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SmartESS MP24 Release
Release Date: 09-Feb-2023
Module Version: MP24
Maturity Status: Cancelled
Application | Version |
SmartHCM MP24 | |
SmartHCM Flutter Mobile App. (Android) | |
SmartHCM Flutter Mobile App. (iOS) | |
SmartHCM Webservice | |
SmartHCM Attendance Uploading Utility | |
SmartHCM Notification Sender Utility | |
SmartHCM WebAPI | |
- Attendance Adjustment - Attendance Adjustment: Feature has been provided to show check-in time same as start time and Check-Out Time same as leave end time. Feature when leave start time and End time are not defined in the "Time Slot" screen then check-In time and check-Out time should be start time and end time of time slot also been provided.
- Appraisal Result - Appraisal Result: "Blank" textbox space feature has been provided for the not conducted employee appraisals instead of "%" results.
- Apply to Leave - Apply Leave: 1. Feature to fill the time in "Time From" filled automatically as per employee's shift "Start Time" on selecting the "Date From" field and to fill time in "Time To " filled automatically as per employee's shift "End Time" on selecting date from "Date To" field. 2. Alert message feature has been provided if the "Roster" is not defined on the selected date from "Date From" field. 3. Alert message feature has been provided if the "Roster" is not defined on the selected date from the "Date To" field.
- BI Report - Head Count: The new "BI Report" named "Head Count" has been provided in the Menu to view the overall employee's detail in the report.
- Individual Time Sheet (Standard) - Individual Time Sheet (Standard): Only the "Portrait" format has been shown when a user runs the report.
- Employee Electronic Directory - Employee Electronic Directory: The new "Extension No." field has been provided on the screen.
- General Work - General Work: Some default labels have been changed in the "Home Page" screen and in the "Appraisal" module.
- General Work - General Work: "Powered By" with the "SmartHCM" company logo has been provided on all pages at the bottom right corner of all reports.
- General Work - General Work: "Client Logo" has been provided on top right corner in all reports with parameter "SHOW_COMPANY_LOGO_RIGHT_SIDE" in the "System Default" screen.
- General Work - General Work: Responsive application has been provided on "Mobile" devices.
- Login - Login: "Login" responsive screen has been provided in Smartphones.
- Over Time Approval - Over Time Approval: "Overtime Approval" button has been provided only for the approval of overtime instead of opening another block: "Overtime Approval". 1. The old block has been removed which opens on clicking the "Overtime Approval" button. 2. Default OT Code has been provided as default on the OT Code drop-down. 3. New remarks column has been added to the screen.
- Tax Slip - Tax Slip: New design of the "Tax Calculation Detail" panel has been provided in the report.
- General Work - General Work: "Absent Hours" adjustment feature has been provided with proper formula calculations.
- Payslip - Payslip: Feature to show the Payslip when checkbox "Show Provisional Report in ESS Payslip" is checked against any group in the "Payroll Group" screen has been provided.
- PaySlip - PaySlip: The note "This is a computer-generated Payslip, no signature is required" has been added at the bottom of the Payslip with addition of 'employee type' and ' grade' fields.
- Portal Main Page - Portal Main Page: The column "File Name" from the "Policies & Documents" widget has been removed and only the "Document Description" column should be shown in the widget. In this "Document Description" column File" link has been shown below the "Description".
- Portal Main Page - Portal Main Page: “Email” Widget has been removed and Employee Leave Status and Absent Employees Widget have been provided.
- Detail Payslip - Detail Payslip: The note "This is a computer-generated Detail Payslip, no signature is required "has been added at the bottom of the Detail Payslip with the addition of 'employee type' and ' grade' fields.
- Do Appraisal - Do Appraisal: New text field "Overall Result Classification" (Display-Only) has been provided below the "Appraisal By" combo box.
- Over Time Approval - Over Time Approval: The new parameter "TOM_OT_APPR_FROM_DATE_TO_DATE" for Overtime Approval screen's "From Date" and "To Date" filters have been provided by default setting "N" and "Y" values.
