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SmartHCM Release

Release date: 29-Aug-2016

Module version:

Maturity Status: Cancelled


  • 27155 Employee Basic Information (HRS_S185) - Employee screen should give proper message for validation

    Fixed Issues

  • 27160 Shift wise Roster Report (TOM_R005) - If the "Exist emoloyee checked in" only the shift that contain employee should be shown.
  • 27388 TOM machine working only if have equal number of files Present in directory if one file is present Then then it donot upload file
  • 27323 Request For Leave (HRS_S034) - SmartHCM "Request for Leave" when click on search button shows run time error Check in both cases either the Date is inserted or not Find the attached image
  • 27336 Missing In/Out Time (TOM_S010) - HCM->TOM->missing in/out time shows error "Request Failure"
  • 27311 Assign Authority (WFL_S004) - HCM->Assign Authority->Assign Authority History->when click on top run time error occur Please Find the Attachment
  • 27315 In Eployee Personal scree->Increase the file size greater than 5MB
  • 27350 Recruitment->Debugger is active on the screen which struck the app.