" on any date of new year "2020", "2021", and so on.
- Login Page - Login Page: All languages should be shown in the "Language" combo box.
- Login Page - Login Page: "Password Expiry" feature was not working.
- Login Page - Login Page: "Locking" functionality was not working. If the value "Yes" is selected from the "Locked" combo box in the "User Profile" screen then system should not allow the user to login in the application.
- Database - Database / Backend Development: 1. "Carried Forward Deduction" (D) entry was not generating by the system automatically in case of vale "Custom Cycle" (Frequency) selected from "Entitlement cycle based on" combo box. System should work properly for both values like "Custom Cycle" and "Leave Year". 2. Wrong "Balances" was showing in the "Balance" column in case of vale "Custom Cycle" (Frequency) selected from "Entitlement cycle based on" combo box. System should work properly for both values like "Custom Cycle" and "Leave Year".
- Database - Database / Backend Development: If other entries like "Leave Encashment", "Leave Balance Adjustment", "Leave Request", etc. are entered in b/w records of "Leave balance History" then balances were out. Wrong balance were showing against that employee in the "Balance" column.