- Location Tracking - Location Tracking: "Location Tracking" responsive screen has been provided on Cell Phone.
- Individual Time Sheet (Advanced) - Individual Time Sheet (Advanced): System Now only run the "Landscape" report for "IndividualTimeSheetAdvanced.aspx" (Individual Time Sheet (Advanced)) report.
- General Work - General Work: The Communication System screens have been optimized for responsive display on mobile devices to enhance user experience.
- Employee Information - Employee Information: The "Employee File" screen has been optimized for viewing on mobile devices and is now fully responsive on cell phones, providing a seamless user experience.
- Leave Report - Leave Requests and Balances: Medical Certificate filter has been fixed to only appear when PCL leave is selected, and 'From Date' and 'To Date' filter fields have been added to the screen for consistency with the HCM side.
- General Work - General Work: Entire applications have been made responsive on mobile devices, ensuring a seamless user experience on any device.
- General Work - General Work: The "Leaves" screens have been made responsive on cell phones to provide a better user experience
- DoAppraisal - Do Appraisal: The ordering of Appraisal Types can now be set in the "Ordering" field in the "Appraisal Type Setting" tab and the system will generate Appraisals according to the set ordering.
- Leave Report - Leave Requests and Balances: A new "Combo" Status field has been added to the medical certificate attachment feature, allowing users to better track and display the status of their medical certificate.
- List of Leave Detail - Leave Status Detail: A new field 'position' has been added to the right-located fields for better organization and clarity.
- EmployeeWiseRoster.aspx - Employee Wise Roster: A trigger has been added to the database which will automatically update the changes made in the Employee Wise Roster screen in the History Panel
- FundStatement.aspx - Fund Statement: The new column "Entry Type" has been added to the platform and contains values such as contribution, withdrawal repay, profit, and loss, all of which can be selected from the set language combo list.
- Attendance Adjustment - Attendance Adjustment: The system has been updated to reflect the Check-In Time as the Start Time of a leave and Check-Out Time as the End Time of a leave. If the Start Time and End Time are not defined, the Check-In and Check-Out Times will default to the Start and End Times of the Time Slot.
- MAIN - Portal Main Page: The leave balances will not be displayed on the "My Balances" screen widget or in the ESS balance report until allowed for application on the date of confirmation.
- MAIN - Portal Main Page: The "Home" screen (Dashboard) has been made responsive on the Cell Phone, allowing users to easily navigate and access information.
- Send Mobile App. Notification - SendMobileApp.Notification. aspx: The "Send Mobile App Notification" screen has been optimized for a better user experience on cell phones, making it now fully responsive on all devices
Fixed Issues
- Apply Leave - Apply Leave: 1. Employees were facing an issue that if they were applying for leaves for more than one day and the leave day ends on Friday and their Friday time slot is "4.5" hours and other days are "8.25" hours. This creates an error and they were unable to request leave. 2. Also, If they selects Friday in From Date and selects other days in To Date then system was not showing error message but showing wrong value in "Requested Days/Hours" field.
- Apply Leave - Apply Leave: An employee was unable to apply for leave from ESS, as the approver was not showing.
- Apply Leave - Apply Leave: The system was sending notifications to irrelevant employees.
- Apply Leave - Apply Leave: When a user tries to attach an attachment, the file/attachment was stuck on loading.
- Apply Leave - Apply Leave: For a user "Hourly Based Leave", the system was not calculating the correct "Hours Requested" when there was a break-up in between the working time of an employee.
- Apply Leave - Apply Leave On applying for leave with a certificate and dropping the attachment file on the window an alert error was coming.
- Apply Leave - Apply Leave On applying for leave, the workflow was not working correctly.
- Apply Leave - Apply Leave In the "Leave location grade " screen when "General Attachment settings" was ON its impact was incorrectly applied to every selected leave type.
- Attendance Adjustment - Attendance Adjustment: The "Remarks" field was not on the screen.
- Attendance Adjustment - Attendance Adjustment: Wrong "Resigned Employees" was showing in the selected "Date" range.
- Attendance Adjustment - Attendance Adjustment: Wrong "Resigned Employees" was showing in the selected "Date" range. In GET_MISSING_ATTENDANCE_RECORDS procedure which resides in TOM_PKG package.
- Attendance Adjustment - Attendance Adjustment: "Delete Attendance Rights" was not working for "Attendance Adjustment Screen".
- Attendance Adjustment - Attendance Adjustment If the user enters "Start Time - End Time" and then enters "Leave Start Time" and "Leave End Time", so the correct "Leave Start Time" and "Leave End Time" is appeared in the "Start Time" and "End Time" fields but the date was not showing properly.
- Individual Time Sheet (Standard) - Individual Time Sheet (Standard): System was showing approved "Leave Hours" in the "Absent Hours".
- IndividualTimeSheetStandard - Individual Time Sheet (Standard): Changed the label name to "Hours Worked (Working Time)"
- Send Mobile App. Notification - Send Mobile App. Notification: System was not sending the "Push Notifications" to employees without re-login the "SmartHCM Mobile App.".
- Daily Attendance - Daily Attendance: System was showing approved "Leave Hours" in the "Absent Hours".
- 'Daily Attendance - Daily Attendance Screen’: System was calculating wrong "Provided Hours" and "Extra Hours" in "Off Days" time slots when an user marked an attendance ("Check-In" and "Check-Out") multiple times in single time slot.
- General Work - General Work: System was not showing logo in all reports.
- General Work - General Work: In the "Geo Locations" combo-box of all "TOM Module Screens" locations was not shown as per the rights defined in the "Supervisory Control Setup" screen.
- General Work - General Work: "BI Reports" was not working.
- General Work - General Work: Worked on the system security concern issues of the SmartHCM Application.
- Daily Attendance Screen - Daily Attendance Screen: system was not showing approved "Leave Hours" in the "Absent Hours" if the "Breakup" defined in the "Time Slot".
- Portal Main Page - Portal Main Page: The impact of "ESS_DASHBOARD_LEAVE_WIDGET_LIMIT" parameter was not working on the "Employee Leave Status" widget.
- Pivot Table Reporting - Pivot Table Reporting: "Layout" field was not on the right side of the "Report Type" field with action buttons as displayed in HCM.
- PivotTableReporting - Pivot Table Reporting: When a user selects any report in the screen then was an error message appearing on the screen.
- Detail Payslip - Detail Payslip: The amount values in the " YTD Amount " column was truncating.
- Monthly Time Sheet Approval - Monthly Time Sheet Approval: System was showing approved "Leave Hours" in the "Absent Hours".
- Portal Main Page - Portal Main Page: System was not showing "Reportee" on the "My Team" widget.
- Attendance Summary - Summary for Attendance: System was showing approved "Leave Hours" in the "Absent Hours".
- Attendance Summary - Summary for Attendance: System was calculating wrong "Provided Hours" and "Extra Hours" in "Off Days" time slots when an user marked an attendance ("Check-In" and "Check-Out") multiple times in single time slot.
- IndividualTimeSheetAdvanced - Individual Time Sheet (Advanced): When we run Individual Time Sheet Advanced there was ab error coming "Unable to find the report in the manifest resources. Please build the project, and try again."
- EmployeeWiseRoster - Employee Wise Roster: 1. Organization Shift Specific Time Slot Checkbox was not checked by default when a user logins to the homepage. 2. For Roster Month combo box on the homepage and From/To Date combo box in Copy Roster window was not having a Calendar Date Range option also. 3. If a user Copies the Roster of an unauthorized employee, the system was not showing an error message whilst copy roster button is pressed.
- EmployeeWiseRoster - Employee Wise Roster: Searching functionality was not working properly.
- Generate Request - Generate Request: When entering the translation against any "Field" in the "Request Fields Setup" screen then the "Field Label" was not showing on the "Generate Request" screen.
- Dashboard - Dashboard: Lock Icon was overlapped by the Time Combo-box, hence reverting the time changes when the user logs in again.
- TaxSlip - Tax Slip: "Date" in Report Header was not the same as selected in the parameter.
- TaxSlip - Tax Slip: In the "Salaries" Tab Reports "Tax Slip" Company Logo was not fetching from the back-end.
- TaxSlip - Tax Slip: Provide right aligned format for all the numeric(amounts) data in the entire report.
- TaxSlip - Tax Slip: On clicking "Show Report" and "Show PDF" there was an error message appearing on the screen.
- TaxSlip - Tax Slip "Employee Name" was truncating if long.
- TaxSlip - Tax Slip From Date and To Date format was not correct in the Header of the report and an extra blank row was showing in the report.
- TaxSlip - Tax Slip In Tax Detail Block “Tax Amount” was written instead of 'Taxable Amount' which was wrong.
- ManageRequest - Manage Request: Action pop-up list was not opening at Final Approving Level.
- PaySlip - Payslip: Payslips was not showing Overtime whose code is T20.
- MAIN - Portal Main Page: In the "Policies & Documents" widget: 1. "Document Description" column was not shown as the first column. Also "Link" was not available in the "Document Description" column too. 2. "Employee Id", "Date" and "File Id" was not concatenated with the File Name in the "File Name" column. 3. Data was shown left-aligned in the "Document Description" column. 4. Also, both columns were not shown at "100%" resolution.
- PaySlip - Payslip: After opening the Late Early Departure approval screen, the screen was showing the error message "An item with the same key has already been added".
- Attendance Summary - Summary for Attendance: In the "Date Type" combo box, hid the "Payroll" from the combo box and also disabled its respective field "Payroll Month". Also, commented on any data from the back-end for "Attendance Summary" which was running by selecting the "Payroll" date type. Also, the system was not working properly only on the "Custom" date type.
- DetailPayslip - Detail Payslip: In the "Salaries" Tab Reports "Tax Slip" Company Logo was not fetching from the back-end.
- DetailPayslip - Detail Payslip: Payslips were not showing Overtime whose code is T20.
- DetailPayslip - Detail Payslip The amount for "Gross Pay & Allowances " and " Total Deduction" was showing zero(0) balance in the report.
- My Approvals - My Approvals: When selecting "RMS Requests" from the "My Approval" tab, Request #1413 and #1416 were stuck on "Loading Cursor".
- OverTimeApproval - Over Time Approval: By default date range was not selecting the previous day in Date-From & Date-To combo-boxes.
- Employee Information - Employee Information: Job Description and Key Responsibilities which were defined in Position Setup, were not visible in Employee File > My Information tab in ESS.
- Attendance Summary - Summary for Attendance: Present Hours was not rounding off to 2 decimal places.
- DATABASE WORK - Database Work: Optimization of Procedure/Package has been done for the Attendance Summary screen.
- OverTimeApproval - Over Time Approval: The screen was taking too much time to load data in the grid panel.
- Daily Attendance - Daily Attendance Screen: Attendance was not working correctly. The system was marking the employee's check-out as check-in.
- PivotTableReporting - Pivot Table Reporting: Export to Excel button was disabled with no color.
- OverTimeApproval - Over Time Approval: "Load more records..." bar was not showing at bottom of the grid panel; that's why the system was showing only "50" records in the grid panel.
- PivotTableReporting - Pivot Table Reporting: The issue was in the Pivot report of Employee information, It was showing all records but when they export in excel it displayed only 26 rows.
- Leave Report - Leave Requests and Balances: "Employee Information" was not showing in Report when the leave request was not recorded.
- MAIN - Portal Main Page: Both columns "Document Description" and "File Name" columns width were not equal in the "Policies & Documents" widget.
- Attendance Summary - Summary for Attendance: The screen was taking too much time to load data in the grid panel.
- PivotTableReporting - Pivot Table Reporting: 1." Filters" was not showing on the screen when a user selects any report. 2. Screen was stuck and the report was not showing in the grid when pressing the "Get Data" button.
- PivotTableReporting - Pivot Table Reporting: "Export to Excel" feature was giving a blank sheet.
- ListOfAppraisal - List of Appraisal: Filters were not working correctly. The system was showing an irrelevant list.
- Send Mobile App. Notification - SendMobileApp.Notification: When a user was sending a notification to an employee who was not registered, "Your message has been sent successfully message is showing" message was showing whereas the notification went into 'Pending' status and after clicking Resend button it went to 'Failure' status. The proper pop-up message was not showing.
- PivotTableReporting - Pivot Table Reporting: Header row was not in bold format.
- MAIN - Portal Main Page: In the "Policies & Documents" widget: "Employee Id", "Date" and "File Id" was not concatenating with the File Name in the "File Name" column.
- Send Mobile App. Notification - SendMobileApp.Notification: Notification was going in 'Pending Status', and when the "Resend" button was clicked "Unable to send notification" error message was showing.
- MAIN - Portal Main Page: On the "My Approval" widget, it was showing only one "Leave Request" alert but after clicking on it the Manage Leave Request screen was showing more than one request or not showing any record sometimes.
- DoAppraisal - Do Appraisal: The system was running the "Provisional Process" of all appraisals. Now when an "Appraiser" submits an appraisal then the system will execute the "Provisional Process" of "Appraisal Result" of that appraisal only.
- FundStatement.aspx - Fund Statement: The fund statement was showing a wrong balance (not including the withdrawal amount).
- Default.apx - Dashboard Refresh Icon was not working properly and short name for "Employee leave status" to "Emp. Leave Status".
- ListOfAppraisal - List of Appraisal "Appraisal Type" value was not visible in the block.
- GEN - General Work Customers hosted on "AWS" had stopped generating reports in "PDF" or "Export" in other formats.
- GEN - General Work "Search by Employee" field and "Employee" field were not showing "Stopped" employees in all screens of the "TOM" module.
- PivotTableReporting - Pivot Table Reporting On creating a new layout and saving it, the screen was stuck.
- ListOfAppraisal - List of Appraisal In the Appraisal screen click on view and select "Appraisal Result" and an error message was coming.
- ListOfAppraisal.aspx - List of Appraisal Records was not showing in ordered date wise.
- MonthlyTimeSheetApproval - Monthly Time Sheet Approval In Mobile Phone, "Monthly Time Sheet Approval" screen, the status was showing 1 blank option.
- DoAppraisal - Do Appraisal "Assigned Objectives" was not showing in the "Appraisal Form".
- DoAppraisal - Do Appraisal System was not calculating the "Appraisal Percentage" for some employees after submitting the appraisal by their supervisors.
- ListOfAppraisal - List of Appraisal Action" and the "View" menu was not showing properly for the last record or if there was only one record in the list.
- DoAppraisal - Do Appraisal On adding objectives in appraisal and submitting them then on conducting the appraisal no objectives were showing in conduct appraisal.
- FundStatement - Fund Statement Employee's record was showing incorrect.
- DoAppraisal - Do Appraisal System was not calculating the "Appraisal Percentage" for some employees after submitting the appraisal by their supervisors.
- Leave Report - Leave Requests and Balances Report had the issues regarding formatting and design.
- OverTimeApproval - Over Time Approval "Outside Overtime" codes and their approval functionality was not working fine.
- List of Tickets - List Support Ticket/Issue In the "List of Support Screen", in the "Assign" field null value was displayed.
- ListOfAppraisal - List of Appraisal When we delete any employee from "Appraisal Plan Generation" and check in "Appraisal Result" its "Provisional Result" was not removed.
- List of Leave Detail - Leave Status Detail In the "Leave location grade " screen when "General Attachment settings" was ON its impact was incorrectly applied to every selected leave type.
- AppraisalDetal- Appraisal Detail The final cumulative percentage in the appraisal report was showing round-off percentage which was incorrect.